The Guy She Never Knew She Wa...

By Lottie_Cnozy

41.1K 1K 124

Charlotte Ruiz was once a shy girl who had a small crush on Tom when they were kids. As the years go by Charl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: His point of view
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40- censored version
Chapter 40- explicit version
Why are there two Chapter 40s?!
Author's note


998 14 0
By Lottie_Cnozy


Some explicit details have been written. Read at your own mercy. 


Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the waaaay

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

Hey! jingle bells, jingle bells~

Winter is in the air. The merriness of the season is shown on every doorstep. Through smiles and laughter. 'Tis the season to be jolly indeed. Everybody is back at their hometowns, stuffing themselves with scrumptious food.

It's been nice reuniting with all my relatives. As nice as it is hectic with holidays concerning family members. And as happy as I am to spend the holidays catching up with all my family members' lives. I am not too eager to share mine.

Yes, there's the thing about me just starting a new chapter of my life, entering college. But other than that there's nothing much. Most of my cousins are already working adults, very well into their thirties. That's my dad's side of the family anyway.

My mom is from a smaller Chinese family. They don't celebrate Christmas, only Chinese New Year which is only two months from now. I can tell you they are one rowdy bunch.

Everybody's been asking about my relationship status and my parents have been dropping way too many hints about a boyfriend. I'd blush and try to avoid as much conversation as possible. They can get really nosy.

"What was his name again? Thomas? Tom, was it?" "Yes, that's the name! Look at her go red." "Ahh, young love~"

"Moooom! Dad! Can you not?", I mumble-yelled at them.

These kinds of things happen every year so one should get used to it, I guess. Sigh. I wonder how it's going on Tom's side. Is he having fun? Does he miss me? Gosh, I miss him. So much.

We haven't seen each other for weeks. Three weeks to be exact. We decided that we weren't ready to face the big family reunion yet. Maybe next year we will.

Plus, his family is from the far west. The wild, wild west he'd joked. I smiled a lopsided smile, thinking about him. I pulled out my phone, rereading the texts we sent. We'd text every day, telling each other about our day. I'd laugh and smile like a buffoon over it.

My relatives would tease me about it. Even more, now that they knew. Calls were a little more difficult with rowdy backgrounds on both sides. I'd still get nervous whenever we called. Butterflies fluttering my insides. I'd choke on some words, stuttering my way through it. He'd tease me about it but I could also hear the anxiousness in his voice. The nervousness that came along with our first few experiences still lingers occasionally.

Today's the day my parents and I go back to our apartment. We're going back a little earlier than we'd planned. I'm excited to go back to the gym again. Gotta burn off the calories from all the sinfully rich food we'd been having. Hmm, the pudding. Fruit cakes. Hot chocolate. Yum.

Tom definitely won't be back till the next semester starts. Sigh. I miss his touch so much.


It's 5 pm. My favourite time to workout. Glancing around, there's no one but me here. Nice. Just how I like it. I popped in my earbuds, playing an upbeat song before beginning with the treadmill. My leg muscles ripples as I run.

Today I'm going to concentrate on my abs. My core, my weakest point. After a few alternative sets, I started doing sit-ups. Glancing at my form in the mirror as I go. Smirking to myself, I thought of how Tom will react if he saw me now. My toned body in a sports bra and form-fitting leggings. My eyes flit to my phone in my bag at the corner.

If he can't be here to see it, why not bring it to him?

I posed suggestively in front of the mirror. Pulling on my bra strap to show a hint of cleavage and a sensual bite on the lips. Intentionally showing off the curves my sportswear failed to conceal. Then I sent it to him. Adding a caption saying, "I miss you so much. Guess where I am? xoxo~"


*Tom's p.o.v.*

*bzzt* *plink!*

Groggily I sat up, irritated at the noise. Accidentally pushing over old photographs around me in my bedroom. I haven't gotten any decent sleep since I started spending the holidays at my relatives' place. It was so crowded and noisy all the time. It didn't help that I was busy taking care of my younger cousins so that the adults could enjoy the holiday season without the kids. I really don't mind. It's just taken a toll on me. The kids' energy levels are way too high and I can never keep up with them.

Geez, if Char could've seen me then. My nether part twitches whenever I thought about her. My tired mind drawing up all sorts of illusions of Char taking advantage of me, being dominant over me as she ties me up to her bed again. I had to stop myself from thinking about her that way, more than I cared to count. There were kids around me for goodness' sake.

Gradually, my relatives went back to each of their homes and it was just me, my brothers, and my parents back at home again. The house was quiet without the Christmas cheer of having everybody around. Odd how you only miss them when they are gone.

My eyes dart to my phone on my nightstand. I'd fallen asleep while reminiscing over the good ol' times. A notification blinked at me. Char?

I stared at her suggestive picture, at her body. I cursed when I immediately felt my member waking up. Why do you do this to me? I groaned as I got up to my feet.

Wtf?! I quickly texted her. Frowning down my phone, I cursed again. "I'm definitely going over."


*Char's p.o.v.*

*bzzt* *bzzt*

A message popped up from Tom a few minutes later. "Wtf?!"

I smiled at his reaction. Still got a few planks to do and I'm out of here. I responded with a suggestive wink. I smirked, wondering if I actually made my boyfriend horny.

Fifteen minutes later, I was done, I walked around briskly to cool down before heading straight home. I checked my phone again. No new messages from him. I shrugged, probably busy doing something. I looked at myself in the mirror again. Should I send another?

I smirked, posing for another picture. This time showing more of my shapely thighs as I spread them slightly. Giving him only a glimpse of the crotch. I wonder how he's going to react to this. Adding a caption even more daring than the last. "Going home for a shower~ ps. thinking of you xoxo~"

Humming to myself I walked to the lift, teasing him sure puts me in a good mood. Perhaps even better than a nice workout.

Suddenly, my phone rings. Caller ID says it's Tom. "Hey, Tom~"

*Tom's p.o.v.*

I was heading to my car when my phone buzzed with another notification. *bzzt* *plink*

I started up the car before checking my phone and I regretted it instantly. What is it this time? My poor phone almost got thrown out at the windshield. After seeing that picture, yeeting one's phone is inevitable.

I gripped the steering wheel with force while I picked up the phone to call her. I started the half-hour journey to my cousin's apartment as I waited for her to answer.

"Hey, Tom~" Charlotte greeted me with a cheery voice, making my knuckles turn white. She's going to be the death of me. Maybe it was the time and distance of being away from each other but I was sure she sounded seductive. Or maybe it was those pictures. I'm blaming it on those cursed pictures.

"Hey, Char. How are you?" Gosh, I miss her so much. Hearing her voice in my ear is doing things to me. "I'm good, thanks. I...*exhale* I really missed you." Her voice is a sad, quiet, low tone like her old timid self. I felt emotional as I got pulled into the nostalgia her voice had triggered. "I miss you too." I paused to clear the tightness in my throat, then continued. "Do you have any plans later?" I hope she doesn't, I can't wait to see her tonight.

"No, I don't. Probably just watching a movie with my parents. Why?"

"Good, good. Because I'm-" I'm gonna f*ck your brains out. I grunted at the sudden image in my mind. No-no-no. This is wrong.


*Char's p.o.v.*

"Can you spend the night at my place?" he says after a short pause, his voice is hoarse, low, and sexy. I don't know what his voice is doing to me. I can't wait for him to breathe those words right into my ears. I'm trying hard to shake off the mental image. Shuddering in desire, I felt my nipples harden, goosebumps lining my skin.

"You're back?! Ahhh, my boy is back? Since when? So soon?" I say in a rush of excitement. If it was even humanely possible, my grin grew larger.

"Actually, I'm on my way there. So I'll text you in about twenty minutes?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go get ready. Have dinner at my place, or...?"

"Nah, I'll take you out later. Oh, and Char, are you still at the gym?"

"No, I left. I'm about to take the lift home."

"Good, forget the shower, go get your clothes and stuff then go straight over to my place. You're staying the night with me."

That was what he'd vaguely said about ten minutes ago, before hanging up on me. Leaving me to reel in silence as I tried to figure out his words. "Wha- T-tom? Hello?"

DUDE! He didn't leave me a choice, fully expecting me to follow through with his ORDERS.

So, here I am at his front door for the past few minutes. It's been quiet. The whole floor is deserted, the occupants in them probably still gone for the holidays. I exhaled frustratedly, the tension in my body anticipating whatever he has planned. That was what I'd thought before meeting him. But now that we are actually here in each other's presence, I'm not so sure.

He'd greet me with a smile on his face, making me blush and avert my eyes. Something about him is different today. He looks the same as always. Hair tousled perfectly, lean body dorn in casual shirts and slacks. His duffel bag swinging at his side as he walks. He stops walking and stands right in front of me. "H-hey, Tom." I stumbled over myself getting up to my feet. I feel a little self-conscious with him being so near while I'm still in my sweat-covered sports attire. I must smell so bad right now. 

We utter no more than three words as he busies himself opening the door. I wish he'd hurry up and let me in so I could bathe. *Click* The door goes open. He steps aside, letting me walk in first. "Go ahead, use my bathroom", he says nonchalantly, going to lock the door back up. I waste no time, heading towards the direction of his room. "Okayy- ahh", I yelped when he unexpectedly catches my wrist, pulling me to a stop. He leans in close to me, "you don't mind if I join you later, right?" 

My heart skipped a beat, my face heats up, "wha- what? Hhuh?" He releases my wrist, leaving me alone. Chuckling as he says, "I'll take that as a no."

He doesn't mean what I think he means, right? 

I bolted off to the toilet before he can catch me again. But I don't lock the door. Even as I laid my stuff out on the sink, I look around nervously before peeling off my clothes. I looked at the door warily. Still unlocked. Is he really going to come in? He's joking, right?

Just as I stepped under the stream of water raining down from the showerhead, there was a knock on the door followed by two more. I jumped at the sound. "Can I come in?", Tom calls out. Leaning on my weight on one hip, I can see the vague outlines of his body from the other side of the frosted glass door. Gulping, I look down at myself nervously as I tried not to feel insecure about myself. He's seen everything, I reminded myself. I'm more worried about the things we're about to do. 

I yelled out in an exhale, "Yeah, come in!" 

The doors clatter open revealing Tom still dressed comfortably in his clothes. "Hey" I greeted him then hurriedly busied myself with shampooing my hair. "Wait, wait for me", he walks in faster, pulling his shirt over his body. Exposing his toned torso for all to see, I blushed, quickly averting my eyes. "You know, you can look all you want now that we're alone in private, right?" he says teasingly with that low voice of his.    

He moves in to get into the shower area with me. We're standing so close to each other, if I'd just leaned back, my back would be touching him. He doesn't seem to care as he slid his arms around my waist from behind. He groans, "I've missed you so much, Char." He keeps calling out to me, saying my name over and over again. His hands don't stop touching me, all over my body, as if he's forgotten what I felt like. He makes me moan repeatedly, soap from his hands washing me in all the right places. 

His front rubs against my ass, the water and soap giving us a different feeling. His breath, his voice in my ear's driving me over the edge. My legs trembled. My heart beats harder for him. I turn around to face him. With my hands draped over his shoulder, I looked him in the eye. Closer now than ever. "Tom, I miss you, too. It was so hard without you." 

He groans, looking down between us. "Oh yeah? Same here." We kissed, our hands all over each other. Our hearts soared high into our heads. Our craving for each other making us wild with need. "I want you. So much." I said into his chest, looking at him pressed lightly against my hips. My nipples pressed against him. 

"I want you, too. Do you know how hard it was to keep it down? I got hard every time I thought of you." his large, warm hands a contrast to the cold water beating down on our skin, smoothes over my back, down to my hips and then up again. Never stopping. "I couldn't stop thinking about you." One hand gropes my breast "do you want me, here? Or-" and the other my ass, "here?" His voice resonates in my ear as he kisses my neck, growling softly at the back of his throat. 

My breathing comes out in huffs and puffs, struggling with keeping my head in the clear. Once we start, it's always so hard to stop. "Ee..everywhere." Once again my actions contradict my will. I'm reduced to a sopping wet mess whenever he's involved. Tom proceeds to wash my body, every touch setting me on fire. Touch. Flinch. Squirm. Throb. 

The tension in me building higher and higher but he doesn't do anything to relieve it. Instead, he's making me want more. More than just teasing touches. Every stroke of his fingers seems to taunt me. 

I want him to do more, but I don't want him to. I want him to touch me more, but we can't go too far. The control in me fights against my desire. We can but we can't. The only shred of control left in me starting to snap. The more he abstains from taking me, the more I want him to. His touches are dangerous, sensuous, daunting. The evidence of his lust for me is undisguised. Do I ignore it? 

I shook him off, moving away from his arms, using the cold as an excuse. Conflict and doubt weighing heavily on my mind. I laughed it off instead, "brrr...on second thought. I'm almost done here. I'm going out first." We resume washing. I don't make eye contact with him. Because I know if I do, I won't be able to hold myself back. 

"O-kaaay? Um, sure. I'll be out in a minute." Tom says hesitantly. Oh no, I can tell he's not going to let this go. Not especially since I left him hanging like that for so long. 

I towelled dry as fast as I can and left. Opting to put on my clothes in the bedroom instead. I stopped short as soon as I saw his bed. There's a new addition to it. Specifically my bag, I'd put on the bed. A soft toy reindeer is placed right on it. It's so soft and fluffy when I touch it. He knows how much I love soft toys. He went and got me another one, even when I already have such an extensive collection. 

"Do you like it?", came his voice from the bathroom doorway. I immediately hugged the cute toy to my chest. "Is it for me?", I grinned, excitedly swivelling around against my better judgement. My face falls a little at the sight that greets me. His towel hanging low around his hips, revealing a v-line that messes with my head. Go away drool. "Uh um, I- uh...", I stammer forgetting what I was going to say, fidgeting with the towel wrapped around me. Gosh, he really caught me off guard. I just can't get used to the nudity, especially concerning this guy right here. 

"Come on, don't be shy! We've seen each other naked countless times already!", he says exasperated. I look at him and he's frowning at me. Not at all how I'd expect him to react. I thought he'd just joke and tease me like he usually does. My heart gets caught in my throat. 

But that pout on his lips is really cute. I gulped, at a loss for words. Turning around, I looked at my gift for him in my bag. "Um, I uh- Mmmh!" I squealed when he suddenly grabs my waist from behind, pulling us close together. His hot breath hits my naked back, my towel starting to slip off my body.     

Tom leans in, his chest on my back pushes me forwards. Forcing us to lean on the bed, he places open mouth kisses over my shoulders. "Ww-wait! Tom! I have something for you too." 

At the moment he pauses, I made a move to get away from him. But the grip he has on me is unrelenting. "Nuh uh uh. Tsk tsk tsk. You. Are. Not going anywhere." 

I ignored him, continuing my struggle. With freakishly little effort he flips me over, making me lie on my back to face him. Pinning my hands down with only one hand above my head. I realise my towel is more than a little loose as I kept squirming, arching my back and all. His eyes keep flitting down to my exposed chest. He smirks, almost evilly I note. "This reminds me of another gift I have for you." With that, he scoops me up from the bed and moves up to the bedpost. He lays me there, moving away after clicking something around my wrists. I looked at my wrists to see that he'd handcuffed me to his bed. "Wha- Wait, aren't you just manhandling me right now? I have something for you too!" I don't know what to feel about this. It's not a bad feeling but where'd he even get those from? I never knew Tom was such a kinky person. 

"Where is it? I'll get it for you." He says not letting me go. He turns to rummage around in my bag. "Ah, is this it?" He holds the packaged gift up to show me. "Yeah, you can open it now if you like." I blushed, can't wait to see his reaction to this. 

*Tom's p.o.v.*

This girl just won't stay still. Thank goodness, I had the foresight to buy those kinky handcuffs. They were meant to be a joke when I first got it but now it just turns me on even more. I could barely contain it with her just laying there, tied down to my bed. All this just for me to enjoy. I held up the wrapped gift in my hands. What did she get me? My first Christmas gift from my girlfriend? 

She squirms as I unwrapped it. In the short few seconds, she'd turned red. I held the material in my hands. "Wow, it's so soft. This brand is the expensive kind too." 

We looked at each other. Her expression of embarrassment and mine of desire. She looks at my crotch and mumbles, "pretty sure you can't try it on now. Maybe later I guess." 

"I'm going to wear them every day." I smiled at the pair of underwear she got me, imagining the embarrassment she must've felt when she bought them. I'm going to have a part of you on the most sensitive part of me. F*ck, how am I supposed to not get hard when I wear them. 

I won't hold back anymore. I simply can't. 

*Char's p.o.v.*

One second he's smiling, the next he was suddenly kissing me hungrily. Like a starved animal. I guess he really loves the gift. With one tug, he'd removed my towel and his own. He released me from the bedpost. "Touch me, Char." he groans. My hands found him once again, throbbing wildly. We pulled apart for air. Both of us panting for a release no one has cared to voice up. 

"Tom? I think I'm ready to do it. Do you feel the same?" I whisper hesitantly.

"Yes. I have been. For a very long time," he says looking at me with such intensity, it was pulling me into his gaze. I felt relieved that he had the same thoughts. It was time, we were ready. I spread my legs, opening myself up to him. His fingers had prepared me enough to accept him. I am ready. 

He penetrated me in a tantalizingly slow manner, sinking in inch by inch. The actual thing a huge contrast to his fingers. "It's too full. Ah, Ttom! Too much!" 

"But I'm barely halfway in. I'm sorry. Do you want me to stop?" He leans in to brush my hair out of my face, stopping all movements. Accidentally brushing against my clit, making me shudder. Only halfway in?! "Nn-no. Keep going but slowly. Hmm, pplease, here." I guide his fingers to my clit, making him rub me. My eyes rolling to the back of my head. He groans as I kept squeezing him in pleasure all the while still pushing into me. "F*ck, you're so tight." Our firsts times with each other took over instinctively. Our primal desires overpowering our actions. We couldn't get enough of each other. Going at it again and again until both of us were so spent. None of us could move a muscle. We were filled up to the brim. Full. Complete. Whole.    

Desire radiated between us, our bodies connecting in more ways than one. His rubber-clad member plunging deep into me repeatedly for the first time. It was a sensation unlike any other. Melting against each others' touch, heat coursing through our veins as we ached for each others' climax. His breath caught as I continuously squeezed him. My moans indicating the pleasure I was feeling. Grunts and moans filled the space with love as we will forevermore. 


It all started with a tease and so with a tease, it shall end. 

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