Crusher And Pickle's Secrets

By Moonaline

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Crusher and Pickle have some secrets. First Blaze and the Monster Machines Fanfic. Crusher X Pickle. Mpreg. More

Secret Romance
Special Secret News
Secret Proposal
Fears And Labor
Secret's Out!
Wedding Mission Part 2

Wedding Mission Part 1

544 5 12
By Moonaline

Man, the last chapter was longer than I thought. At least this is shorter. I hope XD


Also, surprise! I made Blaze and Crusher best buds! Well, little by little, of course. From the last chapter to this one, they've really bonded well enough to be great friends! Yippee!

Chapter Text

It had been 4 months since Pickle's labor. It gave Pickle time to rest enough to help plan their wedding. Crusher was already planning it, with the help of Blaze, AJ, Darington, Gabby, Starla, Watts, Stripes, Zeg, and all of Pickle's family. Once Pickle started to join in the planning, Grammy came to their place and watched over the twins until they came home.

The girls made sure Pickle got everything needed for his role as the 'bride', with his sisters Lilly, Milly, Tilly, and Frilly dragging him around to help him pick out the wedding dress. Starla, Watts and Gabby were chosen as the bridesmaids and were more than happy to help out with their role in the wedding ceremony. Gherkin was the flower girl, and she was more than happy to help pick flowers for the bouquets with her older brother and sisters.

The boys did the rest of the work, with Pickle's cousins Ben, Ken and Sven arranging everything and cleaning everything up joyfully. Stripes had been in charge of the guestlist, Darington of food and Zeg as the entertainer during the reception. AJ was chosen as the MC for the reception while Blaze just zoomed around to try to help as much as he can, even going as far as helping Crusher decide what suit to where.

Soon, it was the day of the wedding, and Crusher was faced with a difficult decision, along with a few other things.

"Oh man!" he began to panic in his dressing room, hyperventilating and wheezing. "How can I forget?!"

"Hey, Crusher!" Blaze came in, wearing a suit and a tie already with AJ in his driver's seat. "You okay?"

"NO!" Crusher shook his head. "The wedding cake's still at the bakery, I left my suit at the cleaners, and I forgot to buy a tie for my suit!" He then remembered another thing. "AH! I forgot to choose best men for the wedding ceremony! And I've got other things to do before the wedding starts! What am I gonna do?!"

"Take it easy, Crusher," AJ consoled him.

"Yeah, we'll get your suit, your tie AND the cake!" Blaze offered.

"Thanks..." Crusher took a deep breath to try to calm himself. "At least things can't get any worse---"

"Oh, Crushy!" Suddenly, Grammy entered the room, dragging with 4-months old Terra and Aquario in their strollers with one tire and holding out her phone with another. "I've got news!"

"Grammy!" Crusher rushed over, greeting his twins with a pat and a kiss for each of them. "And hello, my precious angels!" He then turned to his grandmother. "What's the big news, Grammy?"

"Guess who got the news of your marriage?" Grammy handed the phone to her grandson. "Krisha and Calvin!"

"They... WHAT?!" Crusher's smile faltered into a horrified expression as he stared at the messages. "GRAMMY!"

"Krisha and Calvin?" Blaze and AJ exchanged confused glances. "Who are they, Crusher?"

"My parents." Crusher hissed. "Grammy, why did you invite them? Don't you remember what happened LAST TIME? You were RIGHT THERE when it happened,"

"Don't worry, Crushy, I'm sure they've changed," Grammy assured him, rubbing a tire down his cheek soothingly. "Besides, I haven't told them who you were marrying,"

"That's a relief," Crusher sighed, groaning. "My wedding is still DOOMED!"

"Hmm, I wonder why your parents hate non-straight relationships so badly," AJ spoke.

"Hey, maybe we can find out!" Blaze's eyes lit up with an idea. "How about we meet your parents before the wedding and take them around for a drive to find out why they hate it so much?"

"But... what about the other things who offered to help with?" Crusher asked.

"We could multitask," Blaze smiled. "We can get your parents to help us with the things needed to be done,"

"Alright, but the cake's last," Crusher told him. "Clive said something about it missing something on top that he still needs to figure out,"

"Alright!" Blaze nodded then he turned to Grammy. "Grammy, do you know where to meet up with Crusher's parents?"

"At the train station," she gave them a smile. "I just sent them a text that you're on you way,"

"To the train station!" Blaze announced. "AJ, gimmie some speed!"

AJ nodded and turned on his blazing speed before stepping on the pedal, causing Blaze to zoom out of the room. Crusher jumped out of the way, watching the red truck dash out.

"Good luck!"


"Hey, Blaze!" Darington greeted as his boyfriend came to a stop in front of the train station elevator.

"Hey, Darry!" Blaze smiled and pecked the other's cheek. "What are you doing here?"

"Crusher just gave me permission to do a stunt at reception tonight!" Darington beamed, holding out a couple of hoops in his tire. "I'm gonna do a triple summersault heading loops of fire extravaganza!"

"Uh..." Blaze looked unsure. "maybe get some fire extinguishers while you're at it, Darry..."

"Good idea!" Darington grinned and drove off. "And some paddings, a more fire-proof helmet, fire-proof cape---"

"I can't believe you stayed calm," AJ blinked at his best friend in surprise. "I was SURE that you'd panic at the 'fire' part of the stunt,"

"I am panicking, but I know Darington loves his stunts, so I just wanna be the supportive boyfriend with a fire extinguisher and a huge pillow for him to crash-land on in case something wrong happens," Blaze told him with a shudder. "Besides, that stunt is for tonight. We still got lots of things to do before worrying over it,"

"Right," AJ nodded as the red truck made his way to the elevator to the train station.

They soon made their way to the train station, waiting for the train to come. It took a while, but the train came, stopping with a slide. The doors opened to reveal two monster trucks, each looking like Crusher. One was a male and was dark violet, with the flame light pattern of lavender, while the other was female and was coal black, with a swirling light of silver.

"Hi there!" Blaze greeted them with a smile. "I'm Blaze, and this is my driver AJ,"

"Are you Crusher's parents?" AJ asked.

"Why yes, we... are," the male replied in a british tone, holding his tire out all fancy. "I am Calvin, and this is my wife Krisha,"

"We are not only Crusher's... biological caretakers, but we are also the owners of the richest companies of all the world!" the female, Krisha, bragged, her light british tone surprisingly sharp. "so us being here in this... Axle City is such an honor for you all,"

"Definitely Crusher's parents..." AJ muttered, tone low and nearly silent.

Blaze overheard him and silently agreed. He forced to widened his grin, trying to keep himself from rolling his eyes as he drove forward.

"Nice to meet you both!" he said. "We're here to take you to the wedding venue!"

"Good!" Calvin smiled, but it was nothing like Crusher's sinister one. It looked worse. "Escorts are what us rich business trucks need!"

'Oh, I swear---!' Blaze held in a groan. Crusher was bearable enough. His parents? Argh...

"But FIRST, Crusher had asked us to get a few things," AJ told them. "He's also got some stuff to do, so he wants us to return AFTER we get the things he needs,"

"Fine, fine," Krisha groaned. "but only because we know what is fabulous and what is not for a perfect wedding!"

They soon drove into the elevator. Once they were already inside, and the doors were already closed, Blaze finally was able to roll his eyes.

"And I thought Crusher bragging about something he's actually good at could be unbearable," he hissed.

"Remember why we came to meet them," AJ reminded him. "We need to figure out why they hate his sexuality,"

"I don't blame Crusher if he hates them, though," Blaze groaned. "They're REALLY unbearable..."


"Okay, okay, don't panic!" Crusher told himself as he breathed into a paper bag. "I've got PLENTY of time before the wedding!"

"Crusher?" Gabby asked as she came in with Watts. "Something wrong?"

"YES!" Crusher threw away the paper bag and began to panic. "SO MANY TRUCKS ARE COMING TO THE WEDDING! I mean, I know Pickle wanted to finally tell our secret, so that we could FINALLY settle things in peace, but There ARE TOO MANY! ALMOST ALL OF AXLE CITY'S COMING TO THE WEDDING! I... I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN HANDLE THAT MANY TRUCKS IN ONE PLACE!"

"Woah, take it easy," Watts patted the other on the back.

"Yeah, Crusher, I'm sure things are going to be okay!" Gabby offered the dark blue truck a smile. "Everyone seemed to be genuinely excited with the wedding, anyway,"

"Everyone but my parents." Crusher hissed, shaking his head. "Good thing they never brought my sister with them,"

"Your sister?" Watts repeated, curious. "Who she?"

"Dynama, my older sister. One of the fastest and probably the best cheater ever when it came to races," Crusher shrugged, obviously not comfortable with the topic. "She got arrested when she set the whole race course on fire and caused a pole to almost fall onto the audience. Some racers were killed. Most badly injured. She was charged with murder, but our parents still supported her case to set her free. Well, attempting to, anyway,"

"Woah," Gabby's jaw dropped. "Your sister sounds like... like a monster,"

"Oh, things could be worse," Crusher bitterly chuckled. "I was in that race, but... but my parents only cared for her, so they didn't bother to ask if I was okay,"

"Were you hurt?" Watts questioned.

"Yes, but... but Grammy helped me get fixed up, so it's fine," Crusher let out a shaky breath. "Can... Can we not talk about Dynama, please? I'm just glad that she's not attending the wedding,"

Watts and Gabby exchanged glances, but they didn't say anything else. They were going to have to tell the others about this, though.


"Here we are," Blaze announced as they came to the cleaners.

"THIS is where Crusher left his suit?" Calvin looked unimpressed. "What a horrid place!"

"Don't be so surprised, honey," Krisha huffed. "This is CRUSHER we are talking about. I'm surprised that someone managed to love that... that unlovable, unloyal truck,"

AJ was about ready to get out of the driver's seat after those words left her mouth. Blaze managed to stop him, forcing in another grin as he opened the door to the cleaners. They went in to find many clothes selection (truck sizes, of course).

"Blaze! AJ!" the truck at the cleaners greeted them with a smile. "What can I get you two?"

"Crusher needs his suit for the wedding, Pedro," AJ replied, returning the smile as he steered his attention AWAY from the snobs.

"Ah! Of course!" Pedro grabbed something from a rack and handed a well-ironed, neatly covered suit to the duo. "About time they tied the knot, huh?"

"Totally!" Blaze laughed before being interrupted by a cough.

"ExCUSE me, but aren't you going to introduce us?" Krisha asked, coldly and bitterly.

"Of course! Where are our manners?" AJ gritted his teeth but kept the smile in his face. "Pedro, this is Calvin and Krisha,"

"They're Crusher's parents," Blaze added.

"No time for chit-chat!" Calvin scowled, turning to leave.

"That's right!" Krisha nodded in agreement. "We came to pick up the suit and that's final! I can't stand this... this HIDEOUS pace!"

The two then left the cleaners. Pedro rolled his eyes.

"How are you two bearing this?" he asked the two, who took the suit to store. "I mean, even Crusher is more bearable than this,"

"We promised him that we'd get his parents to accept Pickle as his future husband," Blaze explained.

"They hate homo couples," AJ sighed.

"Aw, that is sad," Pedro frowned. "Crusher and Pickle are great couple. Little Terra and Aquario have great parents. If I was Crusher's father, I be very, VERY proud!"

"Their richness gets in their heads before family, apparently," Blaze shook his head then he turned to drive off. "Well, we gotta go. See ya at the wedding!"


"Hey there, sweetpea," Starla pecked his girlfriend's cheek as she and the others met up behind the wedding venue. "What's with the meet-up?"

"We just found out something about Crusher's family," Gabby said, hopping off of Watts.

"What's more to know?" Darington asked. "I mean, we already know that his parents hate gay couples,"

"Well, there IS more to know, apparently," Watts sighed. "Turns out that he has a sister,"

"He does?!" Stripes's eyes widened. "Do I need to update the guestlist?!"

"No, no, it's fine, Stripes," Gabby assured him. "There's no need to put her in the guestlist,"

"Crusher's sister already in guestlist?" Zeg guessed, tilting his head.

"No," Watts shook her head. "She isn't coming at all,"

"Why not, my Spark?" Starla looked confused. "I thought she was Crusher's sister,"

"She's in prison, for murder and murder attempts," Gabby told them, causing them to gasp.

"Oh, well, that makes sense why she's not coming," Darington frowned. "How, though?"

"She set a whole race course on fire," Watts explained. "Some were killed while others were injured. Crusher was one of the injured ones,"

"Oh! I think I remember that one," Stripes's eyes lit up in realization. "My cousin Prider was in that race too. He was hurt pretty badly. He told the family that one of the racers tried to kill them with fire and that he and his best friend tried their best to survive. Dynama, as I remember, got arrested, but her family was arrogant and spoiled, and they've been trying to get her out of prison... even up 'til now,"

"Dynama IS Crusher's older sister," Gabby confirmed.

"Zeg no like Dynama," Zeg shuddered. "Dynama sound scary,"

"Good thing that psycho ain't comin' to the wedding," Starla sighed in relief.

"But she may CRASH it," Darington pointed out.

"Darington's right," Gabby nodded. "Everyone around the world probably know about Crusher and Pickle's wedding by now, thanks to Blaze and AJ. She might break out of prison to crash it, so we have to be prepared,"

"I'll tell Blaze to report to Officer Anna about security for the wedding," Stripes offered then he turned to drive off.

"The rest of us will have to keep our eyes open and our guards up in case she comes to ruin anything," Starla grinned then they dismissed the meeting and drove away to head back to their wedding duties.


"The mall?" Krisha's eyes lit up. "Oh! I cannot wait to buy a perfect outfit for the wedding! I need something... formal! Something... absolutely stunning!"

"Blaze, I don't know how much more of this I can take...!" AJ whispered to his best friend.

"Just... hang in there," Blaze gave him comforting grin. "Just a little while longer. We need to figure out why they hate homo relationships, remember?"

"Yeah, but they themselves are SO unbearable!" AJ hissed.

"Shh!" Blaze hushed him then he turned to head into the mall. "Alright, we just need a bow tie to match the suit for Crusher,"

"A tie? Too traditional!" Calvin huffed as they followed the red truck inside.

"I agree!" Krisha nodded. "A red flower on the coat is much more elegant than a bow-tie,"

"Or a necktie," Calvin added. "Perhaps a green one to clash with his color?"

"Oh, heavens, NO!" Krisha disagreed. "It will make me remember that time he became a... argh, a faggot. It was the most disgusting thing ever!"

'An opportunity!' AJ sighed in relief. "What do you mean, Ms. Krisha?"

"Yeah, what happened?" Blaze asked, acting oblivious.

"It was horrid!" Calvin gagged. "Years ago, Crusher came to us and asked if we could meet his lover. We said yes since we didn't really need to care who he dated,"

"We thought that we could bribe whatever female he was dating with money to not date that... waste-of-a-son of ours," Krisha added with a groan and a shudder. "But apparently, he was dating that... that even MORE disgusting green male truck called... Cucumber, was it?"

"You mean Pickle?" Blaze guessed, still acting innocent. "He's a friend of ours,"

"Who could ever befriend a male like... like that?" Calvin shook his head. "First of all, he's childish, too imaginative, too immature, too ugly, too naive, a middle class, and he's a MALE!"

"The MALE part is the most important point," Krisha clarified. "He could never have children, thus Crusher would never have an heir when he inherits the company. Well, as if any of us have any choice now, anyway,"

THAT part got Blaze's attention. Before he could ask, however, there was a sound of ringing.

"Blaze, we've got a call," AJ told him.

Blaze nodded and excused himself from his 'company' then he turned to drive over to a more secluded in the mall. Once he and AJ were alone, the driver answered the call.

"Hey, Stripes, what's up?"

["We just got news,"] Stripes answered. ["Turns out that Crusher has an older sister named Dynama, who's in prison after burning an entire race course and killing a few racers. We're a little wary that she may try to escape prison and ruin the wedding!"]

"Oh no!" AJ gasped.

"Don't worry, Stripes. We won't let that happen," Blaze assured the tiger truck.

"Thanks for the warning, though," AJ smiled. "We'll tell Officer Anna about it,"

["Alright, thanks fellas!"] With that, the call ended.

"Do you think Ms. Krisha and Mr. Calvin know about this?" Blaze asked.

"Most likely," AJ groaned before taking out his tablet. "I'll message Officer Anna about it to help with security,"

Blaze nodded then he started to drive back to the two trucks. As he did, he started to think about what Krisha and Calvin said about Pickle, about his and Crusher's relationship and about their relationship with their son. He had restrained himself when the pair had insulted their green truck friend then he had to keep himself from screaming and scolding at them when they disgusted and shamed Crusher for his choice of sexuality.

He couldn't even imagine having parents like them in all his life. How did Crusher even bare them growing up?

"Blaze?" The boy's voice brought the red truck back into reality. "You okay?"

"I... I just..." Blaze sighed. "I'm not sure we can help Crusher change his parents' minds about homo couples,"

"What makes you say that?" AJ frowned. It was odd to see his best friend like this. He doesn't usually give up.

"Look at them, AJ," Blaze pointed to the two rich trucks, who were making who-knows-what comments at every truck that passed them. "They hate Crusher to the core, hate every trucker they see, only seem to care about themselves, AND they don't seem to care that their daughter had nearly killed lots and lots of racers in a race. I don't think they would care, even with our efforts. They'd still try to ruin the wedding the moment they see Pickle... especially in his wedding dress,"

"We can still try," AJ assured him. "We can try and try again. We've got plenty of time before the wedding,"

"I... I guess," Blaze gave him a smile. "Alright, let's go and try again. I'm sure they have a soft spot somewhere,"

"That's the spirit!" AJ grinned.


"Oh man!" Crusher whimpered as he slammed his face on the table. "It's almost time for the wedding... and I haven't chosen any best man yet!"

"I'm sure you would be able to decide before the wedding, Crushy," Grammy came over and patted him on the back. "There are many friends you can choose from,"

"Not that close with any of them," Crusher sighed. "Pickle's the only one I've got, and I don't wanna bother any of his cousins with the duties because that would already be asking too much of them..."

Grammy shook her head and turned to her great-grandchildren, who cooed and tried to reach out for their father. She smiled and took them in her tires before driving forward to hand them over.



"I think Terra and Aquario want to cheer up their daddy,"

Crusher turned and smiled, taking the two baby trucks in his tires before smothering them with kisses. Terra and Aquario all squealed in response, happily taking in their father's attention.

"Aww, thanks you two," he chuckled. "I really wish your grandparents accept you as much as your great-grandmother does,"

"I wish too," Grammy sighed. "but we cannot hold onto many miracles,"

"Just hope they haven't stressed out Blaze and AJ with all their... 'manners'," Crusher grimaced. "Or anyone else, for that matter,"

"Blaze and AJ are quite noble for helping you out with your parents," Grammy pointed out with a smile.

"They sure are..." Crusher admitted, his mind suddenly running into a train of thought...


"Tie for the suit? Done!" AJ announced as they drove out of the mall. "Now we just need one last thing..."

"The Wedding Cake!" Blaze beamed.

"Finally! Something traditional yet elegant!" Krisha seemed to approve the last task. "How many layers is there? 10? 25?"

"Oh! Or 100?" Calvin grinned. "We had always taught Dynama and Crusher to get things that are bigger, for bigger is always better!"

"Huh, Crusher never told us how many layers he did for the cake," Blaze told them.

"Or what flavor it was," AJ added. "Or what it looks like, but our friend Clive the baker knows. He's completing the cake right now,"

"He better be a professional," Calvin huffed. "I would hate to see a second-rated, small wedding cake at the wedding,"

"I would," Krisha laughed mockingly. "It would be a GREAT opportunity to correct our pathetic son on what is right and what is wrong!"

AJ growled, but he managed to restrain himself, gripping tightly to the steering wheel. Blaze hissed, forcing himself to smile as he focused on driving towards the bakery. How they were able to hold themselves, they had no clue.

How did these two become so rich with attitudes like this?

They soon found their way to the bakery. They entered to find the place empty.

"Clive?" Blaze looked around. "You in here?"

"Over here, Blaze!" A waving tire from the kitchen got their attention. "I'm just finishing up the cake!"

Blaze nodded and drove forward. Krisha and Calvin looked around at the empty bakery before gagging.

"This place is horrid!" Krisha screeched. "Empty and no service at all! How can they let the place stand when it is so empty with no customer service whatsoever?!"

"This isn't some restaurant, with all the waiters and everything." AJ gritted his teeth. "It's a bakery."

"And it's empty since everyone got ready for Crusher's wedding," Blaze added, a little softer than his best friend's voice. "It's a pretty big event for everyone since he's a pretty famous and fast racer like the rest of us,"

"Fast? Ha!" Calvin rolled his eyes. "I doubt that. He has never won a race by himself,"

"Especially since his boosters were... out of commission," Krisha darkly grinned. "And who wins the natural way? Cheating is always the easiest way to win and get whatever you want. Those who race the normal way are cowards and goody-four-tires!"

'Well, now we know where Crusher gets his... ways of cheating.' AJ shook his head.

Blaze's attention, however, wasn't on the cheating part. He expected that from Crusher's family. He didn't expect what Krisha had spoken about first.

"Crusher had... boosters?"

"Something he was born with," Calvin shrugged. "but since Dynama---"

"Calvin, shut your mouth." Krisha snapped at her husband.

Now, THAT was something that caught the duo's attention. Crusher had boosters in the past, and his sister had something to do with him getting out of commission? That HAD to be something to tell the police and fully investigate on...

"Let's go and see the cake!" AJ called out, phone out and ready to call Officer Anna. "You two can go ahead and try to improve the cake,"

"As if we could perfect a cake that is as terrible as the one Crusher will have," Krisha huffed, but she and Calvin drove off anyway.

Once they were gone, AJ dialed the number. Blaze looked up at him.

"What are we gonna tell Officer Anna?"

"To at least make an investigation," AJ replied. "And get some info from Grammy about the case. I have a feeling that she knows something but kept it for Crusher's sake,"

"You might be right," Blaze nodded grimly and waited as the phone began to ring.


"La la-di! La di da!" Pickle pranced around in his dressing room as he placed more flowers in the bouquet. "Ta-da!"

"Hi, Pickle!" he turned to see Watts, Gabby and Starla entering with smiles.

"Heya, guys!" Pickle greeted them with a bigger smile.

"Why aren't ya in the dress yet?" Starla asked. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"Yeah, the wedding starts in two hours!" Gabby nodded in agreement.

"I will... once my sisters come back with some sparkles for the gown!" Pickle motioned to the beautiful white wedding dress hanging on a dress-rack, along with the white transparent veil hanging nearby on the hanger. "It needs a little more green sparkles!"

"Well, green sparkles DOES scream you," Watts laughed.

"Exactly!" Pickle giggled, turning back to the bouquet to rearrange it. "As soon as they get back, I'll be in the dress and out walking down the aisle with Grandpa!"

Gabby smiled, hopping off of Watts. She approached the dress to take a good look at it, her mind trying to think of how to start 'the conversation' that had been nagging at them for a while. Finally, she thought a good ice breaker and turned to the green truck.

"Hey, Pickle?"

"Hmm?" Pickle turned back to them.

"How did you and Crusher meet?"

Pickle seemed to think about it for a while as he moved away from the bouquet. "We met years ago. He came from a... wealthier city, far from Axle City. I came from there too, but he's at the highest class since his family is rich while mine is in the middle class. He was already a popular racer as much as his sister Dynama was. I've seen his races and his wins and cheats but was only able to meet him when we were in College. We were partners at a project first then we became friends. In the middle of College, we became best friends then at our graduation, we got together,"

"Did his parents know?" Watts asked. "And his sister?"

"His sister was home-schooled and prepped for races because she was the 'more successful' one, so no, Dynama didn't know who I was," Pickle shook his head. "His parents sent him to College because they wanted him to get smarter and not focus on racing since they wanted him to inherit their company while Dynama sponsors it with her racing popularity,"

"That didn't work out, huh?" Starla guessed.

"Nope!" Pickle chuckled. "Racing was something Crusher had loved to do since he was a kid, but his parents never supported him. That's why he's not so athletic. His parents never gave him any training or anything. He trained himself, with Ms. Grammy the only one cheering him on. I also cheered him on when he self-trained himself,"

"What made you two leave that city?" Gabby questioned.

"After his parents... um, didn't support our relationship either, we moved to Axle City, and he forced himself onto every race he could find, so that he could prove to them that he was a worthy racer... and that he could win through cheating, like Dynama can," Pickle went on. "Grammy stayed but came to visit us from time to time to make sure that we were both alright and to cheer Crusher on,"

"So that's why Crusher cheats?" Watts blinked in surprise. "Is their family all cheats?"

"Pretty much, but from what Grammy told me, Crusher only started cheating since his boosters broke,"

"Crusher had... boosters?" Gabby was surprised. "Like Blaze's blazing speed?"

"Oh, NO! It's faster!" Pickle grinned excitedly. "He could zoom off through the race track and be at the finish line in less than 30 minutes! He was so fast at racing when he was younger, along with his former best friend from elementary. They were a real team out in the race track, with their signature move: the PC Dasher! It was either one of them winning the race or both of them!"

"Wow," Starla's jaw dropped. "Crusher used to race good? What happened to him?"

"His boosters were wrecked," Pickle let out a sigh. "He... He would never tell me how it happened. Says that it was a painful memory, but he did tell me that it was wrecked in a race. Ms. Grammy knows the rest, but she didn't tell me either. All she did was give me... these," He took out two flat circular pads with blue irises in the middle. "They're his boosters. His back was supposed to have two slots where these two are supposed to be attached, but the mechanic said that the damage couldn't be repaired, so he sealed them with a metal piece,"

"May I take a look, Pickle?" Gabby asked.

"Sure! Go ahead," Pickle handed the pads to the young mechanic.

Gabby inspected the pads in her hands closely with a hum. She turned them over to check their condition, weighing them in her hands.

"They seem to be in good condition," she reported, eyeing them at the center. "They are actually in great condition. I don't see why Crusher needed to have them removed,"

"He didn't have them removed," Pickle told her. "When they said that his boosters broke, they mean that they were already off after that 'bad memory'. He started to cheat after that to regain his reputation, which broke the friendship between him and his best friend,"

"But the boosters are okay," Gabby insisted. "Why would that mechanic suggested to let them be removed?"

"Maybe it's a rig," Starla suggested. "I mean, his parents are rich, and they seem to hate 'im and love his sister more than him. Maybe they paid the mechanic to say that,"

"You think?" Pickle's eyes lit up, intrigued with the idea.

"I mean, it would make more sense," Watts nodded. "If the boosters are alright then it must have been a bribe,"

"I'll take a better look at this in the garage," Gabby said as she turned to head to Watts's driver's seat. "We'll be back before the wedding starts. Come on, Watts,"

"And I'll stay here to make sure everythin's aye-okay!" Starla waved her girlfriend goodbye as she drove out.


"Ah, Blaze!" Clive cheered as the red truck finally entered the kitchen. "AJ! You are here!"

"Hey, Clive," Blaze greeted his friend before looking around. "Hey, have you seen two trucks come in here?"

"Yeah, one black and one dark indigo?" AJ added. "Each with an accent?"

"Yes," Clive sighed and turned to the two trucks restrained by the Baker Bots. "I'm sorry, but they were planning to ruin the wedding cake!"

"Preposterous!" Krisha huffed. "This truck is lying! You don't have a lick of proof!"

AJ and Blaze exchanged glances before groaning. AJ got off the driver seat and walked towards the trucks, arms crossed.

"Actually, it would make much more sense," he admitted. "Ms. Krisha, Mr. Calvin, from everything you've been telling us, it doesn't seem like you even care about Crusher,"

"Who can?" Calvin let out a huff. "You two of all people should know how UNBEARABLE he is! We've seen your races. His cheats at every race is so lame and pathetic that he never wins!"

"Cheating never works," Blaze pointed out. "We stop his cheats because others might get hurt,"

"Small price to pay for winning," Krisha smirked. "And cheats ALWAYS work. Dynama has always cheated, and she has become a champion. Our families has been cheating on the taxes and the liabilities we have in the business. How did you think we manage to stay rich?"

Blaze and AJ shook their heads. They had a feeling that changing the minds of Crusher's parents wasn't going to work out well, but they never thought they were going to be THIS difficult.

"Well, you will NOT be ruining the cake!" Clive frowned as he drove over to the tall cake of white, blue and green, with two edible statues of Crusher and Pickle on top. "I just finished it! I had to add the statues on top! It would not be a wedding for Crusher and Pickle without them on it!"

"WHAT?!" Krisha and Calvin blanched in disgust.

"Oh, did we forget to tell you?" AJ grinned. "Crusher is getting married to Pickle,"

"But... But that cannot be!" Calvin gagged. "We REFUSE to allow this marriage!"

"You don't have a say on it, especially if Pickle's family will be the one accepting Crusher in their family," Blaze told them. "You don't even care about him. Why do you care for whoever he marries?"

"Since Dynama is in prison, Crusher will have to inherit the business," Krisha groaned. "And if he is to inherit the business, he would need an heir! From a female!"

"Well, then you'd be interested to know that he and Pickle have kids," AJ smiled. "Actual kids, from Pickle himself. Turns out that their families have a blood to make miracles like that,"

"Well, Pickle IS a magician," Clive said. "His whole family have a unique skill!"

By that time, Krisha and Calvin's expressions went from disgusted to horrified to enraged in an instant. Calvin fought the Baker Bot with persistence now, gritting his teeth.


Blaze had just enough of this. He finally released the growl he had been keeping and drove towards them.

"YOU BOTH don't deserve to have Crusher as a son!" he yelled out, causing AJ and Clive to jump in shock.

Blaze almost NEVER raises his voice at anyone. He had done it to Crusher ONCE, but it didn't really work. This time, however, it seemed higher and more enraged than ever.

"Crusher is a cheater, and it's ALL because of you two!" he went on with a sharp tone and a hiss. "You two are TERRIBLE parents! You only loved your daughter, spoiling her even when she burnt down a race track to cheat and win a SIMPLE race! You don't care about anyone but yourselves! IF YOU WERE BETTER PARENTS THEN CRUSHER WOULD BE A BETTER PERSON, AND YOUR DAUGHTER WOULDN'T BE IN PRISON! YOU ARE BOTH SPOILED, EGOTISTIC HOMOPHOBIC CHEATS THAT DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE LOVED OR TAKEN IN BY ANY FAMILY IN ALL THE WORLD!"

A tense silence followed after. No one said a word as the two trucks shrunk their spots.

AJ had taken out his phone mid-rant and had messaged Officer Anna about what happened. He knew that Blaze had the right to arrest them, he was an officer anyway, but they needed her to witness it for a better explanation on the whole situation.

Soon, there was a siren that arrived at the bakery

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