The Mafia Queen

By mafialadies

95 7 0

Ay Rin, Ta Sha, Ae Mi, Sera, Jun Young and Jung Min are six besties who lives together since they were 14. Li... More



18 2 0
By mafialadies


Hey you lttle bitch, we are all in need to scream like that said Ay Rin while shaking her head.

Sorry, I'm just really excited to discuss something with you guys Jungmin said while chuckle looking at the leader face.

Seems like you are really excited, so.. tell us, what would you like to talk about? Asked junyoung while looking at Jungmin.

Jungmin closed their cabin door and sit on the couch in the middle of the cabin while looking at Tasha's P.A. Tasha notice what the younger mean and ask for her P.A to leave.

Jungmin look at Minji movement until she gone behind the door to make sure no one will hear their conversations except their member.

So..what did you want to tell us?? Asked the leader, Ay Rin while sitting in front of the younger, Jungmin. The other members also came closer to hear the thing that make the youngest really excited.

so, guess what i found when I hack through someone's phone?

Yahh, Jungmin ssi.. how could we know and how are you think we are gonna guess something in ur head?? ask Sera to the younger while lift up her eyebrow have no fun la sis Jungmin replied while look away from Sera and continue her word.. So, at first i did this for fun but—

Her word being cut by Aemi always play and hack someone who you don't even know's phone.. us at the company and stop having fun you lil bitch

Tasha look at the younger face who looks disbelief with Aemi word and hold her laugh, she know the youger loves to have fun so she doesn't want to force the younger to do what she doesn't like and she got an idea to tease the younger by supporting Aemi word Yeahh, i think Aemi right.. why don't you help us at the company, i have so many works to give you

YAHHHH, STOB IT..I will do it when i want, now you want to know or not?? Asked jungmin while pouting at the member

Yahhh, guys.. stop teasing her.. Ay Rin gave an instructions to the members while holding her laugh

all the member burst into a loud laugh while the younger is pouting because of the member keep teasing her

okay okay, what did you want to tell us?? Sera ask at the younger while she is still laughing at there

NO!! I'm not going to tell you the younger said while looking away from the members

Okay, how about Tasha buy you 10 set of Mcd Said Junyoung try to persuade Jungmin

Tasha look at Junyoung with wide eyes disbelief what she just heard Yahhh.. why me??!!

Cuz i don't have money junyoung replied while running hiding behind the younger

what the fuck.. Yahh, you are also rich.. Tasha try to catch Junyoung

OKK!! I agreed! 10 set of Mcd from Tasha said the younger while giggling look at the two member that try to argue

Tasha look at the younger and try to accept the reality that her money will not be able to save with her friend around and sit beside the younger So.. what did you want to tell us about??

Okay look at this Jungmin put the document about someone on the table.

Ay Rin takes the document and look at the someone's information and detail So.. who is him? Is he your boyfriend?? Asked Ay Rin while lifting up her eyebrows at the younger

eeeuuwwww, what the fuck.. of course not, my taste is higher and i don't need a man in my life. That is the man who tried to take our position

Junyoung look at the younger What do you mean?? our position??

Yes, our position, as the queen mafia

Wow, thats insane.. how dare he, but how did you find it out?? ask Aemi while taking the document from the leader

Well... the world has become vey small, when i was in the bar last week, i heard the conversation that really interesting, about making a queen mafia out of this world, death

Wow, how did you keep ur identity saved at that time?? they didn't see you?? ask Sera while fixing her clothes

No worries, they didn't see me, so you know, i love to hack someone's phone or gadget and start searching about his information and boom, i succeeded and give the information to you guys now

ouh, i thought you do it for fun at first Tasha said with a cool face as usual while sipping her coffee that she bought from the cafe

Yes!! I AM!! but i don't know that he really mean about the conversation, i thought it was just a stupid talk. And now i found out that he is also a mafia and has an intention to take off our place, Did his brain screw uprooted from his brain or what??.. that is why i am single until now

You are single because there are no one who want you, there are no related anything in this Junyoung said while laughing at the younger

Yahh yahh Yahhh, You are also single okay, so no one want you also,bluerkkk while showing her booty at Junyoung

aishh,, you.. i will kill you one day reply junyoung while making a weird face

I think..all of us are still single.. Tasha said while making a blank expressions at her member

YOU SHUT UP all the member said at Tasha while looking at her

What the.. Yahh.. hiks... I just say the facts..hiks Tasha said with her fake cry

all the member laugh and suddenly the cabin become quite and all the member become serious

Ay Rin look at the members with a smirk at her cheeks "So guys.. looks like we have a new mission"

YESHHHZAAA, new mission.. this is what i want~can't wait to use my lovely gun again said Sera that already imagine a scene that full of blood infrone of her own face

So.. for now,Jungmin.. You will keep searching for the information with Sera and me while the other will focus on the company so they will not suspect anything difference on us, if other employees ask where are three of us, you guys know what to answer,right..since this is not the first time we are doing this type of things said Ay Rin as the leader to the member

AI AI CHIEF CAPTAIN said the member with a cute giggle that hide a lots of bloody scene in their mind

while someone who keep an ear all the time outside their cabin

aish.. why is this wall is super thick, i can't even hear anything about what they are discussing said her while pouting and make a call with someone Hello.. i think they are already suspecting something on us











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