The Chosen Ones

By MichellePechs

58 6 53

In a word where magic roamed free on a land divided by the mysteries of the universe and the power of technol... More

The Escape
The Reunion
The Decision
The Chosen One
The New Beginning


4 1 2
By MichellePechs

Every morning Ben would wake her up talking at her ear, counting the days they've been together. Although Rey never regained full mobility of her lower back and required wearing the support suit for the rest of her life, within a year she's able to walk with the help of a cane, wandering through the woods at dusk collecting flowers for their room.

When the days together surpassed the days they were apart, Rey gave birth to twins, Jaina and Hanen, a beautiful brunet girl with bright eyes and a golden hair boy with a charming smile, and from that day on, Ben wouldn't let a single morning go by without waking her up with words of gratitude for making him the happiest man in the world. She would never be able to explore the rest of the Kingdom, the jungles of the North or the seas of the East, nor become a Jedi Master; but Rey discovered that she found what she always wanted the most, a home. And she found it in that farm covered in orchards with the sweetest of the fruits that she had ever taste, a home where she's cherished, a home she'll help to build, maintain, live in.

Life went on, the good days far outweighed the bad ones, where those who came into her life remained, and the farm was always full of children and laughter, full of hope. The sunlight always illuminated her balcony overlooking the trees and flowers, the wind bringing the song of the birds and the murmur of the river, until the morning of the 18,250 living together, Rey didn't hear Ben's voice. After so many years of struggles, her bodies had slowly deteriorated, once more she'd lost the ability to walk, Ben's heart began to fail and required a new cardiac motor.

Taking some effort, Rey turned and looked at his porcelain face, now full of wrinkles and his hair as white as the snow that she'll never get to know. Ben's eyes were closed, there was no pain on his face, just peace. With some difficulty, she sat down placing her hands over his chest, motionless and cold to the touch, his heart motor paralyzed. Terrified at the idea of losing him and not knowing what to do, when she's about to call her children Rey felt a flame igniting inside her chest and heard Ben's voice calling her inside her mind: "Come with me, sweetheart."

Surrounded by that magic never known by the other Jedi Wizards of the Kingdom, where her body was finally free of her bindings, Rey looked at her room with melancholy, more flower paintings adorn the soft green walls, all made by her children while they were growing up. She'd nothing but beautiful memories in her mind, she'd lived a good life, and she smiles at the realization that she's ready to leave. Taking off Leia's ring and laying it on the nightstand, in front of the photo of her twins, Rey leaned against Ben's lifeless body and closed her eyes to return to the clarity of her mind.

The journey back was peaceful, this time following a read ribbon that shinned showing her the way. As if returning from a long dream, her bare feet lead her to that evergreen grassy meadow where the sun never sets. There, at the end of the ribbon, the Ben of their youth awaited with open arms and where once again they could connect their souls, light and darkness, turning in the infinity of the cosmos, the first day of their eternity together.

There were no bodies left to bury back on the farm. The twins Jaina and Hanen, now Jedi Masters and leaders of the new Jedi Order, would leave flowers into the wind every morning whispering their names between the petals, knowing that as long as magic continued to exist in any corner of the world, will also the souls of their parents, The Chosen Ones, the most powerful wizards that existed in the history not only of the Kingdom, but of humanity itself.

The end.

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