
By CottonCandySprite

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Amity Blight always followed the path others chose for her. But when the opportunity of a lifetime comes in c... More

Chapter 2- The Audition
Chapter 3- Have You Seen This Witch?
Chapter 4- Luz at the Gates
Chapter 5- Confrontation
Chapter 6- A Bitter Farewell, A Sweet Return

Chapter 1- Chance of a Lifetime

6.2K 184 100
By CottonCandySprite

Amity was always the type to have a plan. Not always one to make them, but nevertheless she had a path in life she was set to follow, no matter what. But in recent months, her life had been thrown headfirst into disarray by the arrival of the human girl, Luz. Suddenly, the plan she had followed all her life was being challenged, and all Amity wanted to see in her future was this strange girl. She thought she could just ignore these feelings and stick to the path laid out for her in spite of them, but her loyalties would be pushed to their breaking point one late summer afternoon.

It was another school day. Walk to class with Luz, Willow, and Gus, breeze through classes, ace tests, all according to routine. She rather liked this routine; despite the boredom one would expect from doing the same things everyday, she felt a sense of security in it, especially when it included time with Luz. No matter how little the day-to-day activities changed, Luz always had some new adventure or idea to share to make the day a little bit more exciting. She was her light spell— an intensely captivating little ball of light in an otherwise dull environment. This, figured Amity, was paradise. She never wanted things to change.

But during her 5th period Abomination Theory class, a knock on the classroom door disrupted her tranquil study. "Amity Blight, Principal Bump requires you in his office. He has a surprise for you!" the secretary was almost giddy, and Amity had the sudden impression that something very sinister was up. And it probably had something to do with her mother.

After the resignation and subsequent outlaw status of Lilith Clawthorne, her highly coveted role in the Emperor's Coven became up for grabs. After about a week, it was announced that Odalia Blight, Amity's mother, was selected for the position. At first, Amity enjoyed the increase in time away from her. However, it soon became clear that this meant a bigger pressure for Amity to join the ranks of the coven, not just from Odalia herself, but now from everyone around her expecting her to not just join the coven but take up the role of Coven Head when her mother is no longer fit. On the walk down the halls of Hexside to Principal Bump's office, Amity's stomach turned thinking what her mother could have planned for her now.

The secretary led her to Bump's office, and Amity let out a small sigh of relief when she saw her mother was not in the room. The principal motioned her to sit, and she nervously made her way to the chair across from his desk.

"I have some exciting news for you, Amity," started Principal Bump, grinning with pride. "Your mother has made some arrangements for you to audition for the Emperor's Coven early!"

"What?" Amity's heart fell to her stomach. She wasn't surprised her mother would do something like this, but so soon? She was only a freshman, and not to mention not especially skilled, still needing a training wand. Even the most skilled witchlings don't get the chance to join a coven early until their junior year. Then again, with her mom as the head of the coven, of course she would try to secure her spot as soon as possible. But why now?

Principal Bump continued, "I was a little shocked myself to hear the news, but seeing your progress myself I suppose it's only natural for you to join a coven early. Why this early, I'm not entirely sure, but I'm proud of you Miss Blight." He handed her an orderly brown packet containing a multitude of forms, which a pale-faced Amity cautiously took. "The paperwork is naturally already filled out. All you need to do is be at the Emperor's Coven by five o'clock tonight with a few spells prepared."

Amity stumbled to find words amidst the thoughts swirling in her brain, and eventually mumbled, "Thank you, Principal Bump. I'll be there." She shakily stood up to leave, her eyes glued to the packet.

"Good luck," called Bump as Amity left his office in a daze. "This is the chance of a lifetime, Amity, I hope you choose to take it."


Amity returned to class, but could not take her mind off of the major turn her life was about to take. She tried to focus on her work, anything to distract her, but to no avail. She left class with her assignment unfinished and her thoughts racing.


The witchling removed her gaze from the packet at the top of her books and turned towards the source of the bright voice that sounded through the hallway. Not now, she thought, not her. But unaware of Amity's mental protests, the girl weaved through the crowded hallway and ran towards her with such speed and clumsiness that Amity thought she was going to run into her.

"Luz!" Amity attempted to stop her cheeks from turning a deep scarlet at the mere sight of her. "Uh, hi," she stuttered, trying to play it cool, not allowing the day's events to ruin the moment.

Luz caught her breath and looked up at the witch. Even with the masked expression on Amity's face, she could tell immediately that something had happened. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, why?"

"You seem upset about something. What is it?" A mischievous grin smeared across her face. "Are you thinking about a crush or something?"

Amity looked into the girl's sparkling hickory eyes and playful, quizzical expression. She clearly had good intentions, and for a moment Amity wanted to tell her everything. But she also knew such news would cause a definite rift between them, considering Luz's past experience with the coven. But those eyes...

"No, that's not it," she chuckled sorrowfully, knowing that she was at least half-right. "I'm sorry Luz, but this is something you can't help with." She began to turn away, and Luz, respecting her boundaries, took a light step away from Amity in a motion to convey that she was letting the issue go. Amity flashed a grateful smirk, but she just couldn't shake the guilt of not informing Luz of the situation. Against her own judgement, she turned back and took a deep breath. "I've been invited to audition for the Emperor's Coven early. And with my mom being the head now, I'm almost certain I'll get in."

Luz perked up when Amity spoke, but upon processing this information her face shifted from intrigue to abject fear. "The... Emperor's Coven?" She almost wished she had never asked. Her heart fell to the floor and her brows furrowed. Almost anything would be better than hearing that one of her best friends in the world would be joining the very ranks that seeked to destroy everything she loves most on the Boiling Isles.

"Look, I know how they treated you and Eda," Amity assured, "and trust me, I'm not entirely excited to join them so soon. But I have to do this."

"Do you?"

Amity was briefly taken aback by Luz's bluntness. "I- Excuse me?"

Luz realized how those two words sounded and took a verbal step back. "Sorry, I didn't mean to come off that way. I'm sure you'll make the right choice, whether you join them or not." She tried to hide her stew of negative emotions behind genuine care, but she was a terrible liar and she knew it. Still, she took Amity's hand between hers and met the witch girl's golden eyes. Holding back tears, she argued "But I don't think I can support you if you do. The Emperor's Coven isn't something you just join. I mean, they're evil! They almost..." She trailed off as she tried to shake the flashbacks and would-be's from her mind.

"Luz, this is my future. I've been working for this my whole life, you know I can't turn back now. Not with everything on the line." Amity's voice grew more and more strained with every line, desperately trying to justify her decision even when she knew the truth. "This is the chance of a lifetime!"

Luz couldn't keep up the act any more. "But is it what you want?"

Amity fell silent, and her eyes froze onto Luz's pained face before dropping once again to the floor. Luz scanned her pale face for a glimpse of hope, but only found conviction and anger. She sighed and turned to walk past her, but Amity came to a final realization that stopped her dead in her tracks once more in the now empty hallway.

"If I'm accepted, I won't attend Hexside anymore," Amity somberly added. "I don't know when I'll ever see you again."

Both girls suddenly felt a pang of heartbreak, amplified by the cold silence of the halls of Hexside. She didn't quite know why, but tears welled up in Luz's eyes, and she could not move. It felt like her world was crashing down, and she wanted to know what she did to deserve a life without Amity, and why she was so torn up over her in particular. She was speechless; she had too many thoughts wanting to come out, too many things she wanted to say before it was too late. But all that came out was a familiar forced supportive comment, one that she did not believe wholeheartedly but would keep any good faith they would still have after Amity made her choice: "I hope you get in," her voice cracked but retained a soft kindness that Amity would come to miss. "It's the chance of a lifetime, after all."

And with that, Luz left Amity alone in the cold marble void of the hall.

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