No Longer Broken


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Read all of the description please. Mainly the warning at the bottom <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I wal... Еще

Trigger Warning
Intro: Ella Layloni
Intro: Justice Crombin
Intro: Family and Friends
Meeting Justice Crombin (Chapter 1)
First period (Chapter 2)
After school (Chapter3)
Suprise Suprise(part 1)(Chapter 4)
Suprise Suprise (part 2)(Chapter 5)
Round Two at School (Chapter 6)
Dinner Time (chapter 7)
Dance? (Chapter 8)
Threats (chapter 9)
"PLEASE" they all begged (chapter 10)
The Truth (chapter 11)
Company (chapter 12)
Going Home (chapter 13)
Getting her back. (chapter 14)
The News (chapter 15)
Sleep Over! (chapter 16)
Revenge (chapter 17)
Sadly Familiar (chapter 18)
Expressing (chapter 19)
Graduation Day (chapter 20)
Holidays (chapter 21)
Wedding Day (chapter 22)
Not a chapter

The end? (chapter 23)

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(Dont watch yet. Justice and Loni Dance Routine)

Justice's POV:

4 years later

"Lets graduate Bitches!" Loni screamed into the university intercom microphone.

Today is Graduation Day. We are graduating from California Institute of the Arts.

Loni is.. let's just say... excited.

Loni and i are both graduating with degrees in performing arts. Hers includes dance and acting while mine includes dance and directing.

The school let us buy an apartment together on campus instead of doing the usual stay in dorm for blank amount of years.

Apparently, getting married before going to college is beneficial in a few ways.

Anyways, both of us are now 22. We don't have anymore friends.  It's still Jake, Ty, Michael, Nathan, Luke, Tori, Loni and I.

We got to the auditorium where the ceremony was being held. We got there an hour early so that we could help set up.

The school asked Loni and I to do a dance performance, so we had to set up the speakers and what not.

After about an hour the auditorium was full of a couple thousand people.

"Lady's and Gentlemen. Today is the day where our hard working students graduate and celebrate 4 years of hard work." The president of the school spoke.

"We will go by classes, starting with our dance class. We ask that you are quite during the dance performance coming up" he added.

After some teachers spoke Loni and I were called to the stage.

"Now, the school's top two students.  These two have worked hard together in all their classes. They are the top of all dance classes and have the best grades in the entire school. I thank you both for your efforts and dedication. I now introduce to you, Mr. And Mrs.Crombin! The only married students on campus" the president spoke.

The crowd laughed at the president's  comment as Justice and I took our positions. Justice was wearing black pants and a blue tank top. I wore black leggings and a blue tank-crop top.

The music started and we began dancing.

(See routine above)

After we finished everyone stood and clapped. Loni and I stood panting, our foreheads against each others. I kissed her and the sounds faded. Everything went silent and the people disappeared.  It was only Loni and I in that moment.

"Bravo Justice and Ella Layloni.  That was amazing" the president said snapping us out of the moment. The sounds grew louder and the front row you can hear people screaming.

"That's my sister Bitches!" Tori Screamed.

Everyone laughed and Luke put his hand over Tori's mouth.

"Sorry!" Luke yelled

"With that interesting note, we ask the performers to say a few words" the president chuckled.

Loni and I walked up to the podium hand in hand.

I nodded at Loni and she started speaking.

"When I was 14 I was kicked out of my house for a week. I ran and ran in till I thought I was safe. That was when I found a dance studio. Inside was a man who would soon become a father figure to me. That man was my father's best friend before he passed away when I was very young. He taught me to dance and showed me that love is possible. That man became my sanctuary from my step father and siblings. Except the girl who screamed I was her sister." Loni smiled when she spoke about Loni.

"In highschool there was a classmate who followed me to the dance studio one night. I showed him what my family did to me. Blah blah blah some time later im dancing with the man everynight for hours. Some more time later and I'm married to him at 19. We were close but dance made us closer. With the help of the two most important  men in my life, my dream came true and I danced my way threw life." Loni finished her speech and I smiled.

She pushed me towards the microphone and told me to speak.

"Growing up I was an athletic kid. I did about 5 sports at a time all year round. It was my life and I thought it was great. But that all changed when I followed a girl home. A girl I used to bully and mess with. Thinking I could mess with her, I followed her to a dance studio and watched her dance her heart out. I saw her sadness and anger when she danced. At that moment I realized dance shows more emotion then words itself. Like she said, some time later im dancing with her everynight. I gave up every sport so that I could dance with the girl I loved. But even then it was so I could dance and know i was doing something I loved. I fell in love with dance while falling in love with a woman. I remem-" I said. Loni interrupted me at the last part. She held her stomach and her mouth.

She yelled "tests" into the microphone and Tori grabbed her purse and left with Loni towards the bathroom.

Everyone gasped and the room went quiet.

"Um I apologize for that. I dont quite know what's happening." I spoke

I continued telling me and Loni's story when she came running in a few minutes later.

She put her hand over my mouth

"I'm pregnant" she said not even paying attention to the thousands of people watching us.

I moved her hand from my mouth and held it.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm pregnant" she said smiling.

Suddenly the crowd started clapping and chearing.

"Hate to do this but my husband and I have somewhere to be. Bye bitches. It was fun knowing you!" Loni said into microphone.  She grabbed my hand and pulled me off stage.  The boys soon followed us and we heard the crowd laughing as we left the auditorium.

We all got into our Ford Transit and went to me and Loni's house. Tori moved in with Luke when they started going to the same college.

I started driving and put my hand on Loni's stomach.

"Pregnant" I said in disbelief. 

"You bet" she whispered loud enough for only me to hear.


9 months later.

Loni was screaming as she squeezed my hand.

"One more push" a doctor yelled.

"Get it out" Loni screamed as she pushed.

Suddenly there was a cry and Loni's screaming ceased.

The doctor cleaned our baby boy and wrapped him in a blanket.

While the doctors cleaned loni with a wet rag I held the baby boy with love in my eyes.

I handed Loni our son and she had tears  in her eyes.

"Hello Asher Bentley Crombin.  Welcome to the world little man" she spoke.

She was obviously exhausted so I offered to take Asher from her.

She refused so I left him in her arms.

The doctors moved Loni to a more comfortable bed then took us to a room with all the things we need for the next couple days.

When we got to the room I laid down next to Loni.

After about 20 minutes,  Loni fell asleep.

I took Asher from her arms and sat in a chair in a corner.

I started telling him the story of Loni and I as he started falling asleep curled up in my arms.

"Once upon a time there was beautiful woman with a hard life. When she was young..." I started

I held asher for a few hours then laid him in his bed next to Loni's bed.

Finally we have our happy ending.

The End



Hey the story is over.  I kinda lost the plot so I figured I would end it before it got to confusing. Anyways, if you made it this far then thank you for reading!

Have a nice night or morning wherever you are 😘

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