The Last Abrams

By Who_mans

7.2K 226 70

In a world of bathed by nuclear fire, Jackson Trox ventures throughout the wastes once known as America on a... More

Wait? What?
Into the wasteland. Sorta...
Back out there
New Town, New problem
The Convoy
A Contract
Calm before the storm
Preparation and Relaxation
A New Face
Investigating the Crash
A tank commander without a tank

Man down

205 8 2
By Who_mans

"Jackson!" Wyvern screamed as Jackson collapsed. Trying to crawl to him she screamed in pain as the wound in her shoulder flared up. Gritting her teeth, she fumbled around her IFAK, until she grasped a morphine syringe and injected it into her thigh. With the pain fading away, Wyvern crawled to Jackson. "Fuck, come on stay with me!" she moved her hand to his neck. Seconds passed as she waited for a sign. Finally, she felt a faint pulse.

Running back to the tank, Wyvern grabbed her medical bag and crouched back down next to Jackson. Grabbing a pair of pliers Wyvern muttered to herself, "Sorry about this." Forcing the pliers into the bullet wound, Jackson suddenly started thrashing in pain. "Please stop moving, I'm trying to help you!" Jackson quickly lost consciousness again and Wyvern continued her work. Moving quickly Wyvern pulled the debris out of the wound and began stitching the wound together. Grabbing an IV and blood drip she placed the needle into his arm and let them do their work. Waiting for a bit Jackson's breathing stabilized and Wyvern let out a breath of relief. Making sure he was fine, Wyvern dragged Jackson's unconscious body into the tank. Laying him on his seat, she made sure he was comfortable before moving to her seat.

As she sat down she looked at her bloodied shoulder. Sighing she rolled her sleeve, revealing a bloody stab wound, still oozing with blood. Pursing her lips she pressured gauze on the wound and wrapped it in bandages. After bandaging herself she checked on Jackson again, seeing nothing amiss she turned on the abrams and set off again.

Minutes, then hours later, Wyvern was driving through a forest as the sun began to fall. Jackson was still unconscious and the tank was almost out a fuel. By Wyvern's estimates, the abrams had 15 miles before going dry. 'Shit!' Wyvern swore as she slammed her hands on the wheel. Jackson needed actual medical treatment and they were in the middle of nowhere. Looking at the empty map she sighed again. Nothing, no towns, no bases, nada. Just she was about to lose hope a dot blinked on the screen, then disappeared. Confused, she looked at the spot the dot was and it appeared again staying longer this time. Seeing that the dot was exactly 13 miles away, Wyvern decided to take a gamble. Taking the most direct route to the point she reached it in under a minute. Peeping her head out of the tank all she saw was a wooden shack. Hopping out she brought her SR-25 to bare as moved towards the door. Taking a deep breath, she kicked the door open and swept the small room with her rifle. Taking a look around, she lowered her gun. "Nothing" she muttered under her breath as she examined the shed. Boxes were strewn around, as tools laid haphazardly on the tables. Looking at her surroundings, she determined that she was the first one to set foot here in years, if not decades. During her examination, she noticed a weird panel on the floor.

Crouching down she tugged at the panel until it gave way. Underneath it, she saw something familiar. A project exodus control panel! Quickly she entered her personnel code and pressed enter. Suddenly one of the crates moved aside revealing a staircase illuminated by lights. Running back outside she looped Jackson's arm around her shoulder and dragged him down the stairs and into the facility.

Entering the facility she saw what made up most project exodus sites, warehouses of supplies and ammunition, dorms, and garages. However, she was looking for something else. After dragging Jackson across the hallways she finally reached her destination, the medbay. Swinging the doors open, Wyvern came fast to face with some of the most advanced pieces of medical technology. Shuffling inside she heaved Jackson's body onto the operating table and pulled a control pad from the nearby table. Thank god they automated the medical process. Swiping and pressing a couple of options, metal instruments descended from the ceiling and began to work on his wounds. Letting out a sigh of relief, Wyvern sat down on a chair next to Jackson watching the procedure. Her eyes began to droop as she watched on until exhaustion finally caught up with her and she fell asleep.

Hours later...

Gunfire roared overhead as Jackson sat in his foxhole. He sighed as he switched the safety on and off, over and over again. The frontline had come to a stalemate at this point and everyone was waiting for the other to strike.

"Jackson! Catch!" Jackson looked to the voice, catching a chocolate bar. It was his battle buddy, Marcus Ortiz, a Latin American with a stupid smile on his face.

"Where did you get one of these?" Jackson said taking a bite of the bar.

Marcus grinned, "I got it through my own means."

"You stole it didn't you," Jackson said, not buying his shit.

Marcus smiled nervously, "Nick won't notice..."

"Which FUCKER took my goddamn snickers!" screamed a voice from a foxhole. Jackson sighed as he took another bite of the chocolate.

Suddenly flares illuminated the sky as yells emanated from the line. "Enemy attack inbound, south!" Jackson grabbed his M16 as Marcus slid beside him.

"You ready man?" Marcus asked

"I'm always ready..."

Jackson woke with a gasp as the remnants of his dream drifted away. A dull pain erupted from his side, as he took in his surroundings. It looked like he was in some sort of clinic and glancing to his right he saw Wyvern sleeping on a chair beside him, laying her head on his bed. Raising his hand he laid it on her head as Wyvern stirred. Jackson smiled to himself. Slowly moving out of bed, in order not to wake Wyvern, he stood and stretched. He grabbed his stomach as it growled. Sighing he looked around, "Now where is the cafeteria..."

Less than 10 minutes later...

Wyvern slowly opened her eyes and stretched. Checking her watch it was 6 AM and Jackson been unconscious for 3 days. Speaking of Jackson, she turned to the bed to find it empty all except for a crumpled blanket. "Huh?" Wyvern suddenly stood up. Where the hell did he go? He shouldn't be standing! He shouldn't be able to stand right away! Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the sounds of metal dropping somewhere in the base. Grabbing her SR-25, she ran towards the sound. Stopping in front of the cafeteria where she determined it came from she stood ready. Hearing more sounds coming from it, she kicked the doors opened and raised her rifle. Right in front of her sat Jackson, eating a bowl of cereal.

"You're finally awake," he said crunching on his breakfast.

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