vague | joshler

By mxmboo

11 0 0

"you're being overdramatic, joseph." "i hope you go fuck yourself, joshua dun." More

fuckin' pussy

memories hurt

0 0 0
By mxmboo

(slight nsfw warning !!)

flashback ..

tyler giggles as the taller boy tickled his sides. he laughed and laughed until josh eventually stopped. tyler sits up and looks at josh, smiling cutely at josh. josh smiles back at the boy. that's the moment tyler fucked up everything.

they sat there, staring at each other for a while. tyler got confident in that moment, leaning in and connecting his and joshs lips. josh froze in place, unsure what to do. that's when josh pushed tyler away who was just about to pull away and apologize. joshs anger built up in him. tyler sensed it.

immediately tyler apologized. "i'm sorry.. i'm so sorry..." he says softly, looking up into joshs angry eyes. "i'm so sorry josh.."

josh huffs. "you should have asked." he said. tyler frowned, feeling guilty.

"i know.. i'm sorry. i don't know what i was thinking." he says quietly. josh rolls his eyes.

"you irritate the fuck out of me." josh said, "you need to learn this thing called boundaries? maybe learn to think before you do something?" josh scoffs. "also i'm straight, tyler. you fucking know that. god, you're so ridiculous." he laughs sarcastically. "i never liked you, y'know? you look ugly in a skirt. and you're a faggot." he spat at tyler.

tyler eyes was watering with tears. he didn't say anything. josh just shook his head, grabbed his things, and left tyler. tyler broke down into tears, wondering what the hell just happened. he kissed josh. he knows he should have asked and feels bad about not asking but josh overreacted a bit too much.

after that, josh never talked to tyler. tyler changed everything about himself .. everything..

that was until present day..

flashback over ...

lunch came around and joshs eyes once again landed on tylers body. how perfect he looked in the skirt. how his shaved legs glowed from the cafeteria light. he never really realized how attractive tyler was until this moment.

tyler caught eye of joshs staring. he scoffs, expecting it. he walked over to josh and sat down across the boy. "look at me joshua." he said. josh looked up at tyler, red spreading across his cheeks. tyler chuckles, "i thought skirts were ugly on boys?" tyler said and titling his head. "but you seem to be drooling all over me, joshua dun." he smirks. "now look who's the faggot."

josh straightened up in his seat. "i'm not- i'm not staring in a good way." he rolls his eyes. "i was looking in disgust. you're distracting."

tyler laughs. "i'm distracting... when boys say that to me, that usually means i turned them on."

joshs eyes widened, "hey buddy, you did not turn me on." he said. tyler giggles.

"really now?" tyler asks, standing up and sits next to josh instead, "then what's up with the tent in your jeans?" tyler whispers to josh. joshs cheeks grew redder. "seems like your dick tells you otherwise."

"i still fucking hate you, joseph." josh whispers back. "just because i want to fuck you, doesn't mean i don't hate you." he said.

"oh?" tyler said. "i know josh. it's just weird because you were so against me being gay and wearing a skirt. now you.. now you want to fuck me. that's.. interesting." tyler said. "you should just ask one of your many girlfriends to come suck you off."

"they're not who i want." josh said. tyler stood up from where he was sitting and looked at josh, raising an eyebrow.

"joshua. you're never going to get what you want." tyler says softly. "you hurt me, joshua dun. pretty fucking bad. left me in the dark. i would never let you fuck me. not anymore anyway." he hums. "oh how the tables have turned." he laughs before walking away to sit at his table with his friends. ryan being there too.

josh was left alone at the table, being extremely turned on by tyler. he's never felt this way before and it threw him off completely. he was straight. he knows that. but tyler in a skirt now was a sight he never expected to see ever again. he hated tyler so bad. the way tyler just teased and turned him on before walking away. it was deserved though after all. josh was the one who made fun of tyler in the skirt and called him a faggot. that wasn't really who josh was though. just something changed josh a long time ago. he regrets a lot of things. things he would never speak about. ever.

josh grunts, reaching his climax. he was sat in the boys bathroom for most of the period. might as well since he has like no friends anymore. ryan left. tyler hates him. all his other friends sat somewhere else today. josh was just a disappointment to everybody.

finally he came, blushing the toilet and walked out to wash his hands. he sighs quietly, looking himself in the mirror. "i'm so fucked." he mumbles to himself. "so so fucked.." he sighs.

josh walked out of the bathroom, seeing tyler smirking across the hall. josh ignored him and walked away. this was the revenge tyler wanted. tyler hated to get violent. he was more into seducing people but leaving them instead of actually doing anything. he teased people, men especially. he's gay after all. the whole school knows he's gay. josh outed tyler around a year ago.

it hurt the boy. being outed to the whole school. but they did something josh, himself, never expected to happen.


tyler walked down the hall, carrying his books in both hands. josh watched as the boy walked confidently. always so confident. josh was determined to ruin that confidence. josh walked up to tyler, pushing him to the ground.

"what the hell?!" tyler said, his book having fallen next to him. he looks up at josh who grabbed him by the hem of his shirt and shoved him against the lockers.

josh stared at him, "i bet you like this, faggot." josh spits in his face. tyler flinches. josh laughs. "shoving him and backs away "yeah guys" josh said loudly so everyone around them could hear. "tyler joseph is a faggot. he's gay!" he shouted, laughing. "told me himself when we were young. said he liked dick." josh chuckles. a few people laughed but some people got defensive.

"yeah?" shouted someone. "well i'm gay too!"

someone else shouted "i'm bisexual!"

"i'm a lesbian!"

"i'm trans and gay!"

more people kept piping up about their sexuality, tyler looked around at everyone. he smiles, standing up and looks at josh. josh backed up, confused. tyler laughs, "backfired huh?" tyler said, picking up his books. "yeah i'm fuckin' gay and there's nothing you can do about it, dun." tyler said before walking away. josh left there, embarrassed.

flashback over..

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