I Still Want You

By benandmirandalover

10.6K 267 103

It seemed as if Miranda moved on so Ben did too. More



1.4K 44 7
By benandmirandalover

“The license plate came back and it is registered to a woman name Victoria Simmons.” The detectives said over the phone .

“Victoria Simmons” Miranda said looking over at Ben who shrugged his shoulders.

“She actually is registered as a nurse and she lives in Los Angeles.”

“So now what do we do and what are y’all going to do.” Miranda asked concerned.

“Again all we can tell you is to take extra precaution and what we are going to do is notify Los Angeles police department to go to her apartment and job and be on the look out for traffic stops  to arrest her. It’s a warrant out for her arrest.”

“So all we do is wait.” Ben said in disbelief.

“Unfortunately yes, that’s all you can do.”

“It’s okay Ben it’s all we been doing anyway.” Miranda said as they hung up the phone with the detectives.

.Two days passed.

“Hey baby” Ben smiled walking up to Miranda. She looked like she had a major attitude.

“What’s wrong.” Ben asked rubbing her back.

“I just don’t feel good. I think I’m just getting sick and I’m tired.” Miranda said looking up at him.

“You might just need to go home for the day and rest.” Ben said concerning.

“I think I am.” Miranda groaned.

“Okay and I will bring home food and pick Tuck up from the daycare for you .” Ben said leaning down to kiss her on the head.

Miranda grabbed her jacket and her purse. She drove home and she took the elevator up to their floor. Miranda walked to their apartment number and she stopped looking at the apartment door. It was cracked open and she looked at the knob seeing that it looked to be was tampered with.

Miranda took a deep breath and pushed the door open, walking inside.

“Victoria, I know you are in here.” Miranda said yelling for her.

When Miranda got no reply. She sat her purse down. Grabbing her phone dialing the detectives number. The detectives didn’t answer and she clicked her teeth. Leaving a message. “This bitch is in my house and I would suggest you get here now.” Miranda said hanging up.

Miranda grabbed a knife from the kitchen and she walked towards the bedroom.

“Victoria. I don’t understand why it had to come to this. You clearly don’t value your own life. “ Miranda called out.

Miranda pushed her and Ben’s door opened and she looked at the rose petals and candles that were lit.

“What the hell.” Miranda said out loud.

“He’s mine.” Miranda heard as Victoria caught her off guard from behind the bedroom door.

Miranda felt her self being choked, dropping the knife at the surprise attack. Miranda struggled for air as she elbowed her as hard as she could. Kimberly’s gripped loosen and Miranda used this as the opportunity to grabbed her arm, throwing her into the dresser.

Miranda just entered into the fight of her life.

Ben was in surgery when his phone buzzed constantly. He pulled his phone out to see Detective Carson calling.
“Excuse me. I gotta take this" Ben said to Richard.

“Detectives anything new.” Ben asked.

“ Have you spoken with Miranda. We got the voicemail from her saying that Victoria was in you all’s house and we were calling her back but received no response. Did she call you?.”

“She What?!” Ben yelled. “No she didn’t call me. So she is in the house with a maniac.” Ben yelled.

“We are sending police to the address now and we are on our way there.”

Ben hung up the phone and he called Knox. He explained the situation to him and asked him to come relieve him of his surgery.

“Victoria he doesn’t want you. It’s over.” Miranda yelled as they tumbled on the floor. Miranda fell back hitting her head and she watched as Victoria crawled out of the room.

“Oh no you don’t.” Miranda yelled getting up and jogging after her. Miranda pulled her by he feet dragging her. She couldn’t believe that this woman was in their home with only a bra and panties and wearing Ben’s white coat. She didn’t even know how she got one of them. It was ruined now. Stained with both Miranda’s and her blood.

“You touched my child.” Miranda said as she kicked the woman.
“You fucked up my belongings.”
“ You put your hands on my son.” Miranda said once again kicking her along with the words.

Miranda got ready to drag her by her feet again. Pulling her to the front door. As Miranda reached down for her ankles. Victoria kicked Miranda in the nose causing her to fall backwards. “Shit.” Miranda cursed at the feeling and the impact of hitting the floor. She felt stuck, the pain was so bad she could barely move. Miranda groaned as she saw Victoria start to get on her feet.

She was trying to muster up her strength to get up but all she could do was scoot backwards. Miranda continued scooting back until she was met with the brick portion of the fire place.

“He’s mine.” Victoria called out wiping her bloody mouth and nose.

“You tried to take him from me and now I have to remove you from the picture.” Victoria said snarky as she stood over Miranda. Miranda turned her head looking for anything she could use.

“I told you I still wanted him and you wouldn’t back off.” Victoria said kicking Miranda in the stomach.

“Ugh” Miranda said as the pain coursed through her body.

Miranda watched as she stood over her with a vase, she grabbed from on top of the fireplace and she reached for a fire poker before pushing it through her chest.

Victoria looked down at the pole sticking into her chest and Miranda’s eyes widen along with hers. She couldn’t believe that she actually did it. Miranda laid her head back as her chest heaved up and down and she listened to the sounds of Victoria struggling to breath. Miranda knew it wouldn’t be long before she died.

Miranda tried to sit up, the surgeon in her wanting to help but everything went black.

Miranda opened her eyes and she snapped them shut from the bright lights. Her mouth was dry and her head was pounding. She felt her heart race as she was panicking.

“Miranda.” She heard the distance sound of Ben’s voice.

“Miranda I’m here.” Ben said grabbing her hand. She no longer felt like she was underwater. Her hearing was clear and Ben’s voice wasn’t distorted along with the beeping of the machines.

“Welcome back Doctor Bailey.” The doctor in the white coat said coming into the room. He looked at the monitor before looking at her.

“You know where you are.” He asked. Miranda didn’t know what hospital it was but she knew it was a hospital. Nodding her head she tried to speak. “yes.” She said clearing her throat.

“Okay great. I need you to relax.. okay. Your baby is in distress and all of this is not good for you or your baby’s health.” The doctor said and Miranda’s eyes widen.

“ What bab-

“Yeah Miranda baby.” Ben said pointing to the monitor of her womb on the ultrasound showing the baby clearly.

Miranda seeped her hand down her hospital gown to her stomach and she rubbed her hand across. Feeling the firmness and the cords she was hooked up too.  From the looks of the baby she looked to be 2 months pregnant.

“A baby.” Miranda said full on crying as tears began to swell and seep out of her eyes.

Miranda looked over at Ben as he put his hands on top of hers. “I love you.” Ben said earnestly. “I thought I lost you.” He said sadly.

“Not a chance and I love you too.” Miranda said softly.

“I though you also had a miscarriage but our little one hung in there.” Ben said as his mind traveled back to him racing to their apartment. The police wasn’t going to let him through until he saw detective Carson. Ben raced inside the apartment and he saw Miranda laying there as the paramedics were putting the oxygen on her nose.

Ben saw the blood that was coming from the middle of her pants. His eyes widen at the sight. “Oh Miranda.” Ben said going to her. She looked at the blood under nose and her busted lip. 

“I killed her Ben.” Miranda said bringing him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah but Miranda it’s okay, it was self defense. It was ruled as that too, you don’t have to go to court or anything. She was trespassing.”

“I know Ben but I’m a surgeon. My hands are used to heal and save lives not intentionally take one.” Miranda mumbled. 

“ Miranda everyone has a killer in them. It’s either kill or be killed” Ben told her.

“Ben this is not the wild Thornberry’s nor is it Animal planet.” Miranda said hitting his hand as Ben stifled a laugh.

Miranda turned looking over at the monitor. “Aww it’s a baby. Our baby.” Miranda said cheesing. “Look at them, whew they look like they are going to have your head.” Miranda teased.

“Yeah right Miranda. Your head is big as hell.” Ben said laughing.

“Shut up “ Miranda laughed

“You think it’s a girl?” Miranda asked.

“I think so.” Ben replied as he stood up to lean down and kiss her.

A year passed and Miranda went on her lunch break. She walked down to the daycare and nursery.

“Hi Tuck.” Miranda said watching him smile as she walked through the door.

The daycare worker handed her, her new bundle of joy and Miranda smiled once again. “Awww mommy’s Miracle.” Miranda said kissing her on the head.

“Your kids had quite the visitors.”

“Visitors.” Miranda said as her heart began to race, remembering what happened the last time.

“Who came to see them?” Miranda questioned her voice picking up.

“Me.” Ben said walking into the room.

Miranda relaxed and blew out a breath. “Oh okay” Miranda said looking over at him.

“ I had to walk this way earlier today and I just popped in to say hi.” Ben explained smiling.

“You don’t have to explain. They are your kids, just as much as they are mine.” Miranda said smiling.

“you got a point Mrs. Fiancé.” Ben said hugging her before picking Tuck up.

“I brought my lunch with me but I guess you can have half of mine.” Ben said as they sat at the little tables in the day care with Tuck. Tuck ran to go get his lunch box and sat it on the table.

Miranda sat down in the little seat and she smiled at Ben as him and Tuck talked about dinosaurs. Miranda cut his sandwiches into that shape today and he was so happy about it.

Miranda looked Ben up and down and then looked down at her sleeping baby girl.
“Two more.” Miranda said out loud but more so talking to Ben, answering his question from two nights ago.

“Two more what.” Ben asked before catching her drift.
Ben cheesed, he was beyond happy.

“Oh really two more babies.” Ben questioned, he was asking for one more but this was even better.

“Mmmmhhmm two.” Miranda replied holding two fingers up.
“Anndd.” Miranda started and watched Ben hang on to her every word.
“We can start tonight.” Miranda finished licking her lips.

“Start what tonight mommy.” Tuck asked in his cute little voice

“Um moving things around in my bed room for the baby.” Miranda replied thinking quickly and she wasn’t even sure why she said what she said.

She caused Ben to burst into laugher.
“Shut up, I hate you.” Miranda said throwing a balled up napkin at Ben.
“I love you.” Ben said catching it.

“Mommy that was not nice. You told me no hitting, no biting, no scratching, no pushing, no throwing or punching.” Tuck said listing out a routine reminder that she goes through with him.

“I know right Tuck, mommy needs to be punished.” Ben teased and Tuck nodded.

“Don’t worry son I got that part handled.” Ben winked at Miranda and Miranda blushed with a toothy grin.

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