Claws & Scissors β”‚ [M!Reader...

By ZuitheRedfox

72.9K 2.1K 2.3K

Wanting revenge when you've been wronged is a natural human response. When we're motivated to seek revenge, i... More

1- [If Only I Had Thorns Like a Thistle ]
3- [Junketsu]
4- [Dawn of a Miserable Morning]
5- [Trigger]
6- [Don't Toy With Me on a Whim]
7- [A Loser I Can't Hate]
8- [I Will Wipe My Own Tears]
9- [A Once in a Lifetime Chance]
10 - [I Want to Know More About You]
11- [I'm Not Your Cute Woman]
12- [Spit Your Sadness Away]
13- [Crazy for You] - (πŸ‹)
14- [Ride Like the Wind]
15- [Don't Stop Me Now]
16 - [The Girl Can't Help It]
17 - [Tell me Why]
18 - [Into the Night]
19 - [Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head]
20 - [Far From the Madding Crowd]
21 - [Incomplete]
22 - [Tell Me How You Feel] - (πŸ‹)
23 - [Imitation Gold]
24 - [Past the Infinite Darkness]
Special: [Goodbye Again]
[2024 Valentine's Special]: The Days After
[Final Notes + Explanation]

2- [So Sexy She Might Pass Out]

6K 153 329
By ZuitheRedfox

[Y/N] - Your Name   
[M/N] - Middle Name
[L/N] - Last Name
[E/C] - Eye Color
[H/C] - Hair Color
[F/C] - Favorite Color

[A/N - Not sure if this was clear in the last chapter, but the blue on Y/N's clothes, tails, and ears all share the same color with his hair, lips, eyeshadows, and bags under his eyes]

<<<<< I >[--I--]< I >>>>>

Matoi Ryuko stood on top of the boxing right. She held a microphone in her hand and had her Scissor-Blade on the other, pointing it directly at Satsuki Kiryuin. At the black-haired girl's side stood a boy. The eye-catching thing about him was the big blue-colored nine fox-like tails sprouting from his lower back that moved like a burning fire. Just like the tails, he had a pair of [H/C] fox-like ears on his head that also burned like fire.

Ryuko: ["The person who killed my father, they're the one who left this Scissor-Blade!"] Ryuko declares, pointing her weapon directly at Satsuki, who stood unmoving on top of her tower ["Now, you'll tell me who this scissor belongs to, Kiryuin Satsuki!!"] People watched from the window as the shirtless Y/N smirked, keeping his claws out.

Satsuki: ["... You said your names are Matoi Ryuko and Y/N L/N? I see"] Three members of the Elite Four. Gamagōri Ira, Hōka Inumuta, and Jakuzure Nonon stood around Satsuki, crouching near her and glaring down at both students ["You two are Isshin Matoi's daughter and disciple of Majima Goro?"]

Ryuko: ["You... Know who my father is?!"] Ryuko was sweating, and her cheeks were on fire.

Y/N: ["Hmm~..."] Y/N hums in thought before looking at Satsuki with a smirk ["And what if I am, Eyebrows? You're one of those who are trying to get the boss? Gotta get over me first!"] Before Satsuki, or anyone else could say anything, Ryuko groaned and fell to her knees, using her Scissor-Blade as a clutch.

Uniform: ["You're bleeding too much, Ryuko"] The black-colored piece of clothing said, looking up at Ryuko with its eye-like pattern.

Ryuko: ["Isn't that what you want?!"] Ryuko mutters with obvious pain in her tone.

Uniform: ["At this rate of blood loss,"] He glanced around, looking down at the floor ["You will lose consciousness in five minutes"]

Ryuko: ["Don't sound so calm about it!"] Ryuko whisper-screamed back, looking down at him. Meanwhile, Y/N glanced at Ryuko with a calm expression. Ryuko stands up with struggle as Satsuki continued to glare down at her ["We'll talk about this at length the next time we meet, Kiryuin Satsuki!"] With that, Ryuko jumps from the ring and runs away, holding her shoulder in pain. Y/N calmly turned his back, jumping from the ring.

Sanageyama: ["Don't let them escape! After them! After them!"] The green-haired man commands, sending a wave of students after the two.

Satsuki: ["Don't bother!"] That is until she hits the floor with the end of her sword, causing a bright light to appear.

Sanageyama: ["B - But milady-!"] He tries to argue, holding an arm up to block the light from his eyes.

Satsuki: ["They'll be back"] The woman replied, turning her back on the others and walking away ["Leave them until then"]

Sanageyama: ["Lady Satsuki..."] He mutters, lowering his arm ["You're as dazzling as always"]

Y/N: ["Huh~!"] Y/N giggled. A bright [H/C]-colored fire erupted around him, dying down within a second, revealing the boy back on the form of his Two-Star uniform ["Cya tomorrow, Sanageyama~!"] He calmly waves over his shoulder, walking away without a care. Sanageyama turned to glare at him but was surprised when he saw that Y/N disappeared.

Inside her tower, Satsuki sat down on her chair, crossing a leg over the other. She hummed, watching the dark hallway that went on and on with barely any light except for the chandelier. A man of age adorning butler clothing leans down, holding the same previously-mentioned teapot.

Butler: ["Your tea, Miss"] He said, serving the drink to Satsuki before taking a step back.

Satsuki: She took a sip from her tea, closing her eyes ["A girl in a Kamui and a custom-made Goku Uniform?"] While the butler kept his head down, a smirk made its way unto Satsuki's face ["Interesting..."]

◁━━━━━━━━◈ - - - ◈━━━━━━━━▷
-≽ [𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐋𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥: Claws & Scissors] ≼-
Episode 2: [So Sexy She Might Pass Out]
◁━━━━━━━━◈ - - - ◈━━━━━━━━▷

->[Honnō City - Evening]<-
->[No-Star Territory]<-

As the sun began setting, the streets of the lowest area of Honnō City beamed with light. People stood on their houses, alleyways, below bridges, everywhere you'd expect a shady figure to be. A trolley walks down the inclined roads, stopping after a bit. A dazy Ryuko takes a step off it, only to fall back-first, passed out. A trio of young boys swiftly approached the passed-out girl, looking down at her with ill-natured eyes.

Boy: ["Oh, wow! It's a nearly-naked chick!"] One of them chirps up with water in his mouth.

The trio of boys continued to laugh and giggle with bitter venom in their voices until a dry cough rang behind them. Turning around, the first thing they saw was a mostly-blue-colored boot heading their way. With a single spinning kick, Y/N sent all of them head-first against the trolley. As they flopped inside the machine, Y/N delivered another kick to it, sending it away from the scene.

He sighs, gracefully flipping his hair over his shoulder. Looking down, Y/N chuckles before leaning down and carefully picking the girl on his arms. Ryuko stirs a bit, opening her eyes for a moment, the only thing she recognizes is the [F/C]-neon-glowing lollipop.

Ryuko once again stirs in her sleep. This time, not because someone picked her up, but rather due to a faintly-low and menacing growl. Closing her eyes, Ryuko finds herself eye-to-eye with a large, sweating and panting man who stood above, but a bit too close to her. With an audible gasp, Ryuko's instinct kicked him, punching the man right in the nose.

With a loud scream of pain, he hits back-first against the ceiling before falling face-first against the ground. Ryuko swiftly stood up, flipping away the bed where she once stood before glaring down at the man, lifting the sleeve of her black-colored sailor uniform.

Ryuko: ["You freakin' pervert!"] Ryuko screams, clenching her fist ["You think you can make a move on Ryuko, Kanto Vagabond, and Guitar Case Drift?!"] She lashes out before her eyes went wide. Ryuko frantically looks around while sweating in fear ["My scissor! My scissor's gone!"]

Y/N: ["There you go~!"] He coos, sliding upside-down from the floor while holding Ryuko's guitar case.

Ryuko: ["Ah, thanks!"] Ryuko takes her crimson-colored blade, putting a hand against Y/N's face and pushing him a bit back ["Be careful, Y/N! This perv tried to-"]

Mako: ["Dad, what do you think you're doing?"] Mako slides into the scene, keeping her hands on her knees as she looks down at the man.

Ryuko: [" 'Dad?!' "] Ryuko glances between the man and Mako ["Dad?! Eh?! Uh?!"] In an instant, Ryuko got down on her knees, putting her face against the floor ["I'm so sorry!"] The black-haired girl desperately pleaded.

Man: ["Wow, I really felt that one!"] He said while rubbing his head. Meanwhile, a stream of blood fell from both of his nostrils. Y/N plopped down at Ryuko's side with his legs crossed ["You pack a mean punch, Miss!"]

Mako: ["Of course she does!"] Mako sat at her father's side, keeping her hands in her hips ["I owe those two for saving my life!"] The man presses a finger on his left nostril, pushing it before he exhales, pushing away a large stream of blood, giving a thumbs up afterward.

Y/N: ["Is this guy a JoJo character to have so much blood...?"] Y/N ponders, keeping his arms crossed ["How the fuck he didn't pass out?"]

Matarō: ["She looked like a total badass, swinging that scissor half-naked"] The brown-haired boy smugly smiled, keeping his arms crossed while glancing at Ryuko ["Nobody in their right mind could dress like that, though! Ah, he was there too, I guess"] He finishes, glancing at Y/N, who reached forward and grabbed the back of his head, smashing him face-first against the ground ["Ow! That hurt, damn it!"]

Y/N: ["That was the whole fucking point, you little pest!"] He quickly stands up, kicking Mataro away.

Ryuko: ["Tsc, bite me!"] Ryuko lashes out as Y/N plops down at her with his always-present lollipop on his mouth ["It's a long story, alright?!"] Ryuko gives a slightly-startled gasp as a door behind her slides open.

Woman: ["If beating my husband, or Mataro, makes you two feel better, then please, do it as much as you want!"] A young-looking woman said with a small smile, adorning the same brown-hair color of her family.

[𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭]
[満艦飾 好代 - 満艦飾 又郎 - 満艦飾 マコ - ガッツ - 満艦飾 薔薇蔵 ]
-≽ [𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐲𝐮 - 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫ō - 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐨 - 𝐆𝐮𝐭𝐬 - 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐳ō 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐮] ≼-

Our duo of misfits currently stood inside the Mankanshoku Family residence. The house of a Back-alley Doctor's house, to be specific. The small home had a bright sign outside. It shined with red, purple, blue, and yellow lights while announcing the family's patriarch clinic. Back inside the home, the Mankanshoku Family and the two troublemakers sat around a small table inside a room with little to no space.

Ryuko: ["How did -I?"] Ryuko runs a hand through her uniform and skin, looking at the bandages, surprised.

Y/N: ["Mako's father fixed you up"] Y/N comments, keeping his legs crossed ["You'd never guess it, but he's a back-alley doctor"] He suddenly stood up, opening the door and sliding outside to point at the sign before sliding back in ["If you compare the people he saved to the people he killed, he's killed more"]

Ryuko: ["That's not a good thing..."] Ryuko sweatdrops, narrowing her eyes at Y/N.

Barazō: ["Don't worry about it!"] The man dismissively waves his hands around ["The dead ones can't sue you"]

Y/N: ["He's not wrong"] Y/N points at Barazō, sliding at his side.

Sukuyu: ["Oh right!"] The woman chirps up, sliding into the scene and pushing Y/N and Barazō away ["I know it's nothing fancy, but eat all you like!"] She said, slamming down a giant pot with a weird dark-brown-colored liquid substance running down from it.

Mako: ["Go ahead, Ryuko! Don't be shy!"] She slides near her friend, looking down at her with a sweet smile ["It's unidentifiable stuff made into croquettes!"] She points at a large croquette with unidentifiable stuff shoved inside it. Meanwhile, Ryuko looks at Y/N, who kept his arms crossed, snickering in amusement by her despair ["And unidentifiable stuff into miso soup!"] Ryuko sucks through her teeth, gulping saliva in fear.

Sukuyu: ["Oh, you!"] She slides on the other side next to Ryuko, keeping an even sweeter smile ["I'll have you known I use only non-poisonous ingredients!"]

Matarō: ["Better dig in before I eat it all!"] The young boy said between his bites into the croquettes and slurping the soup.

Guts: ["*Weird Dog Noise*"] Was the only sound he made before jumping at Ryuko, eating the croquettes from her plate.

Mako: ["Down, Guts!"] Mako protests, snatching the dog by his hoodie ["Your food is out there!"] And with that, she yeets the dog outside, with her father closing the window.

However, this moment only lasted a few seconds before Guts jumped through the other side of the window, instantly pouncing on Y/N and licking the plate in front of the boy. Matarō slid in next to him as Y/N looks down at Guts with his ever-present tired eyes.

Matarō: ["We call him Guts 'cause he's such a greedy guts!"] He said with a small laugh.

Y/N: ["So I've noticed"] Was his reply before taking the dog and yeeting him over his shoulder, right through the window ["More of a cat person, thanks"] Y/N dismisses, tapping his hands together ["You suffered from a spot of anemia, Ryuko. Make sure to eat well."] He said, standing up while stretching.

Ryuko: ["Eh? What about you, where are you going?"] She asked, looking up at Y/N, who smirked down at her.

Y/N: ["Home, of course, ~..."] He turns around, waving over his shoulder ["Cya when I cya, Blackberry~..."]

Ryuko: ["Tsc, idiot"] Ryuko growls, crossing her arms ["Mmph!"] Until Mako shoved five of the croquettes inside her mouth while everyone else laughed.

However, as the Mankanshoku family laughed along with Ryuko and Y/N walked the dark streets, somewhere else, someone else had other plans in mind. Far, far away from the No-Star territory that lurked the most dangerous areas of Honnō City, Satsuki's heels clicked against the ground as her voice and steps echoed throughout the dark room lit by few, if any, lights.

[Honnōji Academy - Night time]
->[Sewing Club]<-

Satsuki: ["The masses... Fools, all of them. They're pigs in human clothing, domesticated by the establishment. I, Kiryuin Satsuki, and Honnōji Academy must govern them"] The students continued to slide the clothing forward through the machines with many red-glowing lines through them ["It is we who shall pave the way to humanity's future. The Goku Uniforms are weapons to that end. The uniforms that this country makes its students wear are military uniforms. The raised collar on boys' uniforms comes from the army."] Behind her, a blonde boy with a ponytail, adorning white coat, and a see-through orange-colored mask, followed Satsuki, keeping his eyes forward and quiet while he walked behind the black-haired woman. ["Girl's sailor uniforms are just that, Naval Uniforms"]

Satsuki: ["This country is a state that chose to make its youth wear military uniforms during their education. Therefore, we at Honnōji Academy shall treat our uniforms as combat uniforms"] Satsuki stops after walking on one of the metal bridges of the place, overlooking a core of sorts. She had a hand on her hip and the other hand hanging by the side of her body ["They shall be symbols of our control over the pigs in human clothing. You of the Sewing Club are the chosen elite of our Human Conquest and Liberation Project. Carry out with your work with the utmost care"]

Boy: ["Thank you for your kind words"] The blonde boy spoke, keeping his head down and a hand crossed over his chest with the palm facing down.

Hakodate: ["Tennis Club Captain, Hakodate Omiko"] On the other side of Satsuki, stood the now-introduce Omiko along with none other than Sanageyama himself ["Third year Class D, reporting as ordered"] Hakodate stood in one knee, keeping her head down.

Satsuki: ["How are the preparations proceeding for the Hokkaido Interleague match?"] She asks, not looking at Hakodate.

Hakodate: ["Milady. All club members are devoting themselves entirely to training"] Hakodate said, still not looking up at Satsuki. Sanageyama had a smirk on his face ["Those ursine hicks from the North will learn down to the marrow of their bones the might of Honnōji Academy and Lady Satsuki"]

Sanageyama: ["This is the armed suppression in the guise of an interleague match"] The green-haired man spoke, glaring down at Hakodate, who held a sharp smirk ["If the Tennis Club succeeds, our northern Japan will be complete. Don't fail us"]

Hakodate: ["I understand"] She replied while keeping her head down.

Boy: ["This is a Tennis-Spec Athleticism-Augmentating Two-Star Goku Uniform"] The blonde boy spoke, looking to the side where a metal crate lowers itself from the ground, revealing a uniform inside it ["A gift from Lady Satsuki"]

Hakodate: ["Oh! At last, a Two-Star Goku Uniform of my own!"] Hakodate coos, looking up at the white-colored dress with a smirk ["I'm sure that he will love me now!!"] The blonde girl thought with her smirk widening ["Thank you, Milady!"] She said, turning to Satsuki.

Satsuki: ["Carry on with your mission"] She said, turning around from Hakodate.

Hakodate: ["Without fail, Milady!"] Still kneeling, she replied while Satsuki walked away to an elevator ["The entire Tennis Club shall pull together, redouble its efforts, and train even harder for the interleague match!"] As the doors behind Kiryuin closes, Hakodate's smirk widens ["And I will finally have him back A-haaaaal for myself~..."] With that last thought, the blonde girl licked her lips.

[Honnōji Academy - Night time]
->[Satsuki Kiryuin's Private Quarters]<-

The black-haired woman plops down on her crimson-colored chair, crossing a leg over the other. Her butler once again takes a step forward. He leans down to serve her a cup of tea before taking two step backs.

Butler: ["Why do you not wear a Goku Uniform, Miss?"] He straight-forwardly asked.

Satsuki: ["This sword is more than sufficient for me"] Was her quick response, not looking at him.

Butler: ["Are you saying that no uniform is worthy of you?"] The man asked, lowering his head. The only response Satsuki gave was a smirk with her eyes closed.

[Honnō City - Night time]
->[Mankanshoku Residence]<-

Although with limited space, everyone slept calmly and comfortably. Matarō had one of his legs slung over Barazō's belly while Sukuyu slept with her cheek against the pillow. The boy and the man loudly snored, with Matarō forming bubbles on his nose, that Guts would pop with his tongue while sleeping. Mako hugged her pillow while she had some droll running down her face. At her side stood a semi-naked Ryuko.

Ryuko [Hey..."] She whispers, looking up at her uniform on a hanger ["You awake...?"] She asks but receives no response ["What the hell are you, Senketsu...?"]

Flashback Senketsu: ["Quit your quibbling! Fine, I'll make you wear me by force!!"] He declared as the events played on Ryuko's mind.

[Outskirts of Honnō City - Evening]
->[Matoi's Residence Basement]<-

Ryuko: ["Wh - What kind of kinky outfit is this?!"] With burning cheeks, the girl asks while looking down at her["Is this some sort of trick that you set up?!"] She angrily points at Y/N, who looks at her with an innocent smirk.

Uniform: ["This is me"] He replied, looking up at Ryuko.

Ryuko: ["Don't be so matter-of-fact about it!!"] Ryuko tightly clenches her Kamui, trying to pry it off her ["Get off me! Come off, damn it!"]

Y/N: ["Blackberry, I wouldn't recommend you doing that-"] He raises a finger to try and talk to Ryuko, only for her to continue to take the Uniform off her.

Ryuko: ["Shut it, you pervert! Gaaah! Just come off damn it!"] With all her strength, trying to take her sailor uniform off by its suspensories, Ryuko continues struggling ["You pervert sailor uniform!!"] The girl continues fighting while Y/N just sighs.

He turns around as if he was looking at an invisible crowd. Raising three fingers, he slowly raises one by one, and when his last finger closes into his fist, Ryuko flies away due to the way she pulled on the Uniform. 

Ryuko: ["W - Where'd that power come from?"] She asks, stuck in the wall while looking down with surprise.

Y/N: ["This power, Matoi Ryuko!"] Y/N smirks, reaching up and taking his lollipop off his mouth, pointing it directly at Ryuko ["Is yours and the uniform!"]

Uniform: ["He is right. I drank your blood and awakened"] He explained, looking directly at Ryuko ["Whenever you put me on, whenever you wear me..."] His eye narrowed, staring at Ryuko ["This power will manifest itself!"]

Ryuko: ["What are you?"] She asked, still surprised.

Uniform: ["I don't know"] He straight-forwardly replied.

Ryuko: ["You don't know? But you just finished explaining how you worked!"] She replies, falling from the roof as Y/N catches her and sets her down ["Wait! Y/N, can you hear it talking?"]

Y/N: ["Yes I can, actually"] He sits down on a small mount of clothes, tapping his chin ["I'd say that is because we share the same properties, that and my clothing, I mean"]

Uniform: ["I'm able to explain phenomena that are occurring right now"] He argued, glancing at Y/N before looking up at Ryuko ["However, there is much that I don't know. My memory. Yes, in your language, you'd say that there are gaps in my memory"] He narrowed his eyes at Ryuko.

Ryuko: ["Don't you remember anything...?"] Ryuko once again asks, looking down at the Uniform while Y/N crosses his legs.

Uniform: ["I do know that the man who constructed me had a beard, an eye patch, and wore a white lab coat"] Ryuko's eyes widen by the moment as the figure manifests in her head ["He was stooped, wore sandals, held a cane in one hand, and had a mouse"]

Ryuko: ["That could be only one man- my father!"] Ryuko said with a gasp, causing Y/N to widen his eyes a little.

Y/N: ["Father?"] Y/N asks, keeping his arms crossed while tilting his head to the side.

Ryuko: ["Yeah, Matoi Isshin. He's my father..."] Ryuko said, looking down at the floor ["I'm Ryuko. That's Y/N"] The uniform glances at Y/N, who laidback, gives him a two-finger salute ["My father... Made you?"] Ryuko ponders, looking at the floor before she looks at Y/N ["But if I have you, I might be able to beat them!"] Not realizing who she is talking to, Y/N raises an eyebrow and points at himself ["You're coming with me for a while, Senketsu"]

Senketsu: ["Senketsu...?"] He asked, glancing up at Ryuko.

Y/N: ["Well, I'm sure it would be a pain if we don't have something to call you"] He said, throwing a cloak over her.

Ryuko: ["Plus, since my blood awakened you, your blood can be Senketsu- "Fresh Blood"!"] Ryuko throws in her cloak, glaring up at the open ceiling ["Just you wait, Kiryuin Satsuki!"] Y/N held a bright smirk on his face, chuckling as he looked at Ryuko.


[Honnō City - Morning time]
->[Mankanshoku Residence]<-

Mako: ["Ryuko, wake up!"] The energetic brown-haired girl said while Ryuko slowly opens her eyes ["We have to hurry and eat breakfast! If I'm late to school again, they'll expel me!"] Mako frantically said as she tries to put on her uniform along with eating a piece of bread.

[Honnō City - Morning time]
->[No-Star Territory]<-

Ryuko and Mako both rode the trolley up. As they watched the scenario, Ryuko couldn't let one thing escape her eyes or her thoughts. Watching as the buildings only got fancier and fancier as they went up.

Ryuko: ["There's a pretty dramatic difference between the rich and poor here..."] Ryuko comments, looking at the two-star houses. Meanwhile, Mako slept while standing, holding her bag ["Oh?"] Ryuko eyes of curiosity turn into one of surprise as Y/N steps inside the trolley ["Y/N?"]

Y/N: ["Good morning, Ryuko"] He sat down near the black-haired girl crossing a leg over the other ["How you doin'?"]

Ryuko: ["Fine, but..."] She looks behind herself, watching as the two-star houses go by ["You live there?"]

Y/N: ["Well, I am a Two-Star student, after all"] Y/N comments with a small laugh, putting an elbow on his knee and resting the cheek on his fist ["Plus, Satsuki does rule the city. Top-Tier students get the exclusive residential areas, while lower tiers like you and Mako get the slums"] Explaining, he closes his arms while yawning leaning against his seat ["SI even owe a restaurant, if you wanna stop by and grab a bite to eat one day"]

Ryuko: ["Wait, so your position at the school also determines where you live?"] Ryuko asked, glancing at Y/N, who gave her a lazy nod ["Huh. Pretty straightforward..."]

Y/N: ["As I said, you get used to it"] Y/N comments, keeping his smirk.

[Honnōji Academy - Morning]

Mako: ["Oh, that reminds me!"] Mako chirps up, sliding near Ryuko while raising her finger ["Ryuko, Mom said that if you need a place to-"] Out of nowhere, countless tennis balls slammed themselves right on Mako's face, causing Ryuko to gasp in surprise, and Y/N's eyes to turn into horror and fear ["Mom said that-"] Soon, they hit again ["If you don't have a place to stay-"] And again ["You can stay-"] Again ["With us-"] One more time ["She's already filled the paperwork!"]

Ryuko: ["Is this really the time for living arrangements?!"] Ryuko asked, sweating while she looked at Mako ["Oi, what's the big idea?!"] Clenching her fist in anger, she glares at the person who attacked Mako. Y/N slowly looks at them too. However, his expression showed fear.

Hakodate: ["Hmph! You are the transfer student who was rude to Lady Satsuki, as I recall"] Hakodate said with a sharp smirk ["And you, are my sweet, sweet Y/N L/N~..."] She said, turning to look at Y/N.

Ryuko: ["You... Know her?"] Ryuko looked between Y/N and Hakodate with a slightly surprised expression.

Y/N: ["Yeah..."] He sucks through his teeth, glancing at Ryuko ["You ever heard about the expression 'Don't Stick Your Dick in Crazy'? Yeah, well. I learned that the hard way"] Ryuko's eyes widen, and her mouth opens in shock as Y/N glances back at the blonde girl. Y/N slowly lifts his finger before approaching it near his legs ["A sad experience involving those teeth and my dic-"]

Ryuko: ["Ok, ok! I get it!"] Ryuko bursts, holding Y/N arm and pushing his face ["Who are you anyway?"] She asks, turning to look at Hakodate.

Hakodate: ["Stay out of this, Transfer Student"] Hakodate held her oversized tennis racket near her as she looked at Ryuko ["I'm Hakodate Omiko. Captain of the Girl's Tennis Club"]

[函館 臣子]
[𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛]
-≽ [𝐇𝐚𝐤𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐎𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐨] ≼-

[A/N - Underrated waifu material. Change my mind]

Hakodate: ["Club member Mankashoku Mako failed to fulfill her club obligations, and as such, is now under purging"] Hakodate calmly explains.

Ryuko: ["What did Mako do wrong?!"] She asked, still clenching her fists.

Y/N: ["She didn't attend to Club's practice yesterday"] Y/N calmly explained, glancing at Ryuko ["Any member who fails to fulfill their duties get punished. The tennis club rule is that anyone who fails to come to practice must suffer the 110 Million Cannonball Serve"] His [E/C] eyes met Hakodate's, who in turn, smirked at him ["And an outsider has no right to complain about internal club policies"]

Ryuko: ["Yesterday...?"] As Y/N finishes his explanations, Hakodate points her giant racket at the trio ["But Mako was held hostage yesterday!"] She lashes out, glaring at Y/N for a moment before he looks at Hakodate ["Of course she didn't come to your stupid practice!"]

Hakodate: ["The issue is that she got herself taken hostage without permission"] Explaining as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, Hakodate raises her hand ["Begin!"]

Already knowing where this was going, Y/N sighed. He raised his right leg on a Muay-Thai instance but kept the hands on his pockets. The girls from the Tennis Club threw their tennis balls up before serving them forward against the trio. Y/N quickly began kicking away the balls while Ryuko shielded Mako with her guitar case.

Ryuko: ["Cut that out, damn it!"] Ryuko complains, struggling to hold their offensive ["Go on ahead, Mako!"] She orders ["They'll expel you if you're late, right?"]

Mako: ["Yeah!"] Clenching her fists near her face with a small smile, Mako flanks the line of Tennis Club Members, running inside the academy ["Thanks a bunch! I'll see you two later, 'kay?"]

Ryuko: ["Yup!"] She confirms with a small nod after hearing the brown-haired girl screaming. Y/N puts his leg down while smoke came out of it.

Hakodate: ["So you're saying that you'll take us on?"] Leaning her racket against her shoulder, Hakodate turned to look at both ["Even L/N couldn't win against all of us"]

Y/N: ["She is right, you know?"] Y/N glances at Ryuko before narrowing his eyes at Hakodate ["Just because that racket looks heavy, doesn't mean she can't use it. Trust me. I've experienced it first-hand"] Unaware of the way he phrases the things, Hakodate simply smirked at the [H/C]-haired boy, licking her lips.

Ryuko: ["Doesn't matter. I owe her for a meal and a night's lodging"] The black-haired girl calmly replied.

Hakodate: ["How amusing..."] 

Hakodate: ["Don't get too full of yourself just because you defeated Fukuroda of the Boxing Club"] Hakodate's lenses continue to expand as she glares at Ryuko ["With the help of another Captain, on top of that!"]

Ryuko: ["Ha!"] Ryuko points directly at Fukuroda with a bright smirk on her face ["I'm gonna make quick work of those Goku Uniform of yours!"] After that, Ryuko strikes a pose with her hair covering one of her eyes ["Let's go, Senketsu!"] A few seconds go by of Hakodate staring at Ryuko with confusion. A breeze passes through, gently shaking Y/N's hair ["Hey, hey!"] Ryuko taps her shoulder two times, grabbing unto Senketsu ["Let's do this, Senketsu!"] Ryuko turns around, holding her chest while she continues to talk ["Hey, what's wrong with you?!"]

Hakodate: ["She's talking to her clothing..."] Hakodate's eyebrow twitches while she looks at Ryuko. Y/N glanced at the black-haired girl with a long sigh, flipping his hair over his shoulder ["How utterly pathetic..."] Switching from Green, to Red, and to Blue, Hakodate's lenses narrow once again ["Die..."]

Ryuko: ["Are you kidding me?!"] Y/N gently pokes Ryuko, glancing at Hakodate ["Wake up, damn it! Hey! What's your problem?!"] Y/N kept poking Ryuko nonstop, but she paid no mind to him ["Screw you! There's a reason-"] Ryuko turned around to argue against Hakodate, only for her eyes to widen at the countless tennis balls that came at her.

Y/N backflipped away, landing in a crouching position, managing to avoid the fire. Ryuko, however, wasn't as agile and took every single shot. The attack was enough to send her flying away from the scene and of the entrance. Ryuko lands on the water below, floating away. Y/N just glanced to the side before he looked back at Hakodate with a nonsmiling face.

Hakodate: ["What, a total shoutout? No challenge whatsoever..."] The blonde girl complains, glancing at Y/N ["So? Wanna have a go at it, too?"] She tosses a tennis ball up and down, grinning wildly ["I'll try and hold back since it's you~..."] Y/N groans and rushes forward directly towards Hakodate.

Her team was about to strike, only for the blonde to hold them back. Y/N performed a handstand frontflip, launching himself in the air. Hakodate threw a tennis ball up and was ready to strike it towards her former lover. Y/N, however, had other plans. Performing a backward Corkscrew 450°, he landed with both legs against Hakodate's racket before she could strike the ball. Using it as a clutch, Y/N jumped as far as he could away from Hakodate, jumping over the concrete barrier to the river below.

Hakodate: ["... Tsc!"] She clicks her tongue in annoyance, picking the tennis ball from the air ["Absolutely no fun..."]

[Honnōji Academy - Morning]

Before he could touch the water, a burst of flames erupted from Y/N's leg. Using this as a thruster to launched himself forward, he lands on a concrete platform, watching as Ryuko drifts by in the water. He follows the passed-out girl, who continues to travel by using her guitar case to float. Stalking her body through the concrete sidewalks, Y/N jumps down, with no hesitation, an at-least 15 Meters-long fall towards another sidewalk.

Landing safely, he continues to jog to stay with Ryuko's body. He stops for a bit, groaning in annoyance at the end of the path. Noticing the tubes on the walls, he takes a few steps back before running forward. Jumping towards one of them, he used one of his boosts of fire to propel himself forward, latching onto the steel surface.

He continued to do so for a bit, following Ryuko. Their journey comes to an end after the black-haired girl stops near another one of the falls. Her body hung by the belly on her case's strap. Y/N held onto one of the pipes, looking down at Ryuko. His eyes shift to the side after he notices a hand grasping a wall, and from behind it comes his and Ryuko's teacher.

Teacher: ["Oh dear..."] He muttered as he watched Ryuko's limp body and Y/N crouching on one of the pipes.

[Honnōji Academy - Day]
->[Secret Room]<-

With a groan of pain and confusion, Ryuko slowly opens her shaky eyes. Taking in the ambient around her, she slowly looks to the side, where she meets a middle-aged man with blue hair, wearing a shirt and tie.

Teacher: ["You awake, Ryuko?"] He asked, glancing out through the window's blinds.

Ryuko: ["Wait..."] She muttered, standing up with another painful groan ["Aren't you a teacher?"]

Mikisugi: ["That's right..."] He turns away from the window, now looking at Ryuko ["I'm your homeroom teacher, Mikisuki Aikurō"]

[美木杉 愛九郎]
[𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫]
->[𝐀𝐢𝐤𝐮𝐫ō 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢]<-

Mikisugi: ["Talk about your crazy extracurricular lessons..."] He mutters while scratching his head.

Ryuko glanced at him with confusion until she felt the blanket slipping. Still, with a look of confusion, Ryuko feels something slipping from her shoulder. Looking down with her face burning in embarrassment, Ryuko widened her eyes after noticing she was naked. With yelps of confusion, she looks to the side, seeing Senketsu hanging in a nearby wall.

Ryuko: ["H - Hang on!"] Ryuko sweats, glaring at the middle-aged man ["You didn't undress me, did you?!"]

Mikisugi: ["No, that would be his doing"] He pulls the blinds up, revealing a pair of legs hanging by the window. Sitting up, Y/N looks at Ryuko.

Y/N: ["Yo!"] He greets, sitting at the window ["It was hard to take care of those bruises under Senketsu. So I thought I had to do a few things straight to your body"] Y/N calmly explained, crossing his legs.

Ryuko: ["Y - You!"] With her cheeks still burning red, Ryuko rushes forward, using the blankets to cover herself ["You pervert son of a bitch!"]

Y/N: ["Hey, no need to worry"] He calmly said, standing up as Ryuko approached him with a punch ["Not like there's much to see, anyway"] Y/N sidesteps her attack at the same time that Mikisuki threw three needles at Ryuko's back, causing her to freeze.

Ryuko: ["E - Eh?! Wait, what?! My body won't move!"] She frantically said, glaring all around the room ["And what do you mean by that, huh?!"]

Mikisugi: ["Calm yourself"] He calmly explained while Y/N shrugs at Ryuko, smirking at her ["This is anesthetic acupuncture"] Ruffling inside his shirt, Mikisuki soon reveal a needle from inside it ["You seem a little hot-blooded at the moment, so I thought I might draw some of it from you"]

Ryuko: ["Eh?! No, don't!"] She frantically begged, glaring at Mikisuki with fear ["I hate needles!"]

Y/N: ["Look, it's Satsuki"] He said with absolutely zero emotions in his voice, pointing behind Ryuko.

Ryuko: ["Where?!"] The black-haired girl turned to glare at the white-wearing woman... Who wasn't even there ["Eh?!"] Using Ryuko's distraction, Mikisuki pierces her arm with the needles, causing Ryuko to moan in pain in a very uncanny way.

Mikisugi: ["Allow me to explain why your Kami didn't activate earlier"] Using the blood he removed from Ryuko, he presses the needle, spraying the crimson-colored liquid against Senketsu, who glowed bright pink.

Senketsu: ["More! Feed me more!!"] Awaking from his sleeping state, he began squirming around ["Feed me more blood!"]

Ryuko: ["You're awake, Senketsu?"] Ryuko chirps up with surprise, glancing at her clothing.

Senketsu: ["... Ryuko?"] He asked with a bit of a confused expression, as much as a piece of clothing had, which isn't a lot.

Ryuko: ["Why didn't you wake up when I needed you, you dumbass?!"] She screamed in rage, growling at Senketsu.

Mikisugi: ["Now now, let's calm down"] Mikisuki runs a hand through his hair, slicking it back while he removes his glasses ["You understand now, right...?"] The room suddenly lit up with pinkish-purple lights as Mikisugi revealed his true self. 

Ryuko: ["Understand what...?"] She asked with a sweatdrop.

Y/N: ["The Kamui awakened by your blood, Blackberry"] Y/N calmly explains, closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

Ryuko: ["What's this 'Kamui' you two keep talking about?"] Ryuko blinks two times, glancing at them ["You mean the sailor uniform?"]

Mikisugi: ["That's right~!"] Throwing his tie to the side, Mikisugi began undressing. Y/N loudly groaned, facepalming ["It's a uniform constructed by your father, Matoi Isshin, and it's power surpasses that of the Goku Uniforms~!"] Mikisugi leans forward, putting a hand against his knee and the other on his hip, throwing his rear back and leaning his chest forward ["Only someone who could master wearing this could fight against Kiryuin Satsuki~!"] The glow continued to grow, so much that it cast a shadow all over Mikisugi, leaving only his pink and purple eyes glowing.

Ryuko: ["Who the hell are you...?"] She asked with a sweat drop running down her face ["You with this weirdo?"] Ryuko questions, glancing at Y/N, who sighed.

Y/N: ["Unfortunately, I think the two of us are, now"] He leans back against the window.

Mikisugi: ["You must prove to me that you're worthy of that answer"] Was his reply, as he continued to do a variety of poses.

Y/N: ["Oi, is this guy really JoJo posing on me...?"] Y/N thought, glaring at Mikisugi.

Ryuko: ["Come again?"] With a more nonsmiling expression, Ryuko asked.

Mikisugi: ["The first order of business is the Tennis Club Captain, Hakodate Omiko"] He turns around with his shirt almost falling, hanging only from his arms ["If you can't master the Kamui and defeat her, you don't stand a chance against Satsuki Kiryuin!"] Ryuko glanced around in confusion and fear as her blanket continued to slip.

Y/N, however, pushes a leg forward and up, moving Ryuko's cover up, but keeping his foot right in the middle of her chest. Ryuko glared at Y/N with crimson-colored cheeks, but before she could say anything, the school's signal rang, signalizing the afternoon classes.

Mikisugi: ["Ooh. Better get moving. It's almost time for the afternoon classes"] In a second, he slid behind Ryuko, going back to his disguise as he removes the needles from her back. 

Ryuko's blanket slid off after Y/N pulled his leg back, but the girl was quick to pull them up, glaring at the boy with [H/C] hair. He smirks and giggles with a shrug. And before he could react, he saw Ryuko heading his way. Dropckicking Y/N off the window. Ryuko pulls her covers back, ignoring the boy's fading scream.

Mikisugi: ["Use this Crimson Glove from now on"] The man removed a crimson-colored glove from his back, showing it to Ryuko ["It will make it easier for you to provide it with blood"] It was a red, finger-less, left-handed glove with a built-in syringe on each knuckle.

Ryuko: ["Fine. I'll pound that tennis club president in the dirt, and you'll tell me what I want to know"] Ryuko reluctantly agrees, snatching the glove from Mikisugi, who smirks at her.

[Honnōji Academy - Afternoon]

On a large open area stood many Tennis Courts. On those places stood members of the Tennis Club, who played against each other. Along with them stood many students on open circles scattered throughout the field. Those students wore a standard uniform of shorts and shirts with gloves. Four target-practice targets popped up, only for tennis balls to go through them, destroying their upper bodies.

In perfect formation, the targets kept popping up, only for the Tennis Club Members to destroy them with no effort. Along with them, the shirt-wearing students all performed breakdance moves in rapid-session, kicking through the targets with no effort. A lone target pops up, barely holding itself together. An aim-like pattern focus right on its center.

Throwing the ball up, Hakodate uses her giant racket to serve against the target. The ball spun against the same place for about two seconds before it blew up a chunk off the dummy. A hole worth of at least three human heads. With her shark-like teeth, Hakodate widely smirked along with the familiar green-haired man a few feet behind her.

Sanageyama: ["Looking good, Hakodate"] He praised, darkly smirking.

Hakodate: ["Thank you. It's all thanks to this Tennis-Spec Goku Uniform I received from Lady Satsuki"] The blonde-haired girl replied, widely smirking at the damage she caused ["The Tennis Club shall subjugate Hokkaido without fail!"] Hers and Sanageyama's eyes soon snapped to the side.

Strapped to a post was none other than Mako herself. Totally tied up, the girl's head continued to jerk back and forth due to the countless tennis balls that continued to hit her nonstop, thanks to the circle of Tennis Club members all around her.

Sanageyama: ["What's that about?"] He asked, with more curiosity than pity.

Hakodate: ["We have an unmotivated club member"] Hakodate reasoned, standing up ["So, we're purging her"]

However, before more balls could hit Mako's face, Ryuko's guitar case stood in the way. As the tennis balls hit her shield, they carved a bit forward against Matoi's guard. More kept coming, but before they could hit, Y/N appeared in the way, throwing a hook kick infused with his flames, he completely incinerated the balls.

Ryuko: ["Not so fast, people!"] The black-haired girl chirped up with a smirk.

Mako: ["Ryuko, Y/N!!"] She perked up with a face of surprise and a smile.

Sanageyama: ["The Transfer Student and the Break-Dancing Club Captain..."] The man said, keeping a bright smirk on his face.

Hakodate: ["Heh!"] She walked forward, keeping her racket on her shoulder ["So! Did you come for another beating?"] Glancing at Y/N, her smirk widens ["And you, did you come back for me~?"]

Y/N: ["On your dreams, Hakodate!"] Y/N lowers his leg, smirking at her ["I've come here to- OI!"] Y/N suddenly screamed, bolting past Hakodate, standing between the fields of the Breakdancing Club members ["Who told you to stop training, huh?! Continue!"] He orders, causing Ryuko, Sanageyama, and Hakodate to sweatdrop. Y/N kept zooming around the place, screaming at his students ["Is this what you call Break-Dancing?! Do you know what I call that?! I call that Me-Motherfucking-Breaking-Your-Spine-If-You-Don't-Step-Up-Your-Game, you hear me?!!"]

Sanageyama: ["For someone who's against the Academy, he surely knows how to keep people going..."] He mutters, sweatdropping at the scene.

Y/N: ["Is this the best you can do?! Open your legs more when doing a flare!"] Zooming to the other side, he continues to scream ["My father could do better than that, and he's dead! Do you know why's he's dead? BECAUSE I KILLED HIM! SO IF YOU DON'T WANT TO END UP 6 FEET UNDERGROUND AND SLEEP WITH THE WORMS, YOU FILTHY FUCKS!!"] As his words rang through the field, everyone in his club instantly went back to their training.

Ryuko: ["This guy..."] She comments with her eyes closed.

Hakodate: ["He surely doesn't change, does he...?"] Hakodate whispered with an awkward smile on her face.

Y/N: ["Right! Sorry about that. I had to keep people in shape, you know?"] In a burst of flames, he appeared near Ryuko ["Blackberry, do your thing"]

Ryuko: ["E - Eh... Okay"] Ryuko clears her throat, pointing directly at Hakodate ["This time, I'm gonna knock you all on your asses!"] Ryuko strikes the same pose from before, raising her fist ["Let's do this, Senketsu!"]

Soon, Ryuko pulls a pin on her glove, causing this to happen. 

Seriously, I don't know how to describe this.

Hakodate: ["That looks both painful and embarrassing, you masochist exhibitionist!"] Hakodate said, widely smirking at Ryuko.

Ryuko: ["Bite me! I'm not an exhibitionist!"] She said, bursting out at Hakodate before she points at Y/N ["Why don't you tell that to him?!"]

Hakodate: ["Quit spilling hairs!"] At her words, a line of Tennis Club Students formed behind her ["Unlike you, there is actually something to see on Y/N's chest!"] Hakodate spilled out, causing Y/N to stiff a laugh while glancing at Ryuko.

Ryuko: ["Gah! Why is everyone judging my body today?!"] Ryuko quickly grabs Y/N by his collar, forcing him to look down at her ["Tell me what's wrong before I force you to do it, Fox-Boy! Tell me what's the trouble, huh?! Aren't my tits big enough, is that it?!"]

Y/N: ["Oi oi oi!"] Y/N breaks free from Ryuko's hold, fixing his jacket ["I never said that you aren't hot! I just said that you don't have many attention-grabbing features. Your legs do look nice, though..."] Y/N crouches, looking up and down at Ryuko's leg before she kicked him away.

Ryuko: ["Pervert!"] Ryuko screams with crimson-colored cheeks, glaring at Y/N.

Hakodate: ["Oi! Let's begin it already!"] Y/N and Ryuko turns to glance at Hakodate, who, along with the other girls, threw her tennis balls up ["110 Million Serve!!"]

Y/N glanced up at Ryuko, who nodded at him. Taking her guitar case from her back, Ryuko unsheathes her Scissor-Blade as she watches the countless tennis balls approaching. With equal slashes and cuts, Ryuko dashes through the wave of balls, and in a matter of seconds...

Sanageyama: ["Fault!"] The green-haired man chirps up while Hakodate tightly clenching a tennis ball between her index and thumb, visibly furious ["Disqualified, Transfer Student!"]

Ryuko: ["What?!"] Still, with her blade in her hands, Ryuko blurts in confusion.

Y/N: ["Well, you did avoid Hakodate's serving..."] Y/N kicks up from the floor, dusting his jacket and his pants ["But slicing balls in half is against the rules. Like in Honnōji Academy's Breakdancing Competiton"] Y/N crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes at Hakodate ["We can't use more than three Freeze moves in sequence, and each battle must begin in the following order"] Y/N raises four fingers, lowering them as he speaks ["Toprock, Downrock, Power Move, and Freeze"]

Ryuko: ["And that means...?"] Tilting her head to the side in confusion, Ryuko asked.

Y/N: ["It means that we're playing their game. Therefore, playing by their rules"] Y/N grabbed Ryuko by the back of the head, forcing her to look down at the tennis court they're standing ["You won the battle, but not the war"]

Ryuko: ["Eh...?"] Still confused, Y/N continued to explain.

Y/N: ["We are on a tennis court. Therefore, the only way we can win is playing the rules of tennis"] Y/N taps his finger against his arm.

Ryuko: ["Hold on! Why are you all picky all of a sudden?!"] Ryuko points her finger up at Y/N ["You're working with them, aren't you?!"] Y/N rolls his eyes, slapping Ryuko's hand away.

Y/N: ["I don't make the rules, Blackberry, I follow them!... To a certain degree"] Y/N shrugs with his eyes closed. Meanwhile, Hakodate's aim kept changing between the two ["We may be working together here, but I'm a prideful B-Boyer, alright? How can I inspire my students to be great like me, if they don't know how to follow the rules?"] Y/N crosses his arms, pridefully raising his head.

Ryuko: ["This is crazy!"] Ryuko began delivering small punches to Y/N's shoulder ["When we were boxing, we-"]

Sanageyama: ["Doesn't matter!"] He interjects, also keeping his arms crossed ["Disqualified!"]

Mako: ["No, she won!"] Suddenly, the brown-haired girl interjects, jumping in front of both Ryuko and Y/N ["Ryuko won! She won!"] After Mako's ropes fell, causing Y/N to raise an eyebrow, she throws her hands in the air, crossing her arms above her head with her fingers almost touching.

Sanageyama/Y/N: ["wat"]

Y/N suddenly stood between Sanageyama and Hakodate, looking at Mako with equally-confused faces.

Ryuko: ["Ryuko rescued me!"] Mako grabbed Ryuko, who looked just as confused, by her hands before she appeared on her lap, and then on the ground with a knife stabbed on her chest ["She may have lost the match, but she won at friendship!"] Mako continued with her poses. 

Y/N: ["..."] On the outside, Y/N seemed to be just confused ["WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!!"] But on the inside, his thoughts were going wild.

Mako: ["Winning at friendship means winning at life!"] Hakodate glanced at Y/N while both had their mouths open in shock.

Ryuko: ["Listen..."] Ryuko tried to argue, but it was useless. Mako Mankanshoku was already too powerful.

Mako: ["If you're going to be like that, you leave her no choice!!"] Mako pointed directly at Sanageyama, who sweatdropped in both fear and confusion ["Ryuko will win!"] Mako aims at Ryuko behind her, holding a tennis racket in hand ["Even in tennis, she will win!"]

Hakodate ["Oho!] Chirping up, the blonde-haired girl held her giant racket on both shoulders, having her hands on top of it ["So, you're saying that you want to face me, Tennis Club Captain Hakodate Omiko, in a tennis match?!"]

Hakodate's lenses change from a green to their red-shiny color. The place stood silent while Y/N glanced around. Noticing that he was still between Sanageyama and Hakodate, he calmly walks back to Ryuko, keeping both hands inside his pockets.

Mako: ["Here~!"] Mako slides near Ryuko, handing her a tennis racket ["Do your best, Ryuko~!"] For a moment, Ryuko stood silent, glancing at the brown-haired girl. Mako smiles innocently at Ryuko.

Ryuko: ["... All right, all right"] Complying with Mako's request, Ryuko takes a step forward, grabbing the tennis racket ["Let's do this-"]

Hakodate: ["Foxy~!"] Hakodate called, causing Y/N to glare at her with a small blush spread across his face ["You'll join in, too~... It's more fun when there's three at the same time!"] Y/N simply narrowed his eyes at Hakodate, shaking his head from side to side.

[Honnōji Academy - Afternoon]
->[Tenis Court]<-

Sanageyama: ["Special rules!"] Ryuko and Y/N stood both side-to-side on a tennis court ["The match is over in one game! Decide who serves first!"]

The arena itself was medium-sized. The tennis court stood out with its blue-colored highlight between the mostly-red-colored floor. Around the blue-colored walls with red-colored outlines stood countless spikes on each side. The net, made out of barbed wire, stood out with two axes on each side. Sanageyama stood on top of a small grey-colored tower.

Mako: ["I'm watching, Ryuko, Y/N!"] Cheering both students, who held tennis rackets in their hands, Mako waved her hands from side to side.

Hakodate: ["Huh, they are rookies"] Hakodate, who previously held her racket over her shoulder, aims it to the side, keeping her cocky smirk ["I'll let them serve!"]

Ryuko: ["I'll make sure to take up on that, then!"] Ryuko kept bouncing a tennis ball on the ground between her and Y/N, who crouched while glaring at Hakodate ["We won't hold back!!"] While Mako continued to cheer in the background, Ryuko throws the ball up before she serves it.

Hakodate: Licking her lips with her long and sharp tongue, the blonde-haired girl jumps forward ["Too weak!"] The ball hits against the ground, bouncing off of it, it heads towards the spikes. However, Y/N quickly appeared in front of it, already with his Goku Uniform activated, hitting it back towards Hakodate ["Faster than I thought!"] She comments in surprise.

Mako: ["Y/N! That was awesome!"] She comments as the boy stands upside down, causing the girls to drool at his chest.

Before the ball could do any further, Hakodate jumps in front of it, hitting it back. The impact was strong enough to create a few afterimages as the ball bounces against Ryuko's and Y/N's side, heading towards the spike once again. Ryuko gasped, turning her body around and hitting the ball with the racket, holding it with both hands.

However, due to the strength in Hakodate's hit, the ball pierces through Ryuko's racket. As it hits the spike behind the two, the ball explodes. Y/N's tails gently waved around him as he watched the scene with narrowed eyes, humming in thought.

Sanageyama: ["Love-Fifteen!"] Sanageyama chirps up. Ryuko smirked, throwing her racket to the side.

Ryuko: ["Not bad"] She comments, glaring at Hakodate with a smirk.

Hakodate ["I'm just warming up!"] The blonde girl replied, glaring at Ryuko with an equally-cocky smirk ["You're only just beginning to learn the might of the Tennis-Spec Atheticism-Augmentating Two-Star Goku Uniform I received from Lady Satsuki!"]

Like before, Ryuko served the ball against Hakodate, who in turn swung her racket against it, using both hands in a reverse grip. Hitting the ball, Hakodate throws it back towards the group. Like before, it bounces off the ground. However, this time, with Hakodate's increased might, it leaves a dent on the floor.

Y/N: ["Not this time!"] The boy bursts out, jumping in front of the ball.

Instead of hitting it with the net, he uses the hard surface of the racket itself. He began pushing it with all the strength in his left arm. However, this proved to be useless. The ball started going up, passing through Y/N's arm. His eyes went wide, and before he could do anything, it hit right on the nose, sending him flying.

Sanageyama: ["Love-thirty!"] Sanageyama declared with his smugness growing by the second.

Hakodate: ["I knew you'd try that!"] Hakodate said with a smirk. Before Y/N landed against the ground, he used his tails to stop his fall ["That's why I put a special spin on my serve! So stupid of you, Foxy, seems like you forgot who taught you how to play in the first place!"]

Ryuko: ["Y/N! Are you alright?"] Ryuko asks, receiving a single nod from Y/N ["Tsc. Then I'll do the same!"] With a burst of blood to Senketsu, the uniform tightens itself around Ryuko's body. With a warcry, she threw a ball up, serving it with all of her strength. Or she would if it wasn't for her racket shattering ["E - Eh?"]

Sanageyama: ["Fault!!"] Sanageyama declared, keeping his arms crossed.

Y/N ["Tsc, come on..."] He mutters in annoyance, taking another ball and bouncing it on the ground before serving it. As Mako sleeps on one of the spikes and Y/N hits it, he watched with narrowed and annoyed eyes as it bounced off the barbed-wire net ["Tsc..."] Y/N clicked his tongue in annoyance, moving his shoulder a bit.

Sanageyama: ["Double fault!"] The green-haired man declared, watching the leaderboard displaying the 40 Points of difference ["Love-Forty!"]

Mako: ["... Eh?"] Mako woke up from her nap, frantically pointing at the scoreboard ["Ryuko, Y/N!"] Mako called ["This is your last shot!"]

Sanageyama: ["What's the matter, Transfer Student, Captain?!"] Sanageyama laughed, keeping his arms crossed ["Serve the ball already!"] Y/N kept crouching, glaring at Hakodate, who smirked at him while licking her lips.

Ryuko: ["Guh..."] Ryuko groans in annoyance, glaring at her fragile racket until a voice rang in her mind.

Senketsu: ["Ryuko!"] He called, looking up at the black-haired girl ["Use the Scissor-Blade! Only it can withstand our strength!"]

Ryuko: ["... Got it!"] Ryuko's eyes sharpened as she turned to the side, looking at Mako, who slept on top of her scissors stuck in the wall ["Mako, scissor me!"]

Y/N: ["Say what"] He turned to look at Ryuko, raising his eyebrow.

Mako: ["Okay!"] She stands up, putting both legs on the nearby spikes, spreading them while she uses both hands to take the scissor ["Catch!!"] With that, she threw it towards Ryuko, who caught the blade.

Ryuko: ["Right, then!"] Ryuko caught a strap from Senketsu's skirt part, using pulling some of it off, she wraps the string all around the Scissor's handle, creating an improvised net ["This should do the trick!"]

Y/N: ["Oh..."] He looks at Ryuko, perking up with a smirk ["Well then!"] Y/N threw his leg up as it erupted with the [H/C] fire ["If you're going to be smart, so am I!"] Y/N moved his leg around, faster than the naked eye could keep up. Soon, lowering it, he reveals a racket with the same appearance as Hakodate's but made with his flames ["Let's get the party going, Sharky~!"]

Hakodate: ["Y - You can't be serious!"] Hakodate said with surprise before her cheeks became red-colored ["Hey! I've been telling you to not call me that for three years now!"]

Sanageyama: ["Faul-"] He was about to scream after blowing the whistle, however..

Satsuki: ["It's all right!"] The top of the tower shined upon the students while Satsuki glared down at them ["Play along, Hakodate. Show us all the power of your Two-Star!"]

Hakodate: ["Yes, Milady!"] Hakodate replied, bowing after ["As you wish!"]

Ryuko: ["Kiryuin Satsuki..."] Ryuko growled, holding her blade ["You're looking down on people and barking out orders, same as always. Tsc! It's creepy!"]

Satsuki: ["Huh..."] Satsuki smirked down at both, causing Y/N's tail to become sharper in slight discomfort ["You two are going to show me just how much of that Goku Uniform and that Kamui's power you can use..."]

Ryuko: ["You bitch..."] She growls once again, glaring at Satsuki ["How do you know this thing is called a Kamui?!"]

Satsuki: ["Not so fast!"] With those three words, she stopped Ryuko ["Your opponent is right in front of you both"] Satsuki and Ryuko stared at each other for a moment, with the latter growling at the former.

Hakodate: ["Hu-hu!"] Hakodate smashed her racket against the ground, pointing it to Ryuko and Y/N after ["I'm going to use you as a live-fire exercise to loosen up for the Hokkaido away series! And after that!"] She points it to Y/N, who narrows his eyes ["We are having a LONG talk!"] For a moment, Ryuko saw that Y/N's eyes showed a bit of regret and slight sadness, but she paid it no mind.

Ryuko: ["Huh!"] Still with her blade in a reverse grip, Ryuko points it towards Hakodate ["Let's do this, then!"]

Ryuko jumped up, tossing a ball before she served it forward. Hakodate was quick to dash to the side, hitting the ball back. Due to the strength of Ryuko's impact, Hakodate growled.

Hakodate: ["In the field, you can only count on yourself!"] Hakodate thought, pushing the ball back ["Eh?"] But found herself surprised when Y/N jumped right in front of her, on the other side of the net.

Y/N's [E/C] had their fox-like pupils staring directly at Hakodate's blue eyes. The blonde girl giggled in slight fear as Y/N hit the ball back, throwing it against Hakodate's rack that she used to cover her face. The ball bounced back, and Y/N hit it once again. Y/N repeated this procedure two more times before, still midair, he wrapped both legs around the racket. With a loud roar, he swung the racket once again.

This time, the impact was strong enough to send Hakodate flying away after her face, quite-literally, smashed against the net. As Hakodate hits one of the walls, creating a sizeable explosion, many of the concrete spikes fly towards Y/N and Ryuko. The black-haired began swatting them away while Y/N jumped on top of each one, running against an ever-approaching Hakodate.

With another roar, his two legs and arms ignited in a bright [H/C] fire. As Y/N dashes through Hakodate, the blonde girl's outfit burst into flames, leaving nothing but ashes behind. A single crimson-colored string flies from Hakodate's now-destroyed Two-Star Goku Uniform. As it enters Ryuko's back, all the red-colored details on her outfit glows a bright crimson.

Ryuko: ["Oh, dear!"] She said, leaning her Scissor-Blade against her shoulder ["Seems like the match can't go on- eh?"]

Y/N: ["Away with thou ill-intended gazes!!"]

Y/N landed, but he was quick to dash forward once again. Approaching Hakodate, he growled before kicking the wall in front of her, causing every single male student, who previously kept gossiping on the blonde's naked body, to fly away in a burst of flames. As Hakodate's body flies up, Y/N's tail stood in the way, preventing the girl from hitting the ground, wrapping themselves around her.

Sanageyama: ["Don't get so full of yourself, bitch!"] The green-haired man lashes out, keeping both hands in his pockets with his left eye trembling ["It's not over yet!"] A line of students, both male and female, form around him, Ryuko and Y/N. However..

Satsuki: ["Wait, Sanageyama..."] 

Satsuki: ["Those two are the winners"] The black-haired woman declared, keeping her smirk.

Sanageyama: ["L - Lady Satsuki!"] Sanageyama quickly jumped to the side, bowing towards Satsuki, who stared at Ryuko.

Ryuko: ["So..."] Ryuko growled at Satsuki, assuming a combat-ready position ["Are you going to tell me?"] Y/N kept Hakodate wrapped around his tails, but his legs still burned as he glared at Satsuki ["Are you the woman with the other Scissor-Blade?"] But before Satsuki could say anything, a bright-blue-colored flash passes in front of Ryuko, and suddenly, a cut appeared on her shoulder ["What the-?!"]

Satsuki: ["If you wish to know the answer..."] With her sword drawn, Satsuki pushes the blade to the side, keeping its tip down, releasing a small gust of wind ["You'll need to prove yourselves!!"] With the sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other, Satsuki's eyes disappeared behind the shadow of her hair.

Senketsu: ["Ryuko! If you're going to fight, make it under two minutes!"] He advises, glaring up at the black-haired girl before looking at Satsuki ["Otherwise, you'll pass out again!"]

Ryuko: ["Tsc! That's because you drank too much blood!"] Ryuko snarls, glaring at Satsuki, still.

Y/N: ["Secret Sword Bakuzan..."] Y/N said, glaring at Satsuki's weapon with a smirk forming on his face ["Not even Senketsu could protect you from that, Ryuko. Its flat side is stronger than my kicks, and its blade, keener than your Scissor-Blade"]

Satsuki dashed forward before Ryuko could say anything. The black-haired girl could feel her enemy's intimidating aura. In fact, it was so strong that Ryuko felt like she was fighting a giant due to their clear difference in power and skill. 

Ryuko barely had time to block the attack that created a monstrous gust of wind behind her. Y/N stood his ground, hugging Hakodate against his chest. His hair and tails flapped around with the wind, but he remained unmoving, unlike the other students, who Satsuki blew away with the gust created by her attack.

Ryuko: ["The pressure is incredible..."] Ryuko thought, holding back against Satsuki's attack ["Her fighting spirit is amazing!"]

Satsuki narrowed her eyes at Ryuko, who obviously struggled against Bakuzan. Senketsu began releasing some smoke, and when the mist died down, Ryuko stood away from Satsuki with Mako near her, holding her guitar case.

Ryuko: ["Mark my words!"] She said, glaring at the black-haired woman. Y/N, who stood a few apart from both, kept glancing back and forth ["Next time, I'll finish this once and for all! Let' go, Mako!"]

Mako: ["'Kay!"] She replied, and again, another burst of smoke occurred. When it died down, it revealed both girls gone.

Sanageyama: ["Forgive me, Milady"] He said, approaching Satsuki ["I underestimated those two"]

Satsuki: ["Demote Hakodate to a No-Star"] She said, glaring at where Ryuko once stood ["As for Hokkaido, set up an interleague match with the sumo team"]

Y/N: ["Don't..."] Y/N stood up, now with his uniform deactivated. He gently zips his jacket up on Hakodate, covering her body ["Kiryuin, I know we're not on the best of terms with each other..."] Y/N gently picked Hakodate, who's passed out on his arms ["But may if I may make a request, give Hakodate another chance. It was unfair, plus, it's what he would've wanted"]

Sanageyama: ["Huh?!"] Sanageyama snapped his head towards Y/N, reaching for his kendo sword ["Have you lost your mind?! Who are you even talking abou-"]

Satsuki: ["Wait, Sanageyama"] Satsuki holds her blade up, gently pushing Sanageyama back ["And why would I listen to his wishes?"]

Y/N: ["Oya, because you owe him~"] Y/N said, smirking as he gently puts Hakodate on a stretcher carried by two One-Star students ["Much more than just another chance for another student, and you know it"]

Satsuki: ["... Very well"] Satsuki opened a smirk on her face as she looked at Y/N, sheathing her blade ["When Hakodate wake up, give her another Tennis-Spec Athleticism-Augmentating Two-Star Goku Uniform, and tell her to take L/N's jacket back to him"]

Sanageyama: ["... Y - Yes, Lady Satsuki!"] He said, looking at Satsuki, who began walking away. He turns to look at Y/N, who's walking away from the school with both hands inside the pant's pockets as if nothing happened ["What is it that you're hiding, Captain L/N...?"]

[Honnō City - Evening]
->[Two-Star Territory]<-

Ryuko, Y/N, and a sleeping Mako rode the trolley down towards the No-Star Territory. Right now, the [E/C] eyed boy was waiting for his stop to come.

Ryuko: ["... Hey"] Ryuko called, glancing at Y/N, who looked ["Thank you for the help back there"] The black-haired said, offering him a smile ["Couldn't do it without'cha"] She offers a fist-bump, one that Y/N gladly accepts.

Y/N: ["It's no biggie"] He said with a smirk, crossing both arms behind his head ["The two of having business with Satsuki, anyway. No reason to do it all alone"]

Ryuko: ["Hahaha, you're right!"] She laughed, gently closing her eyes ["Hey... Is it true?"] She asks, receiving a hum in response ["That thing about that blonde... You know"] Ryuko points at her teeth, causing Y/N to giggle.

Y/N: ["Oh, ahahaha!"] He laughed, closing his eyes [" It was a joke. It's much deeper than that... Much deeper..."] Y/N mutters with a tone of sadness clear on his voice and face.

Ryuko: ["Do I want to know?"] She asked with a more soft tone, crossing her legs.

Y/N: ["Depends..."] He opens his eyes, glancing at the floor ["If you want to continue having a positive view of me, then no"] Y/N shakes his head from side to side.

Ryuko: ["... Do you regret it?"] After a second of silence, she asked, glancing at him.

Y/N: ["Yeah..."] Y/N loudly sighed, closing his eyes before standing up ["More than any other mistake, this one's the one that stings the most"]

Ryuko: ["As long as you learned with it..."] Ryuko smirks up at Y/N, who giggles.

Y/N: ["That's rich coming from you, Blackberry"] Y/N replies, still shirtless.

Ryuko: ["Tsc, shut it, you exhibitionist!"] She snaps, facing away from him with her eyes closed. Soon, both fell in silence, until they burst out laughing for a solid moment ["Alright then, see you tomorrow, Hot-Head"] Ryuko smiles at Y/N, who gives her a two-finger salute as the trolley comes to a stop.

Y/N: ["In a while, Crocodile"] Y/N began walking away through the Two-Star territory with his calm posture.

Ryuko: ["Tsc..."] Ryuko laughs, leaning against her open palm ["You idiot..."] She muttered, glancing at Y/N's figure in the distance.

[Honnō City - Night]
->[Two-Star Territory - Y/N L/N's House]<-

Y/N calmly sat on his sofa, keeping his legs crossed as a random show played on the TV. Y/N paid it no mind. In fact, the only reason he had the TV turned on in the first place was so he didn't feel so lonely as his thoughts ran wild around his head. Y/N's brain was on fire with so many memories bursting through it. However, all of that came to an end when the doorbell rang. Y/N stood up, walking towards the door before opening it... 

There stood Hakodate, wearing a red-colored tracksuit with sports shorts underneath them. Y/N smiled at the blonde girl, who looked away from him while she had his jacket in her arms. Slowly looking up, she meets his tired eyes and messy hair along with his plain shirt. 

Y/N: ["Hakodate..."] Y/N greets in a low voice with a smile ["I'm glad to see that you're ok. I didn't hit you too hard, did I...?"]

Hakodate: ["No, I'm fine..."] The blonde replied, looking up at Y/N ["I came here to give this back..."] She extends her arm, presenting Y/N's Two-Star Jacket.

Y/N: ["Oh, thank you..."] He gently picks up, sniffing his clothes ["Oh, you washed and ironed them, too..."] Noticing this, he smiles at Hakodate ["You didn't need to do so, Sharky~..."]

Hakodate: ["It's the very least I could've done since you convinced Satsuki to let me stay as a Two-Star"] Hakodate replied with a small giggle ["I should be the one thanking you..."]

Y/N: ["Haha"] Now, with a normal tone, Y/N laughed ["It's the very least that I could've done since... That"]

Hakodate: ["Idiot"] She said with a small giggle ["I told you already, it's okay. It's in the past now..."]

Y/N: ["It's funny, you were the one in the receiving end, and yet... I'm the one who feels like trash nowadays"] He comments, glancing to the side with his eyes becoming soft in sadness. The silence rang through them until Y/N smiled ["Say, wanna come in? It's late already. You can crash in for the night"]

Hakodate: ["Oh! If it isn't too much trouble..."] Hakodate said with a small laugh.

Y/N: ["Nonsense! It will be just like the old days!"] Y/N steps to the side, allowing Hakodate inside.

Hakodate: ["Well, if you insist"] She joked with a small smile showing her sharp teeth.

Y/N simply laughs, rolling his eyes. He calmly jumped back on the sofa, inviting Hakodate to sit at his side with light taps against the sofa. Accepting his invite, the blonde girl gently sits at his side before she fell against him. Y/N caught her with a small giggle. Snuggling against the [E/C]-eyed male, Hakodate closed her eyes, resting her head against his chest.

Gently wrapping his arms Hakodate, Y/N closed his eyes. He knew that, no matter what, they couldn't go back to being what they once used to be. He felt pain, sadness, and regret for everything he did. He knew that there was no way of fixing his mistakes in his own eyes. Hakodate herself said that it was alright on her eyes, but not on his eyes. In his eyes, Y/N would never be the same again.

Y/N knew that his mistakes came with a price, and that was the price he is paying now. The price of regret. Even if Hakodate snuggled against him, cuddled him and he hugged her, he knew that there was no way around. Sighing, he slowly pulls a blanket over the two of them, closing his eyes.

No words were exchanged between the two for the rest of the night. However, Y/N knew. He knew that this was the last time that he would ever feel Hakodate like that. Everything he could enjoy the moment while it lasted. Without words, the two of them remained silent as they felt their bodies against the other for one last time. Gently running a hand through her blonde hair, Y/N, with his eyes closed, muttered a single world...

Y/N: ["I'm sorry..."] 

<<<<< I >[--I--]< I >>>>

[A/N - Now, I know what I said a few hours ago, that I would release this chapter later, yadda yadda yadda. However, I didn't want to leave you guys with no updates, and I still need to plot that special a bit more. Addressing that subject, the special will reveal more of Y/N and Hakodate's story together. So, I hope you're excited for it!]

[Published in - 01/23/2021]
[Word Count - 11.972]

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