Unsuspecting Love // Tom Felt...

By PeepsPrincess96

11.9K 260 48

She threw him a half smile as she stirred the pasta sauce boiling away on the stove. Her LA sun bleached beac... More

Doorstep Fights
Missed flights
Always expect the unexpected.
An escape.
The family.
Hollywood Hills
Work Vacation.
The game
Dont lie.
The day that never ends.
A weekend away.
4th times a charm?
A white lie never hurt.
Counting down.
Clean air
A blissful moment.
Fender Bender
Endless Summer Love
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part 3 subsection 1
Day 1 of forever

1 week sober.

277 5 0
By PeepsPrincess96

"This sober shit is real easy when I try" Nick laughs blowing smoke out, passing the joint around, as the family chill in her garden.

"You're not really sober are you" Layla laughs as they dangle their feet in the pool as the boys play in the water.

"I mean I haven't drank in a week so that means I'm sober. Didn't specify from absolutely everything" Nick laughs again laying back in the grass as they enjoy the last of the summer heat.

Maggie comes running out of the house jumping straight into the pool, soaking everyone around him. Nick sits up laughing with the rest of them as Maggie goes swimming around chasing the balls that boy throws them.

Nicoletta Toopoor 21/09/2010

My life and soul.


"Nick are you coming to the show tomorrow?" Ned asks her as he plays with Maggie in the pool.

"Nope. It's Tom's birthday so we are going down to Malibu for a couple days. I think we are going to do some surfing and just chill. Us and the dogs" Nick slips into the pool, hitting a large beach ball with her hand toward Charlie.

Another black lab comes bounding into the garden and with a large leap, lands in the pool splashing everyone just like Maggie.

"Oh hey willow baby" Nick scratches her behind the collar "where's your daddy?" She kisses her in the head.

"He's here" Tom comes walking out into the garden.

Kicking his shoes off, he takes a seat next to Layla. Nick comes swimming over resting on his thighs.

"Hey baby" she stretches up out of the water as Tom leans down to kiss her "how was your audition?" She asks him pushing up her sunglasses.

"Yeah I think it went well darling. What time are we leaving tomorrow?" He asks her

"Urm we can check into the house from 11, so you want to leave here just after 10 babe?" Tom nods getting up from the pool

"Do you want a drink?" He asks her

"Yeah can I get a water please" she blows him a kiss as she turns back to the group.

"Everything ok with you two?" Layla asks as she joins in with the game.

"Yeah I think so" Nick pushing her sunnies up, looking through to the kitchen where Tom is loading up fresh bottles of water into the fridge. "I think he's just worried I'm going to relapse again. I've hardly got a sparkling record with sobriety have I?"

Layla just nods as hits the ball in Peeps direction, she watches as Tom interacts with her friend. He treats her like she is fragile, but in this state she probably is extremely fragile. The way he looks at like she will break at every touch, he is terrified she will crack if he kisses her. With all that said even a fool could see that Tom loves their friend with all his heart. They look so natural together, like they are truly soulmates, they look like how love should be.

"What do you guys want to eat?" Nick asks the group as she stands between Tom's legs who is still on the edge of the pool. Nick rests her arms on either leg as he rests his arms around her neck.

"What about sushi?" Layla asks and the group collectively says no splashing her.

"Urm about Chinese food?" Ned asks.

"Yes!" Everyone shouts.

They all laugh as Nick jumps out of the pool to order food. Tom watches as she walks into the kitchen, he has never seen an ass so perfect in his opinion. He takes the opportunity to give them an alone moment. Running up to Nick as she takes a gulp of Diet Coke he wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her neck.

"Oh hey baby" Nick continues to drink as she stretches her arm behind her to caress the back on his head. "You having fun?" She asks putting her glass on the table, turning around to look at him. Nick stretches up on her tip toes to kiss him.

"Yeah. I like it when your friends are like this baby. I'm excited to go to Malibu tomorrow. Be nice to have some time to just us and dogs" he sits up on the counter.

"Yeah it'll be nice. I'm excited" she smiles up at him, this smile is different, feels more genuine than before like a sober smile. Nick is about to speak again when the buzzer goes for the door "that's weird. The food shouldn't be here so soon" she checks her phone for the time shrugging her shoulders heading over or he phone. "Hello?" The screen pops up with Brody, Frankie and Audrina.

"Hey gorgeous. Heard you having a pool party" Brody laughs down the phone.

"Brody Jenner you just invited yourself? You know it's a sober pool day and there's Chinese food on the way" she presses the button to let them all in when a small delivery guy pulls up as well. "OH MY GOD IS THAT FRANKIE DELGADO?!" She pretends to be a crazed fan. Handing over money for the food she thanks the driver. "Hey babe can you set the table outside please"

"Sure darling" tom heads outside with plates.

"Brody did you bring your own food?" Nick laughs as they all head outside "guys come on" she places the food out. "Thanks Frankie" he hands a bottle of water as he takes a seat next to her, Tom on her other side. "You all met didn't you?"

"Yeah I think so at the funeral" Brody answers as he looks around the table.

"Wait how did you two meet?" Tom asks pointing at Brody and Nick.

"Well that's a funny story" Nick, Frankie and Brody all laugh. "I met Frankie through my work and we became best friends instantly. Frankie was DJing at Urm Les Deaux and I had done the graphics for the DJ box. He was like come down, you gotta meet my bro. You'll love him" the three of them laugh at Nick's impression of Frankie "and literally for a week Frankie would not stop texting me. Then I get this text off an unknown number when I was lunch with Frankie. And I look up at him and I'm like what the fuck have you done Frankie. The text reads hey, Frankie says you're coming out tonight. He says that I'm gonna love you. Can't wait. Brody" so I definitely wasn't going after that. I even blocked his number" Nick laughs into her chair as Brody looks shocked.

"What really?" Brody looks shocked.

"Yes" Nick and Frankie laugh.

"Wait did you know?!" He looks upset at Frankie but still laughing.

"Sorry man" he laughs.

"So I wasn't going but I was bored that night so I was like fuck it. Let's go. So I got al dressed up, showed my SBE card to get in because I wasn't 21 yet" she laughs "the first person I see is Brody. Like literally waiting by the door for me and he literally grabs my hand and pulls me to the DJ booth. And shows me to Frankie like a toy and goes Frankie Frankie she came. Look she is" Nick and Frankie laughs at he impression of Brody. "We literally spent the whole night together, that night they were filming for the hills and like I think at the time all the girls did not like me as the newcomer" she laughs looking at Audrina. Who stretches out her hand and Nick grabs it.

"I didn't, you know me but I think the others did a little" she laughs.

"But I was such a private person that for like a month solid my name was everywhere. Oh Brody in the club with a mystery blonde, Brody Jenner out for lunch with a blonde. Mystery blonde caught surfing with Brody Jenner and Frankie Delgado. Like my name was everywhere. So I texted him and I was like can't do this. Like I'm done with my name being in the press like this. I even had Perez Hilton like commenting on my body, putting out there that I've had surgery blah blah. The only thing fake about me is my fucking lips and I literally called him out on it. I'm private but I'm not shady. Like I'll own up to it to my lips being fake. I fucking love them" they all laugh "but I text Brody and Frankie and was like I can't do this. We didn't then speak for like 4 months. But I calmed down and we started hanging out again but I did what I do best and I just pissed the press off constantly didn't I?" She points to Brody laughing.

"Oh my god they would get so pissed. Like so pissed. Like you blacked out the car, would wear ridiculously big shades and then would tweet everything and every photo so they could never sell them. The funniest thing was when we went surfing and she made us take like literally 100 photos and then would post 2/3 a day for ages. I was having lunch with my friend that works at magazine who said they got the photos for the spread off her Twitter and about an hour later a pap tried to sell them to her. Like this big post Bruce Jenners kid is partying and hanging out with this rocker chick. But they could cause they were all on social media. It became our fave thing to do was to piss the paps off" Brody tells the story.

"We've been like the three musketeers ever since. We had a little apart when you got distant because of the twat but we all together now" Frankie says.

"I propose a toast...with water" Nick laughs "to finding true friends in Hollywood" everyone cheers their cups.

They sit round the fire until late in the evening, reminiscing on memories with their friends. Tom and Nick sit cuddled up under the blanket. He is loving hearing about her memories with her friends. It's liking finding out another chapter of her life that he didn't know before.

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