Just One Look

Od karlij201

3.1K 128 55

When countless attacks are enacted within the city of Gotham, there is no answer. No one knows who this crimi... Více

Just One Look
Boom Boom Pow
Cold Sweat
The Run
Chapter 10: Help
The Batman
Hold On
Damsel in Distress
Horse and Pony Show
Witch Doctor
Love and Stuff
Jokers Plan
And Here We Go
Total Paranoia
World of War
Intruder Alert
The Sum of It
Hal Jordan
Arkham Asylum

"Back from the Dead."

68 4 0
Od karlij201

"Oh, my God! Catrina! You're alive!" My Mother screamed when my Dad and I walked into the police station. Her hair was still done from the day, and she was in her nurse clothes. She ran to me and I to her and we hugged, for the first time in weeks. We both started to cry and sob. Like Mother and Daughter would do in a happy reunion.

"Where's Dean?" I asked, Mom shook her head.

"I left him at home, he was sleeping." She said, I nodded my head and was then taken to Gordon's office for questioning.

"Hello, Catrina. I'm glad you're all right?" He said in the form of a question. I nodded my head and sat in the large gray chair.

"Yes, other than my cheek, there are no other injuries." I said, ignoring the images in my mind of the madness in his eyes.

"Did he at all lead on to who he could be?"

"He told me that his accomplice, was Jared, my science partner."

"Jared... Jared who?" Gordon asked, taking a pen and a sticky note in front of him.

"Um, Jared R-something. I can't remember, but I know it's weird. It's like Norwegian or Czechoslovakian, or something crazy like that." I said, Gordon nodded and put the pen down. "He's the quarterback for our football team. He was dating my best friend." I said, my voice caught because Karen was dead. I saw the dead body flash before my eyes and I shivered.

"Who is that?" He asked,

"Karen Ruins, but she's dead." I whispered quietly.


"The Joker got to her, I saw her. I know she's dead."

"When did you see her?" Gordon asked gently, I knew he didn't want to ask those questions but he had to.

"The other day, I don't know how many passed. I haven't been outside since... I don't even know what day it is."

"You've been missing for a month and three days." Gordon said, I nodded and continued with my story.

"I still don't know how long ago I saw her dead, but I know she is." I said.

"You said that Joker killed her?"

"Yeah, he told me that he did."

"Do you have any idea where you were being held?"


"Was there anyone else with the Joker?"

"Harley Quinn, she's Jokers girlfriend. He told me that all his actions were her ideas, and he was only the one to carry them out."

"Harley Quinn, is that H-A-R-L-E-Y?" Gordon asked, spelling out her name. I nodded, and he finished up asking me routine questions. "Thank you, Catrina. I hope your journey home can be less adventurous than the past month." He said standing from his chair. I stood and he walked me out the door. My Dad greeted me and drove me home. He was so happy to have me back, he knew that my brother would be also, and my Mom. She had gone back home to cook a dinner for me. I was hoping for something amazing, but thats what I know I will get because she's an amazing cook.

When my Dad and I pulled into the driveway, the lights were on inside and I could see Dean waiting by the door. When the car was parked I shot out of the car seat and bolted through the door. I tackled my brother in a hug, he was taken aback but hugged me tightly once he realized that it was me.

"I'm so glad you're okay." He said into my shoulder. "Oh my God, I thought you were going to die. I thought you were dead." He whispered, I could feel his tears on my skin. He buried his face in my shoulder and hugged me tighter. I was crying myself, I held his head and kissed the top of his hair. My brother meant so much to me, I hadn't seen him in almost three months, maybe even four.

"I missed you, so much."

"Me too." He said, I squeezed him one more time and we separated.

"Now, go shower. You smell like explosives." He said, I nodded and disappeared to my bedroom. I shed the costume off of me and threw it in the trash bin right away. I grabbed my robe and some pajamas to dress in after my shower. I sneaked to the bathroom and turned the shower on hot. Extra hot. I stepped in and took a long, deserved shower. I washed all of the dirt and grime off my body. I remembered the scene, after the S.W.A.T. Team had brought me back down to street level. E.M.S. personnel swarmed me and checked my vitals. I was shaking, because of the rush, and the cold. My Dad came and found me, after what seemed like hours we were allowed to go back to the station, since I had refused medical attention from a doctor. I remember scanning the crowd, before my Dad had approached me. I watched the bystanders pass by, some stopped and stared. Many just kept walking. There were police cars and flashing lights all over, firefighters were roaming around the building that had blown up, inspecting it for any more explosives. Others were inside the building across the street. Everyone was in a panic, Joker had gotten away. Again. No one knew how, or where he went. He just disappeared.

I got out of the shower and dressed, I felt clean and refreshed. I went downstairs and wolfed down two helpings of pasta. Like I said, my Mom's the best! After my dinner, I was exhausted and we all went to bed. It was hard for me to fall asleep, I kept thinking about what happened earlier in the evening. How can he survive, being that insane? He goes in and out of insanity, when he's sane, who is he? Do I really know him? We're Jared and Joker actually two different people? Why had Joker used Jared and Karen to get to me? Is he a teacher? Is he a police officer? What's the deal with Batman? Who is he? Why does he care about me so much? He tried to save me once before but failed. Is there something that I'm missing here? Is this so cliché that a bad guy and a good guy are fighting for my heart? Cause, so far no one's winning. I'm terrified of the Joker, and the Batman is close second. When the Joker kissed me, not too long ago, I was one-hundred percent grossed out. He was utterly grotesque. His face, so distorted and sad. Trying to play off as a happy person that loves a good laugh. An evil, twisted laugh at that. Maybe, he'll leave me alone now. I don't even know what he wanted from me. He said that he only does this because it keeps him going, or Harley tells him what to do. Who is she anyways? I know she's crazy, but what did I ever do to her to make me a target?

Who freaking knows?

Who freaking cares?

She's just a bitch who wants to screw with people's lives.

When I woke up in the morning, Dean was still home. My Mom and Dad had both left for work super early that morning. Yes, I did just arrive home. But there are still things that need to be done, work hours to be put in, bills to be paid. Life goes on. That's just the way life is. It will never stop.

"How are you feeling?" Dean asked, he was sitting on the couch eating a bag of potato chips.

"Still really, really tired." I paused, "Why aren't you at school?" I asked.

"Mom wanted me to watch you, make sure you didn't do anything stupid." He said rolling up the bag. "She'll be home around five, and Dad, you know him. He's unpredictable."

"When did you start school again?" I asked.

"I went back about a week after I was found." He said, "They gave me a lot of pity, and I had meetings with the school psychologist. Then Mom and Dad took me in to a therapist. They'll probably do the same for you."

"Is your head still on your shoulders? Or are you on medication?" I asked,

"I turned out all right. Depends on what he did to you." He paused, thinking. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked, I shook my head and went to make myself some eggs and toast. I started mumbling to myself, the things I should be doing at the moment. I should be contacting my fellow classmates and ask them what I've missed. I should be e-mailing my teachers asking them to send lesson plans my way. I'm going to need a tutor. Oh jeez, this is going to be a rough month. Because like I said before, life goes on. It's not going to stop and wait for you to catch up.

So, that's exactly what I did, I emailed all my teachers and asked for homework. They gave me, a literal mountain. I can not tell you how long I sat at my desk writing papers, editing them and rewriting them.

"Cat?" Dean asked, knocking tentatively on my door.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking up from my science paper. He had a sandwich on a plate and a bag of the potato chips he was eating earlier.

"Dinner?" He asked, holding out the plate. Just as my stomach let out a battle cry. I took the plate and took a big bite of the, peanut butter and jelly with, what was that? Banana? With, what tasted like strawberry jelly? I chewed and swallowed, not to bad.

"Thanks, bro." I said, taking a big gulp of my water to wash down the sticky peanut butter. "What have you been up to?" I asked,

"Video games, and thats about it."

"If you stay home tomorrow, we can have to tournament."

"With who?" He asked.

"You and me." I suggested.

"Yeah, sure." He said, taking the bag of chips and sitting on my bed. "What have you been doing up here, all day?" He asked.

"Homework, and it sucks butt." I said, spinning to face him. I was holding my sandwich with one hand, and the plate with the other. He nodded, taking a handful of potato chips and stuffing his mouth. "I think I might do the rest later, my brain is almost fried." I said, taking another bite. My brother watched me, closely. He was inspecting me, I know that he was weary of me, because he knows what I went through. At least part of what I went through.

When my parents finally showed after a long day at work, my only interest was the television. Mom and Dad joined both Dean and I in the living room and we watched an hour or so of T.V. before I turned in for the night.

"Night, sweetie." My Dad said, giving me a hug and a kiss before I left the room. I bent down and hugged my Mom who said the same thing.

"I love you, Cat." She said,

"Love you too, Mom." I paused, moving around the arm chair. I ruffled Deans hair, "Night, bro." I said.

"Night, Cat." He said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes and walked, slowly up the stairs. Once again, sleep was slow to come and dark thoughts occupied my mind. I tried not to dwell on them as much, and just get some sleep. But the thoughts followed into my dreams, I had a nightmare. I don't remember what happened, all I know is that I woke up with a start and the dream had disappeared from my memory. I got up and went to the bathroom, the dark hallway reminding me of the dark basement I was held in. A wave of chills came over my body, and I felt a pair of eyes on me.

"Mom?" I asked, and she stepped out of the shadows. I jumped, as her silent feet came closer to me.

"Yeah?" She asked, groggily.

"You scared me."

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to." She said, reaching out to touch my shoulder. Her hands were warm and firm.

"No, no its fine. I just have to pee." I said, walking into the bathroom.

When I walked out, she was still standing there waiting her turn. I looked at her bed head and chuckled.

"Night, Mom." I said as I walked back down to my bedroom. I looked at my alarm clock, 4:30. Yippee, more hours of sleep!

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