*Drawn to You*

By LoyalylovingAri

51.8K 1.3K 462

I don't know you but I am drawn to you in every way Sequel is out -FAR AWAY FROM YOU- More

Two worlds
Your kidding me right
21 Questions
Late Night Movies and Almost Cuddle Session
Slightly jealous ... But i am the slowest
Lunch dates and awkward exchanges
You matter to me
Closer and closer
Way to close
Do me like that
I know you been going though things
waiting for ya
It's You and I
You got me screaming my my my
Cause your what i adore
You dont owe me anything
Heartbreak hotel
You da One
Can i lay by your side?
Keep ya hands on me dont take em off..
Last Day in Boca?!
California love..?!?
Only in the D....
Cry me a river..

Just like that

1.9K 56 10
By LoyalylovingAri

A/N so since yall love this story so much I decided to give you a second update on this story 💕☁️

(Ariana's point of View)

I wake up to toulouse whining so he could go to the bathroom as much I love my baby t I seriously don't want to get out this bed. I roll over and remove Sean's arm from my waist and slip out of the bed to to take toulouse out. I look at the time on the clock on the table and see that it's three am. I sigh as baby t does his business and finishes I get a wipe a clean his butt. I know it weird but he is my baby so yes he gets his bottom cleaned. Which reminds me I have to take him to the groomers at 5 today..

We head upstairs and I sneak back into the room and climb back in the bed with Sean. I know it should be weird that we are sleeping together in the same bed but we have slept together in den during our movie night. Which was so fun I hope we have time to have more one on one time. I lay my head back on Sean's chest and drift to sleep within minutes.

I was woken up Sean phone going on which I guess he didn't hear because he didn't budge so I reached over and grabbed his phone seeing it was his mom calling I answered.

Myra.. Hello Sean

Ariana .. To Myra .,.. Umm hi Myra Sean is still sleeping it's Ariana

Myra to Ariana .. (While smiling) hi sweetheart. How are you doing ? Wait how do you know he is still sleep?

Ariana to Myra ... Umm because I stayed the night in his room with him.
I waited to hear her reaction.

Myra to Ariana ... Well when he wakes up tell let him know that your mother and I will be back around 2 this afternoon okay .

Ariana to Myra .. I will . Bye see you soon...

I hang up Sean's phone... And set it back down. I notice that the whole time I have been leaning on him Sean hasn't woken up yet.. I just lay there on my phone group texting Sascha and Alexa. Telling them that me and Sean kissed. They both were surprised but they said that they knew it was going to happen. I laugh to myself getting up and getting ready for my day. I get up and head to my room to change I decided to wear my Jordan's that Sean had got me.

My outfit was a tight black v neck t shirt and teal leggings . I decided to flat iron my hair.. I brush my teeth and do my eye make up head downstairs to get something to eat. By the time I made my oatmeal Sean was coming downstairs with toulouse falling close behind. I go and sit at the island when I feel eyes on me I know that they are Sean's he makes a bowl of cereal and comes and sits next to me. I tell him that his mom called saying that they would be back around 2 and its already 12:34..

I get up and to put my bowl in the sink and walk over to Sean and tell let him know that I answered his phone this morning and that how I know his mom called. He looked at me said that's alright. Then he asked how I even got his phone to answer it. I blushed and told him well I had literally lay cross your chest which by the way you slept through as well.

Sean tells me that he always tends to sleep better when he has some sleeping in the bed with him. I don't know say or do so I just kiss him on the cheek and telling him well you know that going to be easier the next few day. I head into the den decide to catchup up on my Pll episodes on the DVR. half way through the the second episode i hear my baby toulouse coming downstairs most likely to cuddle since we didn't get to cuddle last night. He comes and jumps on the couch on the inside of the couch now that I am laying down. He has his body curled under my back and has his head laying over my side. I laugh and bring my attention back to the tv .

I guess I had been invested in the show because comes downstairs saying the his mom text him say they will be here in 10 minutes I sit up so Sean can have a seat leaving toulouse a little upset that I had to move him. I was basically still laying on the couch in a way but just mainly on Sean. We started to talk about our plans for the day I told him that I had an appointment to take Toulouse to the groomer at 5. Then I need make sure the that the everything for my birthday is situated.

Just then our parents come through the door. They come in look at us, well hello there you two. I laugh and get up to hug my mom I missed her. I see Sean hugging him mom and helping her with her bag they head upstairs. When mommy grabs me and asked how my last few days were with Sean. I laugh and tell her they were good. I met his friends and he met mine we all hung out.

When Sean and Myra come back downstairs. We all sat down night living room and our moms told us about the apartment well now house they got us. Which was going to be California that's going to be so far away from my home. I guess Sean was going to look at rings for me later today. My mind is spinning.

I guess Sean could tell that I was getting overwhelmed by this all. I walk into the kitchen which was straight across from the living room. I was leaning up against the island when Sean came in

Sean to Ariana... Look I know that was a lot.

Ariana to Sean... Yeah just a little bit

Sean to Ariana... I want you to makes sure you are okay. Walking towards me he holds my waist.

Ariana to Sean.... I am fine I promise plus I agreed to try it. Smiling at him I look up him putting my arms around his waist pulling him into a hug. As we release from the hug Sean leans down and kisses me.

We went back and listened to how our moms trip went. Then Sean went to store to look at rings around 430 I asked him if he could take me to toulouse's groomer on the way he said yeah. I went upstairs to get my Jordan's and wallet and toulouse leash and grabbed my baby t and we head out...

He dropped is off and told me that've would be back when he was done liking at the rings. I kissed his cheek and headed to the groomer ...

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