The story of Lolandina

By bichboi37

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don't ask because i don't have an answer More


7 0 0
By bichboi37

"three minutes and thirty seconds", that's what the time said in the upper right corner of my stream as i entered the nether.

- "a red biome, damn chat this might be the run i beat the world record" i say and add a little giggle at the end. i don't want to seem too confident in myself if i end up dying. While sprint jumping thru a jungle of pink threes and those scary pigs i glance over at my chat, i had earlier today reached a new max viewers record, 100 000. Its weird having that many people watch you do something as simple as playing minecraft. Especially when in reality they don't know anything about me, all they know is that i'm good at speerunning. I guess i should be thankful that they don't know everything about me.
It was hard to even read a single word in chat, every word just sped past the screen. I caught a few PogChamps and lol's but that's all.
But enough of chat i need to focus on the game, if i wanted to reach maximum clout i needed this world record. I focused my eyes on the game just in time to catch a glimpse of a purple something in the nether fog,
- "could that be a fortress?" i say out loud, after all i do have a stream to entertain and me getting caught in my own thoughts isn't very entertaining. As i sprint towards the fortress a donation pops up "could you explain why a lot of people call you dream jr?".
- " yeah of course i can, i love talking about that story" not true, i hate it. I think i've been asked this same question about a 100 times these past weeks. Do people not know how to make a simple search on the web? But for obvious reasons that's not something i can say on stream, i'd probably get cancelled faster than i can say chicken nugget.
- "I'm guessing a lot of you know who dream is but if you don't here's a fast recap, huge minecraft youtuber and streamer, current holder of the world record that i'm trying to beat. Mans disappeared a few weeks ago, fans are worried but he's probably just chilling in bahamas or some other nice place. Anyways, when he disappeared a lot of people found my streams and found comfort in how alike me and dreams content were. So that's why i'm currently best know as dream jr" i breath out, talking is exhausting. I'd rather just beat this damn record in peace than answer donos right now, but "if they pay i say" is my motto in life at the moment.

I quickly slaughter enough blazers for eight blaze rods before i head back to the portal, answering some more donos on the way,

"do you have a boyfriend?"

"today's the day you beat the record i can feel it"
"thank you for being confident in me, i hope your feeling is right"

"are you a cat or dog person?"
"oh definitely a cat person"

"how did you come up with your name lolandina?"
"hmm i don't know i guess i just said lol a lot and then lolandina just happened"

"how long are you gonna stream for?"
"i'll probably end after this run. sorry chat" i'm not really sorry tho, i've been streaming for FOUR HOURS and man am i tired, and hungry, so hungry.

I step into the portal at exactly 10 minutes and 6 seconds,
- "ooooo chat this is looking good" i actually might have a chance at beating dreams stupid record i think as i throw and ender eye and quickly turn around and start running in the direction of the eye. After about two minutes of running and me babbling about my favourite chips i throw another eye and this time it goes down, I start digging.

Now i'm actually starting to get a bit nervous, i have approximately 4 minutes to beat the ender dragon. My brain is trying to pep talk me by repeating the words " you" "can" "do" "it" over and over again. I start getting annoyed at it after a while but quickly forgives my brain as i finally finds the end room.
And then boom i'm standing in the end with 2 minutes to go. There's no time to spare and so i start shooting the end starts one by one until not a single one is left. And then my mind must have gone into a state of autopilot because all of a sudden the end screen pops up and i've beaten the end. I'm almost too afraid to look at the time but only almost, 14:14. I beat the ender dragon in 14 minutes and 15 seconds, beating dreams record with 30 seconds. Realisation hits me at the same time my chat turns from "omg so close" to "OMG SHE DID IT". I smile, the biggest most genuine smile i've ever seen on myself. I should smile more often it looks good on me i think as i see myself in the corner of my stream. i laugh at my own thought.
The rest of the stream is just a blur of donations congratulating me and me being thankful and bla bla bla.

I press end stream and take a deep breath, i love streaming don't get me wrong, it's just so so very exhausting. I sit in my chair just staring at my computer for a few seconds, processing what just happened. I beat the world record, i actually did it. Holy fuck [language].
Unfortunately the moment doesn't last that long since a weird noise from my stomach interrupts and reminds me of how very hungry i am. I pretend to think about what food i wanna eat but the answer is pretty clear. chicken nuggets. I just beat the world record, i'm absolutely getting chicken nuggets, it's what i deserve. I hop in my car and start driving to the nearest mcdonald's, taking the drive thru since we're in a goddamn pandemic. When it's finally my turn to order i feel a rush of generosity hit me and i order two sets of chicken nuggets, 10 each.

I park my car in the parking lot outside my house and rush inside, for some reason i feel excited to show him what i got. He's probably more excited than me tho, poor thing has been living on fish and bread. But first i finish my own chicken nuggets, absolutely delicious. I lock my front door as always before going down there and then hurry over to the basement door. It opens with a click and i step into the darkness.
- "ooh dream, you won't believe what i got you" i yell down, getting a "humpfh" in respons.
- "not very talkative today huh?" not that a blame him, if i had a sock in my mouth i wouldn't be very happy to talk either. I flick the lights on and lock eyes with the man infront of me, i wave and smile.
- " i got good news today. i beat your record, meaning i have the current speed running record" i look at him with a smile. He doesn't smile back.
I take the sock out of his mouth and the man starts talking
- " did you really? what time"
- " 13 minutes and 15 seconds"
- " i can't lie i'm impressed. But kidnapping me and forcing me to teach you how to speedrun seems a bit unnecessary don't you think?"
- "you're a good teacher and i didn't want any competition"
- " fairs. sooooo, are you letting me out now?"
- "nah you're fine here, i got you this tho" i hold up the chicken nuggets to his face. "because i'm feeling extra nice today i'll let you eat it yourself" and so i let his arms free from the chair, bad mistake.
"all yours" i say and point at the nuggets in-front of him and turn around to walk out. Bad move. Something hits my side and i feel everything go black.

auch, that hurt is the only thought in my mind as i gain conscious back. I open my eyes slowly and is met by four boys standing in front of me. I sit myself up and look at their faces, bad, sapnap, george and dream.
- "sup boys aheheh let's have a-" didn't even get to finish my sentence before bad chopped my head of, finally turning into the bad boy he's always been ment to become. The prophecy coming true at last.


yes this is me giving up on this awful "book" i hate it goodbye and goodnight i'm so sorry for writing this, trust me i regret it more than you regret reading it.

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