Split in two (Dangronpa AU -E...

By Angelic_auther

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Dangronpa AU Makoto Neagi has a split personality and with that personality, hides a certain talent. (Jack s... More

Introductions/ chp.1
Watch out for Detetive Krigiri!
The frist murder.
Trial and Judgement
A Close encounter
A whole new world
A whole new world (pt.2)
A little secret, threatend to be exposed
New Facts
2nd Murder
Small secret Exposed pt. 1
Small secret exposed part 2
Trial conclusion
Alright sooooo
Here we go again
Nothings better than burtal honesty
The sound of ringing bells
Sorry sorry

Trail wrap up!

4.2K 97 34
By Angelic_auther

"Alright Mr. money it's possible you could have found out, isn't it? You'd have no problem gaining access to classified government documents or internal police records. Plus, you'd already looking through the Genocide Jack file before this all happened, Right?" Makoto smirked
"A-Are you saying...Mr. Togami did it?" Hifumi yelled

"Yes perv I am." Makoto replied cockily

"Then the reason he pushed the theory of Genocide Jack being the killer so hard was because he wanted to pin the crime on her!" Celeste said leaning forward.

"So he rearranged the scene to disguise it and make it look like I'd put my stamp on it...! The adorable glasses man was behind it all!? Ahh, I'm on fire!" The so called murder interjected. Byakuya cringed at her words.

"Well, Byakuya!? What's your response!?" Taka asked

Despite how much the protagonist wanted him to shut up the man must speak.

"I see... So now the suspicion falls on me. Then I must ask...when would you say I began acting suspicious? Surely you must have an answer..." The new named Mr. Money stated

"the way you were acting right before we discovered the body was a little strange..." Naegi suddenly said.

•Flash back•

"And the locker rooms... They're suspicious. Very suspicious, indeed. Wouldn't you agree?
It seems nobody's searched the locker rooms. Let's start with the girls locker room..."

   •Flash back end•

"You wanted to go to the girls locker room right away, right? But since you're a guy..." Naegi stated

"I should have naturally thought of the boys locker room first. Is that what you want to say?" The blonde said.
"The victim was Chihiro. A girl. Hence why I said we should check the girls locker room."

"Nothing strange about that, I'd say!" Huifmi agreed.

Of course he says that, pervert.

"On the contrary, there's something *very* strange!" Makoto stated.

"Okay then, what's so strange about it?
Go ahead, share with the rest of the class."
"Ahh I know what he's doing he I proving his innocence letting us suspect him." Makoto said. "I need to make it clear to everyone...!" Naegi added

"Et erm"
"Sorry we need to make clear, wait I thought you didn't care"
"I don't want to die here"

"So you said Byakuya was acting kinda weird before we found the body... But he was acting weird...how?" Hina said

"If you're presented with the opportunity to check out the girls locker room, you absolutely take it...! That's a natural reaction for any guy!" Hifumi added

"The victim was Chihiro, who was a girl. So of course I would suggest we check the girls locker room first. There was no time for pointless distractions. What's so strange about that?" Byakuya stated

"I wish you'd taken me with you..." Huifumi added

"No That's Wrong!  I'll tell you what's so strange about that... Because up until we actually discovered the body, we couldn't have known who the victim was!" Naegi objected.

"So your claim that you went to the girls locker room first because Chihiro was the victim doesn't hold up!" Makoto finished.
Lol now what will you say now Mr. Crabs? Makoto mused.
"I see...That's a good answer, I must admit. Interesting. Very interesting, indeed! But your reasoning is still too weak!"  'Mr.crabs' stated
"What's wrong? Is that it? Surely you've got more than that. Go ahead, show us..."

Makoto glared, he really wanted to take his knee caps.

"What's the matter? You're not finished already, are you? There must be more to it..."

"There is...I think..." Naegi questioned.

"There *is* more to it. Think about it. We just talked about the differences between this case and past Genocide Jack incidents. The proof you're looking for is hidden in there..." Kirigiri said

" ...Oh? Proof that I'm the culprit, you mean?" Byakuya stated.

"..." Then she went silent. 

The differences between this case and other Genocide Jack murders... The evidence that proves Byakuya is responsible is hidden in there? Naegi thouht.

"Oh I don't know how about scissors galore DIDN'T use scissors." Makoto dead-paned. 

"What, the difference between the cases? You want me to explain it again!?When I want to kill, I use my very own special scissors! And I use those same scissors to arrange the body!" Sho explains.

"But...Chihiro was suspended with... It was some kind of rope, was it not?" The gambler adds

"That's right! It absolutely was!" Murkuro said.

"Then there must be something very fishy indeed about that rope...!" The fanfic creator pointed out.

"Hey, Byakuya! Where'd you get it from, huh?" Mondo asked.

"I'd never seen that rope before in my life... Obviously somebody else must have had it hidden away somewhere." Byakuya lied.

'I would like to call BS!' Makoto said

"Actually,  you *have* seen it before. Because you see, that rope--or should I say...that extension cord!" Makoto called out

"What!? An extension cord!?" Hifumi yelled.

"Byakuya--you've used the extension cord in the library more than once, haven't you? And the same extension cord that was in the library all this time." Neagi started."

"went missing after the murder!" Makoto finished
"And there's no way someone who uses that extension cord as much as you do wouldn't discover that fact!"

"Then Byakuya must be the one who took the extension cord! I can't imagine any other possibility!" Taka then confirmed.

"... That's really what you think? Then your conclusion is something like this...? I killed Chihiro in the girls locker room, then hung her up and wrote that bloody message. I intentionally made it look like Genocide Jack was behind it. Is that about right?" Byakuya said.

"... He's doing it again... He's totally calm, totally unconcerned. As if he's not even involved. Wait...not even involved...?"
Naegi Thought.

"What if he's not involved Neagi? He didn't do it I think"

"What's wrong? I asked you if you think that's what happened." Byakuya asked.

"Hell yes that's what happened! So that's it, right? Byakuya's the killer!" Mondo yelled

"I don't disagree with not disagreeing!" Jack laughed.

"He kept calling this a game, right? So he'd be totally willing to do something like this to 'win" Taka pointed.

"Hold on just a second! We need to talk about this a little more!" Makoto Interjected.

"Huh? Do we really need to? We've already decided who did it." The clairvoyant asked.

"I know, but There's something that's still bothering me..." Makoto stated

"Is that right? And what, pray tell, is still bothering you? I killed her in the girls locker room, then disguised my crime. Specifically, I dressed it up to make it look like it was the work of a homicidal psychopath. What about all that "bothers" you?" The prodigy quizzed.

'Wait... What was that just now? Something's not right... Byakuya's remarks just now... There's something in there that concerns me.' Naegi added to the suspension.

"You say you killed Chihiro in the girls locker room, right? But are you sure about that? Isn't it possible that the murder took place somewhere else?" Naegi asked.

"How disappointing... What kind of question is that? Even in the world of disappointments, this is a true letdown. She was found dead in the girls locker room. There is absolutely no question about that. How could the scene of the crime have been anywhere else?"
Byakuya said disappointed.

"Well it's entirely possible that she was killed somewhere else, then carried there later along with the rest of the murder scene!"  Makoto

"The...rest of the murder scene? ...That was awfully specific. Please tell me you have a reason for saying all of that." Byakuya asked.

"I believe I do..."

Did I just take you off-guard? When the story suddenly moved to the crime scene, Byakuya, who'd been so confident up till now... Maybe Byakuya never even realized that the actual scene of the crime could have been somewhere else.

"Hey, don't just move on without permission! What do you mean she was killed somewhere else!?" Taka intruded.
Come on, Makoto! If there's any chance the murder took place somewhere else, let's see the proof!

Evidence that shows the murder took place somewhere else... I need to just focus on those things that got switched!

Neagi the posters they were odd for what the decoration of a locker room.

"Didn't it seem odd that the posters in each locker room seemed to match what you'd expect to find in the other locker room?" Neagi said

> Present "Two Locker Room Posters"

"The proof that she was killed somewhere else is...the poster that's hanging in each locker room."

"Your proof...is some posters?" Byakuya seemed to find that funny.

"The poster in the girls locker room was a picture of a female supermodel. But don't you think that's kind of strange? Why would the girls locker room have a poster like that?" Makoto said

"I bet those massive jugs of hers were totally fake! Kyeehahaha!" Jill making un-wanted statement.

"Meanwhile, the boys locker room had a poster of the super popular boy band Tornado. Again, that doesn't really seem to belong in a boys locker room." Neagi finished.

"So you're saying that maybe the posters were switched?" Celeste confined.

"Yes, exactly."

"And there's one other thing I noticed about the locker rooms... You know what I'm talking about, right Sakura?" Neagi looked to the martial artist.

"You're referring to my protein coffee, aren't you?"
Sakura responded.

"....Protein coffee?" Mukro asked.

"While I was in the girls locker room earlier, I spilled some protein coffee on the carpet. But I noticed that after the murder, the stain had been totally scrubbed away." She finished.

No. It's not that the stain was scrubbed away... It was moved...

"We found a brown stained carpet in the boys locker room." Makoto stated.

> Present "Boys Locker Room Carpet"

"The stain on the girls locker room carpet wasn't scrubbed away. In fact, I found it on the boys locker room carpet." Makoto said.

"That's...definitely the stain from my protein coffee!" The martial artist, said recognizing the stain.

"Then...does that mean that the carpets were switched, too? But...why would anyone do that?" The gambler asked.

"To move the murder scene from one locker room to the other. It's certainly plausible, don't you think?" Makoto said 'I've done it before I should of been able to tell.'
'Makoto, don't say that it's not your fault but are you going soft?'
'What no!'

"What!?" The student council leader exclaimed.

"In other words, in order to completely swap the scene of the crime the bloodstained poster and carpet were moved along with the dead body." Neagi explained.
"By doing this, the killer was able to change the entire room where the murder took place."

"I can certainly follow your reasoning, but...why would the culprit bother doing that?" Celeste asked

"Huh?" Neagi asked.

"Why would they go through all that trouble of switching the scene of the crime? Actually, an even bigger question... If the murder did take place in the boys locker room then how did Chihiro get in the boys locker room in the first place?"


"To get into the locker rooms, you have to swipe you e-Handbook across the card reader device. But Chihiro's handbook should have only allowed her access to the girls locker room. She had no way to get into the boys locker room to begin with."

"No, she DID have a way! And I can tell you what it was!" Hiro yelled.

"I highly doubt that." Celeste

"Shut up! I'm telling you, I know how she could have done it!" Hiro said yelling like he knew something.

Is he right...? Could Chihiro really have gotten into the boys locker room somehow?

'I don't know chicken legs isn't it so who is it now?'

"Is it really possible? Could Chihiro really have gotten into the boys locker room somehow?" Celeste asked once more.
"Ah! I've got it! She must have hacked her e-Handbook! She was the Ultimate Programmer, after all. I'm sure that would've been no problem for her!" Taka suggested.
"No, I don't think that's it... She used the thing that was in the main hall!" Hiro said.

"Huh? What thing?" The soldier asked

"I'm talkin' about Leon's handbook, of course! If she had that, she could get into the boys locker room no problem!" Hiro explained.

'Theoretically, if Chihiro was able to use Leon's handbook, she could get into the boys locker room. But that's *if* she was able to use it.' Makoto explained the hole in his statement.
'We checked the handbooks and we couldn't get Leon's to turn on. Sayaka's was working though.'

> Shoot "Leon's handbook" with "Broken e-Handbook"

"No that's wrong!" Makoto shouted

"No, I don't think Chihiro used Leon's handbook." He explained

"Why not!?" The hamburger obsessed clairvoyant asked.

"Because Leon's handbook was broken." Makoto added.

"Oh! Well then yeah, I guess that'd be pretty impossible, huh?" Hiro said.

"I am struck silent by how quickly you gave up..." Sakura stated disappointed.

"Plus, isn't there a regulation against using someone else's handbook?" Reminded putting a hand to her mouth.

"Actually, the rule states that loaning your handbook is prohibited. It says nothing about borrowing one. In other words, you could borrow a dead person's handbook all you want, and you'd be safe." Togami explains the rule as if he made it.

"Yup yup yup! Hit the nail square on the noggin!" Monokuma said happily.

"Of course, if it were broken, that wouldn't make any sense anyway..." The blonde went on.

"So then, she must have hacker hers like I said! She used her Ultimate Programmer skills and--!" Ishimaru pointed, but was swiftly cut off.

"Bzzt! You can't fix an e-Handbook. The instant you open one up, a security buzzer starts blaring!" Monokuma said executing his idea.

"So if she didn't use Leon's handbook, and she didn't modify her own handbook..." Mukuro tailed off.

"...Maybe Mr. Naegi's initial assumptionis just...wrong?" Hifumi finished the soldier's sentence.

"It seems like there's no way she coulda got into the boys locker room, so I guess so..." Hina concluded.

"Okay then, I vote for Byakuya!"  Ishimaru said blindly


'Is that it, then? Chihiro was killed in the girls locker room, and Byakuya's the one who did it? Really? But still...I don't know what else I can do...'

"...Hold on a second. I agree with you, though. I think you're on the right track." Kirigiri stepping in.

"What the--? You finally decide to open your mouth, and *that's* what you've got to say? There's no way she could get in the boys locker room, right!? So--!" Mondo yelled.
'Whoa man chill don't yell at Sherlock.'
"Why are you so sure she couldn't get in? There still one other way she could have gained access." She went on.

"....What!?" The gang leader questioned.

"What are you talking about!? What other way is there!?" Taka asked.

"Well, to explain that, why don't we take a little break from the trial? I'd like you all to come see something."

'Well this will get interesting.'

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait! Just what do you think you're doing!?" Monokuma stopped her.

"Don't worry. This'll make the whole trial more exciting. I'm sure that thought must please you?" She said her face never changing.

"Huh? It'll make things more exciting?
Well alright then! I declare an official class trial recess!"
'The heck that's all it took?!'
"Huh? For real?" Hina said confused.

"Now then, what is it you wanna show us? It better not be boring, or I'll be VERY unhappy...!"

"Oh, I have no doubt it'll meet your lofty expectations. So, shall we go?" The detective pointed.
'Now let's see how this will play out.'

Hello there, finally out right oh no now I have to wait forever. But no I already have the next chapter almost done so don't worry see you soon my angelic readers!

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