My Love Guide // Taekook


49.8K 2.6K 1.7K

KIM TAEHYUNG was 26 years old Handsome Businessman. He returned from America to join his family business. His... More

Part - 1 ❀
Part - 2 ❀
Part - 3 ❀
Part - 4
Part - 5
Part - 6
Part - 7
Part - 8
Part - 9
Part - 10
Part - 11
Part - 12
Part - 14(M)
Part - 15(M)
Part - 16 (M)
Part - 17
Part - 18
Part - 19
Part - 20
Part - 21
Part - 22
Part - 23
Part - 24
Part - 25
Part - 26(M)
Part - 27
Part - 28
Part - 29
Part - 30
Part - 31
Part - 32
Part - 33
Part - 34
Part - 35
Part - 36
Part - 37 (End)

Part - 13(M)

1.8K 77 55

Hyung Sik (embarrassed tone): "Ahh- TAE?
Let's go somewhere!-"

TAE lowered his head: "Aah-
Can I say something??-"

HS: "Ofcourse ---
Are you still scared of me?-"

TAE: "No- not like that---
It's already late!
Shouldn't we go home??-"

HS came near to TAE that make TAE nervous.

HS (seductive tone): "Should we go to My House??--"

TAE (scared): "Aah--?"

HS smiled: "Calm down--
I was just joking--
I told you that I will wait for your answer- -"

TAE: "hmm"

HS: "I am sorry for tonight--
I don't know what happened to every resturant- -"

TAE murmured: "Hmmm--
Let's go-"

HS was actually very angry in his mind.
But he just acted to be a good person infront of TAE just to pretend.

HS & TAE reached at TAE's house.
TAE said him bye & entered his house.
It was almost midnight.

TAE said loudly: "JKkkk--"

But noone answered.

TAE went to bedroom & found JK on the bed.

TAE looked at the food.
The food was properly settled on the table.

TAE sighed: "JKkk--?"

JK (angry tone): "What?-"

TAE: "Didn't you eat?-"

TAE sighed & went near to JK on the bed.

TAE touched JK's back gently.

TAE: "JKk?--"

JK: "Sniff--"

TAE touched JK's hair.

TAE: "JK?-
Are you crying?-"

JK (crying tone): "sniff- -- sniff
Do you care?-"

TAE punched playfully on JK's back while smiling.

TAE: "Look at me Bunny--"

JK: "Noh-"

TAE (childish tone): "P-Lease"

JK finally turned towards TAE while sniffing.
His doe eyes were red bcz of tears.

JK's nose was flowing like a baby.

TAE smiled to see JK's condition.

JK (child tone): "Stoppp--
(Sniff)-- laughing-"

TAE smiled: "I am not smiling-"

JK pouted: "How was your date?--"

TAE teased: "Ahhh--- It was great!"

JK pouted: "really?--"

TAE hit JK's head playfully.

TAE: "Stupidddd---
You are a stupid-"

JK pouted: "Why-"

TAE: "You know what?
No resturant was available!!
I was so happy ---"

JK finally smiled.

JK (with Doe eyes): "Really??
My Baby?-"

TAE teased: "Woah?
Suddenly you became happy?
And I am not Baby--"

JK happily hugged TAE tightly.

TAE: "aah-"

JK happily: "My cute baby--
My mute Baby-
My bubu-- my lubu--"

TAE started smiling to hear so many nicknames from JK.

TAE(smiling): "Ok -- ok --
Stop your drama!!!-
I am still hungry--"

JK hugged TAE more & mote tightly.
JK just squeezed TAE so much.

JK happily: "Yes -- yes--
I will feed you my Bubu Baby--"

TAE smiled to see JK's childish behaviour.

JK organised the food & started feeding TAE.
TAE also happily started eating from JK's hand.

TAE wanted to wash the dishes but JK stopped him.
JK was so happy that he happily washed all the dishes & cleaned the kitchen.

JK came to room & saw TAE who was lying on the bed.

JK suddenly asked: "Ash--
I wanted to ask you something- "

TAE: "What?-"

JK: "ah--
How did you become so poor??
& Where is your brother Jimin-"

TAE: "Jimin is with Suga in Daegu. He has some work there--"

JK: "And?
How did you become Poor?-"

TAE felt sad suddenly.

TAE murmured: "Hmm--
I will tell you later--
Not now--
I am not in mood to discuss- "

JK pouted: "Ok-"

TAE: "Let's sleep-- It's already late!-"

JK teased: "Aah??????

JK smirked & lied on the bed beside TAE.

TAE closed his eyes slowly.

JK looked at TAE.

JK turned towards TAE.

JK whispered: "TAE?-"

TAE (closed eyes): "hm?"

JK: "Don't you feel uncomfortable on the same bed with me??-
I am not even your Boyfriend- "

TAE opened his eyes & noticed JK's doe eyes infront of him.

TAE(looking directly at JK): "Aash??"

JK: "Tell me?
Why are not feeling uncomfortable with me?--"

TAE also started thinking after hearing JK that why is he not uncomfortable with JK!!

TAE murmured: "I -- I don't know--"

JK laid his hand on TAE's waist & pulled him closer.

TAE murmured: "aah?--"

JK whispered: "TAE?-
Don't you like me??--"

TAE looked away: "Ahh?-- No-"

JK pouted: "Mean--"

TAE touched JK's face.

TAE whispered: "We already kissed!!-- Why did we kiss each other?--- Tell me-"

JK looked at TAE & pulled him closer.

JK suddenly pressed his lips on TAE's lips. 💏

TAE became surprised but this time TAE responded well with JK's kiss. 💏

JK & TAE started kissing gently while closing their eyes! 💏

JK broke the kiss just to see TAE's beautiful face

TAE whispered(closed eyes): "Bun--Ny?"

JK: "mmm???-"

TAE(closed eyes) whispered: "Kiss me--"

JK became aurprised to hear TAE but he became happy!!

TAE laid his hand around JK's neck & pulled JK on him.

TAE took the initiative & touched JK's lips with his lips gently.

JK playfully bit TAE's bottom lips.

But, A little moan escaped from TAE's mouth.

TAE moaned: "aam-"

JK became surprised & smiled to see TAE's condition.

JK again attacked TAE's lips & TAE pulled JK more closer.

Their kiss started getting deeper & deeper.

TAE was pulling JK's hair while kissing.

JK broke the kiss to breath some air but TAE became so needy that he didn't want to waste time to breathe.

TAE again pulled JK in a deeper kiss.

JK left TAE's lips & started kissing on TAE's neck.

TAE's dickkkk started becoming hard & JK also felt his aroused dickkk!

TAE was pulling JK's t-shirt & JK smiled.

JK whispered: "What are you doing with my shirt?-"

TAE suddenly felt embarrassment.

TAE murmured(breathing heavily): "Remove your dumb T-shirt -- please--"

JK smiled: "Why?-"

TAE (with closed eyes): "Ufff---
Just remove your t-shirt-"

JK whispered: "Ok-"

JK got up from TAE & removed his t-shirt.

TAE opened his eyes to see JK once & Then, again JK lied on TAE.

TAE started touching JK's abs by his finger.

JK whispered: "What happened? -"

TAE whispered: "Ssshh--
Kiss-- kizz me-"

JK smiled at TAE's condition.
JK decided to tease TAE.

JK yawned: "Waaaw----
I am sleepy TAE--"

TAE shouted: "Whatttt?-"

JK yawned: "Let's sleep---good night--"

TAE shouted: "No-- You are not sleeping- -"

JK whispered: "Why?-"

TAE pulled him closer by grabbing JK tightly.

TAE murmured: "Bunny-- please--  stop talking---
Kizz me--"

TAE was very needy at that time.
He just wanted the pleasure from JK.
But, JK was continuously teasing TAE.
TAE became irritated under JK on the bed.
JK became very happy to see TAE's needy condition.

JK again bit TAE's ear lobe gently.

TAE moaned: "aaah-"

JK whispered: "Didn't anyone touch you this way before?-"

TAE murmured: "Nooh--"

JK became happy to know that he was the first person to touch his TAE.

JK bit TAE's lips & neck.

JK started sucking TAE.
TAE was a moaning mess under JK.

TAE whispered: "It's -- feel -- so good-"

JK didn't stop & continued sucking TAE's neck.

TAE was still touching JK's abs.

TAE suddenly pinched JK's sensitive nipple.

JK felt a shock in his whole body.

JK whispered: "Sttt-- op it-"

TAE just smiled slightly to see JK's sensitivenipple.

JK was sucking TAE's collerbone.

TAE murmured  (in between moaning): "Don't stop---I -- i want more---plz-"

JK & TAE both of them wore their boxer.
Only JK was half naked bcz TAE insisted him to remove the shirt.

JK started rubbing his dickkk on TAE's dickkk!!

TAE moaned: "aaah--
It feels so good-----jungkooaah-"

JK smiled to see TAE's needy face.

JK again rubbed his dickkk on TAE's dickk gently while sucking TAE's neck.

TAE was feeling a heavenly pleasure so he pulled JK more & more close.

TAE moaned: "Fuccc--"

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