Playing with Fire // Braddison

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Addison and Bryce are exes.. and when they broke things off, they didn't end in the best terms. There is a mu... Több



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~ bryce pov

"Everyone is going to Addison's tonight buddy, sorry.." Josh said as I asked him to hang. I sighed as I rolled my eyes. Addison was of course throwing a party tonight and even though Saturdays were for the boys, they were all ditching me to go to her place. Although I was invited, going to Addison's house was dangerous. After everything that happened, I needed to stay away.

"So I guess everyone is going but me.. nice.." I said at the wrong time as Lilly walked in. She asked what we were talking about but I shook my head at the guys, not wanting it to be mentioned. However, Josh of course could never take a hint. "To Addison's party." He told her, Lilly looking right at me. "Oh my god, a party?? Were we invited??" She asked me.

I glared at Josh but nodded at her. "Yes baby, but how about we just stay in and have a nice movie night?" I asked, but Lilly shook her head. "No, no, I want to go!! I'm sure it will be fun, Oh my god, I have to go pick an outfit. See you guys later!" She said without even letting me get another word in. She just kissed me before leaving.

What the fuck.

Josh laughed at me as I stood there in disbelief. Since when did Lilly love to party so much, especially at Addison's house. No matter how hard I tried to stay away, I was always dragged back into the black hole that was Addison. But with Lily at the party tonight, nothing could happen and nothing would happen.

"Come on Bryce, lighten up, it's never a dull moment when you have your girlfriend and ex-girlfriend at the same party.. especially when they're both in love with you." Josh said before exiting the room. Where the fuck did that come from.. Josh didn't know about us.. there was no way.

He clearly didn't know anything. it was obvious Addison wasn't in love with me.. she just enjoyed fucking with me. But tonight, I wouldn't allow any of that. I shook my head, blocking her out of my thoughts before going to get ready for tonight.

I threw on pants with a long sleeve sweater, it was casual but nice enough. I picked up Lilly who wore jeans with a crop top, she looked so beautiful. I kissed her as I held her hand on the way to the party. "I'm so happy we're here, I really like Addison.. weird right? But she's actually so nice!!" Lilly said as we arrived to her home.

"Mhm.." was all I said as I parked. There was no way that Addison was befriending Lilly. Now that was cruel. I didn't need Lilly to be involved in this mess and I didn't need her wanting to become friends with Addison. Addison couldn't care less about her, especially considering she was trying to steal me away.

As we entered the party though, I held her hand. As soon as we walked in, we saw Addison standing by the bar. She was wearing a leather skirt with a crop top.. my eyes watched her, until Lilly brought my attention back to her. "Let's go say hi to Addison!" She said before pulling me towards the bar.

"Addison!!" Lilly yelled over the music to grab her attention. Addison turned around, giving her a fake smile as she told us she was happy to have us. Bullshit. She hugged her before hugging me, dragging the hug on for a bit too long. "Find me in my room tonight.." she whispered in my ear before pulling away. "You two have fun!! I'll see you around!" She said as she handed us two beers and walked away.

All I wanted was to grab Lilly and leave, but I knew I couldn't. For some reason, she was excited to be at Addison's party. But Addison of course had other plans. But no, I wasn't going to be following her to her room tonight. She couldn't possibly imagine I would when I was here with my girlfriend. I had to put a stop to her games.

~ Addison pov

"Come on girls, the boys can't be the only ones having fun!!" I said to Lilly and Mads as I handed them tequila shots. Jaden and Bryce were playing beer pong while they just stood around watching as supportive girlfriends.. which was boring. So I brought drinks over for them, I needed to get Lilly a bit tipsy anyways to be able to steal her man.

We took three shots, all of usfeeling alive as we were dancing to the music. As I danced, I felt someone walk towards me and put his hand on my lower back. I turned around to see someone I didn't recognize. I had no idea how he had gotten into my party but I didn't care because he was hot.

I danced with him as everyone continued to drink. I held my drink as I danced on Scott, or at least that was what I remember his name to be. My back was against him as I grinded on him, his hands landing on my hips, but beginning to roam my body. I let my head fall back on him as I could feel the alcohol and the room was suddenly spinning.

He turned me around but before his lips could touch mine, I was pulled away. "Get lost, don't you see that she's drunk!!" I heard Bryce say to my new friend. I tried to fight him but my voice was being overpowered by Bryce and Scott. Nessa took me from Bryce as she walked me to the couch and gave me water.

As I drank, I looked to my left to see Lilly practically passed out on Mads. Wow, how drunk had we all gotten. "I got her Nessa.." I heard Bryce say as he wrapped his arm around me and picked me up. "I'll be back down, I'm just gonna make sure she's in bed before we leave.. please kick everyone out boys." He said before taking me to my room.

"I'm fine Bryce.." I said, trying to fight him as he put me down on my bed. I watched him as he walked into my closet and came back with sweats and a t-shirt, the t-shirt actually being his. He had left it here when we were dating and I never returned it.. I remembered, I wondered if he did too.

"You're not fine, you're very drunk and need to go to bed.." He said, taking my shoes off for me. "If I was drunk, could I do this.." I said, pulling him down with me onto the bed and turning us around so I was now straddling him.

"Addison, please.." He said, his voice being a bit shaky as his hands landed on my thighs. "I told you to meet me in my room, I got tipsy, but here we are anyways.. in my room." I whispered as I lowered down to him. I could hear Bryce's heart racing and his hands tightened their grip on my thighs.

"Tell me to stop and I will.. but please don't.." I whispered as I kissed his neck. I heard him let out a soft moan as I began to suck on his neck, but I didn't do it too hard.. it wasn't time for Lilly to find out about us yet. I needed to have a lot of more fun with Bryce before that happened.

I detached my lips from his neck and looked at him, our eyes locking for a moment. "Stay with me.." I whispered, letting my hand sneak under his shirt. He gulped but shook his head, even drunk he still tried to be the good guy.. "You know I can't, I have to go home with Lilly.." he said.

"Have the guys take her home, she'll be fine.." I said, slowly beginning to thrust my hips against his. He groaned as I did so beginning to get lost in my trance as his hips began to move with mine. I licked his lips, teasing him as I couldn't give him too much until I knew he was staying.

But before he could even make the decision for himself, we both heard a knock at the door. "Bro, you good??" Blake asked as he remained at the door. Of course one of his friends had to interrupt us as always. Even after two years, shit never changed.

I rolled my eyes as Bryce pushed me off, laying me down on the bed as he stood up. "Yeah, I'm good.. I'll be down in a minute!" He yelled, Blake finally leaving.

"You don't have to leave, you know.." I said, this being my last attempt of getting him to stay. I wasn't going to be begging him either, I wanted to have Bryce be the one begging for me. "I do.. I'm sorry." He said as he was about to turn and head out.

But before he did, I grabbed his hand and turned him towards me. I kissed him, wanting him to leave with the thought of my lips on his. Even though he wasn't staying, I knew he was wishing that he was. "Okay, goodnight Bryce.." I said with a smirk as I pulled away from the kiss.

I stood up from the bed and began to undress as he still stood there shocked that I had kissed him. "Oh, don't do this, Addison.." I heard him say as I was now only in my underwear and bra. I laughed as I shrugged, "You're the one who HAS to leave.." I said walking towards him.

"Just pick up my offer already.." I whispered in his ear, referring to when I asked him to be fuck buddies. That was all I wanted out of him anyways. No strings attached, no feelings involved, none of us got hurt.. except Lilly of course.. but I'd be doing her a favor by exposing her boyfriend. He had already cheated anyways, but I wanted to show him how far he could go.

As I stood back from him, his eyes gazed my body.. but he didn't move towards me or let his hands touch me. I shrugged as I got back in bed, "Go back to your little girlfriend of yours Bryce, goodnight.." I said as I got comfortable in bed.

He just watched me but didn't dare to say anything. He knew how deep in he was with me. No guilt in the world could save him from this one. For someone who claimed to love his girlfriend, he was truly a shitty person. I knew this already, but my job was for everyone else to know it too. 

** i know how much you guys love this story so I just had to write and post again today for y'all. Goodnight ily❤️❤️

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