The Bodyguard -Brittana Fanfic

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Brittany becomes Santana's bodyguard after a near death experience, will Brittany be able to save Santana or... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 9

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Brittany and Santana walked into the kitchen and sat heavily down at the table, Santana sighed, possibly with the word coffee mingled in with the sigh, Brittany thought, as Santana walked over to the coffee machine to get the coffee started.

Brittany watched Santana as she walked around the kitchen preparing something, humming to herself. Her eyes never left the brunette as she pulled out two mugs, filling them with coffee, she handed the blonde one cup and sipped her own.

"Thanks Santana," Brittany smiled at the blonde who gave a small smile back.

Brittany folded her arms on the table and leant her chin on her arms, continuing to watch the Latina as she worked around the kitchen, she moved so gracefully, Brittany thought, she couldn't be more beautiful then she was now, humming to herself, completely oblivious to Brittany watching her.

Brittany smiled as Santana began to sing to herself, something she hadn't heard in a long time, but sounded all the better coming from Santana than she had ever heard it sound, even from one of her favourite singers Sarah McLachlan.

"Adia I thought that we could make it, but I know I can't change the way you feel, I leave you with your misery, a friend who won't betray, I pull you from your tower, I take away your pain and show you all the beauty you possess If you'd only let yourself believe that, we are born innocent, believe me Adia, we are still innocent, It's easy, we all falter, does it matter?" Santana sung as she looked up, seemingly to only just remember Brittany was there.

Santana smiled shyly at the blonde, "Kind of forgot you were there Britt, sorry, lost in thought," Santana stated as she walked to the table with a huge bowl of salad, "knew there was a reason I made such a big salad, a little out of it at the moment," she smiled down at the blonde as she handed her a plate and a fork, placing the bowl of salad between them and began dishing out salad to Brittany.

"Never be sorry for something that sounds that beautiful Santana," Brittany smiled at the brunette, Santana stopped and put the bowl down.

"Brittany, seriously, what's going on? You can't say things like that to me and then expect me to just shrug it off, I like you and I know you like me too, what is this?" Santana stated, waving her hand in between the two of them, before placing her hands on her hips, looking Brittany in the eye.

"I think you're amazing Santana, so much talent and beauty, truly I do, but we can only be friends Santana, I'm your bodyguard and that's all there can be," Brittany stated, looking down at her shoes.

"How long are you going to keep this mantra up Brittany, the 'I'm your employee, bodyguard, friend only' shit, cause frankly I'm getting tired of it, aren't you?" Santana asked, taking a seat next to Brittany.

"We would be amazing together, can't you see that! We're seriously like ying and yang, I'm hot, you're hotter, I'm extroverted, you're introverted, brunette, blonde, and the chemistry, come on! How much longer can you deny this?" Santana put her hand under Brittany's chin as she finished her rant, making sure Brittany was looking in her eyes.

"I can't Santana," Brittany whispered quietly, averting her eyes from Santana's intense glare.

Santana grabbed the rest of her salad and her coffee and walked out onto the balcony, sliding the glass door with such force, Brittany was worried it would break. Santana took a seat on the balcony, scoffing her salad and staring into the mountains as Brittany watched her, slowly eating her own salad and sipped on Santana's strong coffee blend.

Her mind had shut off in the car, she had stopped over thinking things and imagined her life with Santana, how amazing it felt to give herself that leeway, just feel and imagine. She knew Santana was right, they did have amazing chemistry and complemented each other in nearly every way. It was Santana's history that really scared her, never having had a real relationship that was hard to change, no matter what the brunette thought of Brittany. Habits were hard to break, you can't just decide you want a relationship when you're only used to one night stands, it doesn't just work that way.

Brittany watched as Santana finished her lunch and walked to the edge of the balcony, with her coffee, seemingly staring into space. Brittany sighed, how she wished she could walk out there and wrap the starlet in her arms and kiss away all her worries. Looking down she picked at her salad, all of a sudden not particularly hungry, she sipped her coffee, the Santana brew, as she had dubbed it, was really growing on her. She smiled, everything Santana was growing on her, felt comfortable and a little too right.

Standing up she went to walk out to the brunette, when her phone began to ring, looking at the number she noticed it was Beiste, they must have made up their minds about Santana and Brittany's plan.

"Pierce," Brittany answered.

"Pierce, its Bieste, just wanted to let you know we give you the green light to remain as Santana's bodyguard for the interim, if anything changes and we deem you to be too much of a target, we will remove you immediately, no questions asked, is that clear?" Bieste stated.

Brittany nodded, then realising she was on the phone replied, "Yes Beiste, quite clear, any segue with any of the evidence?" Brittney asked, a hopeful expression on her face.

"Not yet, a couple false leads, but we won't stop until these people are found and arrested Brittany, you have my word," Beiste finished assuredly.

"Thanks Beiste," Brittany thought the world of Beiste and knew she would be true to her word, she always was, that was why she respected her so much.

"In regards to Santana's schedule tomorrow, Santana has a nightclub opening and we are a little anxious about her security there, the nightclub is a ladies club and we are a little concerned both of your presence may pose a rather large threat to everyone involved in the event, it would be a perfect target to stage an attack and were not sure if Santana should be attending, we are going to relay this information to miss Fabray and see if there is some other way Santana can be involved in the event which poses less threat to the public, you and Santana," Beiste remarked.

Brittany knew Santana was going to hate the idea, even in the short time she had known the brunette, she knew she loved to support the LGBTQ society in any way she could. This nightclub opening was raising money for gay and lesbian youth off the street, Santana had talked about it a few times in the last week and was really excited. Santana even modelled some possible outfits for the blonde while on their shopping trips the previous week, much to Brittany's dismay and silent enjoyment.

"I think you're right Beiste, but I'm not sure she will like the idea, hopefully Quinn can talk her around and schedule some other form of involvement, I appreciate the phone call," Brittany stated.

"Brittany, just remember, getting too personally involved in a client, it never ends well, just remember that," Beiste stated sincerely.

"I agree Beiste, thanks again," Brittany stated, a small quiver in her voice, she knew she was more transparent than she thought. Beiste's words of advice only proved this theory, but how do you change how you feel?

Brittany hung up as Santana walked back into the house, putting her plate and mug in the dishwasher along with Brittany's and cleaning up the kitchen.

"Was that Beiste?" Santana asked, not looking at Brittany and continuing her cleaning.

"Yeah, she said I can remain as your bodyguard for the time being, but assured me I could be removed at any time," Brittany's face fell as she finished the sentence.

Looking up she saw the brunette stop and her shoulders slump, before continuing what she was doing.

"It won't come to that Brittany," Santana stated confidently, as she finished cleaning and walked out of the kitchen.

Brittany sighed and followed Santana as she made her way up to her bedroom, closing the door behind her, without so much as a word, Brittany lent against her bedroom door and waited. Ten minutes later, Santana emerged in workout gear and walked past the blonde without acknowledging her.

Brittany followed the brunette upstairs and into her gym, Santana switched on the television and put on one of Brittany's favourite movies, Desert hearts, she wondered if this was supposed to be some kind of a hint. She knew Santana well enough now to realize, this was definitely a hint, to stop being such a rule player and to follow her heart. Brittany sighed and sat down across from Santana as she got on her cross trainer and started running.

An hour or so later, Santana got off the cross trainer, sweating and red, laying on the ground she started to stretch out her legs, back and arms. There was something innately sexual about Santana, without trying, she exuded sex appeal, this was definitely one of those moments. Brittany watched as Santana stretched out her muscles in her back and arms before moving onto her legs, with only minimal guilt she enjoyed the show, as Santana's back was facing hers.

Brittany heard someone clearing their throat from behind her, jumping up she turned around and cursed herself for her inattention. Quinn was standing in the door, which made Brittany blush, as there was no way she could have missed her massive perv on Santana.

Santana stood, having finished her stretching she gave Quinn a wave, "Give me two minutes Quinn, I'll just quickly rinse off," she stated, running across the room and into the bathroom.

"So Brittany, Beiste has obviously told you all about my attempts to take tomorrow night off Santana's roster, what happens if I can't? I just know Santana and there is no way she will give up this opening, even for her own safety, the cause is super close to her heart, what with her parents throwing her out of the house and her all but moving in to their hostel until I moved out here with Rachel and we got some work, she owes them her life really, she donates every month, but she has always wanted to do more. The association were beyond disappointed, stating they would up security, add metal detectors and give Santana her own entrance, keeping her apart from everyone else, I mean I would rather her not do it, because it is incredibly public and this event would play right into their hands, but I just can't see her pulling out," Quinn shrugged.

Brittany nodded, she had no idea about that part of Santana's life, her parents had been nothing but supportive, she couldn't imagine having to grow up that fast. It made Brittany want to protect her all the more, her heart went into her throat as she looked away from the blonde at the movie that was just ending, before tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"So, ah, how are you and Santana getting along?" Quinn asked, obviously sidestepping the question she really wanted to ask.

"Fine Quinn, obviously she is taking the news about her attackers pretty hard, but were dealing," Brittany stated, adding a small smile that really wasn't all that convincing to her, so to someone as perceptive as Quinn seemed to be, she really didn't think she would be fooling her any time soon.

Quinn went to open her mouth to comment, but Santana emerged from the shower in a robe, her hair up in a towel, silenced her.

"Santana, can we have a chat?" Quinn asked.

"Sure, let's go down to the kitchen though, I need water and coffee," Santana stated, ignoring Brittany as the two friends walked down the stairs together, Brittany frowned and followed.

Quinn sat down at the table and Brittany decided to go out onto the balcony and give the girls some privacy, as Santana began to make her third big mug of coffee for the day. After only ten minutes outside Brittany could hear loud voices from inside, turning around she saw Brittany and Quinn both standing shouting at each other, before Quinn threw up her hands and left.

Santana looked fairly angry and on the verge of tears, Brittany walked inside, the brunette looked up on her entry, seemingly just remembering Brittany was there.

"You knew about them trying to cancel tomorrow night?" Santana all but stated.

"Yeah I did, it's just so dangerous Santana," Brittany stated, walking towards the brunette.

"I don't care, I told Quinn that too, she is really pissed, but her and Beiste are going to work with the club so we can go, I means the world to me, I can't miss it," Santana stated, her shoulders slumping and a single tear sliding down her cheek.

The poor girl looked exhausted, Brittany thought. Santana turned and made her way slowly up the stairs towards her room, walking in, she slumped on her bed, looking defeated, but this time not closing the door, to Brittany's relief.

Brittany followed the brunette inside and sat next to her on her bed, putting an arm around her shoulder, the brunettes hair towel fell off as she leant into Brittany's arms, which circled the small Latina.

Brittany kissed the top of her head without thought, Santana sniffled and pulled out of the blondes arms, "sorry Brittany, I don't mean to cross any boundaries," she stated, looking downcast.

Something in Brittany snapped, her heart ached and she felt complete love for this woman, boundaries be damned she thought.

Turning the brunettes head towards hers, she leant in and pressed her lips to Santana, both her arms going around the Latina as she deepened the kiss. Pushing her back on the bed the blonde shifted to lay alongside Santana, pulling her closer, the kiss heating up as Santana began to reciprocate the kiss in earnest.

Santana threw her leg across Brittany, sitting astride her, she pushed both the blondes' arms above her head and thrust her tongue into her bodyguard's mouth, Brittany's tongue duelled with the starlet's as they both let out throaty moans.

Santana sat up on the blonde and brushed Brittany's hair behind her ear.

"Are you sure?" Santana asked, breathing heavily, the blonde smiled, rolling Santana over in reply, she kissed the brunette with returned vigour.

"I've wanted to do this since I met you," the Blonde smiled down at the smiling brunette.

"I knew you couldn't resist me for long," the brunette smiled up at the blonde as she pulled her head back down to meet hers.

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