Fake scenarios u can read whi...

By ii_niiko

98 2 0

In this book i'm going to write scenarios i think of at night or during the day .Hope you will enjoy them :))... More

Gaming cuddles

Late night date

58 1 0
By ii_niiko

Living in a seaside city near the shore was quite beautiful .Soft breeze entered in your room through the window you left opened earlier today , you had a dream life... a boyfirend was missing from it tho.

You had your eyes on a guy, but thought he was way out of your league so you setteled knowing he won't aknowledge you.

Your POV
It was summer when i first saw him in a parking lot near my house. He was with his friends skating and i well ... i was with my mom grocery shopping . Don't get me wrong i love my mom and spending time with her but if i go up to him she'll start babbling about how he will be her next son-in-law and i despise her so much for that.
While she was checking the reciept i took a photo of him , my friend lives in this neighbourhood so she had to know him.

Third POV
You were now in the car blasting Lady Gaga with your mom . Thinking about the photo you took you decide to send it to that girl to see if she knows him.

She responds quite quickly and gives you his socials .You look through his page and notice how most of the photos were of him skating near that parking lot, he has quite a lot of fangirls tho...


Thinking back of the first day you saw him and how close you got now makes your heart flutter . He was the dream guy you always wanted , so close to make him yours but yet so far.

You only spoke to him for a couple of months but didn't get any info about him beeing into you . You usually went out with him in the evenings or to the skatepark . You didn't mind that but wanted more than you have .

Laying in bed and smelling the salty air you decide to plug your phone so it will charge but when you were about to let it on the nightstand the phone dings , a notification appearing from the top of the phone . It was from him. You open the message and read it only for it to leave butterflies in your stomach.
Saw you were stressing out about the start of school , come outside :)

You look out of your window only to see him standing on the curb with a satisfaction face waving gently at u .

Your POV

It was 2 am an he just said to go out , my mom will kill me but here goes nothing.
I dress up (however u want but keep in mind ur going skating) and take my board jumping out of my window onto the roof of the house climbing down the ladder my dad left there when he painted the house.

Well , Well , Well you look stunning as always :) .He says putting his board down making a head movement telling me to follow him.

Oh god stop beeing so cheesy.Now , tell me what made you come by my place at this hour , quite unlikely for that to happend. I say while following him down the road.

Wanted to get you out of that house .

Hmm, sureeee...

I swear, nothing more.

Ok then. Where are we going ? Or you want to keep beeing mysterious?

I'd preffer beeing mysterious.

With that he ended the conversation to tell me we were close . I knew this part of the city . A summer carinval is held here did he take me on a date ? That can't be it . Or can it? Either way i snap out of my thoughts when i hear him saying to pick up my board.

Hope you like fair rides and rollercoasters.

Hell , i do !

Perfect then , you can choose wich one you like from here i'll pay for it so no worries.

Oh, i see , you can pay for the rides but everytime we go out you can't afford a drink is it ? i say giggling

He grabs my hand and starts laughing I said it's on me so pick one before i change my mind.

(It looks something like this so yea 😭)

How about that tower it goes up and down , no big deal, right?

Ah , one of my faourites .

Is it ?

Yup it's fun especially when you go down.

I'd like to see someone else go down... you wisper hoping he wouldn't hear.

He grabs you into a hug from behind and wishpers into your ear.

What was that?

I- Uh- Nothing.

Hmm , i heard something else but okayy .He said in a low tone ( omg hope it is not awkward )making you get butterflies.

You two get on the ride and contine your night this way until your blood is full of adrenaline and insides are twirling from the sensations the rides have left.

Ok so this was fun...You know i enjoy beeing around you.He says while sitting next to you putting his head on your shoulder.
I actually saw you with your mom a couple months ago i think , i talked about you with my friends i didn't think we'd get close but here we are .

I think i like you ,i might say you are just perfect.

You had no words. Did he confess his feelings to you?

Ahh please say something or it will be awkward.

Well i kinda like you a lot , like a lot lot . You say after a few moments of silence .For a few months i was obsessed with you and um you were the only thing on my mind-
My bad i should stop , am i creeping you out?

Actually no ... that is why i like you you're fun to be around and generally say what is on your mind he says cupping my cheeks and kissing my lips softly.He then looks me in the eyes and hugs me scrathing my head , i almost instantly hug him back and linger in his hold for a few more minutes .
After we stopped hugging i grab my board and he does the same going back to my house.

Thank you for this night. It was amazing .

Well next time i won't pay for anything.

Ahh what do you meannn i say in a childish tone.

Okay, i'll think about it ... he grabs me in one last hug resting his head on top of mine sighing softly.See you tommorow.

Sure thingy just text me at what hour. i say smiling while climbing up the ladder .

He waited for me to get in my room then made his way home . Hearing the noise from his skateboard slowly fading away in the distance made me sigh and plop on the bed pinching myself to see if it was a dream or not .
It was not. The way he spoke the way he teased me i loved it all and after all this time he is finally mine and i will take care of him.

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