Malfoy Manor Ball ✓

By falling4fiction

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[POST DH] It was that time of year again--the annual Malfoy Manor ball, celebrating the wizarding world's vic... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 8

80 5 6
By falling4fiction

"I am very honored, Potter," Theo evilly grinned. "Let me get myself ready for you." He licked his lips and lightly tapped them with the pads of his fingers, making sure they were plump enough.

Harry inwardly groaned, dreading this next moment. Wanting to get it over with, he quickly bent down to give him a short peck, but Theo unexpectedly stood up to meet him face to face. Theo towered over Harry causing the poor former Gryffindor to feel ever so small and feeble.

Theo was thoroughly enjoying embarrassing the Chosen One and had no problem kissing another boy. He'd done his fair share of this at Slytherin parties whilst completely wasted. While he wasn't drunk off his arse at the moment, he was definitely buzzed enough to grab Harry behind the neck and bring his face low.

Harry's eyes widened and his cheeks grew warm. His gaze moved down towards Theo's lips and nervously awaited the inevitable collision.

Once their lips met, everyone burst with cheers and shouts. The group's laughter would've been heard for miles if Draco hadn't put a silencing charm around them. Harry tried to pull away as quick as he could, but Theo only tightened his grip on Harry's neck. Theo cracked his eyes open just a bit to look into Harry's, whom never shut his eyes close, and tossed him a devilish wink. Finally, Theo released one third of the golden trio and sat down next to Luna with a very satisfied smirk on his face.

"Nice job," Luna complimented.

Harry stood dazed for a few seconds before willing his muscles to move back to Ginny. His girlfriend was still wiping tears of laughter from her face when Harry in settled next to her.

"That was humiliating," Harry muttered. "I can't believe that just happened."

"Aww, baby," Ginny giggled, wrapping her arms around him. "You did great. I love you." Harry wiped his lips with his jacket sleeve, trying to rid himself of Essense of Nott.

"Your turn, Potter," Theo called as if nothing interesting happened in the last two minutes.

"R-Right," Harry stuttered. "Um, before that, can we all take another drink first? This is a little too much for my current intoxication state."

Everyone unanimously agreed, seeing that the game was getting a little more intense, and they all chugged some more Ogden's.

"Alright, how about Luna. Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Luna chose.

"Oh, um . . . What should I choose?"
Harry whispered to Ginny. She shrugged in response and Harry frowned in thought. Coming up with nothing, he finally stated, "Um, I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl here."

"Dare stealer," Blaise said under his breath.

"I couldn't think of anything!" Harry whined. Ginny patted his shoulder and comforted her distraught boyfriend.

Luna stood up confidently and made her way to a certain witch. That witch widened her eyes upon seeing Luna walking over. The man sitting next to her smirked, excited to see what was about to go down with front row seats.

"I think you're the prettiest girl, Hermione," the small blonde grinned. "But of course, Ginny, Juliette, and Pansy are extremely gorgeous, as well."

"Thank you, Luna," Juliette said with an easy smile. "And very true, Hermione is definitely super pretty."

"Appreciate that, Lovegood," Pansy stated, tipping her head. "Maybe you aren't so looney after all."

"That's rude, Pansy," Ginny scolded. "But thank you, Luna. You're very gorgeous, as well."

Pansy only rolled her eyes in response. Hermione gulped and stood up awkwardly, tripping on her dress. "Oh, um, that's very flattering, Luna. Thank you."

Luna nodded. "Ready to kiss?"

"Oh, she's very ready," Draco commented next to them before Hermione could begin to protest. Amusement was dripping in his tone. He slightly shoved Hermione's backside forward with his large hand and she stumbled forward, meeting Luna's lips awkwardly with hers.

Hermione gasped lightly when Luna wrapped one arm around Hermione's waist and brought her other hand up to caress her face. Luna slowly began to move her lips and she wasn't sure if it was the alcohol talking, but Hermione began to quite enjoy it. Hermione eventually reciprocated the actions and they soon were moving their lips in synchrony.

Draco's eyes were wide and hungry, taking in the whole scene. He couldn't afford to blink and miss any of the scene before him. His current girlfriend was making out another girl; and not a random girl, either, but a girl he secretly considered an actual friend after their many deep talks during her imprisonment at Malfoy manor. He felt his lower half beginning to twitch.

Ginny whooped and cheered with a large smile on her face while Blaise and the twins whistled, pumping their fists in the air. Theo was transfixed at the sight of Luna kissing another. He would never in his wildest dreams ever imagined this, but now that he was witnessing it, he knew he would be thinking about it for years to come.

Once Luna eventually pulled away, she sweetly smiled at her bushy haired friend and pecked her on the cheek, as if it was a period after a sentence. She made her way back to Theo and sat down, boldly entwining her hand with his. The alcohol was coursing through her veins and she was on a high from that kiss.

Hermione, stunned, slowly sat back down and touched her lips. Her mind replayed that moment over and over again and she slowly smiled.

"How you feeling? That was some kiss," Draco teased next to her, lightly pinching her waist. She turned to him with a twinkle in her eyes and crashed her lips into his, knocking him slightly backwards.

"Get a room," Theo fake gagged.

Hermione slightly pulled away, licking her lips, and twisted her body from Draco towards Theo. "You weren't saying that a second ago."

Theo scoffed, unable to come up with a good enough response and knowing she was completely right. "Whatever, it was hot, okay."

She smugly grinned and sat back upright, pulling Draco up with her. He whispered into her ear, making her giggle and blush.

"Luna, your turn," Hermione said behind another fit of blushy giggles.

The game continued on until Blaise was shirtless with his tie wrapped around his head and Pansy had named the top three men she'd ever slept with (one of them being Draco, much to Hermione's dismay. None of them being Theo, much to Theo's dismay). George also was forced to color all of his hair purple for the rest of the night—all of his hair—and Hermione had to sing the Hogwarts school song in front of everyone.

"It's a good thing you're smart, because you have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever. I couldn't tell if that was you or Crookshanks," Fred laughed with a hand on his belly.

"Oh, and you think you're any better?" Hermione challenged. "Fred Weasley, I dare you to sing the Hogwarts school song. And, if the group decides it's better than me, then the dare's over and you're free. But," she raised an angry finger, "if the group decides that I sounded better, you have to keep singing it until they say you can stop."

"What?! You didn't even let me choose truth or dare!" Fred cried, shooting up out of his seat. "Malfoy! Control your girlfriend!"

Draco raised his hands in surrender. "You started this, Weasley. It's on you."

Fred scowled at Hermione while  muttering some profanities before readying himself to belt out the school song. Of course, the group unanimously agreed Hermione sang better so he was forced to sing again and again . . . fourteen more times. Fred's poor voice was cracked and dry by the time he finally finished.

"That one was the best, for sure," Pansy laughed wiping a tear from her eye. "The vibrato was lovely, or was that just your voice box failing you?"

"Killed that one, mate," Blaise chuckled.

"Ha . . . Ha," the twin croaked. He conjured up a glass of water and chugged it down. "You're all terrible. But whatever, finally we can move on. I choose Draco. He's been sitting pretty all night. How about we switch it up and you sit in nothing but your knickers for the rest of the game!" He rubbed his hands together like an evil villain.

Draco merely shrugged with a smirk. "If you wanted to get me out of my pants, Weasel, you need only ask." Draco waved his wand and the next second, he was left in his black boxers while leaning back in his chair. Hermione gasped at the sight and covered her mouth, trying her absolute hardest not to stare.

Fred's eyes widened.

"What, Weasley?" Draco asked, adjusting his position. "Like what you see?" Fred shot him a disgusted look and shook his head.

Hermione stifled a giggle. "I do," she whispered next to him so only he could hear. He smirked in response.

"Weasel," Draco called out.

"What?" Fred asked.

"Not you. Other weasel. Ron," Draco responded as if the name tasted like acid. "That feels so weird coming out of my mouth." Ron glowered. "Anyways, truth or dare."

"Truth. As if I'd take a dare from you."

"Alright, then," Malfoy crossed his ankle over his knee. Hermione stole quick glances at her boyfriend's sculpted body. "Why do you loathe coming to my mother's balls so much? I know it's not just about me and Granger—this goes way further back. You're not the best at hiding your emotions, but I'm sure you're aware of that. So, yeah, what's with the attitude?"

Slightly taken back, Ron remained speechless for a bit.

"Hello?" Draco asked sarcastically.

"He does that a lot," Pansy replied to Draco while sitting herself down next to Ron and patting his shoulder.

"Does what a lot?"

"Spaces out or something for a bit, I don't know. It's weird," Pansy shrugged.

Snapping back to the present, Ron narrowed his eyes at the two. He tried hard to resist the veritaserum and act as if he knew nothing of what Malfoy was going on about, but ultimately failed.

"Alright, alright. Truth is, I don't despise your mother or her balls per-say, I just despise how they make me feel." Ron slumped.

"Go on," Draco pressed.

Leaning his elbows on his knees, he rested his head in his hand. "Look around you. Everyone here has someone 'special'—more or less—to spend their time with. I'm left by myself all the time. Three years of this has me sick of it."

Pansy was the first to reply and said, "Well, I didn't come with a date, Weasley. So I don't exactly fit in with your sob story, do I?"

Ron eyed her in his peripherals. "You at least have people that won't ditch you: Blaise now and Theo before. You're not alone. I used to have George, but now he's gone off with Juliette—no offense Juliette—"

"None taken."

"—I just loathe this lonely feeling. It's like I'm a third wheel but even more insignificant and worthless."

Hermione's heart ached. "Oh, Ronald," she said with sadness. The bushy haired witch rushed over to Ron and embraced him with gorilla grip strength. Draco tried not to let his jealousy get the best of him as he clenched his jaw. I mean, seriously, he was half naked and his girlfriend was hugging her ex.

"Can't— breathe—" Ron struggled, straining his neck above Hermione's shoulder.

"Oh! Sorry, sorry," she sheepishly apologized and abruptly let go. "How come you never told us of this before?"

"Felt like it would've been pathetic to admit it aloud. And I was right—I definitely feel pathetic."

"Aww, Ron Ron," the twins pouted simultaneously.

Ginny sighed. "So that's why you were being such a dick this morning. Makes sense, makes sense."

"Hey, mate," Harry came around and clapped a hand on Ron's shoulder. "We understand and you're not pathetic. I'm really sorry you feel this way, but we won't make you feel like that again. Right, guys?"

Everyone agreed with the exception of Draco, Blaise, Theo, and Pansy who fell in an uncomfortable silence.

"Right, guys?" Harry repeated with intensity directed at the four Slytherin.

"Yeah, sure, I suppose," Blaise waved a hand.

Theo shrugged with his eyes shut. "If it makes you guys shut up about this."

Pansy nodded once. "Sure, Potter."

That left Draco who remained silent. He still was not very fond of the youngest male Weasley. Hermione shot him a look telling him to agree or else she would hex his poor, exposed balls.

Draco rolled his eyes. "We're not friends, Weasley—"

"Brilliant observation," Ron interjected dryly.

"—but, if it makes Granger happy then we won't leave you to fend for yourself. You poor, little puppy."

Ron opened his mouth to speak a sarcastic reply, but Harry quickly intercepted. "Lovely! All settled then. Let's move on, shall we? Ron, it's your turn."

Pursing his lips, Ron decided it best to drop the matter and continue on. "Pansy, truth or dare?" He asked, turning to her right next to him.

"Dare," she smirked.

"I dare you and Hermione to swap dresses. Without magic," Ron grinned wickedly. Pansy was taken back for a small second, but then recovered quickly and her eyes twinkled darkly as she accepted his challenge.

"No!" Hermione called out. "I refuse!"

Blaise laughed, his bare, chiseled abs flexing as he did. "Sucks, Granger. Go on, then, we don't have all day."

Hermione looked up at the sky. "Why is it always me?"

Taking a large swig of her drink, the bushy haired witch drunkenly stumbled next to Pansy who was already standing and waiting. "If it makes you feel better, Granger, we can turn away from their perverted eyes as we change," she purred in her ear.

Hermione faltered. "Um, yes that would be ideal."

Turning around, Hermione and Pansy began to remove their lavish gowns. Hermione's intoxicated fingers struggled with the clasps and, noticing this, Pansy smoothly came up behind her and assisted with the fastenings without a word. Hermione's velvet gown slowly dropped to the floor with a heavy thud and Pansy rested her hands on Hermione's arms.

"Why does it feel like we shouldn't be watching this?" George whispered to Fred.

Fred nodded, but kept his sights on the two witches. "Definitely feels like this is not for our eyes."

"I could use some help," Pansy softly said in Hermione's ear. She enjoyed frazzling Hermione and additionally enjoyed putting a "show" on for the small crowd.

Hermione gulped and nodded, slightly shivering from the warmth of her breath. Pansy moved in front of her and Hermione shakily began to undo the fastenings on Pansy's red dress. Pansy seductively looked over her shoulder at Hermione and gave her a small smirk.

Once Pansy's dress joined Hermione's on the floor, Pansy turned around towards their friends, not caring if they saw her in her knickers.

Ron's eyes were the size of the full werewolf moon. "Bloody hell," he muttered.

She wasn't wearing a bra.

Blaise covered his eyes. "Pansy, put something on, for Salazar's sake."

Pansy put her hands on her hips, putting her breasts on full display. "What? What's the matter?"

George speedily used his hands to cover his eyes with one and Juliette's eyes with the other. Funnily enough, Juliette instinctively reacted the exact same and placed one of her hands on her own eyes and her other over George's.

Luna tilted her head to the side. "You have a lovely body, Pansy."

Hermione took the opportunity of everyone's attention being on Pansy to quickly step into the bright red dress on the floor and secure the clasps. She looked down and was slightly surprised to see it fit quite well. The dress cinched at her waist and the low neckline made her very aware of her cleavage. Feeling very exposed, she covered herself with her arms and turned around to everyone.

Pansy finally stepped into Hermione's gown after she felt satisfied with making everyone uncomfortable and ran her hands along the soft fabric. Turning around and stepping next to Hermione, they definitely were sights to behold.

"Merlin," Fred mumbled.

Ron didn't know which girl was more captivating. His eyes continuously switched back and forth from each girl. Draco, however, was fixated on the witch that was now clad in red. That color on her could only be described with one word: sexy. He was never really a fan of the Gryffindor colors as he found them brash, loud and annoying; however, he could make an exception just this once.

When Hermione took her place next to Draco on the seat, her tight dress rode up on her thighs heavily exposing her legs. She tried to pull the dress down as far as she could but it was no use. Draco smirked hungrily and rested his large, calloused hand on her bare, warm thigh and rubbed her leg up and down inching higher and higher with each rub. Hermione shuddered and melted at his touch, squeezing her thighs together.

"Best dare ever," Theo said aloud. "What a show."

"Theo! Why would you say that? Luna's right next to you!" Juliette scolded with shock.

Luna shook her head. "Oh no, it's quite alright. I enjoyed it very much, as well." Hearing this, Theo smirked and brought his arm around Luna's shoulders. However, she shook his arm off her and told him it was much too heavy and uncomfortable.

"Alright, alright everyone, take mental pictures because your ogling is getting a bit irritating," Pansy deadpanned. She sat back down on her chair and crossed her legs, exposing her whole leg through the high slit in the dress. "Back to the silly little game, then. Eenie, meenie, miney . . . You."

"Me?" Juliette squeaked. She honestly thought everyone forgot she was even there.

"No, the wall back there. Yes, you."

"Oh, uh, alright."

"Truth or dare?" Pansy quirked a brow.

Juliette looked to George who gave her a quick nod of encouragement. "Truth."

Pansy smirked deviously. "Let's get to know Miss Juliette a tad more, shall we? What is your biggest secret?"

Juliette froze. Her heart started racing with nervousness and she sucked in her lips. "My . . . Biggest secret?"

"Yep, the biggest one," Pansy confirmed.

"Um, well, you see—" Juliette stuttered, fidgeting with the end of her long sleeve.

"Spit it out," Theo rolled his eyes.

"Don't rush her. It's her biggest secret, after all," Ginny scolded causing Theo to pout.

George rubbed a reassuring hand on Juliette's back and she hung her head in defeat, knowing the veritaserum was making it impossible for her to come up with a lie.

Juliette slowly rolled up the left sleeve of her wine colored gown and everyone gasped. George removed his hand as if she was on fire and scooted quickly away from her.

"I used to be a death eater," Juliette quietly revealed.

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