first loves die hard

By kmack19

16.3K 381 68

Jax fell in love at fifteen, spent the summer at the beach and never forget anything about her. More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9

chapter 1

3.5K 59 13
By kmack19

I know i know,, i have other stories i need to update and im sorry! This idea popped in my head and I couldnt get it out so i wrote it down lol. This won't follow the show but might have a some scenes and episodes. Obviously things will happen different. I hope yall enjoy!

Jax sat on the roof of the clubhouse thinking about the first girl he truly loved. Not Tara, her name was Camille, or as Jax liked to call her Cami.

They met the summer before John Teller died. John took time off from the club and took his family to Coronado Beach where they spent the whole summer.

Jax didn't want to go to the beach but he was glad to get some time with his dad without the club coming first. They spent the first week doing everything together and that was the most memorable time with his dad. It seemed like his parents were doing better they actually laughed, talked and smiled.

It was their second week there that he met Camille Algara Hernandez, his first true love. As cliche as it sounds they met on the beach and spent the whole day talking until the sunset. They met up every day going swimming, walking around the tourist shops, walking the beach or even hanging out with his parents. John and Gemma both loved Camille, seeing her and Jax together reminded them of their younger days, when they were madly in love with each other. They snuck off every night the last couple of weeks together spending the night laying on the beach not wanting to miss any time. During the day if his parents were not having alone time they spent the time with them. The last week they were together they slept together every night in the basement of the beach house the Tellers were renting.

To this day Jax was thankful for that summer not only for Camille but for the time he spent with his dad. He thought about the both of them daily and wished so many times he could go back to that summer and it never end.

Jax could still see her smile and hear her laugh. They never told her about the Sons of anarchy or the fact that John was one of the founding members and the founding charters president. Jax never told her about his plans to join when he was allowed too or hoping to one day take over the gavel.

Jax hadnt seen or heard from Camille in ten years. Now at twenty five he was VP and had no idea where his life was headed.

After the best summer of his life he tried to call Cami but she never called back or wrote like she promised. He tried to call when John died needing to hear her voice but she didn't answer. Gemma watched as her sons heart broke when Camille didn't respond, then watched him break entirely when John died. Gemma done her best to help him heal but she knew he never fully healed from his first love.

Jax turned sixteen, with Piney and Chibs help they finished building the bike John started with jax. He was proud to ride that bike, he thought of his dad every time he would start it up.

Over time it got to where jax and Gemma could talk openly about John without it hurting so much, they even talked about Camille often.

Jax wasnt sure how to feel when his mom started seeing Clay. It was at that point he began to hang out with Tara, after becoming friends they started dating. He cared about tara and wanted to love her but he never could. Despite not truly loving her it still hurt when she skipped town. He decided after that he didnt want to date anymore so he spent years a single man enjoying the free pussy around the clubhouse.

Chibs whistled to let Jax know it was time for church. Jax took one more look at the afternoon skyline before he climbed down. He wondered what his life would have been like if Cami ever called him back, where their relationship would be. The only people who knew about her and their summer love were Gemma, Opie, Piney and Chibs.

After church they met with the Mayans at the warehouse. Like they agreed on they met with the Galindo cartel, they were going to sell them guns.

About six months into their deal with Galindo Tara moved back to charming, she was in her first year of residency. He met up with her a few times thinking he could love her, He could make things work and maybe be happy. At this point Tara was a better choice than making a croweater his old lady. She could help him not be so lonely and disconnected from everything, she could help the club when they needed patched up. It seemed like the right choice. Everyone could benefit from him having a relationship with Tara.

"You good bro?" Opie asked walking to stand next to him he offered him a smoke.

"Yeah I'm good Ope."

Opie just looked at him. "Fuck. I dont know. I really dont." Jax admitted shaking his head.

"This about Tara?"

"Yeah. It'd be best for everyone if she stuck around right?"

"What. That isn't up to what is best for everyone else man. Its what you want."

"Yeah. What if I dont get another chance man. Have someone to go home to. I'm tired of the endless disconnect."

"Shit Jax. That sounds miserable if you don't really want her it wouldn't matter if she was at home. You wouldn't be happy."

He was right. "Yeah. Thanks bro." Jax said giving him a hug "let's go meet with Galindo and the mayans."

They were almost out of charming when they got the call that Miguel and his men were shot at with Miguel and Nestor both getting shot, they needed somewhere to go and fast.

Jax stopped by St. Thomas to ask Tara to come help. She was in surgery so he told the nurse to have her call him and he sent her a text too. He got back to the clubhouse and thye had it cleared out, with only club members, mayans and Miguel's men there. The officers of each club, along with Miguel and Nestor were in the chapel.

"I dont know how long she'll be, she's in surgery. Told them to have her call me and left a message for her." Jax told them as he walked in chapel.

"Shits Jackie boy we need the docs help." Chibs said as he looked at Miguel's wound.

They stood around talking and making a few jokes trying to lighting the mood. Chibs still couldn't find the bullet and was being careful "hes going to need some blood once we're done." Chibs said looking at Jax. He quickly pulled his phone out trying to call Tara.

As he hung up an older man came to the chapel door "Miguel I tried to stop her." He said in a hurry.

"Devante you had one job." Miguel said annoyed making Nestor chuckle

"Yeah its not easy trying to tame the lioness, you know how she is."

"Where is she?" Nestor asked amused

"Outside, pacing, waiting to come in and string us all up." Devante told him.

"Is it too late for me to slip out the back?" Miguel asked with a smirk. The Samcro members who were in the chapel were trying to figure out who they were talking about, they figured it was his old lady or mom.

Right at that time they could hear heels heavy on the clubhouse floor.

Nestor whistled and counted down "Three, Two, One."

The mayans laughed then got real serious when the mysterious woman popped up in the doorway of the chapel.

"Yeah laugh it up guys. Just wait." She glared at each one of them.

"Bring it" Nestor laughed waving his hands at her in a come on motion.

"I would never disrespect any man in a patch by entering their templo without permission. Im not some Neanderthal Nestor." She snapped before she looked around the room at the members of samcro. her eyes studied each one until her eyes landed on Jax, both of them stared at each other before she continued and look at Clay then his president patch and back to his eyes.

"Mano she won't come in unless you allow her. But if she waits for Miguel out there, there will be a problemo." Marcus told clay. Clay just nodded to let her come in.

She moved fast first to Nestor looking him over "Estúpida. All of you." She shook her head before leaning down to kiss is his cheek. Nestor shook his head with a grin she patted his cheek.

Opie noticed how Jax watched the woman, it was like be was seeing a ghost. His eyes didn't leave her.

She walked over to Miguel and smiled at chibs "have you got alot done?" She asked sweetly.

"No love, can't find the bullet."

She nodded "mind if I look?"

Chibs wasn't sure so he looked to Miguel "No."

She laughed "you know I don't know what that word means. Now tell this fine gentleman to step away por favor Miguel." She snapped glaring at him. Miguel took a deep breath and sighed "its okay." He told chibs who cautiously stepped back.

"Sorry" she mumbled to chibs before she reached down and gripped Miguel's wound digging her finger in. He tensed and grunted at her "quieres que te corte la cabeza"

She chuckled "so violent." Tsking as she shook her head. "I could leave and just let you bleed out. Either is fine with me since you're just as much as a dumbass as Nestor. Then I would have the whole house to myself." She smirked

"Just fucking get it out Camille."

"I guess thats as nice as it'll get right? No please? I owe you one?"

"CAMILLE!" Miguel barked out.

"Okay okay." She "let me travel Miguel."

"Absolutely not." He shook his head.

"Uh we have Jax' old lady coming, she's a doctor." Chibs told her as she reached for the instrument to find the bullet.

She took a deep breathe and swallowed at hearing he had an old lady but quickly nodded "I guess you'll need her when he's about to die and needs to be saved. Until then I'll be okay." She winked and started working

"Did yall get the cabrón who shot you?"

"Of course." Nestor mumbled

"He still alive? You know I like to play too."

The mayans laughed "Nena aqui no." Marcus told her

She nodded as she pulled the bullet out. "You make him pay."

"Always hija."

She didn't say anything as she started stitching Miguel up.

"Next time dodge the bullet." She joked. She would rather speak in Spanish but since this was their home she would speak English.

"Is there somewhere I could wash my hands?" She asked looking at samcro.

Jax stepped up "ill show you."

Camille done her best to school her reaction but nodded before she got up. Nestor went to follow but she turned

"I dont think between here and a sink ill be okay. They are business partners correct?"

"Go. Then go to with Devante, outside." Miguel told her

"Yes sir."

Camille was nervous as she followed jax down the hallway and into a room. She hadn't seen him in ten years, even though she seen him every night in her dreams, the teenager atleast. He grew up to be so handsome and she felt a pang in her heart knowing he had an old lady. But she couldnt blame him.

He opened the bathroom door but still hadn't said anything. She finished washing the blood off her hands and turned around to look at him.

"You never called back." He said in a cold and harsh tone.

Camille winced "yeah uh cant change that now can we?"

"Yeah guess we cant huh." Jax mumbled

"You look good. Adulthood looks like it has treated you well."

Jax chuckled but was unamused "yeah fucking great."

"Well I should go before you're old lady shows up." Camielle went to walk around him but he stopped her.

"I dont have an old lady."

She scoffed "the Scottsman said your old lady, the doctor will be here soon. Don't lie. Now im leaving."

"What no. She was basically a rebound after you then she left town and just came back. She's not my old lady."

"You deserve to be happy Jax. What happened with us was so long ago, we were kids."

"You seriously mean that, you fucking believe that?"

"Its what it is Jax."

"No it's not. You can't tell me our time together didn't matter."

"Stick with the doc Jax. Its better for everyone involved."

"But what best for you Cami? What do you want?"

"What I want never matters. Now I would like to leave."

"Yeah alright. See you around Camille." His words harsh and cold.

Jax knew she was lying, he was mad but broken with how she blew him off. He always imagined her coming back into his life and this was not how it was supposed to go.

Everyone was out of the chapel standing around the clubhouse, Tara just got there and was looking over Nestor and Miguel. Tara was surprised with how well Miguel's stitches looked but didnt comment. She could tell he was a powerful man but had no idea who he was and didn't want to disrespect him somehow.

Camille walked out of the hallway and went straight towards Miguel, Gemma watching her the whole time. Gemma recognized Camille immediately and wasn't too surprised to see Jax right behind her but she was shocked when she seen Camille hug and kiss Galindo on his cheeks before she walked out with his right hand man, some of his security and a few mayans following behind.

Camille put on a brave face as she walked into the room full of sons and mayans. She noticed the brunette in the scrubs looking over Miguel figured she was Jax old lady.

"Go with Devante. Ill be there as soon as I can."

"Is it far? Can I ride?"

"You have to listen to them, I mean everything Camille."

"Absolutely." She leaned in and kissed his cheeks

"We will talk later one why you were crying." Miguel whispered in her ear. Camille squeezed his hand before she followed Devante out with Angel, Coco and EZ following her.

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