Life After LA

Country_1 द्वारा

103 2 0

Savannah Gardner, Bryan Williams, and Chris Williams have moved back to New Jersey. Bryan and Savannah are st... अधिक

A New Generation
Parks and Practices

Brothers and Betrayals

30 0 0
Country_1 द्वारा

Third Person:

Savannah had Lily ready to go to her rehearsal, and smiled at Bryan as he walked in. He smiled at two of the four most important people in his life, and picked Lily up, swinging her around. The front door opened, and Bryan put his hand in front of Savannah to protect her and his youngest daughter.

"Dad? Mom?" They heard Jacob call out, and Bryan was the first to react to his tone. The three rushed downstairs, where Avalon and Jacob sat on the couch. Jake stood up, and looked at his mother. "So, Avalon can't go to school today. Brad tried to talk to her, again."

Savannah sighed, heading into the kitchen. She grabbed her phone, and started calling the school to let them know that Avalon wasn't feeling good, and Jacob wouldn't be in until 10:45. It was only 8:30, that gave him a couple hours to comfort his twin sister.

"Alright, Mrs. Gardner," the secretary said. "Hope Avalon feels better in time for the big game this week."

"Thank you, Mrs. Fletcher," Savannah said. "I'm sure she'll be just fine before the big game."

She hung up, looking at her only son. He nodded appreciatively, and looked at his sister. She was curled up into her father's side, and looked up when she noticed that he was looking at her.

"What do you want, weirdo?" She asked, trying to sound like herself through her tears so Lily didn't question why exactly she came home.

"Well, I was going to ask if you just wanted to go drive around with your favorite brother for a while, and just talk, but I guess I'll just have to go to Hotnest myself now."

Avalon's POV:

I knew that I should stay home and deal with the fact that a former best friend had tried to talk to me. But I couldn't. I looked up from where I was, to see Dad looking down at me, waiting to see what my answer would be. I sighed, and he removed his arm from around my shoulder, letting me go if I so chose to do so. Getting up, I grabbed at the keys, but Jake already had them in his hand. I groaned, and he laughed.

"You ain't driving while there are tears streaming down your face," he said, and I crossed my arms. "Avalon, you aren't getting the keys. Now c'mon. Let's get out of here. Mom, Dad, I'll have her home by 10:30, and I'll be at school by 10:45. Don't worry about me."

Dad muttered something under his breath, and Mom swatted at him lightly.

"Go, be siblings. But remember, Jake. 10:45. You will not miss all day, because your sister ain't feeling good. You gotta practice."

"Alright, Mom," he said, and we finally managed to make it out the door. After driving to the next town over, we stopped at our favorite restaurant. We went in, and ordered our typical meals. A hamburger topped with extra pickles alongside a basket of fries covered in their homemade fire sauce for me, and a spicy chicken sandwich with extra spice, alongside a basket of fries covered in the same sauce for Jake.

At some point, he called Mia, and put her on speaker. It didn't sound like she was in school, however, but I couldn't place where she was.

"Hey, Mia?" Jake asked, and Mia asked what he wanted this time. "Could you by chance take notes in math next period for me? I took Avalon home, and ain't coming in until 10:45. I really just need the homework."

"Uh, about that," she said. "I really can't get your math homework for you. I ain't at school still."

Mia's POV:

I got to the school around 7:45, around the same time that I saw Jake and Avalon pull in. However, I saw Alice, and walked over to her. We went inside, as I would see both the twins at lunch, and Jake was in my math class.

However, a few minutes later, Alice asked why neither of the twins had gone to their lockers. I didn't know, so I just shrugged as the football team, minus Jake, came walking down the hall. I noticed Avalon's crush, Hunter Miller, walking past us, and he looked over at me.

"MIA!" He said, and I waved at him. I saw someone start to walk away faster, and turning to see who it was, I saw the football team walk after... Brad. Of course. He must've said something to Avalon, or something, and Jake's comforting her. "Hey, you want to hang out later?"

"Why not?" I asked, and then thought of Avalon. "Actually, I think I've got plans with Alice. Gonna go have a spa day with my girl here. Right?"

Alice was dead silent, and when I looked, she was talking to Brady Davidson, current captain of the football team. I sighed, my excuse being see-through when she ain't even paying any attention to me.

"Mia, can I talk to you? Alone?" Hunter asked, and I sighed before nodding slightly. Avalon was going to be SO mad at me if she figured out. Before I knew it, he had grabbed my sleeve, and we were in a random room. I heard him fumble around for a second for a light switch, and I kind of laughed. Everyone thought of him as this "smooth player" of the football team. And while it was true that he was smooth ON the field, I was beginning to realize that he wasn't too smooth OFF the field.

He finally found the switch, and I looked around. Wow, a janitor's closet. Real original, Miller. However, he looked at me quickly, and I realized that he hadn't brought me in here to make out or hook up real quick. I started to feel bad, but his reputation preceded him. It made me wonder why Avalon would ever like him. He was the boy who skipped class to hook up with his girl of the week, or of the day.

"I'm not here asking you for anything you may be thinking. I'm not gonna treat you like any other girl I'd have brought in here. Because I've got a person in mind for that. And while you know her, and are QUITE close to her, I want to see just how smart you are."

"I'm close to her, you say?" I asked, and he nodded. "So it's either Avalon or Alice. But I never see you around Alice. You see Avalon a lot during practice, as she practices cheer while y'all practice throwing a ball down the field."

"Interesting turn you've gone down with reasoning," he said, looking directly at me. "Anything else to point to her? Out of curiosity?"

"You're Jake's best friend, so you also see more of her that way, as wherever Jake is, Avalon seems to be right there with him. You two are in the same grade, so that's not hard to see how you see each other during the day. Oh, not to mention every time I mention her, you look away for a split second, hoping I don't see the smile that lights up your face."

Hunter grinned down at me, and then looked up at the door quickly. He grabbed my sleeve once more, and pulled me behind a shelf, just as the door opened. His hand quickly covered my mouth, stopping the sharp gasp of surprise that I couldn't help but release. A light was shining in their direction, but it just barely missed the top of Hunter's head, as he was ducked as low as he could.

"Don't make a noise," he whispered in my ear, just barely. I just nodded, and Hunter released me slowly. The door slowly creaked to a close, as the light above them turned off. Hunter stood up, and used his phone as a flashlight to offer me his hand to use as I stood up.

"Why didn't you use your phone's flashlight to find the light switch when we first came in here?" I asked, and Hunter laughed.

"Honestly, I didn't even think of using my flashlight at that moment," he admitted, and I shook my head. "But let's not turn the light back on. I'll just leave my phone face down, so we have enough light to see by, without one of us being in shadows as the other gets blinded."

I grabbed my phone, turned on the flashlight, and found the switch in under 30 seconds. Hunter grumbled, and I sighed.

"Hunter," I said, and he looked at me. "You can't exactly HATE the light, ya know. You play under spotlights every Friday."

"I didn't get much sleep last night. I was planning on talking to Avalon today, but then Brad talked to her, Jake rescued her, and then he took her home."

"When does the bell-?"


"About right now. We should probably get to homeroom," Hunter said, and I grabbed his sleeve real quick. "What's up? Need something?"

"Meet me here in 15 minutes. Homeroom is over then, and we'll be counted as here for the day if we don't sign out. I've got an idea."

"Alright, then."

And that is why I would be at a park when Jake called me, and I betrayed Avalon in the slightest way possible. But first, we had to escape the high school. After Jake's and Hunter's past methods of escaping got figured out, the school has been on constant watch. As long as they're still in the building, or at least on campus, it's fine. But going outside when they don't have gym or lunch is a massive indication that something or someone is gonna get hurt or destroyed. Just ask Brad about last spring.

~End Chapter~


Word Count- 1522

Not sure how I feel about that one. But the question is, how is Mia about to destroy her cousin's trust in her? Is it worth it? I forced myself to crank out a chapter for this story, but like I said, I'm not sure how I like it. It's alright, given a high school setting, but almost felt forced in some areas. You'll get Hunter's POV after the Third Person POV next chapter. It should be fun. I'm gonna try to find a picture of someone I think could portray him, and put him up at the top or something.

Outwardly, he seems like this funny, laid-back kind of guy, who has a new girl every week. But he's got his issues at home and in school just like everyone else does in life. His just so happens to be a little rougher. And once again, you'll get more detail as you read through his perspective next chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed! Bye!


Quote of the day:

"Money can't buy happiness."

-Chris Stapleton, "Buy Me a Boat"

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