The Sixth Titan | Teen Titans

By missextinct

187K 5.5K 1.8K

Jump City is swarmed with crime. Luckily, six teenage heroes serve as its sworn protectors, defeating the amb... More

Chapter One - Divide and Conquer
Chapter Two - Sisters
Chapter Three - Final Exam
Chapter Four - Forces of Nature
Chapter Five - The Sum of His Parts
Chapter Six - Nevermore
Chapter Seven - Switched
Chapter Eight - Deep Six
Chapter Nine - Masks
Chapter Ten - Mad Mod
Chapter Eleven - Car Trouble
Chapter Twelve - Apprentice, Part One
Chapter Thirteen - Apprentice, Part Two
Chapter Fourteen - How Long Is Forever?
Chapter Fifteen - Every Dog Has His Day
Chapter Sixteen - Terra
Chapter Seventeen - Only Human
Chapter Eighteen - Fear Itself
Chapter Nineteen - Date With Destiny
Chapter Twenty - Transformation
Chapter Twenty-One - Titan Rising
Chapter Twenty-Two - Winner Take All
Chapter Twenty-Three - Betrayal
Chapter Twenty-Four - Fractured
Chapter Twenty-Five - Aftershock, Part One
Chapter Twenty-Six - Aftershock, Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deception
Chapter Twenty-Eight - X
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Betrothed
Chapter Thirty - Crash
Chapter Thirty-One - Haunted
Chapter Thirty-Two - Spellbound
Chapter Thirty-Three - Revolution
Chapter Thirty-Five - The Beast Within
Chapter Thirty-Six - Can I Keep Him?
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Bunny Raven... or... How to Make a Titananimal Disappear!
Chapter Thirty-Eight - The Lost Episode
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Titans East, Part One
Chapter Forty - Titans East, Part Two
Chapter Forty-One - Don't Touch That Dial
Chapter Forty-Two - The Quest
Chapter Forty-Three - Birthmark
Chapter Forty-Four - Cyborg the Barbarian
Chapter Forty-Five - Employee of the Month
Chapter Forty-Six - Troq
Chapter Forty-Seven - The Prophecy
Chapter Forty-Eight - Stranded
Chapter Forty-Nine - Overdrive
Chapter Fifty - Mother Mae-Eye
Chapter Fifty-One - The End, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Two - The End, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Three - The End, Part Three
Chapter Fifty-Four - Homecoming, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Five - Homecoming, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Six - Trust
Chapter Fifty-Seven - Snowblind
Chapter Fifty-Eight - Kole
Chapter Fifty-Nine - Hide and Seek
Chapter Sixty - Final Stand, Part One
Chapter Sixty-One - Final Stand, Part Two
Chapter Sixty-Two - Revved Up
Chapter Sixty-Three - Go!
Chapter Sixty-Four - Calling All Titans!
Chapter Sixty-Five - Titans Together
Chapter Sixty-Six - Things Change
Chapter Sixty-Seven - Trouble in Tokyo, Part One
Chapter Sixty-Eight - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Two
Chapter Sixty-Nine - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Three
Chapter Seventy - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Four
Chapter Seventy-One - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Five
Chapter Seventy-Two - Epilogue

Chapter Thirty-Four - Wavelength

1.9K 71 29
By missextinct

    Thank you so much for 200 votes!  I've been really inconsistent lately, and I'm so sorry, but the fact that my story's still getting noticed and getting recognition means a lot to me.

    I wake up to flashes of red, the alarm blaring at maximum volume. Without wasting any time, I fly out of my bedroom, already in my clothes.

    I meet Cyborg on the way down, Beast Boy hauled over his shoulder. Cyborg doesn't look at me, his eyes wide with determination as he leaps over the railing to the very bottom of the staircase.

    A figure hammers on the door, before prying it open and stepping into the light. Standing before us is--

    "Aqualad!" Robin gasps, and I stare down the hero. He stands in the same sea blue getup as he's always worn, seaweed draped over his shoulders and black mullet 

    The aquatic hero narrows his eyes at us. "Your trash is in my ocean," he states bluntly.

    I pull out my temporary communicator and dial Aqualad's, the device buzzing underneath his belt. I glance at him sourly as he pulls it out and looks up at me. "You couldn't have called?" I spit, not intending for my voice to sound so harsh.

    Noticing the silence that threatens to linger, Robin steps forward, taking the communicator out of my hand as I glare at him. "Let's head upstairs. After Cyborg resets security and fixes... that..." He motions towards the broken door behind Aqualad. "... you can tell us everything."


    Aqualad walks to the centre of the room, standing in front of a screen depicting blueprints. "An undersea fortress, fifty miles off the coast built by the former headmaster of the H.I.V.E. Academy, Brother Blood." As he explains this, he changes the image on the screen to said headmaster, grinning evilly. "I'm pretty sure you guys have already met."

    "Yeah, we go way back," Cyborg explains. "I went undercover as one of his brainwashed students but after I destroyed his school, we kinda lost touch."

    "Because Blood moved out of your neighbourhood and into mine. I tried to take him down my own, but Blood used his mental powers to jam my telepathy. With no fish to help me..."

    "... You got schooled," Beast Boy finishes from the couch.

    "Pretty much," Aqualad confirms. "But I was able to contact an agent within the H.I.V.E., and find out what the fortress is hiding." Another press of the button in his hands, and the screen flicks back to the blueprints once more. "A massive sonic resonator, capable of creating a tidal wave big enough to wipe out your entire city."

    Robin and Starfire gasp, and Beast Boy sits up, startled. "Dude!"

    "Yo!" Cyborg says, bounding to the front of the room. "That's not just any sonic resonator... that's my sonic cannon!" He lights it up, as if to prove his point.

    "I wouldn't be upset about that part, Cy," I state, referring to the natural disaster to threaten our city.

   I watch as Cyborg turns away and huffs loudly. "When you hacked into the H.I.V.E. Academy computer, the H.I.V.E. hacked into you," Aqualad continues. "Blood downloaded everything in your central schematic database."

    The robotic male whips around at the sound of this, eyes crazy and desperate for revenge. "He read my blueprints?!?" he roars. "MY PRIVATE BLUEPRINTS?!?"

    "And he's using your technology to attack the city," Raven tells him calmly.

    "Then this is my mission," Cyborg says. "I'm taking Blood down with my own two hands!" His mechanics quickly flicker from blue to red and black, before changing back again. "All right, listen up! While I go after him, y'all are gonna--"

    "Cyborg," Robin says in a no-nonsense tone, causing the mechanic Titan to cease his rant. "They're your blueprints, so you're the only one who can shut down the resonator. While you're doing that, we will capture Blood."

    "No, man, come on! This is personal! Just gimme a chance to--"

    "Cyborg," I echo. "If you go after Blood, he will be able to counter your every move, and the H.I.V.E. will still have their resonator in play."

    Cyborg clenches his fists. "It's not their resonator, it's MY SONIC CANNON!!" he shouts.

    "There's no time," Aqualad buts in. "The resonator will be fully operational by sunset."

    "Okay, Titans. Here's what we need to do," Robin orders. "Starfire and Raven, I need you to come with me and infiltrate the facility. Ember, Beast Boy and Aqualad, take down the forcefield surrounding the control panel. Cyborg,  find the panel and shut down the resonator."

    Cyborg growls and clenches his fists silently, but before he can voice his protests, we all run out of the room.


    I jump into the T-Sub, and begin to close the lid, but it stops by the push of another button and Robin jumps out of his compartment.

    "What are you doing?" he asks curiously. "You're supposed to be with Beast Boy and Aqualad."

    "I can hop out when I need to," I state, pulling a belt over my stomach and fastening it. "Besides, I don't really feel like swimming." Robin's disapproving glance begins to turn into an amused smirk at my second comment, and I jump out of the pod. "Stop laughing at me."

    I give him a friendly push out of the way, and as I walk past, his body rotates to talk to me. "I'm not laughing." As he says this, he finally cracks up, small laughters rocking from his body.

    I shake my head, sigh, and walk over to the edge, looking down to see Beast Boy and Aqualad jump past me and onto the ground. "I totally beat you, dude," the former says, transforming from a swordfish back into a human.

    "You wish," Aqualad shoots back, snorting.

    "Ready to go?" I ask, holding out my hand and helping Aqualad to stand.

    "Hurry up already!" Cyborg shouts from the other side of the room impatiently, repeating what I said, only less eloquently.

    Raven turns around when I do, looks at Cyborg in slight concern, before jumping into her pod and sealing the glass. I move over to the external control panel and pull a lever down, and the sub's hoisted up and moved over the opening to the ocean.

    Starfire giggles, so loudly that I hear it from my position, and Robin pushes a button that releases the T-Sub from the grip of the machine, dropping it into the water.

    Once the T-Sub is safely in the water, I dive in too, and create a current to pull me through with ease. Aqualad and Beast Boy, in shark form, lead the way, and I soon catch up to them, even having to slow myself down slightly.

    We enter a dark tunnel, and I try to create an air gap in the water big enough for a flame to light the way, but I struggle with the action. Luckily enough, Beast Boy turns into an angler fish, lighting up the way for not just myself and the two boys, but the other Titans in the T-Sub.

    "Maybe we should pull over and ask directions," I hear Raven say into my earpiece.

    I look down at a large building with the same exterior design as Cyborg's. "There!" Starfire exclaims. I boost myself through the water, halting at the sound of a gate opening. Looking to my left, I spot a robotic squid emerge from the darkness, headed towards us.

    "I think they know we're here," I mutter into my microphone, grunting as I pull up the T-Sub with me.

    "Hey!" Cyborg whines as the squid barely misses the vehicle. "That's my tech, too! Doesn't that dude have any ideas of his own?"

    "Evasive manoeuvres!" Robin says, and I push the T-Sub away from the squid, readying myself to fight. Before I can attack, however, Aqualad flies past me, punching the squid. He soon gets wrapped in its tentacles, but Beast Boy bites him free before the robot can do any damage.

    I pull down rocks from the sides and floor of the sea, and begin to slice the squid's tentacles. I clutch my head as it begins to ache, and the squid blasts away, leaving us surrounded in ink.

    I swim upwards, continuously looking around so as not to waste any time. Looking behind me, I spot the squid latched onto the T-Sub, cracks in the glass. "No!" I shout, and I hear another Titan say the same though the microphone.

    I push towards the vehicle, as fast as I can, but it breaks before I can do anything useful. I use my shock to boost myself, and create air gaps where the Titans' heads are.

    Unfortunately, Beast Boy had the same idea of saving the team, and I open my eyes to find myself in the shapeshifter's mouth.

    "Please tell me we're not where I think we are," Raven says, and I pull the saliva off my shoulder.

    "I wish I could," comes Cyborg's reply.

    "Although Beast Boy's quick thinking has saved our lives, I believe I am... grossed out?" Starfire questions, looking around.

    "I had it under--" I'm cut off when I'm lifted into the air and sent to the back of the throat, my own sharp yelp halting my speech.

    "Hang on!" Robin shouts, and I bump into Beast Boy's uvula as the Boy Wonder smacks into me. I grab onto the skin in one hand and clutch Robin's hand in the other.

    When the rumbling doesn't cease, I form a large ball of Beast Boy's saliva, freeze it, and smack it into his tongue. "CAREFUL!!" I shout, amongst all the noise, hoping that the green whale heard me.

    As I say this, his mouth stops moving, and I let myself fall to the ground, grimacing at the feel of the shapeshifter's tongue.


    Beast Boy finally comes to a complete stop and spits us out, onto the ground. "Two words..." Raven growls, "... breath mints."

    I lie on the floor and let water soak me, removing my skin and clothes of the shapeshifter. Beast Boy, now in human form, shoots the half-demon a grin and burps out her left boot.

    "Okay," Robin states. "Everybody knows their assignments."

    "Ember, Beast Boy and I need to take out the force field that protects the sonic resonator..." Aqualad says.

    "Raven, Robin, and I will attempt to capture the Brother Blood..." Starfire adds.

    "... Providing a diversion so that Cyborg can get to the resonator core and shut it down," Robin finishes.

    At this, a door opens, and multiple H.I.V.E. soldiers storm the room. "Looks like we just had a change of plans!" the mechanic Titan bellows, but Raven pulls up a shield as he readies his sonic cannon, stopping him from being able to attack.

    "Nice try, but Plan A's still going ahead!" I shoot back, pulling up an extra layer of protection with a wall of translucent water.

    "You have your assignment! Move!" Robin states, and Cyborg reluctantly crawls through a visible opening in the wall. "Titans! Go!" Robin, along with Starfire and Raven, fly ahead at the dissipation of the shields to attack, as Aqualad, Beast Boy and I dive into the water.


    The three of us swim through a glass hallway, Beast Boy now as a hammerhead shark. I freeze at the sound of a trapdoor opening, only to find several robotic fish waiting for us. With no hesitation, the three of us gun it for the exit, wasting no time to discuss it.

    The exit's in sight when my communicator blares, and I slow down ever so slightly to open it. "Cyborg!" comes Robin's panting voice, with Starfire's starbolts in the background. "We're approaching Blood's control room! Have you reached the resonator core?"

    "Uh, almost."

    "Well, get moving!" Robin says. "We don't have much time!" The communicator buzzes to indicate the conclusion of the transmission, and I tuck it in my pocket and tumble through the shining light at the end of the hallway.

    Aqualad does a somersault as he exits the water, and I roll my eyes as I do a tuck roll, turning around instinctively and readying an ice staff, in case there are any H.I.V.E. robots.

    Beast Boy, however, is not so graceful. He thumps on the ground, wailing and running around in circles. "Get it off, get it off, get it off, get it off!" he shrieks.

    I glance at Aqualad knowingly, before pulling Beast Boy into the air and towards me. "Calm down," I tell the shapeshifter, planting his feet on the ground and icing them in place as I tug on the piranha that's attached to Beast Boy's butt.

    "Oh, my booty!" Beast Boy whines, glancing down at the piece of fabric that's been ripped off. "I promise I'll never sit on you again."

    "Can you not do that?" I ask pleadingly.

    "But it hurts," Beast Boy moans, hands gripping onto his butt. I simply roll my eyes as Aqualad narrows his.

    "Come on," Aqualad says, turning towards the electrical buzzing coming from my left. "We have to disable the force field so Cyborg can--"

    The forcefield is suddenly cut off with a thick wall, which soon separates me from Aqualad and Beast Boy. In a futile effort, I hammer on the door, before sighing and pulling out my communicator.

    "Beast Boy! Aqualad!" I call, and the screen flickers for a moment before someone--not the shapeshifter or aquatic teen--answers.

    "Ember!" Robin asks, still short of breath. I can make out Raven and Starfire flying behind him, almost hidden by his cape in the background. "Is everything okay?"

    I glance up at the locked door. "I got separated. Where are you guys?"

    "We're--" the transmission's cut off, and I groan before hurling a large boulder made up of water at the door. It dints it, but I can tell that it's not enough for it to break.

    I flip over my communicator anxiously, before turning it over again and looking at each Titan's location. Unsurprisingly, they're all turned off, but when I'm about to look away, an orange light indicates the location of one of the teens.

    A coy smile plays at my lips, quickly disappearing as marching fills my ears to the left--the direction in which I'm headed. I ready a large flame and blast the locked door open, revealing an army of soldiers, and I pull a small tsunami from the water, which wipes them all out.

    I don't waste any time in flying through the hallway, but when I'm halfway to the marked location, I hit a dead end. I make a small rope of water and push it through the wall, but when no water comes out, I pull water from the opening in the earlier room and push it through the wall with such force that it creates a hole large enough for me to fly through.

    I tumble through the ground and look up at the sound of machinery to see Robin, Starfire and Raven. I pull a boulder where the door is about to shut in order to leave a gap for me to pass through.

    As I lunge for the gap in the door, I can feel the strain taking over and grit my teeth as I push the rock out of the way and hit my chin on the floor.

    "Robin!" Aqualad calls, and I pull open my communicator. "Robin! It's Aqualad! We need your help! We've walked into a trap!"

    Robin hears the door slam shut behind me and his eyes widen at the sight of me, but Starfire points to the large window. "So have we!" I push myself to stand as an explosion knocks me back down, and water licks the holes in my shoes.

    The room is rapidly filled with water, and I float to the surface alongside the other Titans.

    "Everyone all right?" Robin asks.

    "Super, until we run out of air," Raven replies.

    "You don't have to worry about a thing there, Raven," I say, taking one last breath, the others copying me. On my way down, I undo Robin's belt with one hand and swim with it to the door. I fumble with its compartments, looking up at the Titans who are running out of air.

    Finally, I find what I'm looking for, and I stick three explosives to the door as I blast them with fire. A current takes me through the hallway and deposits me on the ground, as I lift myself up.

   "We are saved!" Starfire declares happily, throwing her hands in the air.

    Robin stands up and walks over to the computer in front of him. "Let's hope we can still save the others," he states, shaking his hair into spikes once more and typing on the computer.

    My communicator buzzes and I open it to see the breaking news. Scoffing, I look at it to see a giant tsunami headed toward the city, and my eyes widen as I throw Robin's belt over to him, taking one of the explosives as I do so and holding it in my hand.

    I gasp, leaving no chance for the others to protest as I fly through the hallways, desperately searching for an exit. I hear Robin and Starfire call my name, but I don't turn around. After what seems like hours of searching, I finally stumble across a moderately hidden door and blast it open.

    Water initially floods my face and I blink it away before swimming to the surface and looking around. I set my eyes on the wave headed for Titans' Tower and boost myself towards and through it, using a flat rock from the shore to surf to the shore.

    My landing isn't as graceful as I had hoped and my hands scratch against the rocks on the island. I splutter uncontrollably for a few seconds, then spin around at the looming danger. The tsunami has doubled in size and is less than one hundred metres from the island now.

    Gritting my teeth, I force myself to float up. My body obeys so quickly and robotically that I feel as though the soul has left my body. I close my eyes in a moment of peace before letting out a battle cry, my now open eyes flaring blue.

    My hands flicker between a blue, brown and white colour as the earth from the shore and the island lift up to create a barrier at the bottom of the sea, removing the wave's momentum. I push my hands forward as they are engulfed in a singular blue colour and the wave is pushed back, towards the resonator.

    I feel my body threaten to fall to the ground, but I hold it off and slowly down. The second my feet touch the earth, my body slumps sideways and I collapse to the ground.


    I wake up and groggily rub my eyes, blind spots filling my vision. I sit up and grip my wrists, before glancing at my surroundings. I'm in my room, having been laid on my bed and over the duvet. 

    Voices down the hall draw me to them, and I open my door and begin the walk. "... run into any trouble, I know who to call," Aqualad's faint voice says.

    "Actually, if he runs into trouble, I'll be there to bail him out," a female's voice corrects.

    The sound of footsteps hurry me up, and I open the door to see Cyborg and Bumblebee. "You want to come with?" Bumblebee asks Cyborg. "After all, it's your mission.

    Cyborg thinks this over, before replying, "My mission's here."

    Bumblebee reaches for something and pulls out a blue CD. "By the way, I think this belongs to you... Sparky." She throws it to him and runs away, Robin now coming into view.

    "Cyborg!" he calls. "Time to go!" Robin turns to run, but glances at me and halts. "Ember," he says, as Cyborg mutters something to himself and runs past the Boy Wonder. "You're okay?"

    I nod. "Yeah. It just took a lot out of me."

    Robin smiles at the confirmation, before narrowing his eyes in concern. "You sure? It looked like you had a pretty nasty fall."

    I walk over to Robin and tilt my head toward the door. "I didn't. Did you find Brother Blood?"

    "Doctor Light," Robin replies remorsefully.

    "You'd think by now, after all the times Raven's scared him into submission, that he'd just go away," I note.

    The black haired leader lets out a small chuckle at this. "Apparently not. Speaking of..." he trails off and bows. "After you."

    I laugh with him and give a quick curtsey. "Why, thank you, kind sir." I pull him into the air, alongside myself, and we fly out of the tower and towards the city.

    Should I do 'The Lost Episode'? It's right before the finale, so after 'Bunny Raven', and only goes for about half the length of a typical episode. I'm not sure what I want to do, so I'm wondering whether you guys would like to see it.

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