
By Jestarpetal

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A group of teenage outcasts must kill a world-destroying parasite, with the help of alien technology. More

Chapter 1: The Orphan's Escape
Chapter 2: A Motley Crew
Chapter 3: Monstrous Stowaway
Chapter 4: A Grumpy Roommate
Chapter 5: The First Day
Chapter 6: The Gift
Chapter 7: Training Gone Wrong
Chapter 8: Gina and Ro
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10: Living Flames
Chapter 11: Gina's Decision
Chapter 12: Journey
Chapter 13: The Longest Carriage Ride Pt. 1
Chapter 13: The Longest Carriage Ride Pt. 2
Chapter 14: Watching and Waiting
Chapter 15: The Day The World Changed
Chapter 17: Quill and Gina
Additional Scenes

Chapter 16: After the Battle

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By Jestarpetal

Gina woke up in her bed, with her team looking down at her.

"How are you feeling?" Ro asked.

"Very weak," Gina told her honestly. "I can't believe how tired I am, and how much energy I was using to channel all of those nanogenes. I feel like I was in a wreck and then zapped by lightning."

"That's very intense," Ro quirked an eyebrow. "I'm supposed to be the dramatic one."

"Gina," Quill said her name softly, carefully. And she noticed he had been holding her hand. "Can we have a moment alone?"

Ro nudged her and gave her a look. Amryn looked back as he exited. "Feel better soon," he said.

It was her and Quill. Quill and her. She couldn't help but feel that this was the way things were supposed to be.

"Gina I love you. I wanted to tell you since that day in the hospital, that was when I knew, but I couldn't find the courage. Well you've almost died three times since then, and I couldn't live with myself if the fourth took you for real and I had never told you how I really feel. With all my heart and soul I love you. No one will ever hold this place in my heart.

He loves me? He honestly loves me? Gina felt warmth in her stomach. Little butterflies of happiness doing loops and dances. I thought that maybe the stress of battle made him say something he didn't mean, but he said it. Twice.

The thought came to her.

I love him too. All this time we've spent together, all these experiences we've shared and memories we have. They bind us. But love is what really binds us. It's the web that links things together. Without love, we are nothing.

"I...." she felt so unsure. Afraid to put her heart out there when it had been beaten so many times in the past. His eyes beamed at her with kindness and tenderness. Her heart gained confidence. "I love you too, Quill."

He smiled a huge smile. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that."

"Since the hospital?" she asked.

"Since forever. I've only ever wanted you, Gina, even back when I didn't know who you were. I longed for the person I have come to know as you. You're gentleness, your bravery, your love for others. And your concern for the people that don't have as much. You are the only one for me, Gina of the Charles Hall orphanage."

"Oh, Quill," Gina said, her eyes misting over. She felt like crying from joy. This was everything she had hoped for. Everything she had ever wanted wrapped in this one moment.

"Why are you crying?" He asked worriedly, wiping away the tears.

"No, no," she laughed with the tears pooling on her lashes. "This is just so wonderful that I can't believe it all. I love someone, Quill! I love you! I thought I would live a life of solitude and despair- a worker in a textile mill somewhere, or the brutalized orphanage assistant. Are you sure you're real?" She poked him.

Faster than her eyes could follow he gently pushed her legs out from under her, and placed her firmly in his arms. Then he kissed her; passionately, as if the world was all them, and he would stop living if he didn't kiss her. His lips met hers lovingly, sweetly, and very much real.

"That good enough for you?" The laughter lines in his face crinkled with uncontained joy.

"Oh, I think you might need to convince me again."

His face widened in a broad smile. "That, my dear, I can do."

And she felt herself fall in love with him all over again.

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