Airport - Min Yoongi (1/4) ✔︎

By xXItzCheryyXx

883K 34.8K 15.1K

"I'm going to ask you one question which will explain why you don't know who I am." Confused, I shrug. "Alri... More

#1 - Oblivious
#2 - Mystery boy
#3 - Taken
#4 - Explanations
#5 - Learning
#6 - Earrings
#7 - We meet again
#8 - Adventures
#9 - The waiter
#10 - Glare
#11 - The hidden gift
#12 - Guilt
#13 - Frustration
#14 - Exposed
#15 - Home alone
#16 - Cuddle
#17 - Odd
#18 - All by yourself
#19 - Rescue mission
#20 - Temporary
#21 - Tickets
#22 - Baby steps
#23 - Scared
#24 - I love you too
#25 - Tension
#26 - It's okay
#27 - Final round
#28 - Lost and found
#29 - Our story
Announcement <3

#30 - Parting ways (Final)

23.6K 924 697
By xXItzCheryyXx

"Luhan, drive faster!" Hayoon practically screams at him from the back seat.

Luhan's hands are clutched around the wheel, and driving at an incredible pace. We exchanged numbers when we met at that cafè we went to, when I saw Yoongi there. So when I called him, he got here in no time to help.

I obviously had to fill him in on everything that happened, so he'll understand why we're in such a rush to get to the airport.

"Yelling will not make me drive faster, I need to concentrate!" Luhan yells back hurriedly, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Well concentrate harder! We've got 15 minutes until they board the plane so step on it!" Dea's stern voice makes us all shut up, even Luhan.

Dea really is the mother of the group.

"So glad I volunteered to help." Luhan says sarcastically, grimacing to me sat beside him.

I chuckle awkwardly. "Thanks by the way, again." This the second time he's helped me, and I have no idea how I'll ever repay him.

"What do you mean again?" Songmin questions.

"I ran into Luhan whilst running away from Hangyeol and the others, and he distracted them whilst I got away." I explain to the three of them.

"You did?" Dea questions. Her face then softens slightly, tilting her head. "Thanks Luhan."

Luhan shrugs. "Anytime."

"This Hangyeol guy is really asking to be killed." Songmin clenches her teeth together, harshly turning her head to the window. "I should've done way more than just punch him in the nose. Thank god he's where he belongs and behind bars."

I smile a little. "Also, Jimin and Jungkook already beat him up."

They gasp again. "They did?" Songmin leans forwards in her middle seat to me. "Woah, they must really care about you."

Nodding fondly, I sigh. "Looks like it."

"Lucky." Hayoon mutters, making Songmin laugh to herself.

The car then comes screeching to a stop. Luhan groans, smacking his hand on the steering wheel when he lays eyes on the traffic.

"Are you serious?" Beeping his horn, he sighs. "Sorry Jiyeon. I don't think this will clear up in...11 minutes." He says, looking at the watch on his wrist.

My breath catches in my throat. It has to clear up, it has to. If I don't speak to Yoongi before he leaves then I'll be so upset. I won't see him, or any of them for a long time.

Like Namjoon said, I need to be on good terms with him before he leaves. I just have to.

"Maybe I can call them to tell them to wait." I pull out my phone from my pocket, and Hayoon gasps at me in the back.

"I thought you just had Yoongi's number, you have all of their numbers?!" She shrieks down my earhole. "You are one lucky girl Jiyeon, and you didn't even know who they were a month ago: you thought they were called tea street sex! And now you're dating one of them?!"

"We are not dating! Just...interested in each other." I shrug, clearing my throat and clicking on Yoongi's contact.

"You mean in love, Jiyeon. You and Yoongi are in love, not just 'interested'. Get it right!" Songmin corrects me with a little smirk, folding her arms.

"I'm sorry, you thought BTS was called 'tea street sex'?" Luhan raises an eyebrow, before bursting out laughing.

I groan, ignoring him and pressing the call button on Yoongi's number. But for some reason, it doesn't ring. Instead it goes straight to an automated message.

'The user you are calling does not exist. Please try again.'

Uh, I'm pretty sure it exists. He wouldn't delete his number that easily. So why the hell is it saying it doesn-


"He...he blocked my number?!"

"Wait, what?" Dea's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Min Yoongi are you kidding me?!" I shout, slamming my phone on the dashboard earning a slightly worried look from Luhan.

"Why would he block it?" Luhan asks, stepping his foot down on the accelerator when the traffic finally moves.

I snatch up my phone again to try calling the others too, but it's the same message that rings in my ears and I groan in frustration.

"What the hell? Why have they all blocked my number?"

"It's probably because of what happened on Wednesday. Maybe to...protect you, I guess?" Songmin suggests an answer to my question. "If that's the case, it's probably for the best Jiyeon."

I sigh. "Maybe."

But that means I'll never get to speak to Yoongi again. I won't be able to speak to any of them again. I'll be completely cut off from them, forever.

Rubbing my temples I sigh, shoving my phone back in my pocket.

"Why the hell is there so much traffic?" Luhan wonders, stopping again behind a bunch of cars.

"Just a wild guess, but maybe because BTS are at the airport and are about to leave?" Songmin throws in her obvious suggestion.

Luhan considers her words and nods a little. "Good point."

"Oh, also, don't take it personally that Yoongi hates your guts." Hayoon casually says.

"Again, Hayoon, that really is not helping." Luhan chuckles nervously at the thought of a BTS member hating him, grasping on for dear life at the wheel.

"Even though that really was not the time to bring that up," I sigh, shooting her a glare. "She is telling the truth. He only...dislikes you because of jealousy, he probably would like you otherwise. Which is the reason why you shouldn't come into the airport with us, just in case he sees you with me."

Luhan nods. "Yeah, that probably would be best. I don't want to be attacked by a crazy spitting rapper who I'm pretty sure would kill for a living if he wasn't an idol."

I'm about to deny it when I realise it would most likely be true. He'd eliminate his targets so casually and calmly, making people think he's a lunatic.

But then, I can't picture it. Because Yoongi is adorable.

The car begins moving again, but then stops as more traffic appears. I groan, peering my head out the window, then gasping when I settle my eyes on something.

"The airport is right there!" I point with my finger to the said airport, sitting right at the bottom of the long road we're on. "Their van isn't parked outside though." I then realise, looking at the cars in front of it.

"They must be already inside. We've got 7 minutes until they leave...I don't think we'll make it there in 7 minutes Jiyeon." Hayoon says in a saddened tone, slumping her shoulders.

No, I have to make it.

I have to.

If I don't make it to that airport before they leave then I'll never forgive myself. It's my fault I'm in this situation anyway.

I should've listened to what Yoongi said for me to do, 'don't be an idiot and stay here'. But I just had to be an idiot, didn't I? If I hadn't done that then I probably would've already said bye to them by now, and would probably be at home safe and sound.

But I've gotten myself into this mess. And now I have another crazy idea. You'll understand why it's a crazy one when I do it in a few seconds.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Dea groans, planting her hands in her face.

The traffic is slowly moving, but it's not fast enough to make it. I scan my surroundings.

I could do it.

At least I don't need a wheelchair anymore. And Yoongi taught me one way to not focus on the pain, and to focus on him instead.

So, I will.

Cursing under my breath I frantically undo my seatbelt, throwing the car door open and hopping outside. I disregard my name being yelled by the four of them and slam it shut, then begin fast-limping down the road.

Since all the cars aren't moving it's pretty safe to manoeuvre around them without getting hit. Every now and then I bite down hard on my lip from a sharp pain in my leg, but I honestly don't care.

It feels like forever when I finally make it off the road and in front of the airport. I don't waste any more time and begin limping to the door, using all my strength to push it open.

However just as I reach it I feel both my arms being lifted over two people's heads, and resting on their shoulders. I turn my head both ways to see who they are.

"You're insane, you know that right?" Dea clings onto me whilst helping me push open the door.

"How the hell did you make it this far when you're injured?" Hayoon questions.

Reaching the escalators we wait on them whilst it takes us up, and I gain my breath my back.

"Where's Songmin?" I ask the two of them, realising she's not with us.

"She's coming, with your crutches this time." Dea groans, shoving my shoulder.

"What time is it now?" I then ask Hayoon.

She looks down at her watch. "10:55. It's gonna be close Jiyeon."

I nod, rubbing my eyes and waiting until we reach the top. When we do, they put my arms around their shoulders, then the three of us begin walking to where the boys are supposed to be leaving from, where I was waiting for Dea to arrive from Austrailia.

Where Yoongi and I met.

The commotion of fans squeals and voices becomes clearer and louder as we get closer and closer. There's a bunch of photographers and fans crowding round the doorway, where they're supposed to be walking in.

"Jiyeon, they're there!" Dea yells over the screams.

I lift my gaze up, trying to get a closer look between the crowds of people. They're definitely standing there in a line, waving to cameras as their pictures are taken and bowing to them too.

When my eyes land on Yoongi, I feel a little happier. However even though he has a mask and hat on, I know that he isn't happy. He looks around at cameras, nodding his head and waving lightly.

Dea groans. "There's no way these guys are going to move any time soon."

Hayoon then let's go of my arm, and runs over to one of the chairs to the side and stands on it, the ones I was sitting on when waiting for Dea to arrive and where Yoongi and I spoke.

Then at the top of her lungs, she yells, "MIN YOONGI!"

It gets his attention, but because of all the other yelling his earhole he dismisses it, turning his gaze from Hayoon.

I swear he knows Hayoon and the rest of the girls! Why didn't he recognise her?

The other 6 however haven't seen them before, I don't think. Unless they saw the three of them at the concert on Wednesday, when I passed out on Dea.

"Do it again!" Dea instructs her.

Clearing her throat, Hayoon yells even louder than she did before if that's even possible. "YOONGI, IT'S JIYEON!"

With yet again no success Hayoon groans frustratedly, jumping off the chair and running back to us. "It's no use, he can't hear me."

"Okay, I have them!" Songmin's voice comes running up behind us with my crutches in her hands. But I don't pay attention to her or the crutches.

Taking a sharp intake of air, I once again feel like crying. And this time, I actually begin to.

Why did I think this would he such a good and uplifting idea? There's no way he would see or hear any of us amongst this crowd.

He's not going to hear us, I know he's not. And then he'll be out them doors and I'll never see him again, properly see him again, not just through a screen or a poster.

"Wait." Dea then stops. "Maybe Yoongi didn't hear Hayoon, but someone definitely did."

Hayoon and Songmin swivel around to see what she's talking about and I look up too, with tears running down my cheeks.

I instantly meet eyes with someone, and they widen when they realise that I'm here. He has a cut above his lip, and a bruise beginning to form around his eye, which I'm starting to feel guilty for.

The man scurries over to the boys, telling something to one of them in particular.

Thank God Sejin exists.

"Do you think he told Yoongi?" Hayoon wonders, struggling to see. She runs back over to the chairs and stands on them, and gasps when she sees what she sees.

The first people to emerge out of the crowd are security guards, pushing and shoving their way through.

Then Yoongi staggers out like he's on a mission, coming to a halt when he successfully emerges and gets a hold of his balance.

And when he realises that whatever Sejin told him was true, he freezes.

There's a couple of seconds where we both just stare at each other, and none of us move. Dea let's go of my arm around her shoulder and I begin to limp forwards, completely disregarding the fact that Songmin has my crutches.

However I'm taken off guard when Yoongi suddenly breaks out into a run, them slamming his body into mine causing me to stagger backwards, and he clings onto me for dear life.

I can hear him panting and breathing sighs of relief in my shoulder, and I end up crying even more and burying my face in his shoulder too.

I also hear Dea, Songmin and Hayoon gasp slightly at the fact that Yoongi's actually here, hugging me, and that everything I told them wasn't a lie or made up.

Yoongi lets go, pulling his mask down to his chin and grabbing my face with both hands. "What did I tell you? What the hell did I tell you Jiyeon?! I told you to not be an idiot and stay put! And what did you do? I told you that you shouldn't have gone to find Sejin by yourself!"

Sniffling, I wipe my cheeks with my hands. "I know, I'm sorry. But at least Hangyeol's in jail now."

Yoongi sighs, letting go of my face and holding my arms for support. "I guess that was the only good outcome of this whole situation."

I shove his chest with my hand. "What about you? You didn't visit me at the hospital and then blocked my number! And then you weren't even going to say goodbye when we'll probably never see each other again!"

"No, you'll see me all the time and whenever you want to. It's me that'll never see you again." Yoongi's shoulder's slump thinking about it.

The crowd of fans and photographers watches in awe at the two of us, and the boys try to get their attention back on them so it won't become awkward.

However the three girls just stand there listening to us, still in shock.

We then hear footsteps running towards us and Yoongi turns around. Jin comes to a halt when he reaches us, making the girls gasp and freeze even more.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" He immediately asks.

I tilt my head. "Yeah, but I needed to see you guys before you left. And I can't let this one leave with him still pissed off at me!"

Yoongi's face softens when he realises what I'm talking about. "You think I'm pissed off at you?"

I shrug. "Well, yeah. We were completely ignoring each other."

He sighs. "I wasn't pissed, just a little annoyed. And then that whole situation on Wednesday happened, which made me forget all of them thoughts and just wonder if you were okay or not."

"Yeah, it all happened so fast that none of us knew what happened." Jin adds, recalling three days ago.

Gulping, I press my hand to my hip where it's injured yet again. It makes me wince a little and I try hiding it, but both Jin and Yoongi notice instantly.

"Come on, sit over here." Jin suggests.

He and Yoongi take both of my arms, helping me sit down in the chairs to the side. Yoongi crouches down in front of me, resting his arms on his knees.

As soon as I sit down, Jungkook then comes running over to us. "Hyungs, we need to go. They can't delay the plane any longer."

He gaze then turns to me, and he smiles. "Bye Jiyeon, I hope you get better soon, again." He adds, chuckling whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

Next thing I know, the remaining four of them have now arrived around us. The girls can hardly believe that these 7 boys are actually standing next to them.

"Sorry about blocking your number by the way, it was our boss' orders so that you'll be safe." Hoseok mentions.

"Yeah, we figured." I respond.

Namjoon pats his hand on my shoulder. "Take care, Jiyeon."

I smile up at the man. "You too." I then look at all 7 of them. "Thank you for letting me stay in your home and taking care of me, I really appreciated it."

Jimin smiles widely. "Don't mention it. That room can be yours now!"

Namjoon chuckles, putting his hands on Taehyung and Jimin's shoulders before guiding them back to the crowd. Jungkook and Hoseok begin to walk back too.

Just before Namjoon does however, both Taehyung and Jimin give me little waves. "Bye Jiyeon." Taehyung grins.

"And make sure you don't get hurt again, I won't be here to treat you!" Jin quickly adds, folding his arms.

Chuckling a little, I nod. "I'll try."

Dea clears her throat. "Uh, thank you by the way, for taking care of Jiyeon this past week."

Jin turns and smiles at Dea, nodding his head. "You're welcome."

He then turns to all three of them. "Oh, sorry for lying to you guys by the way. Don't blame Jiyeon, it was us that told her to. And also it was Jungkook that sent that text from Jiyeon's phone to you, I believe it was?" He points to Songmin.

Songmin's eyes widen. "Jungkook sent me that text?"

Jin nods. "Yeah, sorry about that. We needed you all to believe that Jiyeon was at her parents house and safe."

"It's fine, Jiyeon explained everything to us." Songmin replies.

Jin then sighs, patting Yoongi on the back. "Make it quick, we need to go."
His gaze then turns to me. "I hope we'll see each other again someday, Jiyeon. But for now, I'll just say...see you later."

"See you later, Jin." I wave to him as he scurries back over to the crowd and to the boys waiting for him and Yoongi.

The girls sense the slight tension and slide over to the side, so Yoongi and I are the only ones at the waiting area.

Yoongi sighs, looking around when realising where we are. "We're right back where we started."

Pressing my lips together, I nod, also looking around. We are back where we started: back where Yoongi got left at the airport, back where I was waiting for Dea to arrive, back where Yoongi and I met and spoke for the first time, and back when I had no idea who BTS were.

"It doesn't feel like it all started a month ago, it feels like yesterday." He recalls that day.

"I guess we started and are now ending in the same place: the airport."

Yoongi takes a deep breath in and nods, biting the inside of his cheek. "I guess we are." He blinks, just as his eyes begin to fill with water.

I sigh, taking his face in my hands and pulling it right up to mine. "You look way better when you're smiling."

He sniffles, doing as I told him and easing into a little grin. Also smiling, I press my lips onto his forehead, and holding them there for a few seconds before releasing.

As he glances over to the boys, he realises he's taking way too long now: he needs to leave. "I need to go." He whispers.

Standing to his feet, he takes a big breath in. Wiping the tears on his cheeks, he looks at me. He's about to speak, but doesn't. He can't find the words to say anything that'll hurt him even more.

Instead, he pulls his mask back up his face, stuffs his hands into his jacket pockets, and walks away.

And then he's gone.


If there's one thing that I learnt about Yoongi, it's that he hates goodbyes. Whenever we left each other he'd never say goodbye, instead he'd say 'see you later'.

But now, neither of us can muster up the courage to say them three words, because then we'd be lying to each other. Because we're not going to see each other later, or ever, again.

I'm surrounded by silence, even though the fans are still calling their names as they finally exit the doors. I don't turn around and watch them walk away, I can't.

But a tap on my shoulder catches my attention, and makes my head shoot up. I turn my head around and it's him, standing there, looking down at me. His body is turned to the side as he's in a hurry, but his head is facing me.

His mask is back on his chin again, and before I can question why he hasn't left yet he's already grabbed my face and harshly connected our lips together.

Now Dea, Songmin and Hayoon gasp even louder. I hear Hayoon squealing to herself a little.

Now I find that my tears have return when I can taste his still running down his face. When he let's go, he rests his forehead onto mine, and we both gain our breaths back.

Yoongi's gaze lifts into mine, and he smiles a little. "I'll never forget you, Yeonie."

With them final words he finally lets me go, turns around and walks back to the door. And this time, I watch him.

Without turning around once, he disappears around the corner. The doors then close, and he's properly gone.

Dea, Songmin and Hayoon slowly walk back over to me now staring at the ground. Two sit either side of me and one sits opposite me.

Dea takes my hand in hers. "You okay?"

I sniffle, patting away my tears. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Hayoon sits opposite us, and her lips curve into a smirk as she raises an eyebrow. "Did he just call you Yeonie?"

Sighing, I lightly kick my foot with my good leg forwards making her giggle and flinch away.

Yoongi answered the question that I've been asking myself for so long, ever since I found out that they were leaving.

Would he forget about me?

Would I just become a distant memory, a mistake for him to look back on and think, 'why did I ever do that?'

But now, I don't need to be worried anymore. Because I know now what the answer is since he's just answered it for me.

And I can safely say, that I'll never forget about him either.

Well, that's the end.

I can't believe this book had ended I'M ACTUALLY SO SAD

But don't panic, there's an epilogue coming. So technically, it hasn't ended yet;)

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