Beautiful Joy

By ChapterT

392 5 2

At fifteen, Joy's world has been shattered by the unexpected death of her mother, plunging her into the darke... More



32 1 0
By ChapterT

Group Text with Max and Kate

Me: Hey, Dad's working late today. Can I still take you guys up on that school shopping offer?

Max: Yep, 11?

Me: Perfect! I'll have the girls with me too.

Kate: OMG, YAY! So excited to get our shop on!!!!!!!!!!!

Kate: But seriously, stop texting. I'm going back to sleep.

Max: W
Max: A
Max: K
Max: E
Max: U
Max: P

[Kate has left the group.]

Me: Watch out, Max. Kate's revenge game is strong.

Max: Haha, little sis doesn't scare me. I taught her everything she knows. See ya at 11!

I set my phone down with a grin plastered on my face. Max and Kate are basically my second family. Their dad, Jake, is my dad's best friend and business partner, so we've known each other forever.

Max is 17 and will be a junior like me this year. He's the strong, silent type, unless you're one of his close friends, in which case he's totally chatty. He always jokes that Kate uses up all her words for the day—and some of his too. And honestly, it's probably true.

Kate is 15 and going into her sophomore year. She's super fun, outgoing, and sometimes a little wild. But she's also fiercely protective and loving. We balance each other out perfectly—she pulls me out of my shell, and I help calm her down when she gets a bit too crazy.

So, plans are made, and now I need to get the girls up and ready. I decide to start the day right by making Mickey Mouse pancakes, with chocolate chips for the eyes, just like Mom used to make.

"JuJu, Faith, time to wake up!" I say, flipping on the light.

I hear some groans and yawns, but they don't move.

"I made pancakes!" I call out.

Both of them shoot out of bed and dash to the kitchen.

"It's Mickey pancakes, Faith!" Jewel yells like Faith's eyes aren't working. Jewel gives me the biggest smile and a hug around my waist. "Thanks, Joy! You're the best!"

"You're welcome!" I hug her back. "Now, eat up!"

"Yeah, thanks... so good," Faith says around a mouthful.

I cut up Jewel's pancakes for her and fill them in on our shopping plans. They're both super excited about school supply shopping. The rest of the morning is a whirlwind of chores and getting everyone ready.

At exactly 11, I get a text from Kate saying they're outside. We head out to Max's car. The girls jump in the back with Kate, and I sit up front. For the next half-hour, we're all subjected to Kate, Faith, and Jewel belting out every song on the radio.

After three hours of shopping, we're all exhausted, and Jewel is starting to whine. Kate, ever the hero, decides ice cream is the solution. The line at the parlor is a bit long, so Kate and Max offer to take our shopping bags to the car while we wait.

Jewel's at her limit. "My feet hurt, Joy, and I'm so tired," she whines. I scoop her up, and she rests her head on my shoulder.

I'm feeling pretty tired too, but I keep it together. "After this, we'll head home and chill before meeting Dad for dinner, okay?"

"Okay. Can I get sprinkles on my ice cream?" She asks, her attention span of a squirrel.

Before I can answer, the line starts moving. I drop my purse while juggling Jewel and it. I'm about to ask Faith for help when an older man behind me picks it up.

"Looks like you've got your hands full," he says, handing me my purse. I hadn't even noticed the two guys behind us until now.

"Thanks! Yeah, she's a little worn out," I say.

"Shopping will do that," he replies. I notice the younger guy behind him just staring. I smile and turn back to Faith, who's still deciding on her flavor. The line moves, and we're next to order.

I glance out towards the mall and spot Max and Kate coming back.

"Are you looking for someone?" the older guy asks, glancing in the direction I was.

"Sorry, yes, here come my friends. Thanks again." I turn back around, not wanting to encourage more conversation.

Kate arrives just in time to order her ice cream after Faith. I get chocolate ice cream with extra sprinkles for both me and Jewel. Jewel perks up a little, lifting her head from my shoulder. We both love sprinkles!

Max orders and then turns to me and Jewel. "Hey Jewel, let me hold you for a bit so Joy can eat her ice cream." Jewel happily lets him lift her into his strong arms.

I give him a grateful look, and he smiles back.

While waiting for our ice cream, Kate hooks her arm through mine and whispers, "Did you see the guys behind us? The younger one is SO HOT!"

I roll my eyes. Classic Kate. She shuffles us a bit so we can sneak another peek without being too obvious.

"Okay, don't freak out, but he's looking this way."

"Kate, they're way too old for you," I scold. Kate is stunning—tall, with long legs, straight brunette hair, and gorgeous green eyes. I'm more of the pale, auburn-haired, gray-blue-eyed type, short and kinda awkward in comparison.

"I didn't say I wanted to date him. He's just really nice to look at," Kate says, still sneaking glances at the guy. Her ice cream gets called, and she reluctantly pulls her eyes away to grab it.

Max comes over with Jewel in one arm, wrapping his other arm around my shoulders. I lean into him, feeling his warmth. I hear a voice close behind us, but I can't make out what was said. Max must have heard something because he straightens up and glares at the younger guy.

It looks like they're having some kind of silent showdown. Why? I have no idea, but they both look super intense. Max, at 6'1", with his brown hair and muscular build from working at JJ Construction, holds Jewel like she's a feather. The guy opposite him is maybe 6'2", with dark hair and fancy clothes. He looks older and, honestly, a little intimidating.

Luckily, our ice cream gets called, and Jewel's excited shout of "sprinkles!" breaks the tension.

We grab our ice cream and head home. It's not until we're back that I realize my phone is missing.


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