Final Danganronpa 4: Another...

By criticalerr0r

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(MAJOR SPOILERS: PICKS UP FROM SDRA2 CHAPTER 6 AND BAD ENDING!) Our new protagonist wakes up in Hope's Peak... More

Author's Warning
Prologue - Re:Despair Evolution
Chapter 1 - Re:To Survive (Daily Life)
Chapter 1 - Re:To Survive (Deadly Life)
Chapter 1 - Re:To Survive (Class Trial)
Chapter 2 - Re:Legend of the Revolution (Daily Life)
Chapter 2 - Re:Legend of the Revolution (Deadly Life)
Chapter 3 - Re:Trapped by the Ocean Scent (Daily Life)
Chapter 3 - Re:Trapped by the Ocean Scent (Deadly Life)
Chapter 3 - Re:Trapped by the Ocean Scent (Class Trial)
Chapter 4 - Re:Who is a Liar (Daily Life)
Chapter 4 - Re:Who is a Liar (Deadly Life)
Chapter 4 - Re:Who is a Liar (Class Trial)
Chapter 5 - Re:Hope Eclipse...? (Daily Life)
Chapter 5 - Re:Hope Eclipse...? (Deadly Life)
Chapter 5 - Re:Hope Eclipse...? (Class Trial, Part 1)
Chapter 5 - Re:Hope Eclipse...? (Class Trial, Part 2)
Chapter 0 - Re:Ultimate Revival
Chapter 6 - Broken Happiness Is Still Happiness (Deadly Life)
Chapter 6 - Broken Happiness Is Still Happiness (Class Trial, Part 1)
Chapter 6 - Broken Happiness Is Still Happiness (Class Trial, Part 2)
Epilogue - Smile Not at Hope and Despair in the Name of Yourself

Chapter 2 - Re:Legend of the Revolution (Class Trial)

383 11 25
By criticalerr0r

*With the possibility of surviving with your fellow survivors, another murder has occurred! This time, Komaru, one of the outliers of the group, has died to another person's greed. If everyone agreed not to kill each other or participate in the killing game, then why is Makoto's little sister beheaded on the floor?*


Monokuma File #2

The victim is Komaru Naegi. The victim's body was discovered in the library archives on the second floor. The estimated time of death was 12:15pm. The victim died from blood loss and damage to the internal organs in the neck.

Missing Head

Komaru's head was cut off from her body, but it's nowhere to be seen. What the hell happened to it?

Second Motive

Monokuma's second motive for the killing game was "each person per survivor set will graduate along with the murderer". This means that if a person kills and gets away with it, everyone who survived their killing game with them will be able to escape as well.

Scented Rag

A rag found on the floor of one of the classrooms on the second floor. It makes my head fuzzy when I smell it, though it smells so familiar...

Toko's Account

Toko had been invited by Komaru at noon to discuss how to cheer up the group after the motive, but had been hit on the back of the head with something heavy and knocked out. She woke up hours later in her own room, and went to get an ice pack with Hiro for her head.

Small Bloodstain

A small bloodstain was found on the floor of one of the classrooms on the second floor.

Bloody Duct Tape

A small piece of duct tape was hidden in a book in the library. The sticky side is completely covered in blood.

Himiko's Account

Himiko had gone to the storage room a while after midday to get herself a snack when she was suddenly knocked out from behind. When she woke up, Byakuya was beside her and helping her awake.

Byakuya's Account

Byakuya was reading in the library a little after midday when he received a message from Himiko to go to the storage room. When he arrived, he found her unconscious and was trying to wake her when Nikei and Kyoko arrived.

Pool of Blood

There is a giant pool of blood at the stump of Komaru's neck, but there is no weapon at the scene to match it to.

Komaru's Neck

Komaru was beheaded, but the edges of her neck look like a completely clean cut. There are no ridges like if a saw was used or any pieces as if it had been pulled off. However, there is a small cut in the front that's aimed downwards.

Missing Bag

A cloth bag is missing from the storage room, but how is it connected to the case?

Akane's Account

Akane saw Komaru in the nurse's office before noon, and she grabbed something Akane couldn't see before quickly leaving.

Ransacked Classroom

One classroom on the second floor looks like it had been torn apart, with most of the furniture near the door.

Makoto's Account

Makoto had tried to get into a classroom on the second floor just after noon, but he discovered that it was locked tight. It was found open after the murder.


Monokuma: "Let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial! Y'know, just as a recap! During the trial, you'll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for 'whodunnit'. If you vote correctly, then only the blackened will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong person... I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will earn the right to graduate!"

Maki Harukawa: "That person, and their set of survivors."

Monokuma: "Yeah, them too. Not that I care, just as long as I can use at least one of these extreme executions!"

Himiko Yumeno: "But all you did was copy and paste what happened to Ryoma..."

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "Someone change the topic before a fight breaks out in the trial room."

Akane Owari: "First things first, we gotta narrow down the suspects list, right?"

Toko Fukawa: "What do you mean? We don't have anything to do that yet!"

Akane Owari: "Yeah we do, we gotta figure out which group is most likely to murder!"

Kazuichi Soda: "I-It's gotta be the first killing game group! The original survivors!"

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "Hey, don't go blaming this on us!"

Makoto Naegi: "Hold on, we shouldn't be jumping to conclusions just yet!"

Nikei Yomiuri: (A fight's beginning to break out. I better try and nip this in the bud...if they'll even listen to me.)


Kazuichi Soda: "The original survivors are the biggest group, so they have the biggest reason to murder!"

Byakuya Togami: "...Are you kidding me right now?"

Shuichi Saihara: "The Jabberwock survivors could be a big suspect as well, none of their classmates died in their killing game."

Hajime Hinata: "That doesn't mean we're willing to kill to get back to them!"

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "Besides, that same logic applies to the new students of Hope's Peak!"

Maki Harukawa: "From the looks of things, Nikei should be cleared of suspicion."

Akane Owari: "True, they didn't come with anyone, so they have no reason to murder."

Himiko Yumeno: "Then who on earth can our suspects be?"

Nikei Yomiuri: (Why are they focusing on something so irrelevant? They keep forgetting one important thing.)

Akane Owari: "True, they didn't come with anyone, so they have no reason to murder."

Second Motive

Nikei Yomiuri: "No, that's wrong!"


Nikei Yomiuri: "Ms. Owari, did you forget that we're in a killing game? We don't need a reason for murder."

Akane Owari: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Kyoko Kirigiri: "A motive Monokuma gives is simply that: a reason to murder. But that doesn't mean that it's the only reason that a murder could occur."

Nikei Yomiuri: "Indeed! In fact, I knew this set of twins-"

Hajime Hinata: "In that case, we're probably going to have to stop talking about the suspects for now and focus on how they killed Komaru."

Byakuya Togami: "That seems like a good idea for now."


Himiko Yumeno: "I wasn't at the crime scene, so how did they kill her?"

Toko Fukawa: "They beheaded her, you idiots!"

Shuichi Saihara: "That might not be exactly true. The state of the body doesn't equal the method of murder."

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "So, it's a red herring like with Sonia's death?"

Makoto Naegi: "Probably, but we don't have proof of that yet."

Maki Harukawa: "So, should we change topics again and see where it gets us?"

Hajime Hinata: "No, I think there's something we're all missing."

Nikei Yomiuri: (Wait, there was evidence contradicting that person's statement...)

Makoto Naegi: "Probably, but we don't have proof of that yet."

Monokuma File #2

Nikei Yomiuri: "No, that's wrong!"


Nikei Yomiuri: "Everyone, please remember that Monokuma's jackassery is the proof we need."

Monokuma: "Huh? Why are you suddenly talking shit about me now?"

Nikei Yomiuri: "Everyone, please recall the Monokuma File. Each time, the murder is descriptive but ambiguous in order to obscure the context of the murder. For example, Sonia's said that her cause of death was asphyxiation, but it failed to specify whether she was drowned or strangled."

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "This time, it says that Komaru died from blood loss and damage to the internal organs in the neck."

Maki Harukawa: "That explains why I saw something strange on her neck at the time."

Kyoko Kirigiri: "Yes, I noticed it too. But the situation is still odd, so we need to consider it first."

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "Uh, what are you two talking about?"

Nikei Yomiuri: (I think I might know...)

Komaru's Neck

Nikei Yomiuri: "You're talking about the oddly placed cut on the front of her neck, right?"

Maki Harukawa: "That's right, the one that dips downwards as opposed to the rest of the cut going clean across. This brings out two possibilities."

Kyoko Kirigiri: "Either Komaru died from beheading or her throat was cut and she died from that."

Shuichi Saihara: "The Monokuma File says that Komaru died at 12:15pm..."

Byakuya Togami: "I was still in the library at that time, so she couldn't have been beheaded there. Besides, having her throat cut would be more useful in transporting the body."

Maki Harukawa: "I'll kill that logic."


Maki Harukawa: "You say you were in the library at the time, but can you prove it?"

Byakuya Togami: "Excuse me?"

Maki Harukawa: "For all we know, you could be lying and have killed Komaru. Besides, you could have hidden her body in the library and beheaded it there."

Nikei Yomiuri: "Forgive me, but there's evidence that contradicts that theory..."

Maki Harukawa: "Why are you interfering? Do you want to die?"


Maki Harukawa: "Even if Byakuya is right, there's nothing around to confirm it. Therefore, it makes him a very likely suspect to have committed the murder. He also said that having her throat cut makes it easier to transport the body, but how is he able to be that descriptive about the wound unless he's done it?"

Nikei Yomiuri: "He reads crime documents, everyone knows that from the broadcast. Besides, he has a solid alibi. If you let me talk, then I can explain it-"

Maki Harukawa: "There's no need for explanations. Byakuya doesn't surround himself with anybody, therefore, there's no witnesses around to clear his name. I don't see why you continue to struggle for something that isn't even true."

Byakuya's Account

Nikei Yomiuri: "I'll cut your argument down!"


Nikei Yomiuri: "There is a witness. Or at the very least, a reason why Mr. Togami can't possibly be the killer. Mr. Togami, could you show everyone the message you got from Ms. Yumeno?"

Byakuya Togami: "Very well, if it helps clear my name."

Himiko: could you come to the storage room downstairs for a second? I need some advice of yours

Himiko Yumeno: "Nyeh?! I never sent that message!"

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "But you did, dude, it's right there!"

Nikei Yomiuri: "It might have sent, but I don't think it was her that typed out the message."

Himiko's Account

Nikei Yomiuri: "According to her, she was knocked out a while after twelve, and her fingerprints could've been used by the killer to open her handbook and send the message to lure Mr. Togami out."

Byakuya Togami: "After I left the library, I went to her in the storage room and stayed with her until the trial. As such, I never saw the body and only got second-hand evidence from the others."

Kyoko Kirigiri: "When Nikei and I saw him in the storage room, he didn't have any blood on him. After that, Nikei and I went to the library and discovered the body."

Makoto Naegi: "Not only that, but I saw him in the library reading at 12:20."

Byakuya Togami: "Saw? You went into the library and tried to pester me into coming to force open a classroom with you. It was a minute or two after you left that I got the message from Himiko."

Maki Harukawa: "So, that means Byakuya and Himiko have an alibi, and presumably Makoto as well, unless Byakuya is hiding something."

Byakuya Togami: "I assure you, I am not. Komaru...well, she impressed me once. Something like that is commendable, for a commoner, and I want to help catch her killer in return."

Kyoko Kirigiri: "I was with Nikei in their room from after breakfast until after twelve. We can vouch for each other."

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "And I was with Toko getting an ice pack for her when we got the mass text!"

Hajime Hinata: "Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, and I were together once again, we were helping him out in his room."

Akane Owari: "I was with the freshmen of Hope's Peak, minus the tiny girl over there."

Himiko Yumeno: "Hey! I'm not tiny, I'm reasonably well-sized!"

Makoto Naegi: "So, everyone has an alibi?"

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "This isn't good... But who's the most suspicious?"

Nikei Yomiuri: (Wait, I think there's someone who's alibi during Komaru's time of death is suspicious...)


Nikei Yomiuri: "Ms. Fukawa, could you please go over your alibi again?"

Toko Fukawa: "Ugh, I told you in the library... Komaru invited me to a classroom a bit after noon, and when I entered, I got hit in the back of the head and knocked out. I woke up in my bedroom and went with that occult idiot to get an ice pack when we got the mass text and came to the library."

Kyoko Kirigiri: "...!"

Toko Fukawa: "...Why's everyone looking at me like that?"

Makoto Naegi: "T-Toko... Did you kill my sister?" 

Toko Fukawa: "What?! NO! Why the hell would I kill the closest one to me ever?! If anything, I'd kill to get her out! You have GOT to be kidding!"

Himiko Yumeno: "But you're the only one with an extremely suspicious alibi!"

Toko Fukawa: "I don't know jack shit about this case! In fact, I don't remember anything after I got knocked out! Do you want to feel my head for the bruise?! I'll fucking let you if you don't believe me!"

Nikei Yomiuri: "Everyone, we shouldn't jump to conclusions about this case yet. We still don't know the full details about what actually happened."

Kazuichi Soda: "Toko had to have killed her, end of story. Just hurry up and vote."

Shuichi Saihara: "I still want to figure out where the slit on her throat came from and how the body was moved into the library so fast. We can't vote yet."

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "Don't tell me we're gonna be split again-"

Monokuma: "Did someone say split?"

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "Goddammit!"

Monokuma: "It seems that we're in a bit of a pickle, so Hope's Peak Academy is proud to present it's new morphinominal trial grounds! Everybody keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, and let the scrum debate begin!"

Nikei Yomiuri: (I know that Toko may in fact be guilty of Killing Komaru, but nothing about this case is completely resolved yet. This class trial is supposed to solve the mysteries surrounding a murder case, and I won't stop until I talk about what's troubling me!)


*Should we vote for Toko Fukawa?*

TEAM LUNAR: Vote now!

Himiko Yumeno

Kazuichi Soda

Makoto Naegi

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu

Yasuhiro Hagakure

Hajime Hinata

Akane Owari

TEAM SOLAR: Don't vote yet!

Nikei Yomiuri

Toko Fukawa

Shuichi Saihara

Kyoko Kirigiri

Byakuya Togami

Maki Harukawa


Makoto Naegi: "Th-The evidence shows that Toko's the one who killed my sister!"
Toko Fukawa: "I couldn't have killed her in my room, dumbass!"

Kazuichi Soda: "We should just hurry up and vote for her already."
Byakuya Togami: "Don't be an idiot, there are a bunch of other questions we have to find answers for first before we vote."

Himiko Yumeno: "But Toko's alibi is super suspicious!"
Shuichi Saihara: "Even so, we shouldn't vote for Toko based on solely an alibi."

Hajime Hinata: "Even if we have our culprit, the other mysteries still aren't making sense."
Nikei Yomiuri: "That's because this is a case where we have to find the culprit first, then we can unravel the other mysteries!"

Akane Owari: "Toko said she was meeting with Komaru after noon! That's basically her confessing!"
Maki Harukawa: "She doesn't seem like she's confessing now, does she?"

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "Toko must have invited Komaru to the classroom to kill her, then forged herself an alibi!"
Nikei Yomiuri: "Actually, it could be the other way around, with Ms. Naegi having invited Ms. Fukawa to the classroom, but we won't know unless we talk this through!"

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "If it isn't Toko, then I have no clue who it is, man!"
Byakuya Togami: "You pay so little attention that I doubt you even looked at a clue in the first place. Just keep your mouth shut."

Makoto Naegi: "Why are we continuing if we've found a conclusion?"
Kyoko Kirigiri: "We need to investigate all the clues first, then this trial can reach a conclusion."


TEAM SOLAR: Don't vote yet!

"This is our answer!"


Makoto Naegi: "Okay, we won't vote just yet, but what should we discuss next?"

Kyoko Kirigiri: "Makoto, I know you're not at your best since it's Komaru who died. I recommend you take a breather for a while."

Makoto Naegi: "But... Alright, I'll sit out."

Byakuya Togami: "Even so, he's right. We need to find something to discuss next."

Nikei Yomiuri: (We have our prime suspect, but not all of the details of the case. I don't know what will come next, but if we can have even a small nudge in the right direction, then we'll be a step closer to the truth.)



Yasuhiro Hagakure: "So, um, you guys keep saying that you need something else to discuss without actually finding anything..."

Kyoko Kirigiri: "In that case, how about we discuss the location of the murder?"

Akane Owari: "It was obviously the library, right? That's where the body was found."

Byakuya Togami: "I was in the library at the time, we just went over this."

Nikei Yomiuri: "No, the body was definitely transported..."

Nikei Yomiuri: (Okay, maybe smelling that weird cloth that made my head fuzzy wasn't a good idea in hindsight...)

Hajime Hinata: "I can prove it with this!"


Hajime Hinata: "Everyone, I think you're all missing an important piece of evidence. If you all listen to me, then we'll all be able to understand this mystery a little more."

*LOGIC REFRESH -RSVP Hajime Hinata-*

Hajime Hinata: "As Nikei said, the body was definitely transported to the library. But before that, Komaru's throat was slit in a place somewhere different. Even if there's a large amount of clues and blood at the place where the body was discovered, there was a small piece of evidence that the culprit forgot to get rid of. If we take this clue into consideration, then the pieces will come together a lot faster."

> Monokuma File #2

> Small Bloodstain

> Komaru's Neck

> Missing Bag

Nikei Yomiuri: "I agree with that!"


Nikei Yomiuri: "You're talking about that bloodstain found away from the library, aren't you?"

Byakuya Togami: "A bloodstain?"

Hajime Hinata: "Yes, there was a bloodstain in one of the classrooms. And I can say for certain that's the real murder location!"


Maki Harukawa: "Wait, how can you say that for certain? Even if there was a bloodstain somewhere else, it could've been a transportation accident."

Himiko Yumeno: "Yeah, the blood could've fallen from her neck while she was being carried to the library!"

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "Hajime said there was a bloodstain, not a trail of blood."

Toko Fukawa: "I mean, unless there's any other evidence, we can't say that for certain..."

Byakuya Togami: "Of all the times I choose not to investigate..."

Kyoko Kirigiri: "There's no helping that. If you aren't contributing something useful, please be quiet."

Nikei Yomiuri: (No, there is evidence backing up Mr. Hinata's words, I just have to prove it.)

Toko Fukawa: "I mean, unless there's any other evidence, we can't say that for certain..."

Ransacked Classroom

Nikei Yomiuri: "No, that's wrong!"


Nikei Yomiuri: "So, are we all just going to overlook the completely demolished classroom where the bloodstain was found?"

Kyoko Kirigiri: "That room is most definitely where the murder actually took place."

Akane Owari: "So, the chick didn't go down without a fight?"

Byakuya Togami: "According to the Monokuma File, there were no other injuries on her."

Shuichi Saihara: "Actually, the desks were all strewn near the door. I think it might have been used as a blockade."

Himiko Yumeno: "A blockade?! But who could do that from the inside?!"

Kazuichi Soda: "And how do you know that there was a blockade in the first place?"

Nikei Yomiuri: (I know it because...)

Makoto's Account

Nikei Yomiuri: "Mr. Naegi, can you tell me again what you said about the classroom earlier?"

Makoto Naegi: "Oh! Well, before I went to see Byakuya, I found out that the classroom was locked while I was investigating the second floor. It was around 12:20, I think."

Himiko Yumeno: "Huh?! That's when I was downstairs in the storage room!"

Kyoko Kirigiri: "That means that the killer must have locked up the classroom so that Komaru's body wouldn't be discovered while they were knocking out Himiko."

Byakuya Togami: "After that, they must have called me down with her handbook to distract me, then snuck back upstairs to move Komaru's body to the library."

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "What kind of cha-cha slide bullshit is that?!"

Toko Fukawa: "I think the proper term is 'Kansas City Shuffle'."

Kazuichi Soda: "I'm not sure that's the trope in play here..."

Nikei Yomiuri: "Mr. Soda, what did I tell you about the fourth wall?"

Akane Owari: "But how did they move Komaru's body without making a blood puddle or trail?"

Nikei Yomiuri: (I think there might have been something at the crime scene that would've solved that problem...)


*What was used to prevent Komaru's body from leaving too much blood at the actual crime scene?*


Nikei Yomiuri: (I understand it now!)


Nikei Yomiuri: "Oh, they must have placed that piece of duct tape over her throat!"

Shuichi Saihara: "Yeah, it seems that it's like the same thing that happened to Angie... She was hit over the head with a wooden board, and duct tape was used to block the blood flow in order to obscure the scene of the crime."

Akane Owari: "So THAT's how the duct tape ended up in that book! The killer hid it there!"

Hajime Hinata: "Hold on, there's also one more piece of evidence that makes that classroom the scene of the crime."

Nikei Yomiuri: (That's right, it was the...)

Scented Rag

Nikei Yomiuri: "He's referring to the weird-scented rag left on the ground next to the bloodstain from Ms. Naegi's neck."

Himiko Yumeno: "'Weird-scented'?"

Nikei Yomiuri: "Yes, I smelled it a lot because I couldn't figure out what it was, and my head's been fuzzy ever since."

Kyoko Kirigiri: "You...! *sigh* Nikei, Nikei, Nikei Yomiuri..."

Shuichi Saihara: "You just smelled a cloth full of chloroform...a substance that can make people unconscious when inhaled..."

Nikei Yomiuri: "...Whoops."

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "Hold on, that doesn't make any sense. That means Toko can't be the culprit!"

Makoto Naegi: "What do you mean by that?"

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "Hear me out! The killer must have chloroformed Komaru before knocking Toko out, then put Toko back to frame her and killed Komaru, then knocked Himiko out before moving the body!"

Maki Harukawa: "Except that theory doesn't work. Shuichi, Akane, and I were in front of the nurse's office talking a long while before we received the mass text. We didn't see anybody, and nobody could've snuck past us."

Himiko Yumeno: "Who could it be, then?!"

Makoto Naegi: "I...I think there is no third person involved in this."

Nikei Yomiuri: "...! Ah, I see. I believe that our victim here isn't as innocent as we like to think."

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "What do you mean by that?"

Nikei Yomiuri: "I mean that Ms. Naegi might have actually had a hand in this case's unfolding."

Toko Fukawa: "You don't know anything!"


Toko Fukawa: "Hold on, you're saying that Komaru actually helped to carry out the case?!"

Nikei Yomiuri: "Yes, that's precisely what I'm trying to say. Do you have an objection, Ms. Fukawa?"

Toko Fukawa: "Damn right I do! How do you think Komaru could do anything?! She's fucking dead! She's dead, and she can't do anything now!"


Toko Fukawa: "Have you gone braindead from being in this killing game?! A corpse can't suddenly wake up and help its killer carry out their crimes, that would be illogical, unrealistic, and unreasonable! You're insane from the chloroform, you think the dead can come back, is that what you're trying to say?!"

Nikei Yomiuri: "That's not what I'm trying to say at all. I'm saying that Ms. Naegi could've helped set the stage for the plan to unfold while she was alive."

Toko Fukawa: "While she was alive?! Albino, are you out of your mind?! I know I shouldn't say this when she's dead, but she's used to me saying this, so I'll say it now: Komaru was as dumb as a bag of bricks! She couldn't do anything that required calculating, and there's no way she could've pulled something like that off without anything knowing! She left all of the calculating to me because neither Komaru nor Her could've pulled off something smart!"

Akane's Account

Nikei Yomiuri: "I'll cut your argument down!"


Nikei Yomiuri: "Ms. Fukawa, I believe you are underestimating Ms. Naegi a lot. Even if Ms. Harukawa and Mr. Saihara didn't see it, can you remind me of what you saw, Ms. Owari?"

Akane Owari: "Oh, sure! I saw Komaru in the nurse's office a while before noon and before these two kids showed up. She grabbed something I couldn't see, then hightailed it out of there."

Hajime Hinata: "She was probably grabbing the chloroform!"

Toko Fukawa: "Wh-Wh-WHAT?! NO! She wouldn't do that! Why would she go through a bunch of trouble to get herself killed?! She has people that care for her!  Why would she gather things that would kill her when she has so much to live for?!"

Nikei Yomiuri: (She doesn't seem to be listening. Typical hysterical human. I guess I'll have to talk her down myself.)


"I admit nothing!"

"Did She do this?"

"It's a lie!"

"I hate you!"

"Are they telling the truth...?"

"I'm right about this!"

"Shut up!"

"Hold on...!"

"What did you do, Komaru...?"

"I curse you!"

"That's enough!"


"Why would Komaru collect materials only for her to be murdered?!"





Nikei Yomiuri: "It's all over now!"


Nikei Yomiuri: "Ms. Fukawa, the only reason I could find is that she was the one who made the plan in the first place."

Toko Fukawa: "WHAT?!"

Makoto Naegi: "...I was afraid of that."

Himiko Yumeno: "B-But how did she do it? Toko was knocked out, and she couldn't have slit her own throat and carried out that complicated plan!"

Kazuichi Soda: "She's right, Komaru couldn't have pulled that off!"

Nikei Yomiuri: (Himiko's right, she couldn't do it when she was already dead. I'll have to think about this more deeply...)


Q1: Who was knocked out first upon arriving at the classroom?

> Komaru Naegi

> Toko Fukawa

> A third party

Q2: Why was Toko knocked out?

> To frame her

> To use her as a decoration

> To bring out her other personality

Q3: Who carried out the plan?

> Toko's other personality

> Komaru Naegi

> Monokuma

Nikei Yomiuri: (It makes sense now!)


Nikei Yomiuri: "Ah, I understand now. Ms. Naegi did make the plan, but she wasn't the one who carried it out. It was Ms. Fukawa's other personality that carried out this crime."

Kyoko Kirigiri: "Genocide Jack... So she did it."

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "But wouldn't she have written 'bloodlust' or something on a wall if she did?"

Byakuya Togami: "She's not completely idiotic, you know."

Toko Fukawa: "So, it was Her... She killed Komaru..."

Nikei Yomiuri: "It's not her fault. Sure, she may have carried out the act, but the one who ultimately must have created the plan was Ms. Naegi herself."

Shuichi Saihara: "But can you prove that it was Genocide Jack and not Toko?"

Makoto Naegi: "Besides the fact that they switch when one of them passes out?"

Nikei Yomiuri: (No, I have evidence for that.)

Pool of Blood

Nikei Yomiuri: "Ms. Owari, did you find any weapons around that could make a clean cut across Ms. Naegi's neck?"

Akane Owari: "*sigh* No, I didn't. Sorry 'bout that."

Toko Fukawa: "That's...probably because of her scissors. She keeps then on our body at all times."

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "It seems like you're giving up now."

Toko Fukawa: "I don't know what the truth is...but there's probably no avoiding it now."

Maki Harukawa: "Is it possible to bring her to the front?"

Byakuya Togami: "If anything, we need the full story from her."

Toko Fukawa: "ACHOO-!"

Genocide Jack: "Dun dada duuun! It's me, your friendly neighborhood serial killer! ...Why's everyone giving me that look?"

Makoto Naegi: "Jack, be honest...did you kill my sister?"

Genocide Jack: "Nng... Yeah, it was me."

Shuichi Saihara: "Huh?! You confessed so easily..."

Genocide Jack: "Did you guys forget or something? I might not share memories with Miss Gloomy, but we share knowledge and emotions. And right now, my emotions are saying that Dekomaru and I lost the trial."

Nikei Yomiuri: "So, you two did work together after all."

Genocide Jack: "I'll admit, I never expected Dekomaru to come up with a plan like that. I guess I fucked up somewhere along the line with hiding our crime, or Miss Gloomy didn't do a good enough job to maintain our innocence."

Hajime Hinata: "Did she know?"

Genocide Jack: "Eh, probably not. Either that, or she just didn't want to face reality. I dunno and I really don't care."

Yasuhiro Hagakure: "So, it's over now..."

Nikei Yomiuri: "I'll summarize the case like last time. Here goes nothing..."


Nikei Yomiuri: "This morning, Monokuma gave us another motive: the murderer's survivor set will graduate along with the culprit. The uneasiness between us was growing far too strong, and someone decided to take advantage of it. That 'someone' was Komaru Naegi, not the culprit themselves."

Nikei Yomiuri: "After obtaining some chloroform from the nurse's room, Komaru told the culprit to meet her in the second floor classroom at noon to discuss how to cheer up the class. However, that wasn't what she was planning. Instead, she hid and waited for the culprit to arrive, and hit her on the back of the head. This was to knock the culprit out and trigger her split personality, who woke up instantly. Komaru then told the real culprit her plan, and they agreed to it."

Nikei Yomiuri: "Komaru was first drugged to unconsciousness before her throat was slit with the scissors that the culprit always keeps on them. They put duct tape on the wound to stop it from bleeding out, but forgot about the chloroformed rag. They then blocked the door so that nobody could open it except them, with their superhuman strength."

Nikei Yomiuri: "The culprit then snuck downstairs to the storage room to get a bag, but found Himiko there looking for a snack. The culprit knocked her out from behind like Komaru did to her, and used Himiko's handbook to send a message to Byakuya, who was in the library. The culprit left and waited for him to leave before taking Komaru's body into the library. Using their scissors, the culprit beheaded Komaru and put her head in their bag before sneaking back downstairs and hiding the head before sneezing, switching back to their first personality, with the latter none the wiser about what happened."

Nikei Yomiuri: "The culprit of this case is Genocide Jack, the Former Ultimate Murderous Fiend...but the true mastermind of this case is the victim herself, Komaru Naegi."


Genocide Jack: "Yeah, that sounds about right."

Maki Harukawa: "I...guess it's time to vote now."

Monokuma: "Right you are! Now, it's time to vote! Now then, please cast your vote using the lever in front of you! Who will be chosen as the blackened?! Will you make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one?! What's it gonna be?! What's it gonna beeeee?!"



Monokuma: "Wow, two for two! You guessed it, Makoto's little sister, Komaru, was killed by none other than Genocide Jack!"

Makoto Naegi: "Wh-Why... Why did you do it?!"

Genocide Jack: "*sigh* Well, if I have to explain what happened..."


Genocide Jack: "Oww... Hitting me on the back of the head with a book? I guess reading IS fundamental! Gyahahahaha! But seriously, not cool, Dekomaru."

Komaru Naegi: "Sorry, Jack, but I needed to wake you up for a...a little favour."

Genocide Jack: "Hmhmhmmmm? Little Dekomaru's asking something of me? Ooh, what's that over there?"

Komaru Naegi: "Ehehe, it's chloroform."

Genocide Jack: "...Ah, cut the jig. You're acting more gloomy than Miss Gloomy herself, no matter how big a smile you wear. Tell me what's going on."

Komaru Naegi: "You and Toki share knowledge, so you know about the new motive, right?"

Genocide Jack: "Yeah, kill someone and your whole group goes free. Ooh, are you asking to work together to kill someone so we can get outta this hellhole?!"

Komaru Naegi: "Um, not exactly...only one of us will make it out."

Genocide Jack: "...Huh?"

Komaru Naegi: "Your group has already lost one person... If you commit a murder, then the rest of the Killing School Life survivors can live through this game."

Genocide Jack: "There's two things wrong with that statement. One, murder doesn't guarantee freedom unless you can make it through the trial."

Komaru Naegi: "I know. But I trust you. You're an experienced serial killer who's been able to hide her identity from the public until the broadcast, and you'd be good at hiding clues. Besides, I've made a plan to get you, my brother, and his friends out safely."

Genocide Jack: "And there's the second problem, you didn't include yourself in those survivors."

Komaru Naegi: "I know. Everyone else is with somebody, and I don't want anyone else to die, so...I want you to kill me."

Genocide Jack: "...Are you crazy, Dekomaru?! Do you really want to die so bad?!"

Komaru Naegi: "Yes...yes I do. If I die, then no matter what happens, the others will still have all their friends. Whether my plan works or fails, you and I will really be the only people affected."

Genocide Jack: "You do realize that Big Mac's gonna be pissed when he finds out about this, right?"

Komaru Naegi: "Yeah, my brother's probably not gonna forgive me anytime soon for this. But I don't want my sacrifice to mean nothing, so please, I beg of you, help me with this plan!"

Genocide Jack: "I... Fine. I'll do it."

Komaru Naegi: "...R-Really? Thank you, thank you, I love you so much, I'll never forget this!"

Genocide Jack: "Woah, slow down a bit! Isn't it a bit cliché to do last-minute love confessions?"

Komaru Naegi: "Well, I am just an ordinary girl... Wait, you knew?"

Genocide Jack: "Miss Gloomy was too oblivious to her own emotions and how you act, but I'm not so clueless. *sigh* But there's no way I don't agree with her."

Komaru Naegi: "...Thank you...and I'm sorry. I hope you manage to get out without me."

Genocide Jack: "..."

Komaru Naegi: "Aright, here's what I need you to do."


Genocide Jack: "...And that's basically what happened. She explained her plan, then I carried it out."

Kyoko Kirigiri: "So in the end, Komaru just wanted to save her close friends and family."

Maki Harukawa: "And the person who she confessed her love to too late."

Nikei Yomiuri: "That reminds me, whatever did you do with Ms. Naegi's head?"

Genocide Jack: "...I hid it in my room, somewhere where Miss Gloomy wouldn't even think to look. I didn't just go to the storage room to knock out the little magic girl there, I didn't even know she was going to be there."

Byakuya Togami: "Did you go down there to take a bag to transport her head?"

Monokuma: "Yes indeed! In fact, I brought it here for everyone to see!"

Monokuma took out a regular bag from the storage room, and I spotted many people looking away. That bear reached into the bag and took out Komaru's head, and I heard a few people gasp. Komaru's final was peaceful. She didn't look scared at all, and she had accepted her death. 

In the end, I hate to admit, but I underestimated her. Believing in the power of trust, she let herself die for such a goal that was so extreme and far-fetched. She was quite remarkable, for someone who appeared unremarkable. She became a human with one of the strongest minds I've seen, I'll have to commend her. Not that her mind could be helped when it's not attached to a body anymore.

Makoto Naegi: "O-Oh my god...Komaru..."

Akane Owari: "What the hell?!"

Himiko Yumeno: "I'm not looking...I'm not looking...!"

Genocide Jack: "Well, I think my time here is up."

Nikei Yomiuri: "Huh?"

Genocide Jack: "As much as I'd like to stick around for the finale, Miss Gloomy should be the one to say goodbye. It's her body, after all."

The Killing School Life survivors looked at each other and went over to the serial killer, joining each other for a group hug like with Aoi. Jack didn't protest, and eventually the group came apart.

Genocide Jack: "Well, it's been fun, but it's past midnight for the Cinderella of the slaughter flower garden! I'm going to cease to exist soon, but I don't regret anything at all! ...Except killing Dekomaru. Well, whatever! I'll meet up with Dekomaru and Miss Gloomy at wherever I'm going, and the rest of this world can kiss my ass! I'll see you all in h- ACHOO!"

Toko Fukawa: "Huh? What on earth is- KOMARU?!"

She was looking at her friend's severed head with a look of horror on her face, then regret as she looked away.

Toko Fukawa: "Komaru...I'm so sorry."

The group came in to hug Toko again, and the rest of us just watched as they gave their silent goodbyes. But all things come to an end, and so did their embrace.

Toko Fukawa: "Well, I guess this is goodbye. It was a miserable existence, but I hope my and Komaru's deaths mean something. Maybe one day you'll find your happy endings, but I know I'm not getting one. Monokuma, just get it over with already."

Monokuma: "Roger that! Now, I have prepared a very special punishment for Toko Fukawa, the Former Ultimate Writing Prodigy. Now, let's give it everything we've got! IIIIIT'S PUNISHMENT TIIIIIME!"

First Kiss Prank | Former Ultimate Writing Prodigy Toko Fukawa's Execution

Toko is thrown into complete darkness. In the distance, Komaru's silhouette can be seen, but she hesitates to run towards the figure. Suddenly, a huge roller appears between the two of them. Though Toko tries desperately to escape, the roller catches up with her and presses her paper-thin, killing her. In the background, a Komaru figure with a Monokuma face begins to laugh and doesn't stop.

[CG: toko post-execution]

After it was all over, we stared at the remains of the one who had been killed very brutally. I've seen worse, but it's more to the point when she died for nothing at all. Makoto had fallen to his knees and began to cry openly, with the other members of his group comforting him. I sighed and looked over at Monokuma.

Nikei Yomiuri: "Are you going to open the elevator yet? I want to leave."

Monokuma: "Well, not before I announce the news that there are, in fact, people looking for your miserable asses!"

Hajime Hinata: "There are?"

Kyoko Kirigiri: "He's most likely leaving out the part where he's mowing them down with guns."

Monokuma: "No, of course not! I didn't set those up at all!"

Shuichi Saihara: "He's either lying or leaving out details. Just ignore him."

Monokuma: "What the- Hey!"

I took Shuichi's advice to heart and left for the elevator, watching the doors close and going up. I didn't want to listen to Monokuma for any longer, and I didn't like sticking around after executions anyway.

Once the elevator opened, I decided to skip supper and just go to bed. I'm too tired to deal with any of this, and I doubt that anyone would be hungry anyways after that display. Taking off my boots, I just decided to go to sleep.


Monokuma: "Once upon a time, there was a guitarist. Born superior to her older twin, she was abused by her day and night. She developed an unhealthy obsession for her sister, even beginning to kill to break her. To the public, she was an adored angel, but in reality, she was an unforgivable demon! As soon as she finally had her doll in her hands, it was cruelly ripped away as she choked at the end of a rope. The end!"





??? 1: "Huh? You want to know about your pay?"

??? 2: "Yeah, I did the job. Are you gonna pay up or what?"

??? 1: "Hmm, yeah, no can do. I mean, money isn't gonna be worth anything when the end of everything comes around, right?"

??? 2: "What?! We had a deal, you bitch!"

??? 1: "Well, you and I are both talented liars, right? Well, you did your job wonderfully, and now I'm doing mine! Bye bye~"

??? 2: "This isn't over-"


??? 1: "Hmm, I'm pretty sure it is. Now, all I have to do is change my number, destroy this disposable phone, and change my bank account. Not that anyone's gonna be able to track me anyway, puhuhu. *sigh* Soon, Junko. Soon, despair will rise again."

Chapter 2 - Re:Legend of the Revolution - End

Remaining Survivors: 12

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