๐๐š๐ค๐ž๐ | p. feitan


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๐ˆ๐ง ๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๐œ๐ก a very tired, high Mcdonalds worker meets an equally as high gang member who is actually a bi... More

๐‘œ๐’ฝ, ๐“‚๐“Ž ๐“ˆ๐“Œ๐‘’๐‘’๐“‰


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࿐ ࿔*:・゚

You casually walked into the cold night air, letting it freeze your lungs as you breathe in deep. The night sky filled with city lights so bright you can barely see the stars. You never really have seen the stars in all their glory before. Maybe little white dots here and there but most of the time they turned out to be planes. You never got the hype around the stars honestly.

Fidgeting with the knife attached to your keychain you walked to a rhythm.

step, step, step, tippy-toe. step, step, step, tippy-toe.

Looking up at the flickering street lights you signed, slightly delighted with the fog that left your mouth when doing so and walked up to the building.

"Finally!" Khana practically yelled, clearly exasperated.

"What are you talking about I'm-" you looked at the time on your phone "ten minutes early!"

"Yeah well-"

"Don't start." You cut her off, clearly not in the mood to deal with her shit. It's always like this, complaining about this job and begging you to come early so you can do her shift. It pisses you off cause when you tell her that you'll do it but she has to give you half her salary and she starts bitching.

She's a nice girl just too bougie for where she apparently 'choose' to live. Anyone who heard that would scoff, you don't just choose to live here. The amount of gang shit that goes down in this whole state, in general, is crazy so this neighborhood is defiantly not a first, second, or even twentieth choice.

"Fine whatever." The annoyance in her tone was evident but you couldn't care less. Khana slung her bag across her chest and disappeared into the night, not to be seen until tomorrow.

All the tables were clean, the floors didn't look clean but they weren't stained with soda like usual so that meant no one came in today because the day Khana cleans up after her shift is the day the ground opens up, and giants walkout.

Snickering at your inner dialogue you walked into the back room and put on your name tag and the dumb hat thing they make you wear. It was too much trouble to change when no one comes in. Your locker was pretty empty besides a jacket and a pair of boots in case it snows or rains. you contemplated taking out the bag of weed that sat on the back of it.

You hadn't smoke in a while and the last time you smoked in the building you had to explain to the fire department that there wasn't a fire, which didn't go over well. They asked questions on what set off the alarm, why you're the only one working etc. Though they left pretty quickly seeing as it was 2 am and they all seemed to have been woken up quite rudely.

Shaking your head you slammed the locker door closed and walked out the back room, ready to spend the entirety of your shift on your phone like usual.


Feitan walked up the basement stairs carrying a trash bag with a disgustingly large smile on his face. He wasn't shocked to see that it was already dark out, he was prone to losing track of time when... working.

Looking at the black trash bag in his hand he contemplated throwing it in the big trash can behind the house and get lectured by Chrollo or just do what he's supposed to and throw it behind either a supermarket or a fast-food joint.

Shrugging he left it on the floor to go get a jacket from his room and some shoes that weren't covered in blood.


Here we go-



"and that's why you have a fucking speech impediment," kalluto muttered to himself, looking at the bag with disgust before walking to the living room to read only to be met with Nobunaga and Franklin watching some weird-ass documentary.

" I fucking can't with this bumb ass HOUSE!" He yelled disappearing into one of the many hallways.

Feitan ran down the stairs, shoving his keys into the pocket of his hoodie, and grabbed the bag.

"Be safe!" Yelled Pakunoda, which was returned with an eye roll that she obviously didn't see.

As he neared the intersection he remembered there was a McDonald's just about a block from where he was and headed in that direction. Thinking if whether he should get something or not it's free after all. Well as long as you were working at least.

Meanwhile, you were currently trying not to throw your phone across the room.

"Why would they even say something like that?!?! I'm about to die from second-hand embarrassment istg-" Taking a deep breath you reluctantly kept reading before literally jumping from the chair you were sitting in and just putting your phone face down on the counter.

"No, I can't- this bitch really just- I'm done, I'm not reading anymore." You said to yourself, shaking your head rapidly and going into the back room. After spending more time than necessary trying to get the code right to unlock your locker you pulled out the weed and got to work.

Sure it was cold out but you still had three more hours left of your shift and somehow your manager found out you left early and said she'd cut your pay next time you leave early. So you did what any logical person would do and sat on the bench right next to the door and smoked your fucking j.

Your eyes growing red along with the tips of your fingers as you fell into numbness and bliss at the same time. Hearing shuffling you look over to find a ....child? Walking out from behind the building.

"Ayo! Kid!" You called, barely even turning your head to fully look in their direction.

Feitan, already agitated since he had to get on his toes to open the damn dumpster looked at you with a cold stare that made you sit up straight.

"Who are you calling... a kid...bitch?"

"Well excuse you motherfucker cause I will curb stomp your ass right here." You barked back.

Ready to run over and knock you tf out he looked at your hand to see your blunt simmering, smoke rising from the lit end.

Now he had several options, he could 1) beat you up then take your weed 2) beat you up then go home and smoke his own weed, or 3) not beat you up and yall just smoke together.

Seeing as you looked like the type to actually get in quite a few good hits he swallowed his pride due to it being cold and him not wanting to get blood on the only shoes that didn't have any. ( he would also get made fun of by Shalnark for having bruises)

"Whatever... asshole. Can I get a ... hit?" He asked walking over.

As he got closer you remembered him from his weirdly complicated hairstyle.

oh shit, it's that weird dude from yesterday! is he here to steal again? wait no he looked to be walking away before I called him. damn, my guy is shorter than a mf.

you let out slurred giggles that just made Feitan roll his eyes. He now stood about three feet from you, not wanting to sit since you hadn't answered him yet.

"yes or... no?"

"OH! haha sorry sure bro," you said leaning back again. He sat, getting comfortable but when he looked over at you, you suddenly gave him an accusing glare.

"You know how to group smoke right? i don't want you to give it back and have my shit wet," you said bluntly, filter long gone.

"obviously i know who to ... group smoke asshole."

you looked him up and down before huffing and handing him the blunt. he did his thing as your stared up into the dark night sky. the street lights in the parking lot in front of yall were obnoxiously bright so the sky just seemed to look like a black sheet of paper.

you felt a nudge and looked in feitan's direction, he was pacing you the blunt now in your same position. head resting against the back of the bench with a blank expression.

"yo wait, what's your name?"


" that took a while to answer." you snickered "mine is y/n" you stated, your voice getting lower as you inhaled the smoke.

you both stayed like that for a while, just passing the blunt back and forth. you would ask the occasional question to which Feitan would answer with short sentences but the more time you spent together the longer his answer got. at some point, you ended up playing 21 questions without playing 21 questions.

by the time both blunts you brought out with you had finished, it was well past your shift but you made a new friend that you admitted to finding attractive. tho it was silent for a while he admitted to finding you 'cute'. it's funny cause you both shared secrets that would have made sober either of you turn tail and run, but alas here you were knowing that the man next to you is a torture enthusiast and him knowing that you are an extremely horny mf. (don't try denying it either)

"Ok that's it, I'm freezing my tits off." you giggled standing up. you turned around to see feitan doing the same.

"Could i get ...your ... number?" he asked, looking at the tan pavement beneath your feet. You smiled fondly and pulled out your phone, holding it in his direction.

he looked up, face not showing any emotion but you could see something in his eyes. you didn't know what but it was something, and you liked it, it made you feel happy for some reason.

putting your numbers into each other's phones he said a quick 'goodbye' and swiftly walked away.

looking down at your phone you saw the contact name he put for himself and you felt the tips of your ears heat up.

' my future boyfriend <3'

this smooth mf-

𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

there you have it folk! it took a little while to get this one out, school is shoving tests and essays down my throat but whatever. this is longer than usual so that's a plus. lmao if you noticed i stopped capitalizing at some point i just tired of pressing the damn shifted button.

feitan is making moves on his stoner crush lmao, hope you enjoyed the chapter



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