lila's revenge

By iilovemiraculous

19.6K 526 137

A miraculous fanfic story. I do not own any of the characters in the miraculous universe. Marinette is not sa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
/not an update/

Chapter 9

598 17 5
By iilovemiraculous

marinette's pov:

"but first..." he says, walking towards me, smiling.

What on earth is he going to do? I don't have much time to think before his arms swiftly wrap around me, not for the first time this evening.

"what was that for?" i mumble, my cheek squashed against his shoulder.

He pulls back slightly to look into my eyes and i feel butterflies.

"Marinette, you're such a strong person. I can see why ladybug trusted you with the mouse miraculous when it looked like there was no hope." he grins, the moon shining brightly behind him in the way they only really show in movies. Old cheesy movies. Of course it happened to Chat Noir, he's always been one for dramatic flair.

"Thanks" i smile, trying to hold back the laughter of imagining Chat in a 1970s movie. I control myself and look at him instead of the floor, noticing instantly that he doesn't seem to have finished.

As predicted he continues, with a gentle but firm tone. "But sometimes you need to trust others." Your friends, including me, are here to help you." he winks and steps away from the embrace. Instantly i'm cold, but there's no way i'm telling him that.

I think he can tell though, because he pulls me into his side and we watch a boat drift lazily down the river, lanterns illuminating it against the dark water.

I sigh and tilt my head to look at him. He notices immediately and looks down into my eyes.

"I don't want to be a burden" i whisper, not sure that he heard. Do i even want him to know? Looking back to the fading light of the boat, I start to overthink, like always.

However, this time is different, because i've hardly even started to think when his voice fills my ears.

"Marinette, look at me." he says, almost angrily. When I do, his eyes soften and he places both hands on my shoulders. "Your problems, your insecurities, and your emotions, are not a burden to anyone other than yourself. And the only reason its a burden to you is because you don't share it. Which I can't understand seeing as you're the most generous person I know." My heart starts to glow, no one has ever said anything this caring and nice to me before. 

"T-thanks Kitty Cat" i stutter, stumbling over my words in shock.

I focus back in on his expression and he seems happy, but then his eyes change to anger and regret. Did I do something. Does he not mean what he said? Does he regret it? He nods curtly and replies, in a wavering voice 

"I'll be back tomorrow, same time, goodnight Marinette." and then he's gone. He didn't even give me a chance to say goodbye. What just happened?

Tikki, knowing me all too well, darts in front of my face to stop me delving into my thoughts.

"He's right you know. Even if he didn't intend to say it." she says kindly, turning to follow my gaze and watch Chat jump over some far away buildings. When he is out of sight she turns back and hugs my cheek. 

"Come on Marinette, its time for bed." she whispers, flying away and back into the pink glow of my room.

"Yeah okay.." i mumble, still eyeing the skyline to see if Chat comes back. He doesn't, so feeling confused and hurt I go into the room, locking the skylight behind me.

adriens pov:

I jumped in through the window and detransformed immediately. A grumpy Plagg flew in front of me. I imagine he'll ask me for cheese. He opens his mouth, yep here we go.

"Adrien Agreste, what on earth was that?! You better have a fabulous explanation for the most dramatic mood swing of all time!" he rants angrily, before flying to the cheese cupboard, shooting me dirty looks over his shoulder.

Well that wasn't what i was expecting.

"Plagg, i really like Marinette, i really do. But i didn't want her to think i liked her that way. I love Ladybug and besides, Marinette wanted advice about a boy so that means she's got someone else anyway." i say camly, lying on my bed and ignoring his looks.

"I understand you love Ladybug, but what you did just then, didn't just tell Marinette you preferred Ladybug. Oh no. Just then you acted like a huge jerk, who was a bad friend, and in those few actions, you managed to destroy the small amount of confidence that you'd been able to give her. So much for not being a burden. In her opinion, you've shown her that she was a burden to you and you didn't even want to be there. Now i know that's not true, but its not what I think that matters. To be honest kid, you've properly messed up and you should probably go fix it, because otherwise I don't think she'll talk to you tomorrow or any other day, and you'll have lost one of the few friends you can actually trust." He glares at me before flying away to eat his cheese in a place that he can't see me.

I follow him cautiously, very aware of just how dangerous his cataclysm is when he's angry. "So I need to talk to her. Ok I can tell her to meet me outside in 5 minutes?" i suggest hopefully.

He looks at me like I'm crazy. "There are so many reasons I want to slap you right now. Firstly, have you seen what time it is?! Marinette is not leaving her house. Secondly, Adrien hasn't done anything wrong as far as she knows so you're gonna have to go to her as Chat. Now go quickly, before she falls asleep." he snaps angrily, swallowing his cheese and preparing to transform.

I nod slowly, before fully understanding what he's saying and transforming. I jump back over the few streets to Marinette's, but stop short, seeing the tell-tale glow of her room is absent, a dark but peaceful colour replacing it. Jumping to her balcony, I look through her skylight and see her curled up, fast asleep.

I mentally kick myself and I can tell Plagg will do it physically when we get home. Turning away hesitantly, i swear I see her eye open slightly, but when i look closely they're tight shut. Must have been a trick of the light.

About 5 minutes later, I've returned home and Plagg is by the bookshelf, trying to avoid me at all costs. Deciding to break the silence, i settle on a subject i know Plagg will have a similar opinion to me on. Especially considering his recent liking to Marinette.

"I can't believe Lila threatened her like that." I call out to him, half expecting him to ignore me.

"Can't you?" he replies sarcastically, drifting towards me.

I don't appreciate the mocking tone  but any answer is better than none.

"I think I need to talk to Lila." i decide, talking to myself but aware Plagg will probably reply.

As expected Plaggs eyes widen and he flies towards me rather rapidly. 

"Kid! That's exactly what Marinette said not to do when she opened up to you. If you want her to be honest with you, you can't go behind her back and prove her right!" he says, sounding rather protective of her.

"You're right. This is so difficult. How did Marinette keep this to herself for so long. What should I do?" i ask, turning to Plagg who had apparently become my therapist within seconds.

He smiles, for the first time since we got home, and nods.

"Go to sleep. You have school and an apology tomorrow." he replies, flying to his pillow.

"Your right. Goodnight Plagg." i mumble, my head falling on the pillow and almost immediately being pulled into a deep sleep.

"Night kid" he replies quietly, watching me carefully.

"Goodnight Ladybug." I whisper, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep. But not before I hear him mutter "still gross."

marinettes pov:

"you saw that right tikki?!" i whisper shout, when I'm sure Chat has left. Just as I was falling asleep, i looked up at the stars and made eye contact with him. Luckily he wasn't really paying attention but he immediately snapped back to see if he imagined it. Luckily, i was somehow more alert and had my eyes closed within milliseconds.

"Not now Marinette. Talk tommorrow. Goodnight" she replies sleepily.

I sigh and roll over. I wonder what he wanted to say. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

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