Till your last breath

By ciciisme04

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The adventure and hearbrakes.of a sixteen year old powerful girl More

Chapter 1 Heart Breaking Agony

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By ciciisme04

  Nothing but the heart renching wails of the now orphaned children could be herd there crys filled with agony as they had no choice but to watch as there parents where needlessly massacred befor them some of the children would meet the same fate as other would hide in terror one group of children managed to hide successfully in the trunk of a huge hollowed out tree.
  You see these where the people of the tribe Zinariya meaning gold in the language hausa. They where called the Zinariyas for that uniquely colored eyes which glowed a bright gold color even in the dark they looked of gold. The people treasured there eyes more then any thing else they had owned.
  latter on they found that the Zinariya people had golden eyes for only one reason they posed the ability to use magic powerful magic tho there magic was sourced by a certain triangular shaped organ that was also unique to them thay called it there second heart the size of the second heart differs some would be the size of an accorn while others the size of a golf ball however that was not the depending matter of strangth in there magic abilitys the depending matter was there eyes the brighter they glowed while there power was activated the stronger there abilities so fare the one with the strongest abilities what the leader of the tribe the mother of Zaya a sixteen year old girl.
  The girl however did not have golden eyes she instead had silver. Silver eyes have never been seen in the tribe and they have no document's of them eather but she posed the same second heart as them tho it wast average size it was slightly bigger she was different from the rest her hearing, vision, and speed where greater then even the grown men in her tribe but as far as anyone could tell she didn't poses any magical abilitys.
  At the time her people where being ruthlessly slaughtered she was out hunting with the other sixteen through eighteen year olds for it was there year to learn they split off into groups of three and were not allowed to return empty handed so her group was still out by the time the others retuned they where farther into the woods then they where allowed they went accross the River like they shouldn't but they did anyway the group of witch Zaya was in contained another sixteen year old and an eighteen year old whos names where Lincoln and Ezra tho Lincoln was older Zaya was higher ranked in hunting making her incharge of the group so she would be held responsible for any mistakes that may have been made witch is why the other two so willingly followed her that and they highly respected and trusted her decisions they knew that if they where with her they would be safe.

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