No Shame (Book 2 - No Regrets)

By booknerdian

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There are events that you hear about but never want to experience. The seams of my old life seemed to finally... More

Chapter One - Do You Truly Understand?
Chapter Two - Painting a Different Image
Chapter Three - Wide Open World
Chapter Four - Where Does the Axe Fall
Chapter Five - Un-Perfect
Chapter Six - Twisted
Chapter Seven - Water Trapped Under the Bridge
Chapter Eight - Uncomfortable Dining
Chapter Nine - Someday, Someday
Chapter Ten - A Silence Breaking Call
Chapter Eleven - Unequal Balance Between Intentions and Actions
Chapter Tweleve - One Stone
Chapter Thirteen - Twenty-Five Percent
AUTHOR'S NOTE - Feedback/Questions
Chapter Fourteen - Past Coming Back to Bite
Chapter Fifteen - Foul Stench in the Air
Author's Note: (Almost) A Year Later
Chapter Sixteen - Not a Thing
Chapter Seventeen - In the Darkness
Chapter Eighteen - Selfish Gratitude
Chapter Nineteen - Fading Faith
Chapter Twenty - Light Me Up
Chapter Twenty-One - Fool's Box
Chapter Twenty-Two - Never Ends
Chapter Twenty-Three - Keep At Bay
AUTHOR'S NOTE - Q&A and "Fun" Facts
Chapter Twenty-Four - Creation of Legacies
Chapter Twenty-Five - War Beginning
Chapter Twenty-Six - Pit
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Team Toddler
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Where there Was Light
Chapter Twenty-Nine - There Are Shadows
AUTHOR'S NOTE - Delay and Appreciation
Chapter Thirty - Soup for the Soul
Chapter Thirty-One - Once was Mine
Chapter Thirty-Two - What's Lost is Never to Be
Chaptet Thirty-Three - Glass Wall
Chapter Thirty-Four - Calm Waters
Chapter Thirty-Five - Escape to a Circus
AUTHOR'S NOTE - Brief Break
Chapter Thirty-Six - What We Had
Chapter Thirty-Seven - What We Wish
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Spark
Chapter Thirty-Night - Ignite
Chapter Forty - All that Died Within
Chapter Forty-One - Not a Princess
Chapter Forty-Two - Not a Fairytale
ALTERNATE: Chapter Forty-Two - Not a Fairytale
Chapter Forty-Three - Not a Care
Chapter Forty-Four - The Silence that Came
Chapter Forty-Five - Pain that Never Left
Chapter Forty-Seven - Life of the Party
AUTHOR'S NOTE - Let's A Those Qs
Chapter Forty-Eight - What We Lost
Chapter Forty-Nine - When You Love Someone
Chapter Fifty - Before We Part
Chapter Fifty-One - For Both of Us
Chapter Fifty-Two - Begin Again
Chapter Fifty-Three - Lifeline
Chapter Fifty-Four - Solemnly Swear
Chapter Fifty-Five - Long Hello
Chapter Fifty Six - Falling Down
Chapter Fifty-Seven - Strangers
Chapter Fifty-Eight - Can't Quit Now
Chapter Fifty Nine - A Promise
Chapter Sixty - Rotten Core
Chapter Sixty One - Curtains Closing
AUTHOR'S NOTE - Hi, Let's Talk
Chapter Sixty-Two - Not One
Chapter Sixty-Three - All the Priors
Chapter Sixty-Four - Broken Things
Chapter Sixty-Five - Needle Meet Haystack
Chapter Sixty-Six - Dynamite
Chapter Sixty-Seven - Futile Effort
Chapter Sixty-Eight - We're the World's Toys
Chapter Sixty-Nine - Oh
Chapter Seventy - Into the Spotlight
Chapter Seventy-One - Whiplash

Chapter Forty-Six - Not One of Us

386 19 6
By booknerdian

MAY 2017


Apparently I am not the only one Katie is making pay for missing the banquet. Tyde and I went over to the house a couple days ago and spoke with my parents, as Dr. Rogue suggested, to try to figure out what is bothering Mollie; and also formulate a way we can all, as a family, help her. Neither of them had any idea what could have possibly upset Mollie so deeply, but they both are committed to helping her overcome it.

Katie was supposed to also be present but an assignment had conveniently popped up that required she stay locked away in her room the entire time. I poked my head in her room when I arrived and right before I left, both times I was met with curt responses. According to what our parents told Tyde and I, Katie's been giving them a similar treatment. She hardly speaks to them and when she does it's always a short to-the-point reply. She spends most of her time in her room studying or sleeping. They're worried but because Katie's not actually being disrespectful or acting out, all they can do is wait for her anger to subside.

After we finished discussing Mollie, Mom and Dad shared their plans for Katie's upcoming birthday. They are planning a good-sized surprise party for her, not only in hopes she'll let go of her grudge but also simply because she's turning sixteen. Tyde and I will be helping with pre-party set up and post-party clean up. Meaning there is no way we'll miss the party.

After speaking to my parents, Tyde and I met with Ms. Maxwell and Mollie's teachers. The meeting went well and we came up with a plan to help each other as we help Mollie. The meeting went well. Arranging a meeting with Aria was much the opposite.

Nearly two weeks are spent going back and forth, having our arranged meeting postponed by half an hour, then an hour, and then another until eventually we have to reschedule for another day. Today, finally, Aria is able to meet.

  She was already sitting at a table when Tyde and I arrive at the coffee-shop. She is dressed in a long-sleeved maroon dress, her hair is parted over to the right with the left side tucked behind her ear. She doesn't see us come in, she is looking at her phone. "Hi." I greet her as we walk over.

  Aria flinches a bit in surprise and looks up from her phone. "Oh, hi." She says, moving her phone off the table and into her purse. Tyde takes a seat directly across from Aria, she picks up the laminated menu on the table.

"Sorry for the scare." I say sitting down next to Tyde.

  A moment later, a man comes over to the table, he takes an order pad and pen out of the brown apron around his waist. "Do you know what I can get started for you today?" He asks with a polite smile.

"Did you already order?" I ask Aria.

"Not yet." Aria answers me before turning her attention to the address the waiter. "Just a medium coffee and some sugar." She says.

"I'll probably just get a coffee with creamer." Tyde says to the waiter before handing me the menu.

  I take a quick look, my mind can't process half of the drink names. Caramel Cloud Macchiato, Purple Bubble Tea Blend with Expresso Shot.. what happened to there just being lattes and coffee. "I think I'll get a coffee with sugar and cream and," I flip over the menu to look at the food options, "a ham and cheese." I set the menu back down on the table.

"Excellent choices, I will have those out in a moment." The man says, tucking the order pad and pen back into his apron.

"Glad schedules finally worked, great to see you." I say to Aria.

"Yeah, sorry about all that craziness." Aria says, her fingers brush through her hair parting a couple strands of hair to the right. "Work has been insane, just a real madhouse." She folds her hands on the table. "Then there's the doctor's appointments, I have started a new medication so that has me drained. Everything has been wild but yes, it's good to see you two." She puts on a tired smile. "So, what's going on?"

"Well, as you know," I start, I glance over at Tyde for assistance in finding the words. "We have had some concerns with Mollie's latest behavior." I look back at Aria. "Recently Mollie has started seeing a specialist." I stop and wait, anticipating Aria needing to process the information.

"Oh... wow." She says, her eyebrows raise slightly. She moves her hands off the table. "A-and how is that going?"

"Wait." I say surprised by her reaction, or more lack of one. Before I can say anything else, the waiter returns, carrying a tray with our order. I stay quiet as he places our drinks and sandwich on the table. I wait until he leaves before continuing, "Is that all you have to say?"

"Yeah." Aria says taking a sugar packet off her saucer. She shakes the packet a little before ripping the top and pouring the contents into her coffee. "I mean, I kind of already knew."

"What do you mean you knew?" I ask. I look over at Tyde, who is stirring in her fourth creamer. She lifts her coffee cup and takes a sip. "Did you tell her?"

Tyde doesn't meet my eyes, she sets her coffee cup down on her saucer. "I didn't exactly tell her." She finally says. ".. didn't exactly have to, after all only a parent or guardian could fill out the paperwork..."

That's when the realization dawns on me, the detail I neglected to even consider. I have become adjusted to those around us referring to Tyde and I as Mollie parents, the fact escaped my mind as to the difference in how the law refers to Tyde's versus my relationship to Mollie. "Hold on." I say processing everything. "You," I look at Tyde, "went behind my back and took Mollie to see a specialist with her help." I point over at Aria and turn my attention to her. "And you kept it a secret." I push my sandwich and coffee away from me.

"It's not as terrible as you make it sound." Aria quietly says picking up her coffee cup.

"No, I consider this to be quite a terrible betrayal of trust." I say, I lean back, the gears in my mind are in hyperdrive trying to navigate through my feelings.

"Dominick." Tyde says, "we've been through this, it's done and closed. Let it stay that way."

I take a deep breath. "Fine." I say, taking in a couple more breaths. "How about you finish telling it then, that is assuming Aria doesn't already know."

Tyde sighs, "Alright Dominick." She says. "Anyway, Dr. Rogue, the specialist, sees Mollie showing signs of anxiety that might have been brought on by Mollie perceived as trauma. We have spoken with the daycare director, Mollie's teachers, and Dominick's family to try to figure out if they could think of anything that might have upset Mollie. We're wondering if you can think of anything. Anything at all that she might have witnessed or heard while with you that could have upset her, at the start of this year or right at the end of last."

"No, nothing." Aria answers almost directly behind Tyde getting the last syllable out. Aria takes a sip of her coffee.

"Okay, Maybe take a minute or two to really think about it. Is there a chance she might have overheard or seen someone at the complex that could have scared her. Maybe someone shot off fireworks for New Years and it startled her?"

"No, I'm sorry but there's nothing I can think of." Aria says setting down her cup. "I live in a nice area, near good people. I love Mollie and have done all I can for her from the moment she was born. Do you think I would even risk her being in a situation that could upset her? Knowing all you know, how can you even think that?" She doesn't raise her voice but her tone is clipped.

"Whoa Aria." I say re-entering the conversation, suddenly feeling cooled down. "No one is blaming you, you know that, don't you?"

"Of course, no one is blaming you." Tyde emphasizes.

"Sometimes she gets up from a nap and comes into the living when I'm watching a movie or something. She's caught glimpses of some action scenes. Could she have possibly accidentally seen something that scared her on the television?" I ask.

"No it's not possible. I don't ever watch something that she could get scared by, even when she's not over." Aria says. "If she got upset by something, it is not anything I know about."

"Aria, you don't need to get defensive." I say.

"I disagree." Aria fires back in response. "It seems that I do because even though I have, now, told you four times, I have no idea what could have upset Mollie. You two won't take that answer."

"You have to understand this isn't an attack on you. We're all looking out for Mollie and want to do what's best for her." Tyde says.

"You do remember that the judge decided I was best." Aria says, her eyes are cold and narrowed. "Not you." she says looking at Tyde. "Or even you." she says looking at me. She looks away and  takes out a five-dollar bill out of her purse. She places the money on the table beside her unfinished coffee cup as she stands up, "I am her legal guardian, because the judge saw I was what was best and it is by my judgement that she is with you two now."

"Aria," I start, my mind trying to recover from and formulate a response to her verbal blows. "wait." My hand stretches out a bit to stop her but she brushes past.

   Tyde follows right behind Aria while I hurriedly get money out of my wallet to pay the rest of the bill. My hands shake and I continually have to recount the short stack of one-dollar bills to ensure I am giving the right amount. My eyes continually glancing over to look out the window where I see Tyde has stopped Aria. I keep losing focus and having to start over with countig out the dollar bills. Scr*w this! I give up counting and throw the stack of bills down on the table.

  When I step out, I catch the very ending of Tyde and Aria's conversation. "-need you!" Aria yells as she shoves Tyde away from her. Aria and I's eyes briefly meet,  her venomous glare sends chills through my body. She turns on her heel and storms away.

Tyde turns around, her eyes have become glassy as tears fill her eyes. I want to ask but I know it's not the time. Without another word, Tyde and I make our way to the car. The car engine and Tyde crying softly, holding a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound, are the soundtrack to the ride home.


  I apologize for another delay, and I thank you all for your patience. This chapter took a long time to write and required more energy than expected.

Next chapter will be posted (hopefully) by next Friday, which will bring the curtain down on "Act 1" of this story (the first half).

I will go on a brief month-long posting-hiatus to work on the opening to the second half/Act 2. This will allow for me to get adjusted to the changes to my schedule.

I apologize for the additional delay and hope everyone will find the return worth waiting for.

I will be doing another Q&A - which will be posted following the end of Act 1/the first half -. If you have any question, comment them or message them to me. They can be about events in the first-half, characters, writing stuff, etc. and I will answer them if I can (without giving away spoilers).

VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, do whatever you want


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