Between Worlds

By JulieRockwell2

7.2K 171 4

Lilith was alone but she liked it that way, she had worked in a diner for the past five years. Everything wa... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty- Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter Twenty- Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty- Eight
Chapter Twenty- Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter thirty-Six

Chapter Nineteen

134 3 0
By JulieRockwell2

Once seated the waiter gave us our menus, I could not decide what I wanted since this was the first time eating out in public. Tim leaned over "if you get the steak its normal to have it rare if you wish" he said and winked.

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, "Thank you," I whispered and smiled at him. He must have known how hard this was for me trying to figure out what to do.

After we placed our order, the four of us sat there talking about the new place and I asked what each wanted so I knew to make sure they had it. Even though it was Drake's and Tim's and my place, the guys staying with us I wanted to make sure they felt as if it was theirs also.

The food arrived and for a change we were all quiet, enjoying our meal. "Well look who fate delivers into my lap for me" a voice so deadly whispered into my ear.

I almost dropped my fork, looking up I see Louis and his guys standing there at the table. Tim placed his hand on my leg to help give me some of his strength. "Louis" I said and decided not to show how nervous I was at that moment.

"Lilith, it is such a pleasure seeing you out and about for a change, and I will tell you this my dear, that wedding dress you tried on will be perfect for when we get married" he said.

I could not help it, but I laughed aloud at that ridiculous comment from him. "Did I say something funny?" Louis asked. "Actually, that whole statement was, for some reason you seem to think that I want to be with you" I said with as much venom in my tone as I could muster at that moment.

I could feel Drake with our connection, he was seething inside the house, even Drake did not think Louis would venture out during the day so we all thought it would be fine.

"Tisk, tisk my dear Lilith, when will you get it through that skull of yours that I always get what I want, and you my dear are what I want. You will be a fine addition on my arm" he said as he leaned closer towards me.

As he bent towards me, he took a sniff, and he stood straight, "you are mated not only to Drake but now also a filthy mutt?" he asked with disdain.

"Why yes I am Louis, you see not only am I Drakes wife and vampire, but I am also part wolf, and I am mated to Tim, who has more taste in his pinkie than you have in your whole body" I said glaring at Louis.

I really hated this man, just for once I wish he would just poof away and stop bothering me.

Louis laughed, "well that's okay, it'll help control the mutt population with you by my side I guess we can keep Tim that will definitely help my cause to take over" he said.

Tim let out a low growl that luckily no one else but us could hear, Louis heard the warning and backed up a bit, "I shall see you soon my dear Lilith, so make sure to keep the wedding dress handy" he said and with his guys, they walked out of the restaurant.

After I saw he was gone, I let out a shaky breath I did not know I was holding.

Tim grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it, "you always do me proud when dealing with that idiot" Tim said to me.

I did not feel anything special, I just really hated that man, but I could also feel Drake smile at how I handled myself also. He also sent feelings of how much he wanted to ravish me.

Tim must have sensed my mood change for he grabbed my leg, not hard but a tad bit harder than normal, "my love, you keep thinking that way and I don't know if I will be able to control what I want to do with you, you see baby you are giving off an arousal scent" Tim said as he nipped my ear.

Between Drake sending me thoughts of what he wants to do to me, and Tim sitting next to me slowly taking his hand and moving it up my leg to my lower area, I was about to explode with desire if we did not get out of there.

Tim chuckled and paid the bill; we headed out to the car and drove home. Once home I ran into the house and right into Drake who was waiting for me. For the next two hours we did everything he wanted to do to me and then some.

I also knew that Tim was waiting for me, and I couldn't deny my other side. How did I get so lucky that I was in love with two guys that were so opposite from each other, but both fit me so well? 

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