between the shadow and the so...

By hesitantspacewitch

1.2K 148 37

»My name is Aristes, by the way. Here's my phone number, if you need to call me.« »Your phone number?« »Yes... More

Chapter 1 - butter knives and other vessels in which you can ban demons
Chapter 2 - how to get cursed 101
Chapter 3 - another good day to die
Chapter 4 - taking the tube to the Underworld
Chapter 5 - use(less)ful demons
Chapter 6 - the choice between dying and passing away
Chapter 8 - the curse strikes back
Chapter 9 - return of the butterknife
Chapter 10 - butterknife part 3
Chapter 11 - A plan
Chapter 12 - the sacrifice
Chapter 13 - A demon and a nephilim work together.
Chapter 14 - In which Avery gets injured.
Chapter 15 - How to break a curse
Author's Note

Chapter 7 - the possibilities of witchcraft

61 7 2
By hesitantspacewitch

Jasper tried to find a comfortable position on the couch, leg propped up onto some cushions on the table and his laptop on his lap. He heard Aristes in the kitchen snooping through his cabinets and coming back with a chocolate bar and some sour sweets.

»Want some?«, Aristes asked, when he settled on the couch next to him and Jasper shook his head. They were sitting close enough that he could feel the warmth radiating off the demon and wondered if it was weird how quickly he became accustomed to a demon invading his personal space.

»No, thanks. Leave me some gummy bears for later, though.«

»No promises«, Aristes answered, already chewing away. The laptop made a sound, when the call got picked up and Jasper smiled at the screen, when he saw a blonde woman in her fifties appear. She was standing in the kitchen, looking down at her phone camera with a frown like she wasn't entirely sure if the phone worked properly or not.

»Hi, mom.«

»Hello sweetheart«, she smiled then, laugh lines clearly visible on her face. The similarity between her and Jasper were unmistakable. The same ocean blue eyes, the related facial features and the similar aura of calm collectedness that radiated off of Jasper. »How are you?«, she greeted him with concern colouring her voice.

»I'm okay, more or less. That's why I'm calling actually«, Jasper answered. »I think we found a way to break the curse. That is, Aristes here found it.« Aristes waved at the screen.


»Oh, a new friend of yours?«, Jasper's mom asked, pleasantly surprised but Jasper shook his head.

»I guess that's one way to describe it. He's a demon. And he's helping me.« Jasper's mom visibly stumbled over her son's words. But Aristes had to credit her as she recovered fairly quickly.

»Oh. That's... very nice of you«, she said, looking at her son in concern. »But you are sure you're alright. I told you curses lose their power over time. As long as you keep using the tea I gave you, everything should be fine.«

»I don't think the solution is that easy, mom. But don't worry about me. I need to ask you, have you ever heard of something called a soul scythe?« Jasper had decided to go with the lesser evil of all his options and get Avery and Aristes to do a purification ritual on him. Avery has yet to find out about her luck. His mom thought for a moment.

»No, but remember the story Cynthia told me at the last coven meeting? Did I tell you that?«

»I don't think so«, Jasper said.

»Apparently, there was a witch that got out of a contract with a demon, by splitting her soul off from her body and locking it away. It's all just one big rumour, but every rumour has its truth, you know?«

»When did it happen? Recently?«, Aristes piped up, leaning against Jasper to get a better look at the screen.

»It would have to be. News like that spread through the witch world like wildfire.« Aristes looked at Jasper, excitedly swatting him against the arm.

»I can find out if that's true. If that happened, there have to be records in the Underworld. Where did I put my phone? I have to call Batest«, Aristes announced and jumped off the couch to search for his mobile.

»So... Aristes was his name, right? He's really a... you know... «, Jasper's mom asked.

»A demon? Yeah«, Jasper said, scratching his neck. »But honestly, he's not that bad, when you get to know him. That's not going to be a problem, is it?« His mom waved a hand.

»What? No! We're an all inclusive household and I trust your judgment in other people. Or creatures«, she added with a slight frown. »But I'm also your mother and as such it is my job to worry about your well being.«

»I know. Love you, mom«, Jasper smiled.

»Love you too. Keep me up to date, alright?«

»Will do.« The call ended and Jasper put away his laptop, slowly standing up. He'd told his mom not to worry, because she couldn't really help him and he didn't want her to worry, even though Jasper himself was getting nervous. He's now been two full days without an accident and Jasper was starting to get paranoid about that. As if the more time passed without anything happening to him, the more negative energy will accumulate and get released in a big, epic clusterfuck that will probably finally kill him.

»Are you coming?«, Aristes called from the front door making Jasper stop for a moment.

»To the Underworld?«

»If you want. We'll be faster if two are searching.«

»So, I'll be able to read anything?«, Jasper asked and Aristes shrugged.

»Probably not. But I wouldn't mind some company.« Jasper blinked in surprise, before he grabbed his crutches.


Batest made a point of taking a look at the visitor pass, Jasper still had in the pocket of his jacket, before waving them through when they entered the glass building once again.

Jasper assumed that they exited the elevator on a different level than last time, even though the hallway itself looked identical. It was only when Aristes stood before an empty wall, pressing his index finger against the blank stones, that a door opened, letting them into Underworld's archive.
The room was nearly as high as the library had been, filled with rows after rows of unoriginal metal shelves filled with registers and records, sloppily marked and sorted. The air smelled dusty and stale.

»Underworld is not really a fan of the whole digitization thing, is it?«, Jasper asked.

»I think some demons are just really paranoid. If they can't find shit, no one else will either«, Aristes answered while looking around to find the right shelf. »We're looking for the recent records about formed contracts. I told you I had to register you as my contracting party, when we had our agreement. After our contract finishes, the file gets stored down here.«

»How do you know all that?«, Jasper asked, curious about how anyone could find their way through this mess of files. Aristes grimaced.

»I had to help out and sort files for a decade as punishment for losing my paperwork all the time. Ah, see, there it is.« Aristes stood in front of a big wall full of drawers that were sorted alphabetically. »Here you'll find every demon, currently working on earth. Let's start searching through their recent contract records.« Aristes pulled up a ladder on rolls, so he could reach the highest drawers while Jasper started at the bottom, pulling out one register after another, searching through the latest files in hopes that the next one would mention a failed contract with a witch. The files were a hotchpotch of mostly english and with bits of demonic language peppered in so Jasper was actually able to help. They were searching mostly in silence, flicking through file after file.

»Hey, I think I found something, Jasper said, pulling the paper file out of the drawer to get a better look. Inside was a single sheet of paper. It was the contract form, filled out with a name and a sentence about the content of the contract. Next to the name were the words ›Human‹ and ›Witch‹ noted in brackets. Underneath was a red stamp and a note in runes. Aristes looked over Jaspers shoulder and read aloud.

»Contract terminated without completion due to unforeseen complications concerning the witches soul. For more details, see records in the handbook about human souls.« Jasper and Aristes looked at each other.

»It sounds as if we found our witch.« Jasper took out his phone, making a picture of the file, before putting it back into the drawer. They left that archive the way they found it.

»So, we have her first name«, Aristes thought out loud. »Now we just need to find the demon to ask him, where to find her.«

»You think, the demon will just tell us?«, Jasper wanted to know and Aristes laughed.

»No, of course not. But I can be very persuasive when I want to«, he grinned and cracked his knuckles, making Jasper cringe at the sound.

»How about we try a different approach first?«, he proposed.

»What do you suggest?«

»Maybe Avery can help us. So far she's been able to find everything I've ever lost and helped one of her neighbors to find their lost cat. If anyone can find a person by name, it's her.« Aristes shrugged, burying his hands in the pockets of his dark jeans.

»Fine by me if that means less work for me.«

They walked through a door, leaving the shady hallways behind, finding themselves in the open Underworld. The vague, shadowy ceiling was a depressing shade of grey, somehow giving just enough light to see the surroundings. It was hauntingly silent, the silence before a storm, that could come crashing down onto you any second. Jasper felt the need, to look back over his shoulders every two seconds, because he felt invisible eyes following him, watching him like he was some kind of delicious lunch served on a silver platter. But every time, he looked around, he couldn't see anyone or anything.

Aristes led them across a stony bridge that ended at a grotto of sorts, illuminated by flickering neon lights and two rusty looking elevator doors, that gave the impression of being barely held together by duct tape and Lucifer's will.

It was only, when they got closer, that a demon manifested out of the shadows and made them stop, mid step. The dark, looming figure slowly walked closer, like a tree becoming sentient. The glowing eyes made Jasper want to run as fast and as far as possible, when he recognized the demon.

»You must have a deathwish, to walk through the Underworld like this. How flattering«, Hargamon said, clawed hands scraping across the stone floor, because his arms and talons were too long.

»Sorry Hargamon, we're kinda busy right now. No time for any of your power plays«, Aristes said, pulling Jasper past Hargamon to the elevators. They didn't come far, as Hargamon snatched Jaspers away, grabbing his arm and pulling him close to the edge of the bridge they're standing on.

»Hey, let go of me!«, Jasper demanded, struggling against the demon's grip, that only solidified like drying cement. The close proximity made Jasper sick. It was as if the malevolence and bitterness radiated off the demon, like heavy perfume spiked with venom that poisoned his system with every breath he took. It was the nausea of a bad omen, a dark premonition looming in his gut, whispering cold warnings into his ear. Jasper wanted to get away from Hargamon, tried with all his strength, but the demon only extended his spindly fingers like wires, curling around Jaspers arms and chest like poison ivy until he couldn't move anymore, feet dangling a few centimeters off the ground, crutches uselessly bundled up against his sides.

»Go on. Kill him. You know the rules down here and I'd love to see you punished for breaking them. And his soul belongs to me, remember?«, Aristes threatened with glowing eyes and a dangerous smile that Hargamon returned, showing his sharp teeth.

»As tempting as that sounds, I don't think there's a need for breaking rules. This human is cursed. A dead man walking. He tripped, fell and died«, Hargamon said. »And then I will steal his soul.« Aristes growled, making Jasper shiver with the possessive undertone in his voice. It was the only warning they got before Aristes lunged forward like a panther attacking its prey. In an instant he was over Hargamon, bringing both of them down. Hargamon had to let go of Jasper who crumpled to the stony ground, surprised but otherwise fine. The demons went down fighting like feral cats, with extended claws and teeth, rolling over the ground in an attempt to beat the other. Hargamon took a vicious jab at Aristes with one of his talons, making the demon cry out in pain. It was a sound that shook Jasper to the core. He hurried to his feet, while watching Hargamon grab Aristes and throw him in Jaspers direction where he came crashing onto the ground hard enough to shake the bridge. Hargamon was over Aristes immediately who recovered quickly to kick Hargamon with enough force to throw him back before getting up and attacking the demon again, this time with the help of hellfire he summoned with his hands. Hargamon dodged by rolling out of the way. And instead of attacking Aristes, he went for Jasper this time. Jasper screamed when he saw Hargamon running towards him and hurriedly tried to run away but the demon was faster. Hargamon grabbed Jasper with his long arms that wrapped like vines around his body and pushed him over the edge of the bridge. With another scream Jasper fell backwards into the misty depths of the Underworld. Gravity put it's ugly hands around him, pulling him to the ground while swooping through his organs making him feel like they want to escape through his ribcage.

A moment later, Aristes pinned Hargamon to the ground, pressing a rune onto his leathery skin by using his thumb to temporarily bind the demon to the spot he was lying on. Now it was Hargamon that screamed when he realised he couldn't move.

»Don't make me angry. It'll end badly for you«, Aristes growled, before letting go and jumping after Jasper. Underworld gravity seemed to work in his favour today as he managed to catch Jasper mid fall, wrapping his arms and legs around the human, before spreading his black wings to slow the fall.

They landed, inelegantly and a bit too hard on the ground, in a jumble of limbs and feathers but mostly intact. Jasper groaned, feeling pain in every single bone inside his body, his head ringing and pulsing with adrenalin and alarm. But when he mentally checked his body, he realized that nothing felt broken. He'd just gained a fresh new set of bruises. Jasper groaned again, when Aristes untangled them, the movement making him want to curl up from pain and exhaustion. He felt the soft touch of feathers in his face, but they were gone, when he opened his eyes, looking up into Aristes concerned ones. He could barely see him in the gloomy light.

»Are you alright?«, the demon asked.

»I think so. And shouldn't I be the one asking?«, eyeing the bleeding injuries that started seeping through Aristes shirt. But Aristes just waved it off, before picking himself up and extending a hand to Jasper.

»Just a few scratches. I'll be good in no time. Come on. I bound Hargamon, but he should be able to get free fairly easily. By then I'd like to already have left the Underworld.«

»Same«, Jasper mumbled, glad for Aristes hand that pulled him up. And caught him as well, when his legs gave out under him, from pain, exhaustion and the ebbing adrenalin.

Aristes watched with a mischievous grin before sweeping him up into his arms, carrying Jasper and his crutches through the Underworld like a bride. Jasper let out a startled yelp.

»Let me down, Aristes!«

»No can do. Don't worry, there's no one here to witness the violation of your masculinity«, the demon giggled and Jasper rolled his eyes.

»That's not... Oh, whatever«, he sighed and closed his eyes, realizing that Aristes didn't feel like Hargamon. There was no sickness inducing aura, just the smell of a blown out match and warmth. »Thank you.« He could hear Aristes smile.

»You're welcome.«

The next day, after a couple of painkillers and a good night's rest for both of them Jasper, he and Aristes were standing in front of a closed glass door, leading into a building with rental apartments, mostly used by students in a peaceful area. It wasn't far from Jaspers own flat.

The door buzzed and let them in and they took the elevator into the second floor. A petite girl was already waiting at the open door to the flat, her black hair tied into a messy bun and face scrunched up in the desperate attempt to suppress a yawn. Her name was Haya and she looked like she just fell out of bed, with her sailor moon pajama pants and the pastel blue blanket around her shoulders.

»Oh, hi«, she smiled, when she recognized Jasper and turned around. »Avery, it's for you!«, she screamed over her shoulder, stepping aside to let Jasper and Aristes into the flat that was a chaotic collection of sheet music, clothes, empty food containers and all kinds of instruments. Avery had two other roommates who were also studying music at university.

»You know where her room is«, Haya said, waving them through the hallway. »Don't ask her about the assignment. «

»What assignment?«, Jasper wanted to know. Avery didn't mention anything.

»No idea. But she's been practicing for the last three days and I'm all out of painkillers for my headache.«

»You know that the walls are thin and I can hear you«, Avery yelled from her room. »How about you work on your intonation instead of bitching about mine. You sound like you're torturing a cat!« Haya nodded.

»Yeah, Avery is in a bad mood«, she commented unaffected, sipping on a cup of tea, she picked up from the dresser in the hallway.

»Are we talking about the same person here?«, Jasper wanted to know, concern clouding his mind and Haya sighed.

»Yeah. I had hoped you'd know more about that«, Haya said but Jasper had to shake his head. He then walked up to Avery's room, knocking out of courtesy, before entering, Aristes only a step behind him. His best friend was currently lying on her bed, head dangling off the edge, legs stretched out and propped against the wall.

»Hey you two. What's up?«, she asked, hugging her violin to the chest like a teddy bear. Jasper smiled softly at her despite his worry. Because if Avery was in a bad mood, something bigger than an assignment was going on.

»You look like you're having an existential crisis«, he said concerned, sitting down next to her.

»I am.« Avery sighed, sitting up but not elaborating on her thoughts. Jasper knew her well enough that she would eventually talk to him, in her own pace, but he had to ask.

»Wanna talk about it?«

»Later«, she said, putting the instrument into its case and flopping down onto the carpet. »First tell me, why you came. I could use some distraction or I'll go insane.«, she commented, adjusting her dress to spread evenly onto the floor.

»Well I can at least help with that. We need to find someone. A witch. Her name is Selene.« Avery looked up.

»That name sounds familiar.«

»You may have heard Cynthia talk about her. She's a witch, that broke the contract with a demon, by locking her soul away.«

»Oh yeah«, Avery said. »You're right. So it's true then?«, she wanted to know.

»Yes«, Aristes said. »She may be able to help with Jaspers curse.«

»Alright.« Avery stood up, clapping her hands. »Can you give me my tablet? It's behind you«, she asked Jasper, who handed her the device. Avery put it on the floor before her, opening google maps. »I guess she's living somewhere in the area?«, she wanted to know while typing their post code into the search bar. Avery then took off her necklace with the rose quartz pendant, letting the chain dangle from her fingers so she could use it as a pendulum. She dangled the rose quartz over her tablet that showed a map of the city. Aristes, who decided to lean on the wall next to the wardrobe and Jasper, still sitting on the bed, watched as Avery grounded herself with a few deep breaths while closing her eyes. She then focused on the map before her, channeling her energy and intent into the rose quartz hanging motionless from her hand. She took another deep breath, before she spoke softly:

»Show me Selene on unknown ground,

As I locate what's lost and make it found.« Jasper saw the pendulum starting to move, causing Avery to open her eyes, studying the oscillation while slowly scrolling through the map. Both Jasper and Aristes were quiet as a mouse, as to not disturb Avery in her work. She was concentrating, forehead wrinkles and eyes focused on the rose quartz, interpreting the movement she was familiar with. Jasper had never met anyone who could find lost stuff better than Avery. Watching her perform witchcraft with so much dedication since they were both children had always been something awe inspiring. The energy Avery radiated while doing her work sent shivers down your spine, because, even though there were no grand gestures or candles, or complicated rituals with robes and tools, you knew that there was something special, something magical happening. Jasper loved watching her do magic, the same way he loved watching her play music on her violin: with wonder and admiration, unable to look away.

It was Avery who broke the silence a few minutes later, with a smile on her face and the pendulum swinging in a circle.

»I found her«, she said, putting the necklace back around her neck and showing them the tablet. On the screen was a settlement of houses near the outskirts of the city. »She's living in one of these«, Avery explained, pointing to the houses.

»Thank you so much«, Jasper said, making a picture of the address when Avery gave him the tablet. »We can check them out later. Hopefully Selene is willing to help us.«

»As if anyone could resist that sweet face of yours«, Avery grinned, pinching his cheeks. »And you're very welcome. Keep me updated«, she added, before starting to usher both of them out. »Now go, please, I need to study. And practice.«

»Thanks again«, Jasper said. »It's always an honor to watch you do magic«, he grinned and Avery's expression turned soft.

»Aww, get outta here, before I start crying.«

»He's right, there's something special«, Aristes interjected thoughtfully. »Your magic feels... strange. Not in a bad way, I guess, just. Strange«, he said, making Avery laugh quietly.

»I'll take that as a compliment«, she replied. »We're cool, though. Right?« Aristes looked at her in surprise.

»Yeah. Of course«, he said, caught off guard. »Thank you.«

»For what?«, Avery wanted to know and Aristes shrugged.

»For caring. People usually don't care about a demon's feelings.«

»Wonder why«, she mused and Aristes sighed.

»I know, we do have to work on our reputation.« Avery smiled at him, before letting the topic drop.

»Jasper, I'll call you later, alright?« Jasper nodded.

»Whenever you want.«

»Awesome.« Jasper and Aristes exited the room, letting themselves out, after saying goodbye to Haya, who was sitting in the kitchen. They entered the elevator, pressing the button for the ground floor, when Aristes piped up again.

»I like her«, he said and Jasper smiled.

»Me too.«

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