The badboy who saved me

By arroweast56

31 2 0

what happens when the badboy saves me and I fall in love with him More

All alone no where to go

chapter 1

20 1 0
By arroweast56

Chapter one

Emma P.o.v

Some say when you die you go to hell, others say you go to heaven and others think you don't go anywhere your body just lays in the ground. I think I almost died millions of times because of my so-called dad. Ever since mom died I've been his punching bag. I have light blue eyes with black hair, I am tan and very skinny because my dad doesn't let me eat. I hear a beeping sound like a truck backing up. Like the person I am I go check it out. I go to my window and look out to see three hot guys. Wow. I think to myself as I look out the window. I sigh as I take one last look when walking downstairs to make my dad some food. See in the morning he's not drunk so he sees me like his little princess so I'm okay in the morning it's bad at night tho. I have one brother but he has gone off to his own life. I get the pans and ingredients to make a fruit bowl and eggs with bacon for my dad. I start to mix the milk with eggs and put it in a pan and let it cook as I start to cut the different color fruits up. It's Sunday so I go to school tomorrow.

Let me tell you school sucks the kids are mean and nobody wants to be your friend. I only have one friend and he is gay his name is Max. I get interrupted by my dad clearing his throat.

" Hi princess," my dad said as I put the eggs on a plate and put bacon in the pan.

" Hey, dad. " I say as I put the fruits into a bowl and put it on the table along with the eggs. I check on the bacon and look at my dad. I put the bacon on the plate leaving it kinda chewy. Just how he likes it. There is a knock at the door which I go get as my dad sits down and eat. As I open the door I am greeted by the three boys.

" Hi we live next to you, " a guy with blue eyes and brown hair says.

I smile softly and say," Hi and welcome I am Emma." I say hiding my body because I'm only in a tank top and short shorts and with what I am wearing you can see all my cuts and bruises along with the cuts I gave myself.

" Dad the new neighbors are here!" I bellow. My dad walks to the door.

" Hi, boys my name is Mike you can come over to dinner tonight. " My dad said and I gasped. My dad looks back at me as I stay quiet.

" Dad is it okay if I go get a dress," I ask and he nods and goes back to talking to the three boys. I hurried up the stairs and I grabbed my towel and walked into the bathroom. I turn on the water to the hottest setting and I hop in. I wash my hair and body then I shave. I get out of the shower and I wrap myself in my blue fluffy towel.

I walk to my room going to my dresser. I grab a pair of skinny jeans and my long sleeve black crop top that only shows a little of my stomach. I do my hair in curls and I do light makeup. I run downstairs with my purse and keys.

" Dad I'm going to get food for the house. " I said as I looked at my dad.

" Okay be back. " He said and I left for the store. Will my dad be drunk tonight or will he be okay and not beat me and let me eat. These thoughts consumed my mind as I got to the store. For dinner I am making steaks and mashed potatoes. I grab the steaks and a bag of mash potatoes along with ranch. That's how I make my mash potatoes. With ranch my mom used to make it like this and I love it. I pay for the things and start to walk to the car until I hear from a voice that I heard so many times.

" HEY SLUT!" I walk faster and he pulls me back.

" Did I say you can leave. " asked my ex John. " No you didn't" I said trying to get out of his grip but he was holding too tightly.

" Then you don't leave unless I tell you. " John tells me his eyes are dark.

" You are not my boyfriend or my Dad, you can not tell me what to do. " I cried his hand gripping tighter.

" Let me go !!" I bellowed that's when I felt a sting on my cheek. He slapped me. Tears flow down my now red puffy cheeks.

" LET HER GO!!", The leader of the three boys bellows running up to me. John hits me in my gut and lets go running away. I fall to the ground coughing as I hold my stomach. The leader walks up to me.

" Hello Emma my name is Ryder I'm your neighbor. " Ryder says in a soft voice that you can not hear unless you were close because of my sobs. I soon feel myself getting picked up by Ryder with the bags still in my hand.

" Do you even eat princess?" Ryder asks me and I nod not wanting my dad in trouble.

" Thank you." I say cuddling into his warm chest.

" Your welcome. Who was he? " Ryder askes and I tense.

" He was my ex." I say softly looking at my hands.

" You shouldn't be with me no one likes me and you seem like you rule the school and I don't want to bring you down." I voiced getting it over with as he glanced down at me from the back up.

" Why would you say that Emma?" Ryder askes more like states.

" I'm the freak the loser who messes up." I say moving slightly wincing as I hit my arm. I know I'm going to have a nice color bruise there later. The way back is quiet. Ryder knocks on my door, my father answering.

" Hello Mike your daughter ex punched her in the gut and grabbed her." Ryder says and my father looks at me and glares. He didn't know I had a boyfriend and I moved into Ryder's chest. Please let me live tonight.

" Thank you Emma, go start on dinner then change." My father growls out glaring at me.

" Yes dad. Ryder can you let me down?" I ask in a soft voice looking up at him hoping he wont let me down.

" Sir if I may, can I help Emma cook dinner? I don't want her moving a lot, that punch was kinda hard. " Ryder askes my father and he nods. I have had a broken rib so if I stand I will know if I have one. Ryder sits me down and I slowly touch my ribs. When I did fall my elbow went into my rib and it did indeed break it. I wince and slowly walks into the kitchen taking pots and pans out after I wash my hands.

" Can you get the seasons? It's on top of the stove." I tell Ryder and he gets it down.

" Thank you." I say cooking the mash potatoes and starting to cook the meat.

" How do your friends like their meat?" I ask and look at him.

" We all like them all well done. " Ryder says and looks at me. I cook all the steaks well done and I set the table and put all the steaks on each plate and I add the ranch in the mashed potatoes and put the pan on the table.

" Let your friends know it's time to eat. Please." I said and walked into the living room.

" Yes Emma." My father said and I looked down.

" Dinners ready, may I go change." I looked at my father as I said this and he nodded. I run upstairs and grab the first thing that looks nice. I slip on my black skinny jeans that are ripped; it shows a little of my self-harm cuts. I then slip on my tank top along with my

" I heard you're a player. Nice to meet you I'm the coach" Shirt that my mom got me and I pair them up with black and white low tops. I put my hair in a low ponytail and rush downstairs. Everyone is at the table but me.

" Hello this is Cole and this is James." The two boys look at me and I smile. They are twins you can tell both blue eyes brown hair and tall. Yeah you see what I'm getting at.

"Hi again." I say and turn to my dad looking him in the eye. He nods and I sit down taking some mashed potatoes. That's all I'm eating. The night goes on with my dad joking and laughing. I know it's all a mask.

" Father may I please head up to my room?" I ask and look down at the ground.

" Yes and boys sit right here I'll be back. " He says and I get up and walk to my room.

" At least you're not dressed as a slut. But you're still getting beaten. Can't even make food right. " My father says slapping me. I bite my lip trying not to cry out in pain.

" I'm sorry father it won't happen again." I say softly as he leaves. I shut my door sliding down, tears falling down as I look at my nightstand table.

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