
By Jadeasdf

458 14 12


Chains: I meet the Richardson's... (part one)
I met the Richardsons... (part two)
I met the Richardsons...(part three)


379 5 9
By Jadeasdf

I sat in the cell miserably waiting for a new master. My name's Serenity, I'm was born into slavery, I'm 16. My last master just lost interest in me, I'm not very strong, so I can't do yard work, and I'm not into being some old creeper's sexual 'play thing'. So I suppose I'm worthless to most masters.

I don't have any hope of ever meeting a good master, it just seems out of my reach. Most masters would pick me for my looks. I have long pink hair that I keep in a ponytail so it dosen't look very long, reddish-pink eyes, long eyelashes, a slim body and a pale complection.

A customer came by my cell with the slave keeper and looked at me. I lowered my gaze, you never look anyone in the eye if your a slave, it's disrespectful.

"She looks like she's never worked a day in her life." The customer said, not in a rude or bad way but just  to state the fact, in reality I worked everyday for my last master, but I hadn't been there in a month. This customer sounded more like a young man than a long time slave owner.

"Yes, she's real scrawny, perhaps you'd like to see the others we have to offer?" The slave keeper offered.

"No, I want this one."

"Alright, I'll go get the key for her cell, why don't you get to meet your new slave, Mr. Richardson." He said before walking away. I looked up at my new master. He was very young, he looked about 17.

"You hear that? You're coming home with me, aren't you excited?"

"You should have kept looking for a slave, I'm useless, I'm too weak to do any work, and if you try to touch me wrong they'll arrest me for nearly ripping your throat out."

"Oh but I don't want you to work or sleep with me. I want to help you."

"Ha! Give me one reason why I'm so important that you'd buy me and waste your time and money, just to spoil me. Is that some kind of joke?"

"No, I think your beauty doesn't deserve to waste away in a place like this."

"So it's because I'm pretty?"

"No, you're beautiful, and you deserve so much better, I don't know if I could give you what you truly deserve."

"Fine then, when you can prove to me that you truly care, I'll know that I can trust you."

"Okay, then let's go, I will prove it to you." He said. "Oh, my names Daniel, by the way."

"I'm Serenity, Master." I said solemnly.

"Call me by my name, or you can give me a nickname if you like." He said happiy.

"Nickname...I'll call you Danny, if it pleases you." I said.

"Cool, I like it, you know what else I like? Your name: Serenity, it's such a gorgeous name."


AN: I like this one! And I hope you do to! vote, comment, and fan me if you haven't already!

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