The Four Kingdoms (fanfic) {f...

By Slschneider

2.2K 53 17

The Story Takes Place- in a town with a castle in the distance controlling everything with a king, "queen"(so... More

The Four Kingdoms Planner
Chapter One; Sparing
Chapter Two; A New Job
Chapter Three; The Hitlist
Chapter Four; The Duel
Chapter Five; Back Home
Chapter Six; The kidnapping
Chapter Seven; The Imposter
Chapter Eight; The Letter
Chaper Ten; The Neckalce
Chapter Eleven; The Bird
Chapter Twelve; The Search
Chapter Thirteen; The oveheard conversation not meant to be heard.
Chapter Fourteen; Breaking Out
Chapter 15; The mudrer mystery masscure
The Last Chapter

Chapter Nine; Practice

73 3 0
By Slschneider

Chapter Nine; Practice
Warning; blood and open wounds, mention of death, mention of voices and voices.

Tommy pointed his sword at his older brother Technoblade. "Then twist your weapon like this." The blonde instructed, turning his blade and forced the strawberry blonde to drop his weapon, an iron sword laced in scratches and cuts. It was worn down after many fights. Tommy grabbed the injured sword off the ground and held his other brother, his sword against his neck and the other behind. Techno's face was relaxed and calm, he smiled in approval to his younger brother, sharp teeth lined his smile, two of them poking out of his mouth and covered his bottom lip. "And that's how you do it Tubbo!" He announced, dropping his weapon from his older brother's neck. He handed Techno his run down iron sword and took his own glimmering diamond one. That's weird Tubbo flinched when I held my brother in that position. Tommy thought putting a hand on his hip. Flashbacks from the fight with Dream flickered and danced in his head. Dream used that move on Tubbo, but with and axe and a sword, Tubbo must have been terrified! He thought as he fixed his hair out of his eye. "Why don't you try it Tubbo?" Techno said not noticing his flinching. "Here!" Tommy said handing Tubbo his diamond sword, in the midday it glimmered in the almost covered sun. It looked like the calm before the storm.  Tubbo took the sword carefully and looked back at Techno, determination clear in his deep ocean eyes. Tubbo pointed the sword at his older brother, copying Tommy's behavior, he twisted the sword out of Techno's bandaged hands. He grabbed the beaten sword and locked him in the death position. "Tubbo that was spectacular!" Wilbur said clapping from next to his younger blonde brother. "Yeah that a bloody awesome!" Tommy agreed, joining in on the clapping. Servant next to the door parted out of the way of the door , they were talking to each other and whispering. One particular servant almost bursted through the door, and said. "George is missing!" He said in a panic,  he had jet black hair, and wore a white bandana underneath his bangs. His eyes were glowing a soft pink and red. Under his unbuttoned servant outfit he wore a white crop-top with a fire in the middle of it. Under the crop top was a black shirt and servant pants. How does he wear so much without overheating!!! Tommy thought confused. And who is this George he speaks of? The blonde asked himself, fixing his red sleeved t shirt and blinking his beautiful blue eyes. "George is missing!" He repeated again, and continued, "he is a guard for the king, he has brown fluffy hair, hazel eyes, and he wears white ringed sunglasses too, I can't find him anywhere!" The red eyed boy described in a panic. He messed with his black hair and looked to everyone with worry clouding his eyes. That sounds familiar. Tommy thought, scratching his head. The servant gasped as he noticed the princes practicing some feet away. "Sorry I didn't mean too-" he tried to apologize but was interrupted by Wilbur, the brunette had snapped, and said "I know him! I saw him not a week ago before we went on our mission!" He pointed out turning his gaze towards his brothers. "He was guarding dadza's room when he sent us to check on things!" He finished walking towards the strawberry blonde and brunette. "Follow me guys." He said waving his hand as he turned and faced the jet black haired servant. He put an arm the servant's shoulder and questioned, "what's your name?" "Um Nick, or sapnap." He replied walking towards the door until he was close enough to hold it open for the higher ups. Tommy could hear his brothers and "bodyguard" following behind him as he strolled into the hallways of the castle.  "George was him name?" His British voice echoed, directed to the servant ahead of him. "Yeah I could t find him for a while until I started to get worried, I looked everywhere I even told the king, but we still couldn't find him." Sapnap said in a worried state, he fumbled with his hands as he walked. "Here's his room." He said pushing the unlocked door open. Inside was a regular room with a picture frame of  what Tommy could only assume was George and Nick. George was smiling wildly and Nick had dirt on his face, he had put his and over his head in a peace sign, making George look like he had bunny ears. He looked exactly how Nick had described him, they looked like close friends. "I last saw him here when I told him to go to bed in this hallway, and then he went in here and I haven't seen him since."  He said solemnly as he sat on his friends bed. "Well Umm what do you think happened?" Wilbur said, sitting next to the black haired boy, patting his shoulder. "I think he either ran away, which I think is unlikely because he didn't tell me about it or he was kidnapped or killed. I don't know why anyone would want that though." He said putting one finger up when he said he ran away and a second when he said he got kidnapped. I wonder where he went?

>>>   <<<

George felt a rush of adrenaline course through his veins, the realization slowly sinking in. I-I was kidnapped by the worlds best hitman. He thought as he gulped, he was sat on a bed, he was tied up, but dream had cut the rope on his hands for some reason. He was still confused by the act, he asked as a joke, but the blonde still did as George said .  "So um you said you needed company?" The Brunette said humorously. His sunglasses were pushed up on top of his head of brown hair, revealing his hazel eyes.  "Pshh did I say that?!" Dream asked, sitting cris cross next to the tied up brunette. He held his cheek in his right hand, putting his elbow on his knee. "Of course you did! Why would a heartless hit man like you need company?" George responded, Dream looked hurt, but didn't say anything. It was hard to tell what he was feeling or thinking because of his mask. "Because, the only people I talk to are people I am going to kill." He said matter of factly like everyone should know it.  George could feel him roll his eyes even though he couldn't see him do it. "Don't roll your eyes at me." He demanded, the blonde jumped a little and touched the eyes of his mask, "how did you see that!" He asked paranoid. "I could sense it." He replied laughing. The blonde laughed along with the brunette, it was a strange laugh, like a tea kettle, it just made George laugh more. "What's with that laugh?" He asked, smiling. This is nice I haven't laughed like this in a while.

>>>   <<<

5up looked at the ceiling, the new autumn breeze blowing through his nearly creaked open window. He laid down on his bed, thinking about  the day that had just unfolded in-front of him. They say everything happens for a reason. But I have a feeling this was a bad reason. He thought to himself as he replayed this morning over and over again, walking, voices, door, Apollo, door handle, falling, whispers, arguing, bite, falling again, whispers, apologizing, blank. It repeated like a song you couldn't get out of your head, or a rollercoaster that never ends, and endless looping nightmare. 5up still couldn't believe he was a host to an infectious parasite along with DumbDog. "I-I wanted to kill Corpse... I wanted to-" he muttered to himself, a voice said, that's right! He was just sitting there with no purpose! Kill him, kill him, kill him~ the voice said, growing more and more anxious and hungry for blood. Like a shark without food, until they spot a seal floating in the water, served on a plate right to their table. 5up moved without thinking, his feet dragged him against his will outside of his room, no matter how much he tried, the only thing that clouded his mind was the words, kill him. they repeated like his nightmare when he was trying to sleep, eventually 5up stopped trying to control it, it's only been a day and it's already taken control of me. The pink haired boy thought solemnly, no matter how hard he tried his feet moved and pulled him a terrifyingly familiar hallway, down to a familiar door, he unlocked it with to his tongue, like a hairpin, to his dismay he was able to hear the click of the lock. He opened the door, in the middle of the night, and stepped into a room, next to the door was a desk, an empty, broken, and dusty picture frame sat on top of the desk, it held no picture, a mirror above it wave broken and covered, as if the person who owned the room didn't want to see their reflection. "H-Hello?" A deep and velvety voice sounded from across the room, nervousness filled their tone, becoming part of the person, anxiety and all. "How d-did you get in!" They said, more of a demand than a question. Kill Him, Kill Him, Kill Him. The words banged and resonated in his head until he couldn't even blink on his own will. "Kill him, kill him, kill him-" 5up repeated over and over, slowly creeping closer and closer to Corpse. Then the door opened, like a bomb in the eerie silence from 5up's victim. "What are you doing?"
-End Of Chapter Nine-
1674 words first in the six hundreds! You already know I am posting on a schedule now! Once every two days!

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