Silence:Forgotten- Adopted by...

By lovatic_chica

793K 25.9K 6K

What would you do, if you just.... Forgot? Demi was in a car crash, and when she wakes up she has no recolle... More

Forgotten- Adopted by Demi Lovato
A Mother's Love.
A Child.
Missing You
I'm Sorry
Thank you... Wattys 2014
With You
It Hurts
Happy New Year!!
Wait for it.


13.4K 592 238
By lovatic_chica

CHAPTER 34- Tickle

Demi's POV

That night I got into bed with Nick and he immediately grabbed my waist, pulling me into his side so my head rested on his chest.

"I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too."

He sighed, "I don't think I'll ever get tired of you saying that."

"I won't either, with you saying it. I always treasure you saying that just in case one day you decide not to."

Nick shut his eyes and shook his head, "Believe me, that day won't come."

"I know that I'm hard to love." I whispered, and his eyes slowly opened, burning into my soul. "Sometimes I'm all smiles and affection, and there are other days where I won't be able to get out of bed because of the weight of the world. Sometimes I get angry about the stupidest things and won't want to talk to you. And there are days when I'll think you're the most perfect person in the world. Please just don't give up on me. I know I'm frustrating and it's not going to be easy but I'll always come back to you. Always."

Nick sighed and smiled, "You don't get it, do you? You... You are my everything. Literally. You're my moon and my stars and my sun and my earth. You're the gravity that ties me here. Before I met you I was searching for that one person that would change my life. With you, that happened, and everything started to make sense. Just the way that you say my name, makes me feel like my heart just got kick started. So no, I'm never going to give up on you. I'm never going to give up on us."

I couldn't help the huge smile that spread across my features, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere either."


I woke up laying on Nick's chest to a tiny body flying into mine, giggling madly. I groaned and pushed my face into Nick's armpit, shielding my eyes from the sunlight that was streaming in the window.

"Mommaaa." Mac whined, "Wake up!"

I shook my head, "Nope. I'm taking a sick day."

Nick chuckled beside me and pretended to be asleep again.

"Dadaaaa." Mac turned her attention to Nick, "Wake up!" She climbed onto his lap and poked his nose, again and again and again, until Nick finally moved, grabbing her by the waist and tickling her. "Noooo!" She screamed, "Momma help!" I let out a loud cackle and pounced on Nick, holding his arms back so Mac could run her fingers up and down his sides.

"Traitor!" Nick yelled out, and turned around, grabbing me and digging his fingers into my sides, shoving his nose into my neck and making me squeal with laughter.

"Let momma go!" Mac said fiercely, and wrapped her arms around Nick's neck in attempt to pull him off of me.

"Alright alright! Truce!" Nick said, and held up his hands high in the hair.

I glanced at Mac and nodded towards his armpits, we both began to tickle him at the same time, making him yelp and squirm on the bed, "Never!" I yelled, and Mac nodded.

"Yeah! Tell us we won Dada!"

Nick smiled up at her and let out a loud laugh, "Alright you win! I give up!"

I pulled Nick onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her from behind in case Nick tried to get revenge, "Good. Now you get to make us breakfast!"

He smiled and leaned in, "Not before I get a kiss." I rolled my eyes and planted my lips on his, smiling as Mac sighed.

"You guys are gross."

Nick frowned and leaned down, "Does that mean I don't get a good morning kiss from you either?"

Mac rolled her eyes adorable and kissed Nick's puckered lips quickly, "Now I'm hungry dada!"

He chuckled and ran a hand through his tousled curls, "Alright alright I'll be back soon."

I smiled hugely at him, "Thaanks baby." Mac rolled away from me with a giggle, and presented me one of her feet, "What's up monkey butt?"

She giggled, and grabbed my foot, running her fingers up and down it.

"You want me to tickle you?"

Mac nodded and her laugh went from giggles to loud squeals as I tickled her feet quickly, "Momma!" She yelled, and grabbed my hands, "No more."

I shook my head, "That's not how tickling works babygirl. I get to tickle you as long as I want!"

She yelled out as I pounced on her, running my hands up and down her sides.

"I don't wanna be tickled anymore." She pouted, and I smiled, kissing her cheek.

"Okay so what do you wanna do?"

She laid on the pillows, "I wanna cuddle."

I laid next to her and Mac immediately moved so she was on her stomach with her head was in the crook of my neck, "Can you do tickles?"

I looked at her like she was crazy, "I thought you didn't want me to tickle ya?"

Mac shook her head and grabbed my hand, "Do it nice. On my back."

I nodded and ran my nails up and down her back as she snuggled back into my body and sighed happily.

"I had a bad dream last night."

I furrowed my brow and looked down at her, "What was it about?"

She stuck out her bottom lip, "It was about my other mommy. She was asking me to help her, then my daddy came in and... and..."

Mac broke off in tears and I pulled her into my chest, kissing her hair, "It's okay babygirl. You never have to deal with that again."

She sniffled, "I was so scared."

I held her a bit tighter, "Why didn't you come get me?"

Mac shrugged, "I didn't wanna wake you up."

I sat up a bit and held her in my arms, "You can always wake me up no matter what it is. Okay? Promise me that when you have a bad dream you'll wake me up."

Mac looked at her hands, "But I don't wanna wake you up every night."

I brought my hand to my mouth, "You have these dreams every night?"

She nodded shyly and I hugged her again, "Why didn't you tell me that?"

"I don't know."

I opened my mouth to speak but Nick walked in, his eyebrows upturning as he saw our serious moments.

"What's wrong?"

I looked down at Mac who wiped at her eyes, "I had a bad dream."

Nick pouted and sat on the bed so Mac could sit on his lap, "Well that's not fun, what was it about?"

She looked down, "My daddy."

Nick sighed, "Hey, look at me." Mac slowly made eyes contact with him, "You listen to me Mac. No one is gonna hurt you like that again. You know why? Because I'm here. Because I am going to protect you and I'm not gonna let anyone get near you. Okay? You're safe."

Mac nodded and leaned into Nick, wrapping her tiny arms around him. Nick hugged her securely and looked up at me, as I had tears my eyes.

"I love you." I mouthed, and smiled, "Thank you."

"I love you too." Nick mouthed back, and looked down at Mac, "Now are you still hungry? Because I made one huge breakfast for us." Mac nodded and held onto Nick as he picked her up and reached for my hand, "Well let's go then!"

We'd just sat down to eat when the doorbell rang. I frowned as I saw it was barely past eight o'clock, early for visitors. I walked over to the door and pulled it open, smiling at the unfamiliar woman who stood there.

"Can I help you?"

The woman smiled, "Actually you can. Is this the residence of Demi Lovato?"

I nodded, "Well you're speaking to her actually."

She nodded, "I'm here to claim Mackenzie."

I could feel my blood running cold as my smile dropped, "Excuse me?"

"I'm her aunt."


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Twitter: @Lovatic_Chica

Next Update: Tuesday!


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