Book 3: Chimera [Thor]

By Animemadness101

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The world is not what it once was. And because of this, the Avengers had their hands full when S.H.I.E.L.D. c... More

Welcome Back!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Book 3: Final Chapter
Author's Note
Book 4 Now Published!

Chapter 30

178 9 1
By Animemadness101

Anya sat on the porch in a meditative position, wearing a shall against the light breeze and cool temperature. Thor was hard at work in the shed from the sound of the tools against the purchased wood. The Asgardian became quite the craftsman in the last few years because of this hobby. Some of his smaller pieces sat on shelves inside, one of the larger ones adorning the porch by the door. It was a carving of a brown bear they'd seen on one of their hike's further north. The rest of the woodwork the prince took to the local market in town to sell. Jan cleared off a part of his table for the god to use. When the Asgardian began to receive earnings for his work, it was a bit of a surprise for him. Thor wasn't used to this and Anya couldn't be prouder. Now that they were back, the small local fan base would look forward to new pieces. Along with those that came through town on business or leisure when they stumbled across the market.

Speaking of the couple, their dinner had been lovely. The god brought alcohol, the kind from a Migardian liquor store, while the young woman baked a loaf of bread for the table. Conversation was not lost on any of them. As a group and in pairs. Before dinner, Thor joined Jan in the backyard to chop more wood for their pile. Meanwhile, Anya assisted in the kitchen to help finish dinner and prepare the table.

"So when you told me that the two of you met while on the job, I never realized it was saving the world," Lise commented.

"With the long hours and situations we're up against... things just happened," the young woman said.

"Well, whatever your role is I'm grateful for it. We may not have any issues here that require the involvement of the Avengers, but that means you're doing your job elsewhere. It must be dangerous work."

"It is. But it's worth it." The agent began to pull plates from the cabinets. "The less you know the better. For safety reasons. A lot of work we do is top secret. Need to know bases. Most of our success counts on it. I'll try to answer questions to the best of my ability. Thor too."

"I understand a little about him from the news," Lise said. "He's not exactly from around here."

Anya gave a small laugh. "Far from it."

"I thought his name was Thor because it was a strong, family name. Usually that's the case in this area. I didn't realize that he was the actual god that so many have read about or even worshiped in their life."

"He is the Son of Odin," the young woman confirmed. "An Asgardian. Next in line for the throne, if he'll have it."

Lise's brow cocked. "Prince Thor?" The agent nodded. "Very impressive, Anya." She blushed at the comment, which caused the woman to laugh. "Do we need to address him as such?"

"You'd be the only one on Earth who would. Thor is just fine. Besides, I've found that he really enjoys the simple life when he returns from his duties throughout the realm."

"I can imagine that it's quite a change of pace and a lot less stressful."

"You're not wrong there. But he still loves his responsibilities that come with being a prince. He can tell you more when we sit down to eat. Thor has plenty of stories."

"Good. We have enough alcohol to last the night." The females grinned at one another. "By the way, I never asked you before... Why the island of Senja? What made you choose here?"

With the amount of travel Anya had under her belt, she was certain there were more interesting destinations to choose from. The young woman paused for a moment in thought on the best way to sum up her decision. But she didn't have to think for long.

"It felt like home," Anya said.

Their dinner with Jan and Lise passed nearly two weeks ago. Once Thor and Jan joined the conversation there was no stopping the couples. They drank, ate, laughed, and talked until the early hours of the morning. Anya swore she saw the god slip some of his own brew from Asgard into his glass when their hosts weren't looking, but she kept her lips sealed. They were offered the guest room that night before they left the next morning. But not before eating breakfast.

It'd been easy for Thor and Anya to fall back into their routine. Which is why she sat on the porch, like every morning, to meditate. The noises that came from the shed didn't bother the young woman in the slightest. The knocking went perfectly in time with her breaths and the sounds of nature that surrounded them. Though it was broken nearly an hour later. The wind changed, picking up in a way that made a wooden wind chime at the end of the porch sound loudly. Anya's eyes fluttered open to observe. Was Thor training? However, one look towards the shed showed that the Asgardian emerged to figure out what was going on himself. The clouds further away began to darken and gather in a cyclone formation. It wasn't long till a beam of light shot towards the ground. The agent stood with a grin. Sif arrived for a visit.

"This is a wonderful surprise!" the young woman called out.

"I'm glad that you're actually here this time," the warrior answered as she walked in their direction. "I take it the threat is gone."

"For now," Thor said. "Until the next enemy tries their hand."

"Let them come. We are more than willing to make a stand."

"How was Vanaheim?" Anya questioned.

"Uneventful for once. Which is good. They've been through enough in the last year with bandits and other forces trying to stake their claim."

"That sounds horrible."

The Asgardian shrugged. "That's what the soldiers, the Warriors Three, and myself are for."

"How long will your visit be this time, my dear friend?" the prince wondered.

"As long as Odin will allow it." Sif linked her arm with the young woman. "Well, where have you been? I want to hear all about it."

"It's quite the story," she said.

"And I have all the time in the world."

"True. You'll also be happy to learn that there's been a new development in regards to the Aether."

That caught the warrior's attention. "Really now?"

"It's still experimental, the beginning stages at best."

"Good. That means we can hone it in training."

"Not today, Sif," Thor interjected. "Settle in first. Take some rest."

The Asgardian sighed, "Fine." When the prince turned away to clean up his work station, she then mumbled to the young woman, "But he didn't say anything about tomorrow."

Anya threw back her head and laughed.


Sif stood only a few feet away, wide eyed. When the agent warned her that there'd been developments to the Aether's offensive tactics this wasn't what she expected. The dark matter started at the shoulders in small tendrils only to grow thicker and more clustered the farther down they went. Around the elbow is where the human's skin disappeared beneath the surface. It then turned into a twisted assortment of black and red matter. Like a long spear became a part of the agent's limbs. A basic one used in training of Asgardian soldiers from a young age. But this was much more dangerous. It came to sharp points at the ends and seemed to be slowly moving. As if pulsing.

"Astounding," Sif finally commented. "Sharp enough to cut through metal?"

"It destroyed any henchman of Ultron's that came close enough."

"And fell those that were in range," Thor confirmed.

"It split when able," Anya continued to explain. "And tangled within wires to tear them apart from the inside. As well as consumed matter to strengthen it along the way. We reached our limits a few times. Which was frustrating."

"Based on the story you two explained last night, you shouldn't feel that way," the warrior said. "Asgardians have their limits too. Even if we'll never admit it."

"It wasn't enough."

Sif shrugged. "That's why we still train. We live for hundreds, even thousands of years and still we never stop. Because there's always room for improvement. New skills to hone and learn. You may not be an Asgardian, but you have our determination. Our drive."

Which is why Sif grew to respect the human. Took it upon herself to train the mortal.

"There is one more thing that we need to sort out," Thor spoke up. "And once again, I ask that you keep this between us."

Sif cocked her head when the prince nodded towards Anya. The Aether receded from a palm when she reached in his direction. The warrior watched Mjolnir leave his grasp to settle into the young woman's. For a moment, Sif stopped breathing. If she felt stunned before this was a whole other level. Her head swiveled sharply between both individuals so much so it nearly made the agent snicker.

"How?" the Asgardian finally managed out.

"Beats me," Anya shrugged. "I just... stumbled upon this occurrence."

"And I found out about it on the front line when her life was in danger," Thor said.

"But if you can wield one Asgardian weapon..." Sif trailed off.

"My thoughts were the same."

"What?" the human questioned. He hadn't explained these thoughts to her.

"There's a possibility that you could handle other Asgardian weapons," the warrior stated. "Maybe one not as specific as Mjolnir, but it further proves that you can hold your own among our forces."


"But there's no way to know for sure till you visit Asgard again."

"You can't transport weapons here to try out?" Thor wondered.

Sif gave him a look. "And have my actions questioned and possibly get in trouble for smuggling weapons to Midgard? You'd just draw more attention to yourselves when you're trying to keep Odin's eye off of you."

The prince sighed, "Very well." He'd preferred the young woman train here where it was safe, but she spoke the truth.

"When the time comes, we'll be careful. When have you ever had to worry about me?"

"... Never."

Exactly. There was nothing in their past that the prince had to worry about. Anya was in capable hands. For months they were hard at work to hone the agent's fighting skills with the Aether, which had been no small feat. Sif not only felt pride towards herself to tackle such a challenge, but for the young woman who met her sessions head on. Despite the fact that the unknown was terrifying. In all honesty, the Asgardian had her doubts that the mortal would succeed. The strength. The determination. The lack of fear. It was a hard trait to come by in humans for their lives were more fragile than most in the Nine Realms. Not only that, but she doubted at first that Anya's intentions were good.

The prince already experienced disappointment in the outcome that came with the human, Jane Foster. Things hadn't worked out like he hoped. The warrior kept her distance to observe the young woman, and even when the Dark Elves were defeated. When Thor called for her aid in Norway, she still watched carefully. The Asgardian put on a guarded front. In case it was a trick. But the longer Sif stayed, the more they talked, the more she watched the couple interact, she found herself proven wrong. Anya's intentions were good. She fought for the same side. She was strong. Capable. Fearless. Companionate. Loyal. Now Sif saw her as a dear friend that the warrior wished to protect. If only she were able to handle the missions the Avengers took care of. But she remained under oath to be Odin's fighter. Which made it impossible to always be there for the human. That's why she trained Anya so hard. To be prepared for anything. To predict the impossible to not be taken off guard. She was the perfect student. And not to toot her own horn, the Asgardian found herself to be a great teacher.

"Are we going to train at all today?" Sif wondered. "Or keep talking? Unless there's something else that needs to be brought to my attention?"

"Anything else will make itself known once we go head to head," Anya said. "And it will be just as surprising for you and it will be for me."

The agent offered up the hammer for Thor to take it back. Once gone from her grasp the Aether covered the skin. Sif's weight shifted into an offensive position.

"Ready on your count, Thor."

The prince nodded, while Anya stood strong to observe the warrior's first move. "Begin," he ordered.

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