Separate Realities ( A Short...

By TheGirlWhoGrewWings

69 4 4

A short story where the character falls in love with you!!!!!!!!!. Yes I'm talking to you. The you behind the... More

Untitled Part 1

69 4 4
By TheGirlWhoGrewWings


I don't know you , and you don't know me but as you open to the first page , the cover of my story weighing in your hands , I feel I have no choice but to let you read.
I am lonely here between the pages , full of dust and neglect as your eyes scan these words I feel warmth touch my soul and a little light shines into my world.
My story just started and the words you read are the words of my soul completely honest with you as you are honest with me . Your nose is stuck in the pages of my story , letting you escape from the world you though wasn't good enough, the world which you were too different and now you use my world to hide.

I can't see you , but I feel you there , your presence guides me through my story convinces me that I am not completely alone . You come with me feel what I feel , see but I see, want what I want.

As I fight the conflicts of my story , I feel that I should give up , what am I fighting for ?... Then I see this light , the light in the darkness, the silence in the crowd ... the beauty in the ugly . It's you ... I can't hear you just a faint breeze that creates a tingling sensation on my skin. I don't know how I know it's you , I just do. It may be the way that the breeze that is your presence causes blood to rush to my face , the way it makes me desire to hear the singing rhythm of the wind that is your laugh, the way that in your presence I feel the need to pick out every imperfection of myself and fix it just so I could perhaps deserve the racing thud of my heart when I dream of holding your hand and feel the electric tug of my lips on yours , moving in unison.

I try to ignore the feeling , my fantasies for I have never felt anything so strong it confuses me the desperate desire that is you to my heart . Yet I force myself to remind myself of you when I feel that I can't go on , I find a reason to fight , to go on with the quest that is my story . The reason is you .


You were there at the beginning and I feel the trapped enclosure of the ending dawning on us . I told you there were a short amount of chapters left and as you read on the chapter grew less and less until they were just pages. The number down the bottom of the paper reminds us of the ticking of the clock that is the time that is left and soon the last page will be read and the book shut and suddenly the clock will stop and we will remember our split realities.

You have read the words of my heart , the honesty of my soul. You have seen and heard the textures and colours of the way I see the world . Before you came the world was a dull brown not white nor black for between those colours there can be detail and beauty but a dull brown that kept the world in a darkness that was visible enough to be deemed as ugly and mundane. I have sat between the pages waiting for something that I never knew was. I was waiting for you... the breeze and warmth that has guided me from the start.

At first I was curious about the breeze that guided me , the light that lit the way to a happy ending . I wanted to find the light and touch it , I wanted the light then I realised that truly I just wanted you , the person behind the pages .

I know you feel it too, the end approaching , I can feel your eyes reading slowly dismissing the need to discover what will be of me after the book is closed.

We both know that you cannot stop the ending no matter how hard we try conclusions must always be reached.

The grass is browning slowly again as the end is closer , the sky is grey but the breeze that is you allows the flowers in my world to still bloom the grass to brown as slow as it can.
I want to tell you something , and I wish that I could understand what your trying to say.
" I love you " I yell, I want everyone to know that I love you , the one that hides behind the pages of the book . I love you and I can almost feel it, holding your hand , then your face between my hands as I kiss you goodbye.
Suddenly the clouds part and it begins to rain slow at first then fast and heavy the wind is rocky and I realise you are crying the rain your tears that now splatter the pages of my life . The wind is your voice cracking as you try to speak .
Suddenly I hear you , your voice as beautiful as an angel to me , the sound that makes me want to jump out of the book and embrace you in my arms .
"I don't want to leave you!" You wisper , your voice shaking and cracking as you force the words out.
" I love you .... I love you too!" And those words make me cry.The clouds clear more and more and I am drenched with your tears of love and grief. I see you for the first time and it's like I am falling in love with you all over again .

You are the wish of my heart , not the last one but the first one . You are the wish that I couldn't stop wishing, the dream I couldn't stop dreaming .

I want you more then ever you are beautiful in this browning world you are the beauty that keeps me from drowning in the worlds brown .

It's time you have to close the book. When the realisation of the end crossed I thought I would be scared or angry I am neither but happy , joyful .

For you can always just open the book again and our story will relive. I will always love you and once you close the book I will wait for you, for you are the light of my world and of my heart. You cry more but we both know that it is time, time to close the book and go to our separate realities.

As you close the book I look up at you your sight makes me forget about the brown that slowly creeps over my world as the cover looms over the words sky . I smile at you not with my mouth and eyes but with all of me . You smile back and as the book closes all I can think of is seeing you again .

It is then I sit between the pages waiting for something that I never knew was. I wait for you for eternity. When suddenly the book opens up again and our story begins .

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