Undo Time | ᶜᵉᵈᵐᶦᵒⁿᵉ [EDITED]

De annxbethchase

754 38 4

[EDITED] [BOOK ONE] In Hermione Granger's fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she fin... Mais

1- Back to the Burrow
3- The Hogwarts Express
4- The Feast, Humiliation, and Announcements
5- The Triwizard Tournament

2- The Quidditch World Cup

143 7 2
De annxbethchase


Hermione came down from her shower to a very cranky Weasley family sitting around the table, along with Harry and their guests. The Weasleys had taken every seat at the table besides the one that was next to Cedric, but it was very evident that Ron was longing to sit next to the coolest boy from Hogwarts from the way he was staring at the empty chair. Amos and Mr. Weasley were having a conversation about the Hogwarts house-league quidditch, which they had somehow dragged a tired-looking Harry into.

"-Well, of course Harry understands. He would've said the same thing, wouldn't you Harry! Two boys are on a broom and one falls off and the other doesn't, you tell me who's the better flyer!" Hermione heard him say as she sat down in the chair next to Cedric. He grumbled and murmured to himself as his father bragged about his son's 'excellent quidditch skills.' "I hate when he talks about me like this. I've told him a million times that those were unfair circumstances," Cedric whispered to Hermione.

Hermione turned her head and looked into Cedric's eyes. She forced herself not to start blushing as she let out a small squeak in response. She quickly looked away and started to shovel down her porridge. She had a long day ahead of her and she needed all the energy she could get.

"So boys and girls, are you ready to go?" Mr. Weasley stood up as the children were scraping up the last spoonfuls of porridge from the bowls. Hermione, Harry, and Cedric rested their bowls and spoons down in the sink as the rest of the family and guests all cheered and marched out the door, leaving a heap of dishes on the table for Mrs. Weasley to clean up.

The Weasleys and co. wandered on for what seemed like hours. Hermione and Ginny walked at the back of the crowd, whispering among themselves. Every once in a while, Hermione would catch the eye of Cedric, who would occasionally look behind him, and flushed.The group stopped marching once they reached the crest of a large hill. The group gathered around an old dirty boot, and Hermione saw that Harry's eyebrows were furrowed with confusion, similar to her own.

"Err... What exactly does a manky old boot have to do with the Quidditch World Cup?" Harry asked.

The adults and Cedric stared at Harry, confused, momentarily forgetting that he grew up in the muggle world. "This is a portkey, it'll take us to where the World Cup will be held," replied Cedric.

Amos chuckled. "Imagine that. My son knows more about the wizarding world than the boy who saved it," to which Cedric groaned.

"Dad, it's not his fault he doesn't know what a Portkey is, he's lived with muggles all his life!"

"All right, it's a minute off, better get ready," announced Mr. Weasley as he stared at his watch. "You just need to touch the portkey, that's all, a finger will do," he told Harry and Hermione as the rest of the Wizards bent down to touch the boot. Their large backpacks made it difficult to find a space that allowed them to access a grip on the boot, but Hermione and Harry finally managed, nearly on top of one another, as Mr. Weasley started to count down.

"Three... Two... One..." For a moment, nothing happened and Hermione wondered just how ridiculous they looked. Nine people, two of them were grown men, all hovered around touching an old boot. She could tell Harry was thinking the same thing as he stifled a laugh beside her.

All of a sudden, the portkey lifted them off the ground. Hermione's stomach churned and her head spun as they were being transported from the crest of the hill to Who-Knows-Where. In a matter of seconds, they landed flat on the ground, and she heard several groans coming from all around her. Sheflipped onto her back and saw Cedric and the two adults standing up, not affected at all by their crash landing, unlike everyone else. Cedric held out a hand to Hermione and she took it, but he hoisted her up too fast she stumbled into Cedric's chest as her vision went starry. He caught her and held her in his arms until she was steady. When she was well balanced and stable again, he gave her a charming smile and went to go help the others stand up, and Hermione's cheeks turned a violent shade of red.

Hermione was disappointed to find that Cedric and Amos would not be staying on the same campground as them. It gave her less of a chance to ogle at Cedric. As they reached their campground, the Diggorys gave them small waves, and in Hermione's case, a wink from Cedric, which did not go unnoticed by the twins. They snickered and teased her as Mr. Weasley started giving them their chores for setting up camp.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had to go fetch water from the tap, which meant that the three of them had to walk for nearly a kilometre, dodging people riding brooms, and avoiding angry ministry officials. Ron spent the whole walk complaining about how his father wanted to do things the muggle way.

"-Honestly, it would be much easier if we could just use a water summoning charm instead of making us fetch it ourselves. Who cares if the muggle sees, they can just place a memory charm on him, you heard what the bloke said, he already has been obliviated every half hour!"

"Ron I don't think you get it, he shouldn't have to have a memory charm placed on him at all! The wizards should be more careful around muggles, they know that!" Harry responded. "And besides, you don't even know how to use the water summoning charm, and we're not allowed to use magic outside of school!"

"Jeez, you're starting to sound like Hermione," Ron said. The two boys turned to Hermione, but she wasn't listening. She was still thinking about her static touch with Cedric Diggory. When she didn't respond, they shrugged and started discussing the possible outcomes of the quidditch match later.

Hermione rolled her eyes as Harry, Ron, and the rest of the Weasley siblings drooled over the dancing Veela before the quidditch match began. She couldn't understand how they were so attracted to people that they didn't even know, no matter how beautiful they were. She turned to look behind her, scared that Cedric was as entranced by the witches as the Weasleys were, but he seemed unfazed. He gave Hermione a quick smile before turning his attention back to the show=off between the Veelas and the Leprechauns.

When the music stopped, Hermione looked to see that Harry had his leg up on the wall and was doing some sort of dance move, while Ron was making an upset face that the Veela had finished dancing. The twins and Ginny were shouting at the Veelas, demanding that they continue to dance.

"Harry? What are you doing?" She asked. He seemed to be in a sort of daze. When he heard her question, he suddenly went pink and sat back down in the seat between her and Ron.

Harry and the Weasleys were screaming and shouting as the game came to a finish.

"AND IRELAND WINS!" Shouted Ludo Bagman through his wand. "KRUM CATCHES THE SNITCH- BUT IRELAND WINS!"

At that final statement, if someone were to say 'the crowd went wild,' it would be an understatement. Hermione covered her ears as wizards and witches all around her shouted- both in happiness and frustration, but her ears still ached from the intense volume of the crowd's passion, and her hearing was murky as they exited their seats.

After an hour or so, Hermione and the Weasleys made it back to their tent and were enjoying a nice dinner when the singing outside turned into screams and crashes. Mr. Weasley peeked his head outside in worry and quickly came back into the tent. "Everyone grab your jackets and run! RUN!" Shouted Mr. Weasley as he grabbed his wand and jacket. "I'm going to help go to the forest and STICK TOGETHER! George and Fred, you're in charge. Get them all to safety." He pushed them all out of the tent as he, along with Charlie, Billm and Percy, ran towards Ludo Bagman and the other ministry members.

The eight children ran, Fred and George grabbed Ginny's hands, and ran ahead, towards the forest. Eventually, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were so far behind that they couldn't see the others.

"Guys! I can't believe it, I've lost my wand!" Said Harry as they came to a halt.

"Again?" Asked Hermione. She was completely astounded. The amount of times Harry had lost his wand or left it somewhere was so large that it was unknown.

Just then, they spotted a man deeper in the forest, muttering something. They hid behind a large tree and watched in silence as a green light came out of the end of his wand and formed the shape of a skull and a snake in the air. A snap of twigs could be heard from nearby, and the man bolted. A house elf came out of the trees closest to the trio, a black stick in its hands.

"Hey! That's my wand!" Said Harry as he spotted her, but before he could get it back, curses were being shot at the four from each direction.

"STOP! Those are my children!" Shouted Mr. Weasley from the bunch ministry members. They looked at Harry as he took his wand back from the house elf. Then they looked at the symbol in the sky.

"You! You did this! You've put up the Dark Mark!" Said Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, to Harry.

"No! Sir! There was a man, he was right there in those trees! He made that symbol and ran as he heard you coming!" Shouted Hermione as the minister pointed his wand at Harry.

"We've heard that one before. Why don't we just find out what the last spell that was used! Unless this house elf was the one who placed the Dark Mark?" Said a man with a deep voice.

"No, I was not placing the evil Mark sir, no sir, I is just getting out of the way sir. I is meaning no trouble!" Said the house elf.

"Give me the wand, boy!" Shouted the man. Harry reluctantly handed him his wand and the man said a spell that Hermione didn't recognize. All the men gasped when a green light emerged from the tip of Harry's wand. "Boy! You're in a lot of trouble!"

"No Archie! Stop! He's just a boy, he doesn't even know what the Dark Mark is! Please, he is clearly in shock. I know this boy, and he is not evil, actually he's the exact opposite! Blimey, Archie! Don't you recognize him? It's Harry Potter!" Shouted Arthur as the man pointed his wand at the four children and the house elf.

The man clearly realized his mistake and hurriedly gave the wand back to Harry, muttering an apology. The three and Arthur went to find the others.

Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Arthur found the others at the field that they were brought to after using the portkey the day before. The others had sought out shelter at the edge of the forest, near a small creek, which is where they all sat when the whole group reunited.

They all made it back to the Burrow after a few hours of disassembling their tents and setting up a portkey after the attackers were gone. Ms. Weasley greeted them all with a hug and started crying when she realized that everyone was okay. They all went to bed and had a restless sleep.

Dear Hermione,

I hope you're well. After the attack at the Quidditch Cup, I asked my dad if we could go check on you lot, but he's been flooded with ministry work ever since we got home. Mother's going ballistic, as one should, but she won't let me leave the house alone, and she's been busy with work as well. How is everyone? I hope they're not too shaken up after the dark mark incident. My father said that you, Harry, and Ron were at the scene of crime. It sounds terrifying.

Do you know when you'll be going to Diagon Alley? It would be a great help if I could come with you, otherwise I'm not sure my mom will let me go shopping for school supplies at all, and I'm desperately in need of some new robes. Please send a letter back letting me know if I can come, it would help a lot, and it would put my mother's nerves to rest.

Thank you,

Cedric Diggory

Dear Cedric,

I think that your mother's worry is very justifiable. Merlin knows that my parents would demand that I come home if they knew how dangerous the event was. Mrs. Weasley has also been very worried about us. She keeps feeding us more and more food, I think she believes that it acts as a medicine towards the traumatised. At least the non-stop income of food makes Ron stop complaining that we're not allowed past the orchard when we go outside.

I've asked Mrs. Weasley when we would be going down to Diagon Alley and she said that she was planning on going alone. However, she has offered to take me along, and says that she wouldn't mind if you came as well. She's running out of floo powder, and doesn't want to take an entire trip just to get some more when she can get it in Diagon Alley with our supplies, but she doesn't have enough for the entire family to take a trip. We can meet you at the Leaky Cauldron on Wednesday at noon.

Love from,

Hermione Granger


Thank you! My mother has agreed to let me go to Diagon Alley with you so long as I'm being accompanied by someone at all times. Wednesday at noon sounds great. I'm excited to see you again, especially since my father won't be around being loud and ignorant. Don't get me wrong, I love my father, but sometimes he's a little too insensitive for my taste.

I understand that my mother's worry is justifiable. In a way, I can empathise with her-- when I heard those screams and curses being fired, I was worried for you. And the Weasleys too, of course. I hope Mrs. Weasley doesn't stuff you too much-- we don't want you getting sick, do we?

Anyways, you should definitely tell your parents about what happened at the Quidditch Cup, I'm sure they would want to know if you were in any dangerous situation, even if you came out unharmed. I sure would.

Thanks again!

Cedric Diggory

P.S. What's your favourite colour?

Dear Cedric,

I know that I should tell my parents about what happened at the Cup, but that would also mean I would have to tell them about what happens every year at Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, and I are always in dangerous situations, and this was no different than anything else we've faced. The truth is, I haven't told my parents about any of the things that happen at Hogwarts because if they knew, they wouldn't let me return, and I've still got so much to learn.

As for your question about my favourite colour-- it's green. Not an ugly bright green, or Slytherin green, but a dark, forest green. I know you're probably laughing right about now because I just said 'Slytherin green,' as if it were a real shade, but you know what I meant. What is yours? I'm assuming yellow-- 'Hufflepuff pride' or whatever. (That was a joke, if you couldn't tell.)


Hermione Granger

Dear Hermione,

My favourite colour is yellow, thank you very much. And no, it's not because I'm in Hufflepuff, it's because it reminds me of sunflowers (my favourite flower, in case you were wondering), and my gran's chocolate chip cookies, and mango juice and everything good in the world. But also maybe a little bit because I'm in Hufflepuff.

I think you're in a tough position: if you tell your parents now, they may never allow you to return to Hogwarts, but if they find out later, they may not trust you anymore. I do, however, think that you're acting in theirs and everyone else's best interest. If you didn't help Harry and Ron, they would probably take ten times longer to save the school. Everyone knows that you're the brains behind the operation-- the beauty too.

I can't wait to see you on Wednesday, I haven't seen anyone other than my parents since the World Cup-- so a week? Week and a half? I'm usually out with my mate Ian every day, but he's off in Spain with his family. Sometimes I wish I accepted his offer to go with him, but then I wouldn't have gone to the World Cup... or started talking to you. Anyways-- I really hope you like ice cream because I plan on treating you to some from Florean's on our trip. Now I'm craving ice cream.


Cedric Diggory

Hermione and Mrs. Weasley took the floo to the Leaky Cauldron exactly five minutes to noon on Wednesday. Hermione spotted Cedric right away, he was talking to another boy from Hogwarts. Hermione had seen him around school before, but didn't know his name. Cedric looked over and Hermione waved, to which he grinned and waved in return. He said goodbye to his friend before rushing over to Hermione and Mrs. Weasley. "Hello Mrs. Weasley," he said.

"Hello, Cedric, dear. How are you?"

"I'm great, thank you. I was wondering if I could take Hermione to Florean's for some ice cream. I promise I will not leave her side the entire time, unless she needs to use the washroom," Cedric asked.

"So long as you promise to stay together and not to go to Knockturn Alley, I think that should be fine," Mrs. Weasley said. "Are you alright with that, Hermione?"

"Oh, yes. Thank you very much Mrs. Weasley," Hermione grinned. Mrs. Weasley waved goodbye to Hermione and Cedric as they left the Leaky Cauldron.

"Where did you want to go first?" Hermione asked. "We could go to Madame Malkin's and get robes. I should probably buy a new pair as well, seeing as my robes from last year are up to my mid calf," Hermione laughed.

"Sure, Madame Malkin's sounds great. Then we can go to Flourish and Blotts. I've also got to go to the apothecary," Cedric replied. The other wizards and witches in Diagon Alley were skittish-- Hermione had nearly run into a man as they turned the corner, and Cedric had to stand between the two of them as the man started to shout at her. The people nearby the occurrence stopped and watched the interaction, too scared to intervene.

"Sir, sir, please, she meant no harm," Cedric said, holding his hand out in front of him.

"You'd better watch yourself," he threatened before marching off.

Cedric turned to face Hermione. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Thank you, Cedric."

"Good. We should probably get inside before anyone else tries to scream at us," Cedric said, holding open the door to Madame Malkin's for Hermione.

"Hello dears, here for Hogwarts robes?" Madame Malkin asked.

"Yes, we are. Lovely to see you again Margerie," Cedric said.

"Oh, Cedric! I didn't even recognize you, my dear boy. Oh, how you've grown! It's no wonder you need a new robe fitting!" Cedric laughed. "And who is this? Is she your girlfriend, Cedric?"

"Oh, er-- no, we're just friends," Hermione said, a blush creeping to her cheeks. "I'm Hermione Granger, it's a pleasure to formally meet you, Madame Malkin."

"It's lovely to meet you too, dear. I've had you in here before, yes? You seem like such a clever girl, perfect for Cedric. We're related, you know. We share a great uncle. Come on, dear, I'll just have you up on this pedestal-- that's it. So, what year are you in at Hogwarts, Hermione?:

"I'm going into my fourth year," Hermione responded.

"And? Are you excited?"

"Oh yes," Hermione said. "Last year, I tried every course to see which ones I liked-- then I eventually stopped taking Muggle Studies and Divination, since I'm a muggleborn, and well, let's face it. divination is absolutely inaccurate. I could barely contain my anger when Professor Trelawney said that we wouldn't be needing books. How do you study if you don't need a book? It makes no sense."

It was clear that Madame Malkin wasn't able to keep up with Hermione when she responded with "That's nice, dear," But as she looked over at Cedric, she could tell that he was hanging on to her every word.

"I quite like divination," He responded. "It's interesting. I think that it could be useful."

"How? To tell the weather? News flash, it's cloudy!"

"Well you never know when it's going to rain," Cedric responded.

"That's not true at all! You can tell when it's going to rain by looking at the clouds' shapes! Honestly, you don't know what a bloody rain cloud looks like?"

"No... where did you learn that?"

"Erm-- science class? What did you do up until Hogwarts? Did you not go to a school?"

"Well I was mainly homeschooled on the basics, astronomy, herbology, and I helped mum make potions from time to time."

"Oh." Hermione fell silent for a moment. "I'm sorry for being so rude about clouds," She apologized.

"That's fine, Hermione, you don't need to be."

"I was being a bit rude though, wasn't I? Now that I think back on it, it sounds as though I was trying to make you feel inferior for not knowing something that isn't common knowledge," She said as Madame Malkin's magical tools trimmed and sewed the hem of her robes.

"Honestly, Hermione, it's fine. You didn't hurt my feelings at all," Cedric said from the other pedestal.

"What does your mother do?" Hermione asked.


"Well you said that you helped her make potions every now and then. What does she do?"

"Oh! She's a potioneer. She supplies potions for the healers at St. Mungo's."

"Wow. That's amazing. That must be an important job."

"Definitely. She's always in her lab making hordes of potions. She's singed her eyebrows off a couple of times from potions that she let simmer for too long or from accidentally putting in the wrong ingredients while making two potions at the same time."

Hermione giggled. "That sounds amazing. I would love to be a potioneer one day."

"Really? It's a lot of work," Cedric said.

"Oh, yes. I'm counting on it. What's life without a bit of challenge?" Cedric watched Hermione in curiosity. "What?" She asked.

"I like you more and more the longer I talk to you," Cedric said. A blush crept up Hermione's neck, flowing all the way up to the tips of her ears. She tried to speak, but when she opened her mouth, nothing came out: so instead she just smiled back at him.

"Alright, loves. I'm just about finished, I've just got to cut off a few extra strings, and you'll be set," Madame Malkin said.

"Thank you, Madame Malkin," Hermione said as the seamstress stepped away from Hermione to finish Cedric's robes.

"You're welcome, dear."

After paying for their new robes, Hermione and Cedric left Madame Malkin's to head to Flourish and Blotts. When they arrived, the store was nearly empty. It was odd to see the bookshop so quiet so close to the school year. "Are you here for Hogwarts books?" An employee asked.

"Yes. We've got our lists here," Cedric said, pulling out his own list. Hermione did the same.

"Alright, Advanced Guide to Transfiguration, Advanced potion making, Quintessence: A Quest, Confronting the Faceless, Flesh Eating Trees of the World, and Divination: The Power of the Sight." The witch flicked her wand in several different directions and the textbooks from Cedric's list came flying towards her and landed in a neat stack on the desk beside her. She then read off the textbooks from Hermione's list and they did the same. She handed the books to Cedric and Hermione and led them to the cash register.

"Was there anything else that you wanted today?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you had a copy of er--" Hermione shoved her hand in her pocket and found a little piece of paper that she had written the name of books on. "Beating the Bludgers - A Study of Defensive Strategies in Quidditch by Kennilworthy Whisp?"

The witch flicked her wand again and a book whizzed past Hermione's ear and onto her pile of books. "Anything else?"

"Erm-- yes. The Biography of Galvin Gudgeon by Eldred Worple?" The witch repeated her motion and the book flew from the shelf behind her and onto Hermione's stack. "And,er-- that's everything, thank you."

The witch smiled at her and rang up her and Cedric's books. As they left, Cedric said: "I didn't know you were into Quidditch."

"I'm not really. I bought those books for Harry and Ron as Christmas gifts. It's easier than going to Hogsmeade while they're with me."

"Oh," Cedric said as they reached the Apothecary. "I've got to get some potion ingredients. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all! I've got to get some myself," Hermione said, following Cedric inside. The apothecary, unlike Flourish and Blotts, was crowded to the extent that Hermione had to grab Cedric's hand so they wouldn't be separated. Hermione and Cedric continued to hold hands as they finished in the apothecary and made their way to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.

"Hello Cedric, hello Hermione! How are you?" He asked as they approached the counter.

Hermione, in a slight shock that he remembered her name, smiled. "I'm lovely, how are you, Mr. Fortescue?"

"I'm very well, thank you. When did you two start courting?" He asked.

Hermione and Cedric jumped apart quickly once they realized that they were still holding hands. "Er-- we're not, we're just friends," Hermione said.

"Oh, apologies. You two seem so close, I only assumed-- well, nevermind. What can I get you two today?"

"Can I have a strawberry sundae please?" Cedric asked, unfazed by Florean's assumptions.

"Definitely, and for you, Hermione?"

"Can I have a scoop of double chocolate ice cream in a bowl, please?"

"Most certainly," He said as he magically conjured their purchases. "That will be three sickles and a knut. Is it together or separate?"

"Together--" Cedric said at the same time that Hermione said "Separate."

"Cedric, it's fine, I can pay for my own ice cream," Hermione said.

"Please, allow me. I already told you that I would buy you ice cream. Let me pay. Please," He added when Hermione gave him a disapproving look.

Hermione sighed. "Fine," She said, knowing that Cedric would only press on until she let him.

"Excellent. Here you are, Mr. Fortescue. Thank you very much."

Hermione took Cedric's hand again and dragged him out of the shop, calling a "Thank you" over her shoulder.

"You didn't have to do that," She said. "I'm fully capable of paying for my own ice cream."

"I know you are, Hermione. I just wanted to do something nice for you since you helped me get to Diagon Alley. My mother also wanted me to buy you an ice cream to thank you," Cedric said.

"Fine, well, only because your mother asked you to," Hermione said, letting out a false sigh as she grinned at Cedric.

"Well, mother's always right, isn't she?"

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