How far would you go? (Curren...

By danieltuffin

482 21 8

Highest Ranking (Feb 2021) No.1 psychological Who are you? What have you done? Luke and Jessica have the perf... More



5 1 0
By danieltuffin

'What the hell were you thinking?' yelled Louise.
Jessica's sister frowned at Luke and pulled away from the street where Luke's battered car was parked.
'I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. It's really hard and I wasn't coping. Sorry,' said Luke, apologetically.

After nearly killing a school-kid and wrapping his car around a lamp-post, Luke decided he should not be driving. A few onlookers had approached the car to see if the driver was injured. Luke ignored them, not wanting to talk in his drunken state. Someone was bound to call the police. He managed to pull the car away, despite the grinding of metal, and very slowly turned down a quiet street and parked the car. He had then called Louise.
Jessica's sister sounded worried when he called. Luke never called her, and by the tone of her voice she sounded concerned. When Luke explained what happened, she immediately left to pick him up.

'I'm so sorry,' said Luke, breaking the silence.
'It's OK, Luke. I'm glad you called me. You were lucky not to kill anyone. How did you make it this far?'
'Luck. Pure Luck. I nearly ran over a kid,' said Luke, as if that were a normal occurrence. 'He just appeared out of nowhere. I don't know want to say. How I didn't hit him?'
'What!' shouted Louise, shocked by his confusion. The car shook and she regained her composure, straightening the wheel. 'Tell me you didn't hurt anyone?'
'No. I didn't. Nearly. Not killed. It's OK. Nobody died.' Luke's words were staggered and erratic.
Louise let out a sigh. 'You need help Luke. How much have you drunk?'
Luke did not answer straight away. He stared out of the window and watched the world go by. It was almost dark, and outside, an eerie shadow was cast across the road. The moon shone, its light leaving behind weird and creepy shapes from the barren trees. Apart from Louise's black Mini, there were very few cars on the road.
'Luke,' interrupted Louise. 'How much have you drunk?'
'Too much,' said Luke. He did not want to give a specific number.
'You sound drunk, your words sound funny.'
'I'm not drunk anymore,' said Luke, trying to speak clearly. He was drunk. The adrenaline had gone, and all he had left was the vodka flowing through his blood stream.
'Why don't you stay at my place tonight.' She reached out and reassuring touched his arm. 'I can keep an eye on you, and stop you drinking yourself to death. What do you think?'
The black mini pulled out onto a dual carriageway, and Louise accelerated as she joined the flow of traffic.
'OK. But I haven't got anything with me,' said Luke.
'That fine. I'm sure I can find a spare toothbrush and some old clothes for you to wear.'

Louise was just like her sister. Kind and caring. One thing she was not, was a liar and cheat. When the sisters were together, they looked like twins. Louise had the same features as her sister. Same looks and pale green eyes. Her hair had once been blond, like Jessica's, but Louise preferred a darker colour. She was attractive, and when she smiled it reminded Luke of Jessica. She was now smiling at Luke, trying to assure him that everything would be all right. Luke was suddenly lost in her smile. He gazed at her grin and was transported back to the first time he saw Jessica smile, and forgot that she was not dead. He was driving with Jessica and she was smiling.
'Luke you OK?' said Louise, watching Luke stare vacantly at her.
'Sorry. You remind me so much of...' his words trailed off.
'I know. Every time I look in the mirror, I see her. I can't believe she is dead.'
Luke stayed silent. His thoughts were elsewhere, and Louise drove the rest of the way without another word. Something was wrong. Luke had an uneasy feeling he could not explain. Watching the lights from buildings shoot by, and the glare from car headlights, Luke reflected on his inner turmoil. He could sense Jessica's pain before she died, he heard Debbie's screams in his head, and he could see Alan's distorted face as he fell down the stairs. Why was their suffering afflicting him? He was drunk, and his mind was all over the place, yet he could not get those thoughts out of his mind.

'Me casa,' announced Louise, pulling up outside her apartment. She lived on the opposite side of town, in a two-bedroom apartment. Luke had only been here several times, and he glanced out of the window at the building.
It was new. Fresh brickwork and covered in glass. Louise lived on the ground floor, and along the front were several windows, and two glass fronted French doors. It was stylish, yet it lacked character. It looked new and clinical.
'Come on, said Louise. 'Are you going to sleep in the car?'
'No thanks. It's too cold.' Luke tried to smile, but only managed a grin.

Inside it was warm. The place was well insulated and kept the chilly air out. As a single woman, in a new apartment, Louise kept everything neat and tidy. It was the opposite from Luke's house. He had gotten used to living like a slob, and stepping into this place, was like walking in a show house.
'Wow! Nice,' said Luke, admiring the décor.
'I like it, replied Louise. 'Make yourself at home. I know it doesn't look lived in, but please relax.'
Luke did. He flopped on the comfortable armchair and settled into the soft fabric.
'You want a drink?' asked Louise. 'I mean, tea, coffee, water.'
'Sure coffee. Strong. Black. I need sobering up.'
'I'll make a pot, then you can keep pouring it in.'
She turned to head to the kitchen, when Luke called out.
'Hey.' Louise stopped and turned back. Her smile. Just like Jessica's. It threw Luke, and he hesitated. 'Thanks. Thanks for this,' he finally said.

After drinking the whole pot of coffee, Luke felt more human. The alcohol had worn off, and he was sounding more coherent. They had shared some common memories together until the conversation turned to Jessica's work at the school. Luke told her about Alan, and the visit from the police.
'That was stupid,' said Louise, after hearing about Luke's threatening behaviour. 'What did Alan do?'
'Nothing. I was so angry, I just kept fighting and fighting. It was stupid, and that stupidity got me a visit from the police.'
'Do you think he was pushed?'
'Not by me, if that's what you're asking.'
'That's not what I meant,' said Louise. 'Do you think someone else pushed him?'
'I don't know,' said Luke. 'Maybe. Or maybe he just slipped. The police think he was pushed. I was so mad. When I learnt about Jessica's affair. I wanted to kill him. But I didn't, if that's what you are thinking.'
Louise smiled. Jessica's smile. 'I'm sorry Luke. I wish Jessica had told you. I told her she needed to tell you everything. It wasn't fair that she betrayed you like that. If it's any consolation, she was going to leave Alan. She couldn't do it anyone.'
It took Luke a moment to register what Louise had said. She knew about Jessica and Alan. No. He must have misheard.
'You knew about Jessica and Alan?' he asked. Saying their names together made him feel sick, and a knot appeared in his stomach.
'She told me a few months ago. I said she had to tell you.'
'You knew?' Luke now sat up straight, and he could feel the anger building up. 'You knew.'
'Luke. I'm sorry.'
'You knew!' This time he yelled out his words. 'How could you. Everyone knew except me. You knew!' He was losing control. Another liar. Another betrayal.
'I wanted to tell you. It should have come from Jessica, not from me.'
'I don't care. You knew and never said a word. Do you know how much pain I'm in. First Jessica's dies, then I found out she is a liar and a cheat. What does that make you?'
'Come on Luke. I didn't mean to hurt you. It wasn't up to me to tell you. You must understand.'
'I don't. You lied. You're no better than her. Where is the spare room?'
Luke was walking toward the door. 'Where is the spare room? I can't look at you anyone.'
'Luke. I'm sorry. Please. Let's talk.' She sounded genuinely remorseful. She crossed the room to stand by his side. Gently touching his arm, Louise tried hard to make amends. He pulled away and walked into the hallway. 'Where is the room?' he said frowning.
'Through there,' she said, pointing to the second door.

Without saying another word, Luke stormed off into the spare room, and slammed the door. Louise approached, wondering if she should knock. Luke was clearly upset. It was best to leave him alone. She frowned and let out another sigh. In the morning things would be better. By lying to Luke, Louise had just signed her death warrant. She was now on borrowed time.

I can't hurt Louise.She's a lovely woman. But so was Jessica and look what happened to her. Anotherliar, and you know how I feel about liars. As much as it hurts, I'm going tohave to teach her a lesson. Not before I sort Russell out. Louise can live abit longer, but not for too long.

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