Ikki's Devil Life 2

JaeZInsane द्वारा

41.7K 402 149

This will take Ikki Kurogane into the 2nd season of DXD अधिक

The Holy Sword Users
Devils vs Church
Sword Vengance and a rematch with Freed
The General Fallen Angel Kokabiel
Team Gremory Vs Cerberus and The Holy Swords
Ikki's True Power Unleashed Ikki Kurogane vs The Fallen Angel Kokabiel
Fun at the pool
Open House
Ikki Kurogane meets Gasper the Vampire
Ikki's New Sword and Akeno's True Self Revealed
The Leader Summons Meeting
New Powers Unleashed!!! Ikki Kurogane and Issei Hyoudou vs The White Dragon Vali


4.5K 42 11
JaeZInsane द्वारा

A/N:This is the 2nd season for Ikki's Devil life and there will be more girls in this story.

The few days after the Rating game

The morning sun shines on the Kurogane house as another new day begins for Ikki Kurogane as he wakes up to something soft on his left cheek he turns over to find his girlfriend Rias Gremory sleeping next to him completely in the nude laying above him as he had a view of her large chest.

Ikki:Huh? What is so soft on my cheek?

Rias while asleep grabs Ikki and shoves him into her chest

Ikki:R-Rias what's going on?

Rias:Ikki good morning

Ikki:Yeah good morning why are you in bead with me again?

Rias:I'm sorry you were asleep when I arrived so I decided to let myself in

Ikki:Okay but that wasn't the main issue I've got

Rias:Oh I couldn't help myself I wanted to sleep with you as a hug pillow.

Ikki:So this is what you wanted

Rias gets on top off Ikki's chest and looks at him with a lustful gaze.

Rias:Ikki we still have some time do you thing something sexy will help deepen communication with my lover.

Rias places a kiss on Ikki's forehead


Rias:Then you wanna come at me.


Rias:Don't worry I'm willing to do anything for you as long as it makes you happy.

Ikki:A-Anything to make me happy

Rias:Yes my darling~

Just then someone knocks on the door.

Shizuku:Big brother are you awake it's time for breakfast

Rias:Huh shoot I completely forgot about breakfast.

Ikki:Coming Shizuku just give me a minute.

Rias:Oh well I guess we'll continue this later right Ikki~

Ikki:Ummmm sure.

The two teens get dressed into their uniforms and go downstairs for breakfast.

Miya:This is so good I know your technically foreign but this tastes real.

Rias:Well I've been living here for awhile now

Ikki:Either way I've never had something this good thanks Rias

Rias:Thank you that was sweet

Shizuku gives Ikki the pouting face since she was trying to cook like their mother as well.

Miya:I have to admit I was excited when you wanted to live here you've done so much with the cooking

Rias:Helping you is only natural mother but would it be okay for the club members to come over today

Miya:Sure it's fine


Rias:The old school building is having its annual spring cleaning so the occult research club won't be able to meet there this afternoon

Ikki:Oh okay having the club members over would be fun I'll host it.

After breakfast Ikki and Rias head to Kuoh Academy Rias held on to her boyfriends arm and put it in between her breasts which Ikki only chuckled along with Rias chuckling also.As the couple walked on the campus glances,whispers,and grumbles could be heard from the students.

The girls where disappointed that a cute boy like Ikki was now taken but some were in support of how great they looked together.

Female student 1:Ohhhh~look~it's Ikki and Rias I didn't know they were together.

Female student 2:Its so cute

Female student 3:(Blushing)I wish Ikki was my boyfriend He's so sweet and such a hunk have you seen him in Gym class.

However the boys were more than upset. Ikki wasn't there favorite person to begin with considering how popular he was with the girls but it only increased since he now has Rias for himself but no one wanted to fight him he wasn't someone to mess with.

During the school day Ikki was sitting in class looking about his new relationship with Rias.

Ikki:(Thinking)Rias has been way nicer to me ever since that fight with Riser and Shizuku keeps getting weird about it I wonder why.

Issei:Hey Ikki whatchu staring into space for bro.

Ikki:Huh oh hey what's up Issei

Issei:I gotta tell you something there are some rumors about you going around school.

Ikki:What rumors?

Issei:About you messin around with super hot ladies making a path for evil
Also you using Rias and Akeno for some nasty stuff.Another one his you using your charm on Koneko saying you devoured her and finally someone's saying you and Kiba are gay for each other.

Ikki:Your not spreading these rumors are you.

Issei:No it's not me its Matsuda and Motohoma


Issei:They're jealous of you that's why

Ikki:I don't care no one believes them anyw-

Ikki begins shuttering in pain and holding his chest and bending on one knee.

Issei:Woah dude you okay

Ikki:I'm fine this has been going on since the fight with Riser I need to go see Akeno she says he can help me.

Ikki leaves the classroom and heads for the Occult Research Club.

At the old school building Ikki is laying on the couch with only a towel on his waist.


Akeno:Sorry to keep you waiting~.

Ikki:Oh no it's fine sorry I didn't give you much time.

Akeno:That's hardly your fault Ikki.

Akeno:Now let's get this started~.

Ikki:Okay whatever you say.

Ikki begins to blush while looking at Akeno's wet body.

Akeno:Oh no what's wrong~

Ikki:Oh its nothing it's just your all wet.

Akeno:I only had time to grab a quick shower I didn't have enough time to dry my body properly is it distracting~.

Ikki:Oh no it's fine if this is how you want to do this its okay.

Akeno:The issue here is with your blazer power it's far stronger than we thought stopping it with magic is only temporary sucking it from your fingers is the only way to get it all out~.


Ikki:(Thinking) Is this really how devils have to suppress someone's power? or is it just for humans with powers like me? Either way the sensation it feels so nice and warm and......wait....Why am I thinking like this?!

Akeno proceeds but a bit more forceful but then stops.

Akeno:Honestly this is just a simple procedure but you getting so flustered so easily, it makes me want to taunt you even more


Akeno:Of course trust me if you could see your face right now you would totally get it I'd be remiss if I didn't torment you more~

Ikki:Um.....okay then. Do what makes you happy

Akeno gets closer and whispers in Ikki's ear.

Akeno:Guess what, I have a crush on this really cute guy. He's done something I found really great

Ikki:Oh really

Akeno wraps her arms around Ikki placing her breasts on his chest and she remained there.

Ikki:Hey Akeno, are you.....

Akeno:All natural is all part of the ceremony.

Ikki:O...Okay then. I won't stop you

Akeno:But if I make a move on you, Rias will get jealous and we both know what she's like when she's upset. From now we'd stand on ceremony

Akeno continues to lick Ikki's hand until his energy returned to normal.

Akeno:Your energy is back to normal you should feel better

Ikki:Okay thanks a lot Akeno I appreciate it

Akeno:Remember your battle with Phenex?

Ikki:Yes, what about it?

Akeno:You fought Riser and protected us even though there was a definite chance that you would die.

Akeno:You were the definition of manliness Ikki and winning the rating game like you did to save Rias. Impressive, you even managed to defeat Phenex who was claimed to be immortal. After I got to see a gentleman in such an amazing fight, I just don't know?

Akeno places a finger on Ikki's chest and blushes

Akeno:I wonder? Could this be love?

The school bell rings

Akeno:Hehe We should do this again sometime.

Ikki:Yeah sure, whenever you want.

At the Kurogane house

Rias:Lets begin our regular meeting this months contract numbers are in Akeno 11, Koneko 10, Kiba 8, 3 for Asia.


Ikki:Nice job Asia


Akeno:You should be proud

Koneko:You are new at contracts

Rias:Ikki and Issei.......Zero

Ikki:I'm still a human so I can't do contracts I apologize

Issei:Im sorry too

Rias:It's okay I understand Ikki's predicament but issei remember if you want to be a high class devil you need contracts


Ikki:Alright then

Ikki's bedroom door opens

Miya:Sorry to intrude kids but I baked all you cookies

Issei:*Nosebleeds*(Ikki's mom is bangin hot)

Ikki:Thanks mom

Rias:Thank you mother

Miya:Oh also I've brought something that might inspire everyone

She then pulls out her album off Ikki's baby photos

Ikki:Mom no...please no

Ayaka:Who wants to see Ikki as a little boy?

Akeno:Aww he's so small and adorable.

Koneko:So this is the truth of Ikki's tiny past

Miya:This was him on his first day of kindergarten now he works hard for most of the day.

Rias:Oh no it's a tiny witty itty bitty Ikki

Asia:I agree tiny itty bitty and cute

Rias:I know right he's just ridiculous

Ikki:Why mom why

Kiba:I think she's a great mother

Ikki:Yeah I know she is but it's still embarrassing

Kiba:Must be nice to have a family

Ikki:You don't have a family Kiba

Kiba:No don't worry about it nice pictures man



Ikki drives up to an abandoned warehouse district and meets up with Rias and the others

Ikki:This looks like the place

Rias:Ikki over here I'm sorry I had to make you come out.

Ikki:No it's fine there's something going on inside there huh

Koneko:No one can miss the smell of a rogue devil

Akeno:No kidding we've been ordered to take it down before the night is over

Rias:Whatever it is just be extremely dangerous we shouldn't try to fight it inside Asia you wait at the rear

Asia:Yes ma'am

Rias:Akeno and I will be ready and waiting outside so Ikki,Koneko,Issei,and Kiba draw the enemy out where we can take care of it.

Akeno:Makes sense to me


Issei:I'm on it BOOSTED GEAR

Ikki:Got it Come to me Intetsu


Kiba:Yeah right got it

Issei:Lets roll out come on guys


Issei:I wonder what it is probably another crazy monster

Koneko kicks the door open and the four step inside

Koneko:Lets go

Issei:I can't see shit in this place

Ikki:Be careful it's close

The four find a female standing behind a stone pillar but then her face changed into one off violence and she became a spider like creature and crawls up on the ceiling.

Koneko:Kiba focus what are you doing hey kiba

Kiba:Right sorry

Ikki:Ittou shura Take this!


The two launch their attacks but the stray devil is too fast

Issei:Damn it I didn't charge enough power

Ikki:Why are you zoning out Kiba!!

Kiba launches his attack and cut off one of the devils limbs but the devil then jumps on him.


Koneko grabs the stray and hurls it through the ceiling window.


Akeno:I'm all over it Rias

Akeno releases a lightning bolt that fries the stray to a crisp.

Rias:Wanted Devil You have ran away from your master to fulfill your own desires for such a crime you deserve to die a thousand times over and now in the name of the marique of Gremory you shall pay with your life!!

Rias uses her magic to destroy the devil completely.

Issei:Hell yeah

Akeno:That poor creatures heart is completely lost at this point you can barely call her a devil

Ikki:I don't wanna end up like that

Akeno:Now you know what deserves a subduing order

Asia:Koneko do you need help

Koneko:Yes please


Rias slaps Kiba

Rias:Think you've got it together now with a mistake like that you put everyone here in serious danger

Kiba:I apologize

Rias:What's the matter Kiba this isnt like you

Kiba:I'm fine just having an off day now if you'll excuse me president


Ikki:Hey Kiba wait you acting crazy why are you being so rude to Rias

Kiba:It's got nothing to do with you

Ikki:That doesn't mean I can't be worried!

Kiba:Worried....why would you ever be worried devils are by nature selfish beings

Ikki:So what's your point

Kiba:Well for the record I do think I was wrong later

Ikki:Wait hold on if your that upset you can talk to me about it we're friends aren't we?

Kiba:Friends huh?...right Ikki I appreciate your passion however something his been recently brought to my attention

Ikki:Something like what?

Kiba:A purpose...I remembered my reason for living the reason I fight

Ikki:I thought you fight for Rias

Kiba:You thought wrong all I want is revenge


Kiba:It won't be must longer now im going to destroy Excalibur that alone is my purpose.

At the Kurogane house

Rias:Holy swords are the worst weapons against devils simply touching one burns a devils body more importantly getting cut by one is instant death the truth is a holy sword can annihalate a devil

Ikki:Wow that's pretty intense

Rias:It is the fact that those who can use one are extraordinarily rare is the sword biggest weakness the church did what they could they tried to raise people artificially perhaps they could wield Excalibur then they could annihalate devils everywhere it's known as The Holy Sword Project.

Ikki:The Holy Sword Project?

Rias:Its in the past I heard the project failed completely

Ikki:Lets hope so

Rias:Kiba barely survived the project.

Ikki:Poor Kiba (what he said now made sense)

Rias:Oh I'm sorry look at how late it is come on let's get to bed

Ikki:(Blushing) What wait R-Rias what are you doing?

Rias:What you know I can't sleep unless im completely naked~.

Ikki:No I'm mean why are you taking your clothes off in here?

Rias:Well obviously I'm going to sleep with you silly.

Ikki:Oh right (I'm never gonna get used to this)

Now in her panties Rias gets in the bed and lays on Ikki's chest and kisses him on the forehead.

Rias:Is it okay if I sleep here darling~.

Ikki:Yeah it's fine I don't have a problem with it.


Ikki and Rias lay in bed together playing and holding each other until they finally fall asleep.

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