𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 || 𝚆�...

By fa1rydream

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⠀⠀⠀⠀❝ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒈... More



854 20 2
By fa1rydream

─── ・ 。゚☆ : * . ☽ . * : ☆ 。゚・ ───

Katherine Swann point of view
Father, Elizabeth, and I got back home earlier than how we planned to this morning. Father immediately ordered soup for dinner, to warm his daughters up. I wanted to go out to see Will, but Father did not allow me nor my sister to leave the house at the moment.

Father went out to continue his work with James Norrington. The sun is not setting yet, but dark clouds are surrounding the sky of Port Royal, as if it's night already. So, after taking a bath and having dinner, Elizabeth and I went to bed early. I'm not very sleepy right now, so I decided to have a warm chocolate drink and continue reading my book about fairy tales on my bed. Theo is washing himself beside me, getting ready to sleep.

Marie slips the warming pan between my bed sheets. "There you go, Miss Katherine, it was a difficult day for you, I'm sure,"

"Thanks, Marie,"

"Of course, Miss. You were being threatened by that pirate! How terrifying!" Marie looks at me worriedly.

"Yeah, it was terrifying..." instead of being scared of Jack Sparrow, I am more of angry at him. 'I should've punch his face or kick him,' I thought. I finish my chocolate drink briskly to reduce my anger.

Marie notices that I become a little emotional, as she changes our topic of conversation. "I heard the commodore purposed Miss Elizabeth! Fancy that. Now that's a smart match Miss Katherine, if it's not too bold to say,"

I blink once, then politely respond, "They are a smart match. He's a... good man, I suppose. And my sister, she's such a lovely person,"

"Well, that Will Turner. He's a fine man, too," Marie smiles teasingly at me. I can feel my face blushing when she mentions my best friend's name. "When did you know about it?" I asked, trying to hold the smile on my face.

"Since the first day you arrived here Miss. You were asking about him all the time," my lips slightly part, I didn't even realised it when I was younger.

"D-do you think we're a smart match?" I shyly asked the woman.

"I would be surprised if you both don't end up together! I can see how his eyes sparkles every time he sees you Miss," Marie smiles at me and get up, as I giggle of happiness. "Now, good night Miss Katherine. Sleep well,"

"Good night Marie," she nods and close my bedroom door.

I read a few more pages until I become sleepy. Suddenly, I hear a few knocks of a wood. The sound came from the door that connects my bedroom to Elizabeth's.

"Come in," I answered.

Elizabeth sticks out her head from the door, "Hey Kathy,"

"Hey Ellie,"

Elizabeth walks into my room. She lays on my bed, and start stroking Theo. "Not sleepy yet?" I asked, then she shakes her head.

"Just a little tired."

Elizabeth turns to me, and sigh. "Such a thrilling day isn't it? I got drowned on the sea and you got threatened by a pirate,"

"Yeah," I put my book and rest my head on my pillow. "A good start for an adventure fairytale." We stay quiet for a few minutes. Soon, Elizabeth moves next to me.

"Honestly Ellie, I should've punch or elbow Jack Sparrow, or kick him, or flip him over or... I think I read too much about fighting do I?" I spoke as my sister places her head on the pillow beside me.

Elizabeth chuckles, pinching my cheek. "You always want to fight,"

"Like a pirate?"

We let out a thin laugh, then I lay onto my right side to face my sister. "So... Miss Swann, how was the appointment with the dashing, New Commodore?" I smile cheekily, teasing Elizabeth. A blush starts forming on her face.

"H, he purposed me."

I gasp, rather surprised. "Oh, really?"


I'm not particularly sure what to say to her. I knew that Elizabeth is not forward to marry anyone at the moment. I also notice that she kind of fancy the commodore, but only a little.

"Well then... What did you say to him?"

"I fell off before I could answer," she bites her lower lip, feeling a little embarrassed.

I slip a bookmark on my book, and put the book beside my pillow. I stroke Theobroma a few times until he purrs, then I turn to my sister. Elizabeth is playing with her blonde hair.

"Do you ever wonder what would happen if you... Don't accept a certain man's proposal? How would Father react?" I questioned.

"I don't know." Elizabeth smiles, "Maybe he would kick me out of this house and I end up becoming an infamous terrifying pirate, just like how we used to imagine when we were younger,"

I chuckle, "Sounds invigorating,"

"I hope, whatever the choice we will take, never leads us to lifetime grief and regret."

I smile back at her, then we giggle awkwardly for a moment. I was about to put my book on the side table, when the candlelight suddenly blows itself, making my bedroom dark. "What was that?" Elizabeth asked, knowing that I didn't blow the candle.

My cat Theo wakes up as well, with straight ears and wide eyes. "I don't know,"

Suddenly, I have an urge to do something. After lightening the candle back, I get up to the long painting on the wall above my bed. "I have no idea why I am doing this, but please don't tell anyone, okay?" I spoke to Elizabeth, who nods after I say so.

I lift the painting and put it on the floor beside my bed. A sword with carved brass handle and sheath is hanged on the wall. I take it, and put it on my bed.

"This is the sword you got from William, right?" Elizabeth asked, as she observes it.

"Yes," I answered with a smile on my face. It is the best birthday gift I've ever had. The sword, the effort, and the dedication Will had by taking his time to taught me just feels heart-warming. As a return, I gave him a fine red cape and a big feather hat for his 20th birthday. Even though I always thought my gift is not as good as Will's, I'm glad to see him smiling when he opened the gift.

"That is very lovely of him, isn't it, my dear Katherine?" Elizabeth teasingly nudges me, making me realise I have been smiling to myself. Now, I am the one who has a red face. "Oh, sod off, Ellie...! Why don't you go marry him instead," I jokingly push my sister.

"Because, I wouldn't want you to cast a spell upon me and curse my entire life!" yelled Elizabeth, whilst softly pinching my cheek.

Elizabeth and I laugh. She knew that I love Will, and I don't mind much about it. Even though, she often tease me about it in front of him and other people.

I get up from my bed, and walk to a cabinet. I open the lowest drawer, and lift a wood divider. A dark brown leather belt is placed there, then I take it out.

"What's with this, pulling out your weapon, Kathy?" My sister asked curiously.

"I have no idea either," I wear my belt on my waist, then put my sword on it. "Do you ever had that feeling where you new that something, that is going to change your life forever, is going to happen?"

After finished using my effect, I twirl around to show up to Elizabeth. "I don't know. I mean, I always had it coming the day James Norrington will be proposing me..."

"What are you on about..." Elizabeth stares at me, concerned. A noisy sound heard from outside. "What the bloody hell is that," I mumbled, as I walk to the balcony.

I open one of the shut, revealing a horrendous view. Cannons being shot, buildings burned or destroyed, and people screaming and crying everywhere, giving shivers down my spine. I have never seen such horrifying view like it.

Not far away, a group of pirates seem to be heading to our house. I turn around, Elizabeth was behind me all along, looking at the same view. "Pirates are coming after us!" I said, as she nods.

I quickly tie my hair with a ribbon and we run to my door. Theo wants to join us, but I quickly stop him. "Theo, you have to stay here." I put him on my bed, close the door from outside, and immediately run to the guest room.

We arrived when Mr. Baileys is about to open the front door, which is harshly knocked from outside. I run to the butler and push him away, but the door is already opened. "Quick! Tell the others to run and hide!" I whispered to Mr. Baileys. He immediately runs, but the pirates are already inside the house, and they shoot him to the ground. "Hello, chum," spoke one of them to him.

While still hiding behind the door, I cover my mouth with my quivering hand, not believing what I have just witnessed. My eyes feels like it will let out tears soon. 'No, I can't cry. Not now.' I thought, calming myself with several deep breath.

About 7 pirates starts scattering around to take everything they can bring.

"Up there!" a pair of pirates point at Elizabeth who is standing on the stair. They start to run, chasing my sister. "No!" I screamed, and run towards Elizabeth.

'This is my chance to prove my skills.' I thought, pulling out my sword. "Stand back from my sister! And me!" I shouted as I point out my blade with both my hands, hoping that the pirates doesn't realise my shaking voice. The two of them stares at each other and grin, making me even more nervous.

"Sorry Kitty, there's no time for playing with your cute little toy," the man who is shorter than his friend said, as the other repeated, "Kitty,"

"As the matter of fact, this sword isn't a toy, and it can actually hurt you if you don't stay away from us!" I declared, while my sister squeezes my shoulder from behind.

"Do you even know how to use it?" asked the taller man, his right eye seems very filthy and unlively.

I nervously gulped, "O, of course I know! At least, that's what I thought..."

His friend added, "Have you actually fought an actual person who's actually trying to kill you?"

I gulped, not having the bravery I felt before. "N, no..."

"I think you shouldn't have admitted that..." Elizabeth whispered from behind.

The pair of pirates shares another eye contact. I slowly step back along with Elizabeth. Soon, with their malicious grimace, they pull out their own blades and guns.

I am not going to fight them.

A pirate brings golds and jewelleries on his hands.

Suddenly, a cannon is shot through the house, hitting a pillar and the pirate. A crack sound comes from the ceiling, revealing the chandelier going to fall. I quickly run, still holding Theo and my sword, and grab Elizabeth's hand.

She leads me to the dining room, and quickly lock the door using a candlestick.

"Why did they keep chasing you, like, mad??!" I asked Elizabeth as she gets up above a firebox. After putting down Theo and sheathe my sword, I turn around to look for any more weapon, but there is only a bread knife that has a rounded point. Elizabeth tries to take a pair of sword that is hanged with a decorative wood, but it turns out that the swords are part of it.

Elizabeth growls anxiously. She takes a deep breath, and hold my arms. "Look. Katherine, I need to apologise." She pulls out a necklace from her neck, the golden medallion we got from Will, eight years ago. The moonbeam gleams into the dining room, shining onto the medallion. It recalls the memory of my dream last night, giving me goosebumps.

"It is most likely, this is the reason why they came."

I furrow my brows. Elizabeth promised to give it back to Will, but she didn't?

"You kept it all this time?!" I nearly shouted.

"I am so sorry Katherine,"

"Oh God." I breathed out, biting my inner lip nervously. So many things could happen in a few minutes. Me and my sister could either die or get taken by the pirates and most likely to suffer the rest of our lives. Honestly the adventures would be interesting... But I haven't even confess my feelings to Will! "Do you think we can get rid of it...?" I spoke to Elizabeth.

"I'm not sure... But-" suddenly, the door of the room starts to shake, caused by the pirates trying to open it.

A spark of idea come to my mind; I open the window and the curtain, hoping that it could trick the pirates as if my sister and I went out through the window. There are two cupboards big enough for Elizabeth and me to hide, along with my cat. I whisper to her, "Let's just hide inside the cupboard, okay? And... Bring my sword." I hand the weapon to Elizabeth.

She only looks at it hesitantly. "No, I can't." I was about to open my mouth to speak but the door is nearly opened. "I love you Kathy." Elizabeth whispered to me, then I grab Theo as we quickly get inside the cupboards. I curl in the cupboard and hug my cat tightly. I could feel our hearts thumping so fast.

Harsh footsteps and breath catchings heard from outside. I slowly gasp, and immediately silent myself. They growl, and suddenly become quiet.

"We know you're here, poppets!" one of the pirate said.

"Poppet," the other one repeated. It seems like they couldn't be tricked by the window. "Come out!" the first pirate continued.

"We promise we won't hurt you," he said, then his friend gasps. For a moment I don't hear anything from outside. "You've got something of ours, and it calls to us." the first pirate continues, then he pauses, "The gold calls to us."

"The gold," the second pirate repeated his friend again. Elizabeth was right. The pirates came after the medallion.

Suddenly, it becomes quiet outside. I could feel some sort of tension built, giving me goosebumps. This silence feels peculiar.

"Hello, poppet."

I hear the cupboard where Elizabeth hide being opened. I quickly cover my mouth. I try to hold my voice, and sharpen my hearing sense, in case they hurt my sister, which is surely going to happen but I better wait for the right time.

"Parley!" Elizabeth shouted.

I immediately remember, Elizabeth and I used to secretly read about pirates. We would go to the library of Port Royal with our shawls, to cover our books on our way home. We learned so many things about piracy, including their codes and rules.

"What?" the first pirate questioned.

"Parley," Elizabeth continues, "I invoke the right of parley. According to the Code of the Brethren set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew, you have to take me to your captain."

"I know the code," said the pirate slowly.

"If an adversary demands parley, you can do them no harm until the parley is complete." spoke Elizabeth, I can feel her shaking through her voice.

The second pirate barks, "To blazes with the code...!"

"She wants to be taken to the captain!" the first pirate yelled at his mate. "And she'll go without a fuss. We must honor the code," his voice tone become 'nice' sounded. Soon, I hear Elizabeth and the pirates walk out together.

After making sure that there is no any other person outside, I loosen my tensed muscles and release Theo from my hug, resting my head on the cupboard wall. I take a deep breath. I stroke Theo's tabby fur and brush away some dirt on it, he was so wary.

I decide to stay inside the cupboard for a moment, hiding from the pirates and resting myself. I did not realize I was sleepy until I let out a wide yawn. I think of some things whilst gazing in the darkness.

"Mr. Baileys... We were never close but, his death felt so unreal..."

Theo rubs his head to my arm, then I lift and cuddle him in my arms.

"I could've protected him..." I whispered to my cat. Finally, the tears I've been holding all this time, streams down my face. I quietly sob in the dark, while the world outside roars its nightmare-like sounds.

Soon, I realise something I should've knew before.

'Wait, isn't parley only work for pirates?'

My lips part, I furrow my eyebrows.

'...Elizabeth is going to come back, right?'

─── ・ 。゚☆ : * . ☽ . * : ☆ 。゚・ ───

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