Rebellious {George Weasley Sm...

By Xoamberjoy

31.7K 671 357

Olivia Spencer was a member of the thunderbird house at Ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizarding. That w... More

2. Kickoff
3. Drunk
4. Potions
5. Kissed
6. Night Moves
7. Praise
8. Sign Up
9. Sing
10. Freak

1. Hogwarts

5.5K 78 55
By Xoamberjoy

Olivia Spencer was an American girl. She had no knowledge of the school she was about to attend, nor did her parents. Both of them were no-maj, they did their work like the rest of the no-maj couples did in the world, both of them working in the same business, running schematics on medical equipment. It was actually where they fell in love. When Olivias letter to Ilvermorny came in it was definitely a shock for them. While Olivia herself always knew she was something special. She could always do things other kids couldnt, and she loved knowing that she wasn't alone in that.

She had been sorted into Thunderbird her first term and had received quite the reputation as a rebellious prankster. She usually had a hand in almost every wild adventure that happened at the school. Her professors told her it was no surprise she had been a thunderbird, after all, the house was perfectly suited for the most adventurous and daring students who roamed the halls of Ilvermorny.

Hogwarts, however, was something new entirely. She found herself lost as she tried to walk through the halls, map in her hand. The school was a lot bigger than her old one, and with that came twists and turns that she hadn't been used to. "Great hall... great hall..." she murmured, trying her best to figure out where exactly she was on the map she held.

"Need some help?" A voice behind her called. She turned her head to see a tall slender boy with red hair behind her, a small and kind smile playing at his lips. He had a thick accent that made Olivia swoon. There was something about those British boys that drove American girls absolutely crazy.

"Yes actually." She breathed out a sigh of relief and folded up her map, smiling up at the boy. "I'm supposed to go to the great hall for my sorting ceremony. Just can't seem to find it.."

The boy chuckled softly. "I'm heading there too. Little late to the party, but I'm sure Dumbledore won't mind when he finds out I was helping you..." he pauses, looking behind him quickly, as if he had been chased here by something Olivia couldn't see.

"Why do I have the feeling you were up to something?" Olivia asks, cocking her brow at the boy.

"Hmm?" He hums before turning to look back at her. He shakes his head gently. "Definitely wasn't up to anything. I would never." He holds up a hand as if he was taking an oath, smiling genuinely.

Olivia wants to call his bluff but decides to leave it alone as he presses past her. "Follow me." He says.

Olivia follows him closely, her eyes roaming the halls as she does so. She finds herself absolutely bewildered by all of the moving paintings that lined the walls of the castle. Ilvermorny was beautiful, but it didn't have quite the rich history that Hogwarts did. She found the place stunning to say the very least. "My names Frederick Weasley by the way, but I prefer to be called Fred." The boy states, burrowing his brows gently. "Don't know why I even told you the full first name bit. Guess I'm just excited about tonight's festivities." He smiled back at her as she followed him.

Olivia smirked gently at that. "I'm Olivia Spencer. I prefer to be called Olivia. Liv if we're friends." She presses her lips together and quickens her pace to match his long strides, walking alongside of him now. "Are you going to let me in on tonight's festivities Frederick? Or are you just going to leave me guessing?"

Fred let out a snort at the use of his full name and looked over to her with a bright smile. "Fine. But you're not going to rat us out are you?"

Olivia shrugged gently. "Depends whats happening." She giggled mischievously before looking back up to the boy, who bit at his lip at her answer.

"I have a feeling we're going to get along fine." He said with a chuckle at her antics. "There's a party tonight. Gryffindor lockers room by the quidditch field. I can come by whatever common room you're in tonight and pick you up?"

Olivia nodded gently "sounds lovely." She smiled, when they entered an archway her eyes widened at the sight before her.

In her vision were four grand tables, each of them filled with students in black robes with different colored ties. At the head of it all was a table, full of teachers, she presumed. The ceiling was bewitched to show a dazzling night sky and floating candles flooded the sky, mimicking twinkling stars.

"Mr. Weasley. Nice of you to usher in our special guest." The man at the podium said. Albums Dumbledore. Olivia had read so much about him. She wondered silently if she would be able to pick his brain at some point, especially about his battle with Grindelwald. "Students!" He announced. "We have a new addition to Hogwarts. Miss Olivia Spencer is a transfer from Ilvermorny, our sister school in America." He smiled, and Olivia was sure his eye was twinkling right at her. Fred pushed her forward slowly and she shot him a glare before making her way to the front, eyes heavy on her with every stride she took.

"Miss. Spencer is well up to date with the teachings here at Hogwarts and will be joking her classmates in her Sixth year." He shot a look to a blonde boy in green robes who had whistled towards Olivia and he quieted down instantly. "But before she can do that. She must be sorted. Professor Mcgonagall, if you will."

Olivia finally stood at the front as a female professor stepped forward, holding an old worn wizards hat. A large man with bushy hair and a bushy beard brought over a grand golden chair with red velvet upholstery. "Have a seat Miss Spencer." The woman said, gesturing to the chair.

Olivia sat down and sucked in a deep breath. She watched nervously as the other students stared up at her. Most of them wore smiles, but a couple of girls snarled back at her, as if they had already hated her without having known her. She searched the crowd for Fred and found him amongst a small batch of students wearing red ties like his own. A red head boy next to him looked up at her and her entire body froze. There were two of them. Two versions of Fred. Both of them almost identical but something about the gaze of this new boy, struck her to her very core. His brown eyes looked up at her and her heart slipped a beat. She gulped hard and tried her best to listen to what the hat on her head was saying.

"Brave... yes very brave.." it hummed. "And mischievous. A sense of humor on this one here..." it let out a thoughtful hum before announcing "Gryffindor!" The table of students in red and yellow stood on their feet, cheering loudly for her. Her eyes flicked over to Fred, who was probably cheering the loudest of them all. She let out a giggle and all but ran to him, smiling brightly on her way.

"Frederick!" She laughed when she got to him. "Looks like I'll be seeing more of you than I'd like to!" She smirked, scrunching up her nose at him playfully.

Fred smiled up at her and moved to his right a bit. "Wouldn't have it any other way Liv." He chuckled, patting the seat next to him. She sat down slowly, careful not to collide too much with the clone of him that would be sitting next to her. She smiled nervously at the boy.

"I see I'll have to watch out for you too. Double the trouble." She bites at her bottom lip as she looks the boy over. She could feel her hands shaking slightly but she didn't know why. She was usually so confident, so able to hold her head high, even when faced with the scariest situations, but not this time. No, this boy had taken her breath away with one simple look.

The boys eyebrow raised softly and a small smirk pulled to his lips. "Double the fun, I'd like to think." He said with a laugh, sticking his hand out to her. "George Weasley."

"Olivia Spencer." She said back. She took his hand slowly and went to give it a shake, but before she could he was pulling her hand to his lips and giving her knuckles a soft kiss. She could've sworn her heart stopped right then and there. The fact she was still conscious was mind blowing in itself.

"Pleasure to meet you Olivia." He said softly, his eyes piercing into her own. He dropped her hand gently and Olivia let out a soft hum of satisfaction at that. They probably stayed in that position for too long, because Fred cleared his throat at them.

"Anyways.." he said quickly, clasping his hands together with a loud clap. Olivia came to her senses then and straightened herself out in the chair. "This is my brother Ron." He motioned to a red headed boy who had been stuffing his mouth with a turkey leg. Ron nodded at her, his mouth too full to talk. "Hermione Granger." He said next, Olivia followed his movements to the girl sat next to Ron, who was smiling brightly at her. "Ginny, my favorite sister."

"Need I remind you, I'm your only sister Freddie." The red head girl said with a small roll of her eyes.

"Exactly. Making you my favorite." He said, his voice full of humor as she stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

Olivia looked at the next boy. He wore circular glasses and had a small scar in the shape of lightening at the top of his forehead. Harry Potter. He was the most famous wizard of their generation. Of course Olivia knew who he was already. She waited for him to be introduced as Fred motioned to him. "The boy who lived, Harry Potter." He said proudly. Harry instantly rolled his eyes at that. Olivia smiled kindly at him and he returned with a smile of his own.

"Please tell me you're coming to the party tonight." Hermione said, looking right at Olivia. "I'll need help making sure these two stay standing." She looked at Fred, and then George, a soft smirk playing her lips.

"Oi, George? Is this the same Hermione who passed out in Professor Snapes office last time she drank fire whiskey and we had to carry her to her room so she wouldn't get expelled?" He asked, looking over Olivia to his brother.

George moved closer to Olivia so he could speak to Fred. The side of his hips pressed against hers and Olivia almost choked on the food she had taken a bite of. "Think it is Freddie." He said quickly, earning a scoff from Hermione.

"That was one time!" She objected, a smile pulling to her lips. "Either way, I wasn't exactly talking to you two now was I?"

Olivia laughed at the threes bantering and nodded gently. "I'll be there. Have to see for myself what trouble Frederick here gets up to when he's been drinking." She shoots Fred a smile, and he returns it quickly, shooting her a wink which makes Olivia giggle.

"S'not him you have to worry about." Ron said through a mouthful of food. He motioned to George. "That ones been brewing up potions all summer." Olivia looked to George, who wore a mischevious smirk.

Fred was loud. He was the one everyone expected to say something funny or to pull the first prank. Then there was George. He had been quiet thus far. Olivia silently wondered what exactly it was that he was hiding.

She would soon find out, that was for certain.

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