Sweetest Torment

By NaughtyPlease

3.4K 159 479

A broken soul shrouded in the darkness of a blood-filled past... York Cavon's no stranger to torment. It plag... More

Delivered Into The Lions Den
Poking The Lion
Insanely Hot, or Plain Insane?
Mixing Pleasure is Risky Business
Mackenzie Castle
A Drop of Temptation
Just A Taste
Author's Note
Game, Set...

Sweet Torture

253 15 30
By NaughtyPlease

York had never been more furious as he was in that very moment. The little minx was dead when he got his hands on her, but first, he would spank that sweet ass and give her tight little pussy a good fucking. Then, he'd kill her. "FELIC-" he started to roar again when she sauntered into the bedroom looking aggravatingly gorgeous. Her hair was now free of its ponytail so that it swayed attractively down her back. She was still bare feet and her eyes glimmered with amusement. She smiled and his cock jerked to attention. Damn traitorous appendage. "Enjoy your nap?" she asked sweetly, batting her long full lashes innocently. He growled and lunged forward but the leash, her leash, around his neck and the shackles on his wrist kept him from getting too far. "You little bitch!" he sneered. She laughed and he was pissed to find the sound beautiful. She moved towards the fireplace, her hips swinging as she walked and his eyes followed the movement. "Untie me female...and I promise not to punish you." at her raised eyebrow, and disbelieving look, he smirked. "to harshly" he added.

"Well with a priceless proposition like that, I hope you can understand the resistance it's taking not to accept," she scoffed, with a roll of her violet eyes. He licked his lips and rolled his neck, the sore muscles cracking, before pinning her with a dark look. "Okay then, let's revisit the offer, hmm?" She waved a delicate hand as a signal for him to continue and crossed her arms over her chest. "Release me succubus, or I swear to the Gods that when I get free, and I will, I will show you pain the likes of which you've never-" She grabbed the fire-poker and walked towards him, spearing the sharp metal into his shoulder. His words cutting off into a growl of pain. She tsked and leaned down to peer into his hazel eyes. "Awww~!" she reached out and pinched his cheek. He jerked his face away from her and hissed. "How cute! You think I'm going to let you live!" She twisted the poker deeper into his shoulder and he jerked, clenching his teeth to keep back of groan of pain.

She smiled and pulled it free before pacing a few feet away. "Then...if killing me is your goal...why not do so already?" She shrugged and examine her well-manicured nails as if she hadn't a care in the world. "Maybe I just want to prolong the torture?" She turned to face him fully once again. "Maybe...I want payback for you humiliating me earlier." His eyes clouded as the memory of him spanking her filled his mind. Specifically, of her sounds of pleasure, it had wrung out. He smirked cruelly. "I think we have very different versions of what went down lass," he murmured, his emotions thickening an accent that was usually barely detectable. "I seem tae remember you withering at my touch, your panties thoroughly soaked, your pussy dripping-"

"You're such a pig!" she hissed, face red and her breaths coming out a little faster than it was a few moments ago. He chuckled darkly and leaned his head back against the headboard, relaxing into the mattress. "And you're stalling succubus." She visibly stiffened and he grinned triumphantly "So either untie me...or kill me" She shifted uncomfortably and his eyes narrowed with understanding. His grin widened. "Wait, don't tell me...you've never killed before have you?" Her mouth formed a stubborn line and she huffed, lifting a hand to flip her long locks over her shoulder. "Whether or not I've killed before doesn't change the fact that I will be killing you." she threatened mockingly. She made her way over to him and twirled the fire poker in her hand. He stiffened and watched her warily. "Now. We can do this in many ways." She ran the weapon down his cheek and over his collarbone before traveling down his chest and stopping at his heart. "I could stake you" she smiled lovingly, letting it prick his skin, drawing blood. She ran it back up to his neck and took a soft swing towards it. "I could behead you..."

She lifted her other hand and rested it on his shoulder before climbing into his lap. He gritted his teeth, not wanting to enjoy the heat and weight of her body against his and failing miserably. She leaned close as if she was going to kiss him and damn if he didn't want her to. "Or..." she whispered softly before the white-hot pain of the poker piercing his side caused him to hiss. "I could always bleed you out until you tell me what I want to know. Then maybe, maybe, I'll let you live." He grunted at the pain but still managed to give her a mocking smile. "You don't have the guts, princess" he taunted. She pulled the poker out and lifted it high. "Wrong answer" she retorted, mirroring his words from earlier before embedding the poker deep into his thigh. He arched, releasing a short yell of agony. She pulled it free and blood ran freely soaking the sheets beneath him.

She rolled off of him and came to a stand. "Now, here's how this is going to work. I'll ask you a few questions and you'll answer. Simple." A tick started in his jaw as he glared at her. "And if I don't answer these questions?" She brushed imaginary lint off her dress before tightening her grip on the poker. She swung and it caught him across the face, his head whipping to the side from the impact. Blood oozed from a long slit on his jaw and when he spat it was more blood than saliva. "I go to town on your vampiric, lunatic ass."


"Hah...hah...hah..." Felicity wiped the sweat from her brow and tried to control her laboring breaths. She glared at York who was panting just as hard and gave a frustrated groan. "Just tell me!" she screamed, too tired to carry on any type of facade. She had been at this for hours now. The room looked like a crime scene and her, a deranged murderer. Blood was everywhere. The bed, the walls, the ground, her. Her hands were covered in the stuff. Her clothes were disheveled and her hair was a sweaty, tangled, mess from all the times she'd ran her fingers through it. One thing she could say was that she was faring far better than York. His body was littered with wounds and he'd lost enough blood to stop healing at this point. His head hung weakly to the side and he was slipping in and out of consciousness. No matter what she did he refused to tell her where the runes were and how to disarm the barrier safely.

She staggered over to him and cradled his face in her hands tapping his cheek to get his attention. "Hey...Hey!" He rolled eyes that were a bit glazed towards her, blinking slowly. "Focus York. Where are the runes?" He chuckled weakly. "Wouldn't you...like to know" he rasped. She moved her hands to his shoulders and shook him. "Yes! Yes, I would! Very much so!" she exclaimed. He smiled at her, his teeth bloody from all the blood he'd coughed up earlier when she'd accidentally punctured one of his lungs. "Sorry princess, but you're gonna have to kill me if you want out". She shrieked and released him with a look of disgust. "This is not over!" she warned, before stomping from the room. She had never met anyone as stubborn, bullheaded, annoying, strong-willed, admirable, hot- wait. Where was she going with this? Ugh never mind! She thought angrily. It was obvious she wasn't going to get anywhere with torture...hmm, she was a succubus...And if there was one thing a succubus did well, it was seduction. She smiled as an idea came to her. Glancing down at her clothes she grimaced and shuddered in disgust.

Okay. first things first. A bath.


Felicity moaned and sunk down even further beneath the bubbly bathwater. She'd found a bathroom on the lower level of the mansion and she had to admit. It was gorgeous. It was almost Grecian themed and held an elegant, yet masculine, combination of gold, cream, ivory, and black. The floors were a beautiful cream polished marble that glistened as it caught the natural sunlight from the full wall window on the back wall. Heavy black velvet drapes framed said window but were currently tied back with individual silk ribbons in a rope design. A large mirror hung on the wall to the right over a counter than stretched its entire length. A deep, wide, porcelain face basin sat inside the white marble top counter with tall gold faucets reaching up behind it. Small decorations and various toiletries were neatly placed nearby. The bottom of the counter held a series of drawers that contents were visible considering it was made of crystal. Felicity could see towels, loofahs, robes and other bath essentials.

The opposite wall had a white and gold ceramic toilet bowel against it and a few gold shelves that were home to an extensive collection of shampoos, conditioners, body washes, soaps, scrubs, bubble baths, lotions and oils. Anything you could think of to do with getting clean was on those shelves. She gaped as she continued to survey the room. But out of all the grander present, what impressed her most was the bathtub. It stood alone in the center of the room demanding appreciation. Encased in black marble it was a beauty to behold. It was at least the expanse of a queen sized bed and just as majestic with the ivory and gold pillars erected at each of the four corners and spiraling to the ceiling. The faucet pipes were curved and gold with crystal handles. A few feet away a black ottoman sat with such plush cushioning it just screamed comfort.

Felicity was floored as she strode slowly deeper into the room and did a slow spin. Okay, if she hadn't been on the receiving end of York's occasional bulges she would have had to wonder if he was overcompensating for something... "Shit...what is he? royalty or something?" She thought of the crass, rude, barbaric vampire and made a sound between a snort and a laugh. Yeah, and she was a virginal pure heart saint.

She didn't waste any time stripping out of her ruined clothes and drawing a bath. Now half an hour later here she was, blissfully in a state of relaxation. Reaching for a citrus scented shampoo called 'Lemon Verbena' that smelled like heaven, she gave her hair a good scrubbing and followed up with conditioner. When she was finished she dunked her head under the water and stayed that way for a bit, enjoying the weightless feeling of being completely submerged. Breaking the surface for air, she blinked her eyes open and then released an ear piercing scream.

The male, standing a few feet away, lifted his hands to clutch at his ears. Felicity, with her heart pounding in her throat, scrambled out of the bath and snatched up the towel she had left for herself on the ottoman, holding it against her front. Grabbing anything she could get her hands on, which turned out to be a shampoo bottle, she brandished it like a weapon and eyed the stranger. He was without a doubt, handsome. He was almost as tall as York but that's where the similarities ended. His hair was a dark blond that fell in soft short waves around his face. Piercing green eyes were framed by sooty lashes and sat above a nose that had a small bump in the middle as if it had been broken one time too many. That fact did nothing to take away from his appeal if anything it added a sense of danger to his otherwise pretty boy looks. He had a muscular build, that still managed to be somewhat svelte.

"Damn woman, you have quite the lungs on you". His voice held a British accent that did sexy things to everyday words. Refusing to let down her guard she narrowed her gaze at him and lifted the bottle higher. "You have five seconds to tell me who you are before I start attacking" she warned. He arched a dark brow at her and his eyes lite with humor. "What? you're gonna shampoo me to death?" his sarcastic tone grated but he had a point. She was at the disadvantage here and had to think smart. He took a step forward and she tensed. "Besides, I know the owner of this house. You," he pointed a finger at her. "Are not the owner. So I think the better question would be, who are you?"

Felicity gulped and took a cautionary step back. Crap! was this guy another vampire? Either way, if he found out what she'd done to York...Clearing her throat she lowered the shampoo bottle and tossed it on the floor. "Fair enough" she admitted airily, striving for a sense of nonchalance. She shifted the towel in her hand, letting it slip a bit to reveal a bit more of her ample cleavage. His eyes were immediately drawn to the movement and when she saw the familiar gleam of interest she bit back a smirk. "Well? Aren't you going to at least let me cover up before the interrogation?" He grinned, a beautiful fang-free sight and she took a mental breath of relief. "A shame," he said with exaggerated disappoint as he gave her a very slow once over. "But I suppose I must." He turned to give her privacy to adjust the towel and she hurriedly wrapped it around her before bolting out of the bathroom. Her wet bare feet slapping loudly against the cold marble. She didn't get very far. As soon as she entered the hall an invisible force wrapped around her neck, choking her.

She stumbled and fell to her knees, trying to draw a breath into her restricted airways. He strolled out of the bathroom, tsking as he neared her. She gasped, her eyes wide even as they teared up. He knelt in front of her and shook his head as he reached out to cup her chin. tilting her head up. "Don't run gorgeous. I'd hate to accidentally hurt you". Felicity squeezed her eyes closed as her breath wheezed in and out of her. Her mouth opened and shut on soundless words and he leaned closer, cocking his ears. "Hmm? What's that love?" She clawed at her throat, her eyes pleading as she looked up at him. "Oh! right, let me get that." with a snap of his wrist the invisible pressure vanished and she sucked in a huge gulp of air, even as she began coughing. He didn't wait for her to reclaim her composer, he reached out and hauled her up by her arm. "Now, let's try this again shall we? Who are you? And where's the bat-shit insane vampire who lives here?"

- - - - - -


Hello my lovelies~ I'm sorry for the delay, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as Fe enjoyed torturing York hehe~

Until next time~  vote, comment and follow if you'd like!



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