The Trouble Next Door (Book #...

By nevergoingtofindme

144K 6.5K 1.3K

(Book #3 of the mafia series) Sierra is now 21 years old and in her last year of collage She lives in this... More

Authors Note
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 27
Ch. 30
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 40
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 48
Ch. 49

Ch. 36

2.5K 127 32
By nevergoingtofindme

Hayden's POV

Waiting at the table that had been reserved by my grandfather for the specific meeting was dreadful.

I never understood the point of that man taking forever to finally arrive to meetings on time.

I suppose I remember grandmother saying that he supposedly wants to spike dominance or fear upon the other person but I am not too sure.

The waitress, who came to seat me earlier, came by for the 4th time to ask me if I was set to order and I had to dismiss her again but this time I did order a glass of wine,

A few moments later when I was finally halfway finished with my wine I see the waitress leading my grandfather to the table.

He, himself, was all dressed up in a suit as well and had my fathers old lawyer at his side.

"You're 30 minutes late" I stated before he had even sat down.

He hadn't said anything but he did seat himself and so did the lawyer as they got everything straightened out.

"Evening, Son" My grandfather said in a cold manor.

I just stare at him already wanting to get out of here.

"I prefer to get straight to business rather then the introductions as you have already wasted 30 minutes of my precious time" I say and my grandfather almost looked baffled as the lawyer gave him a side eye with half a smirk before it was gone and turned to look at me.

"Don't forget who you're speaking to. You should be grateful that I even showed up at all" He warned to which I ignored.

"Seeing as you and i both want to get this done and over with. I will like to continue with the meeting and have your father's will finally be completed" The lawyer finally interjected into the conversation.

"Yes, Mr. Thompson. Can you please resume the last bit of my fathers will" I say finally adverting my eyes from my grandfathers cold brown eyes.

"The last time we talked was when you were 16 a few weeks after your parents tragic death. In the will it stated that you would be left in charge of your father's business when you came to a certain age and had finished with school. As we all know you still hadn't graduated high school and the business would have fallen back onto your mom.....

In this case it was left to your grandfather. Now that you have finished with school and have gotten a degree that your father states in his will that you must have you can finally have all legal rights to your father's business" Mr. Thompson says getting all papers and files out that my father left with him.

"Will there be any problem with the transaction?" I ask looking at my grandfather in the eyes.

"No there should not be any problem. Your grandfather had to sign some contacts saying he shall not fight for the business back and every single penny that your parents left for you should be transferred later this week" Mr. Thompson says handing me everything.

I look at the files carefully making sure everything was to be set as how it was meant to and there was no surprises up their sleeves.

"If it were me I would have left everything to London. Seeing as he is no longer with us anymore because of your parents mistake I would have given it all to Rudy." Grandfather confessed.

My fist and jaw clenched for a second while looking at the old man sitting in front of me drinking out of his wine glass.

"You've always been a sympathetic old man" I said sarcastically.

He didn't say much after that.

Neither did I.

I was actually quite surprised that he didn't create such a scene about the whole ordeal.

Yet I never let my guard down. Especially whenever I was around this man.

"Will that be all? I have more important matters to attend" I say and Mr. Thompson and my grandfather glance at each other.

"That's all. Although, we will be seeing each other more throughout this month just to finalize everything" Mr. Thompson says.

"Great. That will seal everything then. It was a good evening with the both of you but as we all know I have to get going" I say shaking both of their hands before leaving with the brief case filed with all the files.

Before I left though I swore I heard my grandfather whisper to visit my grandmother soon.

They live in France and I will have to travel there soon but who knows if I will even stop by to that devil house.


A while later.

Instead of knocking on sierras wall this time I knock on her door and she comes out with a mini black dress on her that hugged her curves perfectly.

"It's about time. I thought I would have had to show up without a date" Sierra says sounding annoyed.

"You look gorgeous" Is the only thing I could muster up and I see her cheeks flush a bit before rolling her eyes.

"I guess you don't look too bad or whatever but we have to go now" She says checking her bag.

Someone is in a bad mood I'm guessing.

Before going to the party we stopped by at a taco truck and after that Sierras attitude seem to have changed.

I guess she was hungry?

Who knows but I guess what they say is true. A way to a woman's heart is through her stomach.

Not to self: Buy her food.

When we arrived most of the people had already been drinking and almost immediately Sierra was already swayed away by one of her friends.

I didn't even know she had friends since she's always by herself.

I myself had just left to the kitchen where I started mixing myself a drink.

I wasn't much of a drinker but I guess today was a special occasion.

After drinking it all I poured myself a glass of whiskey and as I turned around my drink was immediately taken by the Curley haired beauty in front of me who is now drinking my drink.

"You could just asked" I say and she looks at me and gives me on of her smiles.

"Now where is the fun in that?" She says and hands me back my now empty glass.

"Why did you leave me alone with them anyway? I had to listen to Jorge go on about how there's different versions of us in everybody's head. You know Jorge, right?" Sierra rambles.

"Yeah i think I've had a few conversations with the guy. Isn't he also a science major?" I ask and she nods.

"Horrible. That guy will make you question everything" She says as I serve myself another cup of whiskey.

"Yeah I've been there once or twice." i say shivering at the thought.

I remember our first conversation and he made me question everything I once knew.

Never mind that.

"Here he comes" Sierra says looking around the room and I do too trying to find a hiding spot.

I see Sierra duck into a pantry and in still looking for a place to hide.

"Hey!" I hear over the blaring music.

"Hi" I said acting casually as I turn around to see Jorge in all his glory.

"How are you enjoying the party?" Jorge ask.

"So far it's going okay. We just arrived a few minutes ago" I say and he nods.

"Oh well...." he starts his sentence and looks around the room before setting his eyes back to mine. "Have you seen Sierra? She disappeared just as I was getting to the good part"

"She was here a few moments ago but said she had to use the restroom" I say and he nods playing drums with the kitchen counter now.

"Have you heard about the recent documents that the CIA released about aliens?" He ask waiting for me to answer and I think about it for a second.

I'm pretty sure I heard about it from social media.

I nod and that was my greatest regret because as soon as I nodded his eyes began sparking as if he was a little kid about to open a Christmas gift on Christmas Day.

"Okay, good. Here is my outtake on it...." He begins once again and this time I take my whiskey as if it were a shot.

Sierra is going to have to pay me back for this.


Sierras POV

🚨⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️ 🚨

I close the door to the kitchen as I saw that Jorge was talking with Hayden.

I giggle for a bit knowing that he will be questioning everything for a few weeks and I sneak into where some of Not most people are dancing.

As I'm dancing for a few minutes I feel a presence behind me making me tense up.

Without making it that obvious I glance over my shoulder and I see my ex drew.

I wanted to throw up then and there but all I did was try to put space between us which did not ended up happening as he placed both hands on my waist and held a firm grip.

At that moment I stop completely and try to get his hands off of me.

From this angle I couldn't get his hands off making my heart race as I start to panic when I realized that he had now dragged me to a secluded area where not much people are around.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I shout over the loud music but he doesn't say anything.

Finally I turn my body around to face him where he looks down upon me with a smug on his face.

Why did I ever decide to date him in the first place?

"Get the fuck away from me!" I try to shove him off of me and when I realized that he didn't budge my heart starts racing even more.

He leans in closer to me and just as he was bring up his hand to groom my cheeks I slap him in the face making his head turn away from me.

"Now now Sierra. We don't want to make this any more difficult then we have to" Drew says in a sinister voice as he turns to face me.

He starts to get more aggressive as I'm still shouting and trying to get him away from me in pure panic.

At the moment I didn't even think to use my head and my knowledge with fighting and I was just going off pure panic and instinct.

But at that moment when I felt his lips make contact with my neck was the moment that enraged me and all my insides turned to fire.

I shove him with all my force and he takes a step back and just as I was about to sucker punch him in the face was when all of a sudden a guy comes up behind me and punches him besides me.

I stood there in shock as I see the figure of the guy beating the crap out of Drew and it wasn't until the guy stood up with Drew's collar in hand to face me that I seen that it was Hayden.

All I can set my eyes on was Drew's bloody and almost unconscious face as half of his body was lifted up due to Hayden's hand lifting his collar.

I wasn't unfamiliar with this type of scenario but it was shocking when it was someone who you didn't think would do any type of harm do this in front of you.

"Did he- did he try to" when I heard Hayden say that it snapped me back to reality and I instantly shook my head no.

"Good" I heard Hayden say and that's when he shoves Drew back to the ground where he landed with a big thud.

"Are you okay?" Hayden ask as he meets my eyes and I can sense that he is almost scared to come near me.

"Yes, I'm okay" I say taking a step closer to him to tell him that I'm not scared of what he did.

I'm guessing my shocked face must have confused him for me being scared.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as he glances at Drew before taking another deep breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask him and he shakes his head yes.

"Let's just get out of here" He then says and I just agree with him.

As we were trying to get out through the crowd of people all of a sudden someone spills their drink on me.

I look around to see who it was and to all it's glory it's no other then Samantha.

"What the hell are you doing with my man?" Samantha says and that's when my eyes widen.

Not at the fact that she called Hayden her man but at the fact that she literally grabbed him by his arm and tried to get him closer to her.

He stayed put taking his arm away from her grasp.

"Last time I checked you were just a booty call. So if you will excuse us" I say trying not to start more commotion nor drama seeing as this is our graduation party.

"And where the hell do you think your going?" Samantha says getting me by the hair when I tried to pass by her.

With the rage that I had of Drew thinking he was someone to touch me the way he wanted and now to this little girl thinking that she can grab me by my precious hair?

If I couldn't take out my anger with Drew I will definitely with this girl.

Samantha tried dragging me across the room by my hair but through it all I start swinging at random until I finally feel like I'm swinging at her.

That's when her grip on my hair fades and I punch her in the face to get her the hell away from me.

She ended up falling with just one punch.

"What the fuck it wrong you?!" Samantha yells from the ground trying to act the victim now.

"Don't switch roles now. What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell at her and she crawls back to one of her friends who was behind her.

She and her friends start yelling at me and that's when I feel a nudge on the back of my arm and I spin my head around to see that it's Hayden motioning for us to leave.

I didn't think twice about going with him seeing as we had no more business doing there and he panic in his eyes made me concern for him now.

When we were outside of the house the music muffled a bit as we strolled down the street to his car.

That's when I heard the loud breathing sound coming from him and I look over to him still looking panicked and furious.

"Are you okay?" I ask and Hayden didn't reply. "Hayden! Are you okay?!" I shout and he still doesn't hear me.

I stop in front of him blocking his way and made him look at me in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I should be asking you that question" Hayden says and I sigh as a small smile comes to my face.

"I'm fine but you look..."

"Look like I'm about to walk back in there to kill Drew?" Hayden says cutting me off.

"I was going with madman but sure that can work too" I say and he takes a deep breath. "Either way it's not worth it going to prison because of him" I say.

Again he takes a deep breath and from the rest of that time we stay quiet until he finally gathered his thoughts and we decided to finally go back home.

It was t until we were on our floor that I realized that even if we were in utter silence I didn't want him to go inside his apartment.

"Goodnight" i say instead to which I mentally want to slap myself for.

"Goodnight" he says as we are both i front of our apartment doors.

Maybe it's best that we aren't together for right now.

I stay there in front of my door before taking a deep breath in and getting my keys out to open the door.

Just as I got it open I turn to my left to where Hayden's door is and I see him about to go into his.

"Hayden?" I ask without even thinking.

"Yeah?" He says looking up exhausted.

I stay silent for a while contemplating if I should just ask.

Just rip off the band aid and stop being such a wuss, I say to myself.

"Can you- can you... oh god" i say taking a deep breath in. "Do you mind staying the night over?" I ask wincing at how small my voice sounded when I asked.

I look at him to see him giving me a small smile before holding up one finger and closing his door.

I mean hat really wasn't an answer but sure I'll wait out here.

After a few minutes his door finally opens against me there he was standing wearing a hood, shorts and, glasses now.



No I'm not here to get into a new relationship Sierra.

Finally I let myself into my apartment and I let him into my apartment and as soon as he stepped into my apartment he started inspecting over anything and everything in my apartment.

"Interesting place you have" I hear him mutter as I see his eyes land on something on the couch.

I look over to where he is looking and see him staring at some butterfly supplies that I was going to use for a project.

"You Can get comfortable wherever just ignore some of the stuff that are scattered around" I say ignoring his comment about my apartment.

I go over to pick up the butterfly's only to dump them in a random basket along with a few other items that were on the floor.

Other then that I go over to the kitchen.

"Would you like something? Drinks? Snack? A meal?" I ask opening my fridge to get myself a capris sun.

"I'll take whatever your getting" he says and I glance at him to see him already putting something on the tv.

I grab another capris sun and place it next to him as I go to get some blankets and pillows.

Along the way I take off my makeup and switch out into some more comfortable clothes.

When I stepped out of my room I felt all of what happen tonight dawn upon me making me feel a rush of emotions before I felt drowsy.

Suddenly all I wanted was sleep but instead I just lay down next to him on the couch using his leg as a pillow as I'm under my blanket.

We were watching some type of action movie before I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

It also didn't help that Hayden was playing around with my hair. I don't know what gave me more comfort the blanket or him playing with my hair.

The last thing I heard was

"Si seulement j'avais pu vous joindre plus tôt, peut-être que ce qui vous est arrivé ne serait pas arrivé parce que je sais ce que c'est que d'être dans cette position."



It's the author here. I'd just like to say thank you for being this patient.

I did not make a great first impression starting off 2021 because she decided to give me covid.

Hahaha it's okay though I'm in my final stages and thankfully it didn't hit me as bad.

Although the first three days was not good as it took away all my energy 😅

Anyway, from here on I will try to update more often as I know you guys are tired of me not updating as much as I would like to.



I didn't know lol I got covid through a close family member 😅


I am feeling better and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and Don't forget to comment and vote!!!

I love reading all of the comments 🥰

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