Totally Ice Cold... Again!!

By Mat49324

38 2 7

Clover wants to do the Ice Bucket Challenge again after last time when she called out the other spies. Will... More

An Icy Return

38 2 7
By Mat49324

Story created: 12/27/20

1:38 P.M. – Malibu University - Student Lounge

On another regular day at the campus of Malibu University, Sam, Clover, Alex, and Britney were all relaxing in the student lounge having just finished their own class. Nick and Mat weren't anywhere because they were in class themselves; Blaine was at volleyball practice himself, too. Alex was enjoying a smoothie and Sam was reading another of her books. Clover and Britney were checking out their phones. Sam wore her green blouse and blue jeans; Alex had on her yellow shirt and light blue overalls; Clover had on her blue crop top and jeans herself; Britney had on a blue tee and jeans herself.

"Find something good, Clover?" Alex wondered as she enjoyed her smoothie.

"Uh-huh," Clover answered. "I uploaded my Ice Bucket Challenge video to YouTube and I've gotten a LOT of hits!"

That got Sam's attention; Britney looked up from her phone, too.

"Let's see that," Sam remarked.

Clover handed her phone to Sam for her to check out.

"Holy smokes!" Sam exclaimed. "You're not far away from 10,000 views!"

Clover's view count was at 9,982; Sam then returned Clover's phone.

"I don't know about you guys, but I wanna do that challenge again," Clover laughed.

"Hey, once is enough sometimes," Alex nervously chuckled.

"True," Sam stated.

"I admit that challenge was fun," Britney added in.

"Did either of you girls upload your videos to YouTube?" Clover asked.

"Not me," Sam immediately answered.

"I thought about it," Britney told Clover. "And I did."

"I decided not to either," Alex remarked. "Just like Sammy."

"Decided not to do what?" asked another voice.

The girls looked to see Nick and Mat returning from their classes.

"Clover uploaded her Ice Bucket Challenge video to YouTube," Britney answered. "I did, too."

Sam and Alex went up to their boyfriends for kisses.

"Clover's view count is near 10,000," Sam told Mat.

"And mine is over 10,000," Britney told the boys.

"Right on!" Mat commended.

"You took the challenge, eh, Nick?" Clover asked.

Nick pointed towards one of the related videos and sure enough, there he was, with a view count of close to 10,000.

"Clover wants to take the challenge again, too," Alex added to Nick and Mat.

"She does?" Mat wondered.

"I got no problem doing that Ice Bucket Challenge again," Britney chuckled. "How about the rest of you?" she asked and turned to Sam, Alex, Nick, and Mat.

"Sounds like fun," Mat replied.

"If it's for a good cause, why the heck not?" Nick quipped.

"Same here," Alex giggled.

"Hey, does anyone think we should go get Blaine?" Clover asked. "I'm pretty sure his volleyball practice is just about wrapped up."

"You just wanna see your beau," Nick teased.

"Aw, ya got me," Clover laughed.

"No need, Clover, as I'm right here," Blaine answered, to which Clover ran over and hugged him.

"Okay, so, who's up for playing on the beach?" Alex proclaimed. "It's too nice a day to waste it in here!!"

"Sounds like a plan to me!!" Nick stated.

Naturally, the spies were already engaged in shenanigans when they got to the beach.

Nick and Alex were having a good old-fashioned beach chase, which was the one thing they really hadn't done in their relationship at this point in time.

"Catch me if you can, Alex!!" Nick teased as he juked to one side...

...only for Alex to anticipate that move and jump to that side to tackle him into the sand.

"Looks like I just did," Alex laughed. "What do I win?"

"Well... how about this?" Nick replied, leaning up to kiss his girlfriend, a move she gladly returned.

"Oh, say, did you hear about the contest Sammy won?" Alex asked. "You know, since the Ice Bucket Challenge is back in our minds?"

"Wait, she won a contest about it?" Nick wondered.

"Yep!!" Alex giggled. "And ooh, we had a lot of fun rubbing it in Mandy's face, because she was such a witch about that contest."

"When it comes to Mandy, why am I not surprised?" Nick laughed.

"Oof, let's hope she doesn't find out we're trying the challenge again," Clover stated. "She's never going to stop nagging us about it."

"Hey, I think I can keep her in check if she starts with her usual spiel," Nick answered. "But for now, let's keep having fun, 'kay?"

"True that, bro," Mat quipped.

Clover and Britney were getting a tan themselves, and Sam and Mat were also having an old-fashioned beach chase themselves – Sam wearing her old green one-piece swimsuit.

"Super sweet to see," Clover commented at Mat and Sam chasing each other playfully.

"Totally," Britney answered, turning on her stomach to tan on her back.

Blaine was practicing volleyball with a few teammates in the meantime.

"There's no way you're gonna catch me!!" Mat teased at Sam.

Mat was forced to eat his words when Sam turned on the juice in her legs and tackled Mat into a wave, which made them both splash in the ocean.

"You were saying...?" Sam asked with a grin after both she and Mat resurfaced and got to their feet.

The water level was up to their thighs.

"I guess I was wrong then," Mat laughed.

He rewarded Sam by picking her up in his arms and kissing her as he walked back to shore carrying her.

"Wo-ow!!" Sam sighed with a loving smile. "Mat-honey, I love you so much!"

"I love you, too, my dreamboat," Mat smiled back as he put Sam down.

Nick and Alex happened to see them and grinned.

"Look at those two," Alex giggled.

"Well, we're kinda the same, aren't we?" Nick laughed as he picked Alex up and spun her around for a bit before pulling him close so that he could kiss her. "I love you, Alex."

"Love you, too, Nick," Alex proclaimed.

At the same time, Blaine had just finished up beach volleyball practice and was on his way back to the group of spy friends.

"Now, let's just have a bit of quiet time," Clover stated.

"Hold up," Nick then remarked. "What's this about a 'contest' you won, Sam?" he asked.

"Well, Alex was working her shift at the Mali-U Café," Sam started. "And that's when we found out – from Mandy actually – that Virgil was holding his contest."

"The grand prize was free coffee for three days," Alex added. "And an interview with the Mali-U paper... and Sam won it."

"I won free coffee myself," Blaine chimed in.

"We all did actually," Britney quipped.

"And Sam won the grand prize," Nick stated, already knowing the outcome, thanks to Alex.

"Yes, I did," Sam quipped. "I was totally stunned to hear that I won..."

"So, since this is on our minds, let's take a vote," Clover proclaimed. "Those who want to... raise your hand."

Everybody did so. Nobody voted "no."

"Well, I suppose I'll go get us some ice," Mat told the others.

"Hey, I'll come with you, man," Blaine added.

Britney checked the time. "3:08 – we should hurry..."

The spies packed up their things and went back to their penthouse for the rest of the day while Mat and Blaine went off to pick up some ice at the nearest convenient store.

3:39 P.M. – Malibu University - The Spies' Penthouse

Nick and Alex wasted no time with a kissing session; all the spies remained in their swimsuits from the beach since they planned to do the Ice Challenge that way again.

"By the way," Nick stated after his sixth kiss with Alex. "How'd you get entered?" he asked Alex.

"We had to show proof that we took the challenge to a barista," Alex answered. "Show our videos and sign a spiral notebook basically... or let Virgil know up front and center."

"I'm just sorry you didn't win, Alex," Nick told his girlfriend.

"Hey, I'm just happy that one of us won," Alex replied.

"I admit I was pretty hesitant and quick to deny taking that Ice Challenge," Sam added in. "But Mat offered me to do the challenge with him, and I eventually changed my tune."

"That's AFTER Sam changed to her bikini," Clover corrected.

"You would, Clover," Sam laughed.

In the meantime, the automatic sliding doors were heard, and Blaine and Mat with a couple bags of ice.

"Oh, they're back," Nick remarked.

"I got us covered," Britney stated as she brought a bucket out from the bathroom.

"Great! Nice job, Brit!" Clover exclaimed.

"We don't need to nominate anyone this time," Mat stated. "Unlike last time when Clover called us out."

"After I'd called her out first," Blaine added in.

"Well, are we ready?" Alex asked the group.

"I am if you are," Nick proclaimed. "Let's stomp this challenge!!"

Nick made a quick detour to grab his video camera and set it up, also giving everyone time to prepare themselves.

"All right, then who's gonna go first?" Sam wondered.

"Ooh, I'll kick it off this time," Alex replied. "How about it, Nick? You wanna be the one to douse me this time?"

"Well, when you put it that way..." Nick chuckled as he grabbed a bucket from Britney and filled it with enough ice, then lifted it over his girlfriend's head. "And since I'm a nice guy... you ready, Alex?"

"As I'll ever be," Alex responded. Two seconds later, Nick doused Alex, causing her to yelp in shock.

"Oh, my god, it's still as cold as ever!!" Alex exclaimed.

"At least you got some warning, huh?" Nick teased, not noticing that Clover was sneaking up behind him with a wicked grin on her face.

Alex was internally debating on whether or not to warn Nick about Clover's approach, but...

"HOLY CRAPBASKETS!!!" Nick shouted as Clover dumped another bucket of ice over him before he could react.

"Ah, I've always wanted to do that," Clover giggled.

Suddenly, Clover shouted out loud when Blaine doused her out of the blue.

"Sorry, sweetie, but that's revengeance," Blaine laughed.

Sam laughed at everything going on... until Mat, who had the bucket himself, appeared behind Sam.

"Here ya go, hon," Mat laughed and doused her.

Sam screamed as the ice water trickled down her body.

"Now you look so perfect," Mat laughed.

"Oh really...?" Sam remarked and doused Mat almost immediately after the fact.

"OH MY GOSH!!!" Mat screamed as Sam doused him.

This time, Sam laughed as Mat felt the cold water. Nick was quick to put a towel around Mat's neck.

"Well, did everyone have fun?" Britney giggled.

Britney suddenly didn't like the looks the others were giving her. "W-what?" Britney gasped.

"You're the only one who hasn't been doused yet, Brit," Alex giggled. "Come on, we gotta complete the circle!!"

Nick took that honor, leaping forward to douse Britney before she could think of anything else.

"ACK!!!" Britney sputtered.

"There, now we've all done it," Nick quipped.

"See, wasn't that fun?" Alex laughed.

"Still cold as hell, but that was pretty fun," Mat admitted.

"Britney's reaction honestly reminded me of Jerry's face when he did it," Clover giggled.

"Wait, you called out Jerry?" Nick gasped.

"Yeah, way back when we first did this challenge," Sam answered. "It was pretty funny seeing Jerry's face when we called him out."

"Oh, this I gotta hear," Nick laughed.

"Well, first of all, this was after Mat and Sam did their challenges," Clover began. "And that's when I went ahead and added in the nomination to Jerry."

"Was he surprised or looking forward to taking the challenge?" Blaine asked.

"Well," Alex remarked. "After we had done all our challenges, we were interrupted while we were doing a movie night by Jerry himself."

"And we totally thought he'd go for it," Clover added in. "Instead he chuckled at our videos, and commended us."

"I asked him if he was going to do it or not," Mat told Nick and Blaine.

"He said he would?" Nick asked.

"He said, 'Not in a million years will I take that challenge,' and he even wrote a check for $200 to charity," Sam told Nick and Blaine.

"I couldn't help but keep saying 'What a chicken!!' when he said he wouldn't do the challenge," Mat added.

"Never would have thought Jerry would chicken out," Blaine chuckled.

"Hey, I'm sure we all have our limits at times," Nick quipped.

"Well, that was fun to do again," Britney quipped.

This time, none of the spies chose to call Jerry out again like Clover did last time.

"I'm glad we got to do this again with Blaine and Nick present this time," Alex told the group.

"Yeah, this was actually pretty fun," Nick stated. "Cold as hell, but still fun."

"I'm seconding that with Blaine since he had class the last time," Clover replied, feeling the same happiness as Alex.

"That's right," Britney quipped, realizing what happened last time.

"Great job, everyone," Nick replied.

The seven spies shared a high five.

"Well, we shared with Nick how Sammy won Virgil's contest," Alex started again. "We didn't hear who called Nick out."

"Yes, that's right," Mat quipped, now hand-in-hand with Sam. "Care to share your story on who called you out and such, bro?"

"It was actually my sister Melissa," Nick explained. "I still remember wondering what the heck she was doing dumping ice on herself, but I figured it out quickly the instant she called me out to take the challenge. At first, I was a little wary, since I'd be, well, dumping ice on myself, but when Melissa explained that it would be for a good cause, that was all the motivation I needed to say 'sign me the heck up'."

"That must have been fun," Alex giggled.

"Oh, tell me about it," Nick laughed.

Totally Spies: Totally Ice Cold... Again!!

~The End~

Final Note from Mat49324: Well, it feels good to do a one-shot like this again. I know I did this last year in October just for the heck of it, but I figured this'd be extra special to do again – specifically because Pat Quinn, the man who created this challenge, passed away late last year. I will say that I did this challenge myself, and you can find it on my YouTube channel, MathewV21688. I will also say that I was considering using The Blue Time Ranger's Nick OC the first time around, but I decided against it for unknown reasons. This time, I felt it would be perfect to do so this year. For now, here's The Blue Time Ranger if there's anything he'd like to say.

Final Note from The Blue Time Ranger: And that's another one-shot down!! At first, I remember having no idea why people were dumping ice or super-cold water on themselves, but when I found out it was for ALS research in hopes of finding a cure, I was interested. Just as a side note, people in my neck of the woods (a.k.a. Wisconsin) always like to do something called the Polar Plunge, where they dress in nothing but their swim gear and jump into freezing lakes for charity. It's quite similar to the Ice Bucket Challenge, really.

And that's all I have to say, other than thanks for reading, have a fantastic day, don't listen to the screeching morons, and we'll see you next mission!!

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