The Last Dragonpire (Book 1 o...

Da FelixEdison

82 8 14

First book of the Burmia Series. Summary: An Orphan, a mysterious book of family history, and a family doctor... Altro

A Small Gift
Masquerade Ball

Daily Check-Up

6 2 2
Da FelixEdison

The echoing sounds of footsteps reverberated off the thick walls of the West Wing hallway.

Adrien was on his way to check on his patients, before he left for the afternoon. Alpine Industries had strict policies to make sure everyone and everything in the building was secure. Adrien knew the protocol, so he didn't need to be told twice. Tonight, he wore his usual lab coat and glasses, long brown pants and black shoes. His long blonde hair was tied in a low ponytail, and he held a clipboard in his hand that held the records of the recent patient he had been keeping tabs on.

There was a large lab that Adrien worked in called, Lab Section - W4. It held giant cylinders, beeping machines and a lot of computer screens. As Adrien walked in with confidence, he greeted his other comrades who were busy keeping their eyes on the screens.

"Alright, Royce, what have you got for me?" he asks, placing the clipboard down upon one of the desks.

Royce was the Assistant Manager for Section W4, and had overseen most of the patient's progress. He was also wearing a lab coat, navy blue working pants and dark shoes on his feet. His red hair was short and curved in a way that made him look younger, and if it wasn't that, it was his pretty green eyes and pearly white smile that made the girls swoon.

As Royce began to explain the progress so far, Adrien examined the wave-lengths of their patients' heart rate. Walking away from the desk as Royce continued his chatter, Adrien's eyes scanned over the many beings that sat in the cylinder-like chambers.

Their bodies floated in a light blue liquid that kept their skin from aging. While they may have looked human, they had heavy side effects from a potion that they had been given once so often. Some parts of their bodies reacted to such a potion, and had turned into something inhumanly impossible. Their hair was long and dark, and their skin clammed up with scales or bulging veins. The lower half would either be part of a sea creature or an animal of some kind. Adrien couldn't really tell at this point.

"We're still working on the aspects of their actions, so putting them through training would be ideal, " Royce concluded, gathering up his papers and placing them into a black mila folder.

"Thank you for the report, Royce," Adrien spoke gently, nodding with approval.

Even with Royce being the Assistant Manager, Adrien was at a higher rank than he was, and he trusted Royce's judgement.

"Send the report to my Office. I'll be leaving early today."

Royce raised a curious eyebrow of this. "Who gave the permission?"

"The Boss, of course. I told him that there is an experiment of my own that I'll be seeing through, so I won't be around for awhile." He picked up his clipboard, took a picture of the report he had worked on earlier, and began to gather his things.

"You're taking an early retirement?"

"Something along the lines, but I'll still need the reports every other week, while I'm off doing what's needed."

Royce nodded, not quite sure what to think, but nonetheless, knew how to do his job. "Of course, sir. I'll make sure the reports are sent to you, personally."

Taking off his lab coat, Adrien hung it up in the locker room, now showing off a long-sleeved brown sweater, with his brown pants and a normal pair of black shoes. He grabbed his keys, wallet, and pulled on another pair of glasses, placing his work ones in his locker. Once locked up tight, he bid the others a good day, and left the facility as fast he could caper.

Once he made it to his car, he rode to Edison's mansion, wanting to check on their new arrival, Felix Edison.


Walking through the backdoor of the mansion, Adrien runs into a few maids who were busy preparing dinner.

"Oh, excuse me, are the parents home?" he asks one of the maids who nearly rammed him.

She apologized sincerely with a bow, before letting him know that the parents were out at the Emporium with Felix for the day. When asked where the other children were, the maid mentions that Spencer had gone out with some friends, Blaire was visiting her grandmother for the week, and Mercer was upstairs playing video games. After thanking her for the info, Adrien left back out.

Since the afternoon was coming to a close, he assumed that he should go check on the Emporium. Hopefully by then, he could talk to Felix a little more. The boy had been growing up pretty fast, and was already 16 years old. Time had gone by too quickly for Adrien's liking.

He made it to the Emporium as fast as he could, and found that they hadn't closed up shop yet. The Emporium was placed between two stores, a coffee shop, and an arcade, but they were spaced apart to give off the looks of alleyways. The Emporium was also located in the downtown area, so of course it made sense when there was a line waiting to get in. Adrien took his trip to the back of the store, and walked in unannounced. He found Mrs. Edison working the cash register, Mr. Edison was busy stocking up some more boxes into the storage room, and Felix was busy helping customers find what they needed.

It appeared the place was booming.

Being an Antique shop had its advantages and disadvantages. Seeing as it was full of brightly colored items, it looked more like a fortune teller's home away from home. There were many things hanging from the ceilings, a lot of jars and containers on glass shelves, and the rest just piled up on the counters or walls. Most of the items were either trinkets, body fossils, weird slime in cans or bottles, and anything else you could think of.

Adrien wasn't quite sure where the Edisons got their weird knick knacks and the like, but it intrigued him with how many people were interested in their crazy designs and mystical materials.

"Oooh, I like this scarf! It's so colorful and vibrant! How much?"

It seems even the simplest things could be found as well. Although the scarf the elder woman was asking for had some magical aura to it, Adrien could see its value. It looked like a blend of the nebula's colors, and yet, held a spark of magic in it. He guessed if anyone would wear it, it would give them some type of ability. He hoped the woman knew what she was doing.

"That's a wonderful choice, ma'am. If you like, you could get the set of 3 for the price of one. That'll be $15," Felix spoke with a smile.

The woman was already wearing a scarf, but it looked tethered and worn. Adrien wondered if she knew this was an Antique shop and not a clothes store. But, she accepted the offer, which made Felix gesture her towards the counter where his mother was busy ringing up customers.

"Come this way and we will get them checked out for you."

Adrien was impressed to find Felix acting as a young businessman. He knew how to get the customers rolling in and out on time. He sat back and just watched for a while, before Felix finally had a chance to take a break. Adrien followed him as he walked into the back of the store, making his way to the massive lounge room, where he sat down to count the day's funds.

The lounge room consisted of 4 brand new black couches, a couple glass coffee tables, a commercial kitchen, and a shelf full of books that sat against a wall.

"Good afternoon, Felix," Adrien greets with a smile, taking a seat a few cushions away from the boy.

Felix was wearing one of his signature black long-sleeved shirts with his name imprinted on it, black jeans, a cap, and his favorite black shoes on his feet. Looking up through his red-rimmed glasses to see Adrien greeting him made him smile lightly.

"Afternoon sir," he replied, weaving a few fingers through his black and crimson-colored hair nervously. It was already shoulder length.

With all this black on, it made a deep contrast with how light his skin tone was. It made him seem as though he was almost ghostly. Adrien watched as the boy counted the money in a quick manner, before setting them all into little orange packets, marking down the amounts.

"Busy day, huh?"

Felix nods, "With customers coming in left and right, we still made over the quota for today. What's been going on with you?"

Adrien raised an eyebrow, curious as to why he asked of his whereabouts. "Was at work, but I've been relieved of duty until further notice."

"Oh? Why's that?" Felix looked concerned for Adrien.

"Mm, personal business. Some family members have been on the fritz, and it's my job to keep an eye on them, for a short space. I will be going back to work in a matter of months, perhaps. But, for right now, things are on the low."

Felix gives another nod, "Right. After this, we're going out to eat. Are you busy? Perhaps you'd like to tag along."

Adrien hummed in thought at the suggestion.

"Mm, I'll have to think about it."

Before Felix could reply, his parents came walking in, chattering about the day's sales event.

"Alright, so we just closed up shop for the night. Felix, are you finished counting?" Mrs. Edison asks, a hand on her hip.

She wore a red evening gown for the night's event, with black high-heels, and her long dark brown hair resting on her shoulders. She was a few feet shorter than her husband, and held a curvy thin figure. Her husband, on the other hand, wore a dark blue suit with a pair of black shoes. He kept eyeing his watch momentarily as well.

Felix stood up with the envelopes full of cash, and handed it to his mother. "All done."

"Thank you, my darling. I'll give these to Dan real quick, and we'll get going. Our reservation will be fast-approaching."

She walked down the hall towards the office room, while the other three waited for her. Mr. Edison was just noticing Adrien's presence, who gave the physician a curious expression.

"Adrien, when did you arrive?"

Chuckling at the question, Adrien moved his glasses up onto his nose. "I've been here for the past hour, and was just keeping Felix company. I hear you're all going out to eat."

"Ah yes, it was Felix's idea, really," Tim laughed, ruffling Felix's hair, much to the boys' dismay. "He wanted to celebrate another day's work, and I don't have a problem with that. His mother is also excited-"

"And where are you going, exactly?" Adrien asks, a small frown on his face.

"The Golden Ring. You know, that new fancy establishment that opened a year ago? I hear they've got a very high standard for steak. I've only gone a couple times with Roni. Their food is quite delicious."

"Ah, I see."

Adrien knew what that place was like. He had been there before, and found a few things wrong with it. For this, he would have to decline the offer, if asked to go.

"Would you like to tag along, or do you have other plans?" Tim asks, giving Adrien a raised eyebrow.

Clearing his throat, Adrien shook his head, hands now jammed into his pockets. "No, no, that's quite alright. I'll be eating dinner at the mansion, and while doing so, will be looking over some more important information. But I hope you all have a wonderful time."

He looks down at Felix, who looks a bit disappointed that Adrien wasn't coming. Adrien stares into Felix's red eyes, before ruffling up his hair gently.

"Don't worry, I'll come with you next time."

Again with the hair ruffle. Felix straightened out his hair, giving Adrien a small frown. "We'll see."

"Alright everyone, the deed's been done. Let's get this show on the road. We don't want to be out late, since Felix has school tomorrow."

"Right," Tim replied, before looking at Adrien with a small frown. "Would you like a ride back to the mansion, Adrien or-?"

Adrien shook his head, "Don't worry about it. I came here with my car, you can go ahead. I'll be taking my time."

"Alright then. Have a good night, and thank you for stopping by."

Giving the family a wave, Adrien took that chance to take his leave.


The dinner was delicious.

The family ate a sizable meal. Just as he had mentioned earlier, Tim was eating the rare steak dinner, with mashed potatoes and peas. Roni decided on a beef angus burger with fries and a salad. Felix ate a country-fried chicken breast with green beans and rice. The restaurant was beautifully decorated, and the food tasted wonderful. Even with all that, Felix was hoping that Adrien would have come with them. It would have been nice to have a Noble Physician eating with them for once.

All in all, the evening went well. The family climbed into their mini limo, and made it home in time. It was now time for Felix to get some shuteye. After what happened this afternoon with the shop, he was mentally and physically exhausted.

Once a casual t-shirt and shorts were put on, Felix found himself sitting on his bed, his thoughts continuing to bother him.

Felix turned onto his back, and stared up at the ceiling that was littered with glow in the dark paintings of the night sky and constellations. He thought of what happened at the restaurant between his parents. The fact that they were bombarding him with so many questions, as parents do, caused him to sigh heavily with frustration.

"We're just trying to look out for you, my darling," his mother commented, taking another sip of her bubbling tea.

"We want to think about your future," Tim chimed in afterwards.

"But what about what I want?" Felix asked, staring the two down with a frown.

They thought that just because they were the parents, they had a say in his life of what he could or couldn't do. He did argue a bit with them, mentioning that he was 16 now, and was old enough to make his own decisions.

A knock at his door startled him out of his thoughts, making him sigh deeply, before whoever knocked, walked in unannounced.

"Felix? Are you awake?" It was Adrien.

Sitting up in his bed with a soft groan, Felix looked up to see Adrien back in his physician's uniform. His blonde hair was also back into a low ponytail that sat on his shoulder, and of course, he wore the same glasses. He wondered why Adrien had come to see him.

"I'm awake, is there something you need?" Felix asks, as Adrien walks towards him.

Adrien took the chair from Felix's desk, and sat down in front of him, one leg over the other, as he made himself professionally presentable. He fixed his solemn gaze upon Felix, before giving a soft hum in response.

"I hope you don't mind the intrusion, please allow me to apologize in advance, but my curiosity prompts me to do so. I have come to have a light chat, if you will, about tonight's performance."

Felix blinked in confusion, before looking away from Adrien's piercing gaze to stare at his fiddling fingers. "Is this about the Antique Shop?"

"More or less, yes. It was very intriguing to see you working so hard with the customers. I see you've grown out of your shell of inconfidence and social anxiety."

"If you would allow me, sir, I'd like to correct you on that statement."

"Well, by all means."

"I'm only doing my job, sir. I don't think about the mental illnesses that I might possess while working. It's unprofessional. I put on a 'role' that gives off the confidence I show. While it's nice to see me out and about, I'd much rather stay at home."

Adrien chuckles in amusement, not expecting such a broad reply. He folds his arms across his chest, while humming lightly in thought.

"So, you put on a façade, do you? Very clever. How was the dinner?"

"It was alright. The food was nice..."

Silence befell them. 

Adrien didn't want this to become an awkward situation, so he continued the conversation. 

"That's good to hear. How do you feel?"

Felix raised an eyebrow, "Hm? What do you mean?"

"I mean, how did you feel after you ate? Full? Satisfied?"

Why was he suddenly asking these random questions? Was it for a physical test or something? Felix scratched his head, giving a heavy sigh. "I felt satisfied after I ate, and didn't wait to get full from it. I was glad we left afterwards though..."

"Why's that?"

"Mm, was just done for the night." He didn't think Adrien needed to know what his parents spoke about earlier.

"I also would like to apologize for the disappointment."

"Disappointment?" Felix frowns.

"For not coming with you tonight," Adrien replied, gaining Felix's attention.

"Oh, no, didn't have to do that," Felix chuckles, giving a soft sigh. "But thank you for doing so. You always seem like you're alone, and I thought it would have been nice if you had joined us. Could have kept my parents interested in something..."

Adrien found interest in this answer. He raised an eyebrow with curiosity, "Did something happen?"

Should he really mention what was going on? Felix ran his fingers through his hair.

"Nothing important..."

Adrien watched Felix with a curiously raised eyebrow. "You know you can talk to me, right Felix? In this family, there are no secrets. Tell me, what's bothering you?"

Felix sighs deeply in defeat, and let's Adrien in on his inner struggles. Adrien listens intently, making a mental note to have a talk with Roni and Tim about Felix's wellbeing. The two conversed for another hour, before Felix interrupted with a harsh yawn. Adrien took that as a sign to let the boy sleep.

"Get some sleep then, Felix. I'm glad I was able to ease your mind. Plus, as I've said, your studies should come first."

"You're not wrong, sir. School can take a lot out of me," Felix replies, now under his covers.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight, Felix."

"Goodnight sir."

Thank you for reading!

I decided to put up some changes, and add this chapter in, since I think it's really important to the story, and so that things can go according to plan! My apologies for such a late update!

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