International Relation(ship)s


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Although life as the First Son Of The United States was admittedly strange, Clayton was pretty well suited to... More

Introduction and Disclaimer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

878 50 74

It didn't take long after his royal escapade for Clay to fall back into the almost motion sickness-inducingly fast-paced life that was that of the First Son Of The United States, and also a law student. After the initial humour had worn off of seeing blown-up pictures of him and George in the Interview, him and George with kittens - hell - even him and George hugging plastered on every magazine and newspaper under the sun, paired with the most ridiculous headlines ( "A Transatlantic Bromance? Prince George and FSOTUS Clayton's unconventional relationship revealed!" and "International Relation(ship)s - We're jealous of The Prince and FSOTUS's friendship, and you should be too!" being Clay's personal favourites) the trip was forgotten about as quickly as the media got bored of it.

After finally escaping the tight grip of boresome classes that the day had held him under, he approached the Dirksen Building. The guard shot him a poisonous glare as he made his way through security, he remembered her being the one who was convinced that he had vandalised one of the... less popular members of the senate's door sign, something he neither confirmed nor denied, but he gave her a large, sarcastic smile as he made his way past her, something he had become much accustomed to doing, having managed to piss an incredible number of personnel off in his past 3 years of residence in the White House. He ambled along familiar corridors, almost automatically pressing the wrong button in the lift. Ever since his father was elected to the Senate, he had practically memorised the entire layout of the building. Almost every afternoon after school he used to make his way to his father's office, where they talked about many topics, both political and - less so, and it was where he learned many of the skills that he utilised to this day, skills he needed to survive being the FSOTUS. But today, Senator Adrian Diaz was in California speaking at a gun control rally. He reached for the button for the 5th floor instead.

On the fifth floor lay the chaos which was Senator Johnathon Schlatt's office. After Clay's father took him under his wing back when he was just some young attorney from New York, he had watched him, the youngest member of the senate, and an Independent at that, grow into the title which was the Darling of National Politics, both because of how many people he somehow managed to upset in his bid to get his Senate seat, and also because he was an undoubtedly handsome 32-year-old which all the ladies just loved to swoon over. That made up for all the votes he lost from his use of rather unsavoury language and the fact that he was gay.

"What the fuck are you doing here."

Clay ignored the senator's words, opting to walk right past his desk, on which his feet, clad in his favourite worn-down Timberland boots, were propped. His glasses were balanced rather precariously on his nose as he peered through them to some print out he was reading. He slumped down on the armchair in the corner of the office, the senator sending him a dubious eyebrow raise, his face quickly settling into an expression much closer to satisfaction as he eyed the packet of peanut m&ms that Clay had produced from his pocket, quickly chucking them his way.

"Whatcha doing?" Clay watched Schlatt rip the packet open with his teeth, popping one into his mouth.

"You already know more than you should about - this ." He gestured to the mess of papers that littered the desk to the extent that not even an inch of glossy mahogany wood could be seen on the surface. "But what do you actually want?"

"Hmm," Clay started, reclining back into the armchair and crossing his arms. "Do I really need an excuse to visit my dear old pal?"

"That's bullshit and we both know it." Schlatt laughed drily, turning the page he had been scanning.

"How rude of you, I really thought you valued our friendship."

"Friendship? You're just one more law student who idolises me." They both knew this wasn't true, of course. After spending the summer of 2018 with Schlatt in New York, they built their rather dysfunctional relationship on M&Ms, all-nighters, last-minute drafts and obscure Wii games they had found in the charity store.

"Schlatt! After everything we've been through. "

"I'm gonna call security."

"You wouldn't dare ." Clay grinned, knowing that it was probably true. Probably.

"Fine then." Schlatt put down the documents in his hands, swinging his legs down and clasping his hands on the desk, a move which would have been intimidating to practically anyone but Clay. "How about we talk about your little English holiday then." His gaze tightens on the little emotion that flickered behind Clay's well-developed emotional mask. "When do I get my wedding invitation?"

"I didn't come here to be interrogated - I have a question for you."

Schlatt let out a genuine laugh this time, relaxing his posture slightly, watching how Clay stiffened and the blood ran to his cheeks. They hurried off on a rushed conversation so chock-full of political jargon and half-spoken phrases which didn't need to be finished, focusing on Richards, a candidate who the right-wing worshipped, and the heir to a rather questionably-large family inheritance. He was almost definitely going to be his mother, the current president's, largest competitor, and, although he had faith in her, he knew that the up and coming election was going to be tough still. But almost as soon as Clay's embarrassment had died down, the heat that had so rudely rushed to his cheeks near-subsided, Schlatt just brought it right back up.

"Thanks for making that mess the other day, by the way. I won the office bet as to when your first international fuck up would happen."

"And just when I thought I could trust you!" Clay gasped dramatically.

"So what's going on between you two then?"

"What do you mean what's going on- there is nothing going on."

"You sound awfully defensive, Clay. Why's that, if there's nothing going on?" Schlatt taunted him playfully, sucking on another M&M.

"We made a mistake, we fixed it, it's all done now. Where's the issue?"

"Okay, okay!" he held up his hands in mock-defeat. "I get it, he's attractive."

"Only if you're into Disney Princes." Clay pulled a similar face to that of someone eating sour candy, only causing Schlatt's smirk to grow.

"Yeah, and everyone's into Disney Princes, aren't they?"

" I'm not!"

"Yeah, right." Schlatt arched an eyebrow with the sort of innocence which was undeniably laced with skepticism.

" 'Yeah, right' my ass."

"I don't know Clay, you seem awfully obsessed with him. Didn't you keep a magazine on your desk with his face on all summer-

"-that was a coincidence! It just happened to have him on the cover-"

"-oh and you just happened to stare at it for hours on end? And don't get me started on the dartboard-"

"You are insufferable, Schlatt."

"Yet you keep on coming back to me, just like all my other exes." Clay let out a groan but was so very thankful when the political talk restarted.

As he left the building, satisfied with the information he had squeezed out of Schlatt, his phone started to ring. He pulled it out of the back pocket of trousers, not even needing to check the screen to know that it was Niki.

"What's up?" He asked, sucking in a deep breath of the crisp air, and watching how his breath condensed into a soft cloud as he released it, quickly dissipating into the dark evening.

Niki's voice was crackly through the phone, "Forgetting something?"

"I don't think so, I've just been to see Schlatt- oh shit , family dinner tonight, right?"

"Yep. You better hurry or Mom's gonna get mad 'cus the food will be cold."

"Okay," Clay dragged out the word, "tell her I'll be there in 15 minutes." He reluctantly picked up the pace, walking as fast as his very long legs could carry him.

"See you soon!" Niki laughed through the phone, and with that, she hung up.

It was admittedly a little longer than 15 minutes before he arrived at the White House, his cheeks rosy and his fingertips numb; it was a cold evening for late-autumn. He apologised profusely to the rather disappointed sight of his mother, her boyfriend and Niki with the untouched fast-food delivery laid out in front of them, what had become a sort of tradition of their family meals at this point, and his chair was the only one empty, of course.

"Nice of you to finally join us!" Niki teased him, poking him in the arm playfully.

"I'm sorry again that I made you all wait! I was with Schlatt-"

His mother cut him off "-talking about the campaign?"

"Well, yeah. Of course." He mumbled through a mouthful of burger. He was given a somewhat chiding look from her, but nevertheless, she continued.

"Brilliant. That is exactly what I wanted to talk about."

"You're gonna have to be a little more specific than that, Mom."

"Okay then. To be specific, how would you like a job on the presidential reelection campaign, then?"

The news came as a shock to both of them; that much was clear, but their expressions were far from the same.

"But- he's still in college?!" Niki exclaimed eyes widened in shock.

"Well exactly," Clay said impatiently. It was pretty clear that he had been expecting this offer, "Never too early to get some work experience in!"

Their mother nodded knowingly, finishing her mouthful before speaking, "the offer isn't just for Clay, honey." Niki's face dropped in what could only be described as dread as the excitement only grew on Clay's. "Don't you think it's time the White House Trio become more than just pretty faces? Y'all have skills; show the country!"

Niki sighed, "Mom-"

"-So what positions, then?" Clay cut her off, practically shaking with anticipation.

"Well, Clay, you know tons about all - this - so we could have you running policy. It'll be a lot of researching and a lot of writing but you've done all that before."

"Oh hell yeah!"

" Clay- "

Niki was cut off yet again, this time by her mother. "Niki, I was thinking we could have you working in communications, since you're majoring in mass comm. You'll be analysing the audience, working with the media outlets-"

" Mom !" Niki shouted indignantly.


"I go to college and- and I'm trying to find a part-time job right now-"

"Well yes of course, but so does Clay and he's fine with it and think of all the connections you'll make! Getting a job out of college will be-"

" When did I ever say that I wanted to do this? I mean- it's kinda a big decision. And you realise if I do this I basically lose any chance I had of neutrality and with it any job in journalism ever?" Niki sighed, languid. Clay was half-listening to the conversation, half zoning out but he was drawn away from both from a buzzing in his pocket. He grabbed his phone, assuming it was just Floris.

Unknown Number


Clay frowned. He didn't remember giving anyone his number recently, except maybe a few people in his class he had to work on a group project with. He typed out his response as subtly as possible, his glance flitting between his phone in his lap and the others, thankful that Niki and his mother were both pretty invested in their current conversation.

Unknown Number

who is this?

He switched his phone off, reaching for a chip, but it buzzed yet again. He glanced to his mother, then to Niki, then back to his mother before turning his phone on again as curiosity got the better of him.

Unknown Number

It's George

george who?

Which George do you think?

is it... english george?

Yeah it's "English George"

like, the george I went to visit the other week?

For God's sake Clay, do I need to spell it out for you? It's Prince George

okay. thank you.

He paused for a second, quickly changing the contact to something much more suitable, having to suppress his smirk and pretend to be involved in whatever the argument had evolved into now.

royal pain in the ass

Surely you don't know that many Georges?


I can't exactly ask just anyone if they're the fucking Prince of England, can I?

how do you think that would go down with one of my classmates

That's fair enough.

I didn't think I'd ever live to see a day where you agreed with something I said

Believe me, neither did I.

so what do you want then?

i'm guessing there's a reason you're texting me


wait, 2 secs

"...hang on- Clay! No phones at the table!"

He looked up at his mother's chiding words to meet yet another disapproving glare - I seem to be getting a lot of those, his internal dialogue noted as he resisted the urge to see what the buzzing of a new message had brought with it.

"Before you turn it off, can you tell Floris that-"

"Oh- I- err... I wasn't actually messaging Floris." He admitted bashfully, turning the phone in his hands.

"Who the hell were you messaging then?"

"I was- umm- someone from my class !"

Niki looked skeptical, but she dropped it nevertheless, turning to their mother to continue the argument that they had been having before. Clay sat through the rest of the dinner fidgeting impatiently, itching to leave and see what the Prince had to say, purely out of curiosity, no other reason. When everyone was finally done he hurriedly said "goodnight" (despite the fact that it was barely 8 pm - he wasn't planning on leaving his room until the morning) and rushed up to his bedroom.

royal pain in the ass

I just thought you might want to see these:

[attachment: 2 images]

Clay couldn't help the grin that inevitably made its way onto his face. Attached were two rather blurry photos of what was most definitely the cats that they had warmed to at the animal shelter.

you got them both!

you had enough sense to get Twix, glad to see you finally made a decent decision on your own.

Oh fuck off.



I need a new name for Twix though. Apparently, it isn't a good enough name for a pet of the royal family.

well tell whoever said that to suck my dick


okay, okay


did you have any ideas?

Not really...

That's one of the reasons I messaged you.

Aside from those cat photos you asked for.

i expect daily updates on them

High maintenance much

I see why you don't have a girlfriend.

like you're any better off!

Well, this week the tabloids seem to think I'm simultaneously dating some girl I met at a gala, Alastair, and even YOU!

How absurd.

I digress. Cat names?




what about patches?

I like patches

I like Patches too!

Patches it is, then.

She's being a little shy, she keeps on running away from me.

looks like she has the right idea

obviously she likes me better, just like everyone else


shit I have an essay due tmrw which I haven't even started

u better send me cat pictures every day or I will fly back to the land of tea and crumpets and steal them from you

It's only been 2 weeks and you're already running back to me ;]

Didn't know you missed me that much.

Have fun with your essay.

I won't. 

We're back babey! A lot of the first half of this chapter is closer to the actual book than I would have liked it to be, but unfortunately I am a brit who is rather clueless with American Politics. I'm gonna try and do slightly longer chapters from now on, and I'll probably aim for 2 chapters a week? We'll see how that goes.

I hope you are all having a fantastic day, and if you're not, tomorrow will undeniably be better :)

Much love,

Arti <3

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