100 Tag Questions Nobody Aske...

By SadgePerson

362 14 454

*sigh* I've been procrastinating for as long as possible, but I have to do it now. *sucks in breath* here goe... More

Tag #1
Tag #2
Tag, You're it!
Tag #3
UUUUGH Tagged Again (Tag #4)

I can't believe I didn't call Tag 2 "Tag 2: Electric Boogaloo" (Tag #5)

14 1 0
By SadgePerson

This isn't a new tag, it's just me wanting to redo my old tags :P

I have literally NOTHING better to do, haha.

And...um, these tags probably contain spoilers for Black Clover.

Originally tagged by FrogOnLog

1: What is your full name?

****** **** ********* I bleeped it out earlier, and I'm gonna bleep it out now. I'm not comfortable revealing my name.

2: Age?

Oh gosh, I'm 14. hwhoa :o

3. Gender Identity?


4: Sexual or romantic orientation?

Asexual :)

5: Religion?

The Brotherhood of the Zipper.

6: Relationship status? Crush? Tag them.

*laughs in asexual*

7: Height?

4'9" *laughs in short*

8: Weight?

93 pounds (still light)

9: Shoe size?

4.5 (Still small)

10: Hair color?


11: Eye color?


12: Fave color?


13: Fave animal?

Llamas. Because they are moods.

14: Fave movie?

Um...I don't know.

15: Fave show?

Does anime count? If so, Black Clover. If not, Gravity Falls.

16: Fave food?

Did you say...chocolate? CHOCOLATE?! CHOOOOCOLAAAAATEEE!!!

17: Fave drink?

Hot choccy

18: Best Friend? Tag them.

What are friends?

No, no, I'm kidding. I don't care if they get salty at me for the tag haha Otaco_Moonshine

19: Battery percentage?

Right now it's at 90%.

20: Lock screen?

Don't have a phone, so here's the best I can do.

Whoever knows who my pfp is in the photo above will be my new favorite person in the comment section. Sorry if it's hard to see.

(If you're my brother, sorry, but you don't count.)

21: Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed?

Closed. I may not have a will to live but I don't have a death wish, geez.

22: Would you rather be attacked by a grizzly bear or a swarm of bees?

Bees. My best bet is saying "Ya like jazz?" to them and hoping they understand that I'm one of them.

23: Have you ever stolen a street sign?

To this day this question still confuses me. But no, I haven't.

24: Cold weather or hot weather?

I'd prefer an in between, but if I have to choose, weather as hot as Zeke Yeager.

...or is it Jeager?

German names confuse my dumb yeehaw McDonald's American brain.

25: Have you ever faked being sick to get out of going to school?

Hahahahahaha no.

26: How many people have you slept with?

...get out.

Just get out.

27: Are you a sub or a dom?


28: Do you have freckles?

Only a few.

29: Do you always smile for pictures?

Not always.

30: What's your biggest pet peeve?

Me. *sad kazoo noises*

31: Promote one of your books. Include a link.

I'd like to promote the new A Hat in Time fanfiction I'm working on, but since it hasn't been published, then I'm going to promote my other one. Even though it wasn't my own idea...


Shadow Rift! If you're interested, why don't you check it out?

32: Are you going to Heaven or to Hell?

...purgatory, to be honest.

33: Do you chew on your pens and pencils?

Mmm tasty writing utensils.

No, I don't.

34: Tag all the people you've ever had a crush on.

*laughs hysterically in asexual*

35: Truth or dare?

Dare me. Your wish is my command.

36: Flirty or flirted?

*laughs so hard I choke on air in asexual*

37: Fave video game?

Undertale/Deltarune for story, A Hat in Time for 3D platforming, Hollow Knight for lore and 2D platforming, and Ori and the Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps for art and music.

Though, admittedly, I like the art, story, lore, art, and music for all of them. Can't say platforming (since there's no platforming in Undertale/Deltarune)

38: Bed size?

Twin. E-even though I don't have a twin. That's kinda sus, ngl.

39: How many pillows are on your bed?

Three! My pillow amount has increased.

40: How many stuffed animals do you have?

I have seven. My stuffed animal level has decreased ;-;

41: Xbox360 or PS4?

I haven't tried either lmao I hate my life.

42: WiFi or Data?


43: Last song you listened to?

Curses by The Crane Wives.

44: Do you still watch cartoons?

Occasionally I'll rewatch Gravity Falls.

45: Fave show as a kid?

Dora the Explorer. Wow I was a frigging nerd when I was younger.

46: Least fave movie?

Still haven't come across it lol

47: Least fave show?

*sigh* Dora.

48: Fave book?

Um...The Unwanteds Book 6: Island of Graves, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Book 4: The Necromancer, Wings of Fire Book 9: Talons of Power, The Girl Who Drank the Moon, The Owl Keeper...the list goes on and on.

49: Least fave book?

I think the name was "My Father's Dragon"? Ugh, I hated that book.

50: What do you dip chicken nuggets in?

The tears of my OCs after going through my angst.

51: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Why are you booing me? I'm right.

52: Cheetos or Fritos?

Obviously, Cheetos are superior, and anyone who disagrees is wrong.

I'm kidding I'm kidding don't come for me-

53: Walmart, Target, or Kmart?

Target. I like to practice my aim by throwing babies at the huge target.

54: Do you sing in the shower?

I don't take showers. I take baths. But yes.

55: Have you ever been in love?


56: Can you swim well?

I can stay afloat. That's enough for me.

57: Tea or coffee?

How dare you. Hot chocolate is superior.

58: Black or green olives?

Ew olives.

59: Knit or crochet?

Ew knitting and crocheting.

60: Fave meme?

Th-this is my sense of humor.

61: On a scale of 1 to Miles Mckena, how meme do you find yourself?

Forgive me, but I lived under a rock under my whole life, and have no clue who Miles Mckena is.

62: Fave Disney Movie?

I friggin' love the Princess and the Frog.

63: Hogwarts House (Harry Potter)?

*kicks down door, chanting* RAVENCLAW! RAVENCLAW! RAVENCLAW!

64: Patronus (Harry Potter)?

An otter! At least it's not a friggin' basset hound, lmao imagine having a basset hound for a Patronus.

65: Faction (Divergent)?

Never read that, but I'ma go take a test. Apparently I'm in Abnegation. Huh.

66: Fave Dreamworks movie?

How To Train Your Dragon, still.

67: What is your Chinese astrological sign?

Bork bork Dog.

68: How many languages do you know?

Interestingly, I'm fluent in Pig Latin.

69 (nice): Who would be your Squip? (BeMoreChill?)

Robert Howard McCollum. (If someone knows who this is, I'll genuinely be surprised.)

Odd choice, I know, but I have my reasons.

70: Godly parent (Percy Jackson)?

Hehehe Athena.

71: Element?

I like water.

72: Favorite Flower?

Um...Forget-me-nots are pretty.

73: Birthday?

October 15th.

74: Favorite milkshake flavor?

If it wasn't obvious, CHOCOLATE.

75: Gem (StevenUniverse)

Sapphire! Again! hehehe foresight go brrrrrrr

76: What weird combination do you enjoy?

My anxiety and my desire to be hugged.

77: Which protagonist from a book or a movie would make the worst roommate?

Harry Potter from...well, you know. You saw what happened to Neville in the first book mainly because of him, sheesh.

78: If you built a themed hotel, what the theme be and what would it look like?

I can't think of something here either, hahaha.

79: What did you google last?

"what would your steven universe gem be"

80: Do you watch anime?


81: Favorite music artist?

Yorushika, Christopher Larkin, Toby Fox, Kanaya, Derivakat, CG5, SquigglyDigg...the list goes on.

82: Favorite Avenger?

Still Thor.

83: Favorite villain?

I like Darkstalker from Wings of Fire. That's the only villain I can think of off the top of my head that I actually like.

84: Favorite member from Justice League?

I don't pay attention to the Justice League.

85: Favorite antihero?

I don't honestly know. I know y'all will probably want me to say Deadpool, but I've never seen Deadpool.

86: Fruits or vegetables?


87: What do you dip a hot dog in?

I'm sorry, "dip a hot dog in"?



88: Pizza topping?

Cheese, bacon, chicken, cilantro, yum.

89: What's your favorite dessert?

Anything that is/has chocolate.

90: Do you eat pasta with a fork or a spoon?

Neither. I just put my face in it and suck like a vacuum.

I know that's the answer from last time, but I still giggle whenever I read it, so I'm keeping it in.

91: Is your hair died?


92: Where is your favorite place to eat out?

There's a really great taco place not too far away.

93: Are your ears pierced?


94: Have you ever broken a bone?


95: What brand of phone do you have?

Don't know the brand name, but I have a dumb Verizon flip phone for "emergencies only".

96: Do you wear glasses?


97: Milk then cereal, or cereal then milk?

You put the bowl first, duh.

98: Are you lazy?

If I got into a contest for laziness, I'd try to get into anything below 3rd place so I won't have to climb steps to receive an award.

But wait, if I'm working harder to insure my laziness, does that truly make me lazy?


99: Math or ELA?

Not to offend my math teacher or anything, but ELA.

100: Shoe brand?

Nike. Still.

I'm skipping re-answering the second tag because it's Star Wars based, and, no offense, was boring to answer. Sorry.

So directly onto the third tag!

Originally tagged by napoleon369

1. What's one weird fact about you?

Looking at a character from an anime makes me happy and calms me down.

I mean, just look.




I will protect him with my life.

2. Favorite food?

I may or may not have mentioned that my favorite edible material to consume is chocolate.

3. First fandom?

I've liked Star Wars for a very long time, but Undertale was the first to introduce me to what a fandom truly was.

4. Best friend?

Otaco_Moonshine hehehe get tagged twice you beautiful human being

5. Current lockscreen?

You already saw it, and I'm too lazy to upload it again.

6. Favorite OTP?

For you SR fans in the comment section, you'll be pleased to know that I ship Kaz. Or is it Daif? Whatever. If someone understands what I'm talking about, you're my new favorite person.

(If you're my brother, you don't count, stinky. You're already my default favorite person.)

7. Birthday?

Once again, Spooktober 15th.

8. Five fears?

1. Death

2. Falling from heights

3. Being alone

4. Being forgotten

5. That I won't make a difference in the world

9. Why did you create this account?

I was interested in being an author for a long time, and about four years ago, a friend introduced me to Wattpad. I've been writing here ever since.

10. Favorite character?

Since that's vague, I'll give you a few options from several fandoms I'm in.

Black Clover: Julius Novachrono

A Hat In Time: Snatcher

Hollow Knight: Quirrel

That's just a few.

11. Favorite things to watch on Youtube?

I like to watch silly and angsty animatics and animations, clips from Dream SMP streams, anime openings, and SR group VODs.

12. Favorite songs?

Ohh boy. Here we go.

Happy Days- Ghost. BLOOD WARNING!

Marionettes- Kanaya

Dear Calypso- CG5

Deep Indigo- Yorushika

Ori and the Blind Forest OST- Light of Nibel

Grandeur- Snowman

This is just the shortened opening version. If you want to listen to the full, pop over to Youtube.

Black Catcher- Vickeblanka

Once again, shortened opening version. Go to Youtube to watch the full.

Curses- The Crane Wives

I have more, probably, but I can't list them off the top of my head.

And now it's time to answer my own questions!

1. Cats or dogs?

Dogs, since I'm allergic to cats ;-;

2. Would you rather shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs?



All of my friends disagree with me, but I'd rather sneeze meatballs than shoot spaghetti out of my fingertips.

I am a terror to all who know me.

3. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

I...um. I can't list anything off the top of my head that I can easily look at and say, "Oh, yeah, that's when I was the most embarrassed."

4. Do you know Satan personally?

No, unfortunately. ;-;

5. If you discovered a new river, what would you name it?

Peen River.

What? It's a nice name. Not dirty at all.

6. What would you do if you say a stray dog in the street?

I'd try to contact the closest animal shelter.

7. A genie comes and grants you 3 wishes. What are your wishes?


*pulls out 10-foot scroll*

1. To have an entire world of my own, one where I can control whatever happens in it. The world is only accessible by me, and no one else will ever be able to know about it. Whenever I enter that world, time freezes in the real world while I'm in there. Every time I exit the world, then come back again, my progress will still be there.

2. The genie lamp stays at my side for the rest of eternity.

3. The genie will forget it met me and return into the lamp.

I shall be a god.

And no one will stop me.

If-if only genies were real.

8. Where are your top 3 dream vacations at?

Greece, France, Wales. Bam.

9. Are you a nerd?


10. If a woodchuck could chuck wood, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

If a woodchuck could chuck wood, a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck wood.

I think that's how it goes :/

11. Have you ever met somebody famous?

No. ;-;

12. Snakes or worms?


13. What are those?

No one knows.

14. What is your favorite color?


15. Would you kick a puppy for $100?


16. Who is your favorite Marvel superhero/heroine?

Captain Marvel.

17. Who are your friends? Tag them if they have accounts.

Otaco_Moonshine This is a reminder to read Shadow Rift.

18. What Greek God are you? (Percy Jackson)

I just suffered for 10 minutes on a laggy site with a million pop-up ads and at the end it didn't even give me an answer.

So I'm just going to say I'm probably Athena and move on.

19. What Hogwarts house are you in? (Harry Potter)

I'm a proud Ravenclaw! 

20. Are you an Unwanted? (The Unwanteds)

For those of you who haven't read the Unwanteds, if you're an Unwanted, that means you're very creative. If you're a Wanted, that means you're strong and intelligent. If you're a Necessary, that means that you're not exactly strong and intelligent, but you're not exactly creative either. That's just the general definition without any of the in-between stuff.

I'm definitely an Unwanted :3

Aaaaand thanks for reading! I hope you guys have a good day, and thank you for randomly deciding to read my stupid content.

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